Esempio n. 1
    def _reaction2string(self):
            map COBRA reactions to reactions strings with KEGG cids, e.g.,
            "2 C19610 + C00027 + 2 C00080 <=> 2 C19611 + 2 C00001"
                List of model reaction ids
                Reaction strings
        reaction_list = map(self.model.reactions.get_by_id, self.reactions)
        reaction_strings = []
        reaction_sparses = []
        indices = set()

        for i, r in enumerate(reaction_list):

            metabolites = map(lambda x:, r.metabolites)
            CIDS = self._metabolite2cid(metabolites)

            # if not all reactants could be mapped to kegg CIDS,
            #return empty reaction string
            if None in CIDS:
                warnings.warn("%s was removed from reaction_list. " % +
                              "see class reactions for updated list")

            reactant2cid = dict(zip(metabolites, CIDS))
            sparse = {
                reactant2cid[]: v
                for m, v in r.metabolites.iteritems()

            # remove protons (H+) from reactions
            if 'C00080' in sparse:
                del sparse['C00080']

            assert r not in reaction_strings, 'Duplicate reaction!'

                kegg_reaction = KeggReaction(sparse)
                if kegg_reaction.is_balanced():
            except TypeError:
                warnings.warn("%s not be converted to reaction string" %

        for i in sorted(indices, reverse=True):
            del self.reactions[i]

        return reaction_sparses, reaction_strings
Esempio n. 2
    def get_reactions_from_model(self):
            Read all the reaction descriptions in the SBML file, and
            map them to KEGG reaction (using another file of all
            E. coli metabolites and their BiGG and KEGG IDs)
        cobra_model = create_cobra_model_from_sbml_file(
        for m in cobra_model.metabolites:
            m.CID = self.bigg2kegg.get([:-2], None)

        for r in cobra_model.reactions:
            CIDS = dict(
                    map(lambda x: x.CID, r.metabolites.keys())))
            if None in CIDS.values():
                r.kegg_reaction = None
                sparse = {
                    CIDS[m]: v
                    for m, v in r.metabolites.iteritems()
                    if CIDS[m] != 'C00080'
                r.kegg_reaction = KeggReaction(sparse)

        return cobra_model.reactions
Esempio n. 3
def reaction2RI(reaction_list, fixed_conc=0.1):
        Calculates the reversibility index (RI) of a reaction.
        The RI represent the change in concentrations of metabolites
        (from equal reaction reactants) that will make the reaction reversible.
        That is, the higher RI is, the more irreversible the reaction.
        A convenient threshold for reversibility is RI>=1000, that is a change of
        1000% in metabolite concentrations is required in order to flip the
        reaction direction. 
            List of cobra model reaction objects
            Array of RI values
    keq = reaction2Keq(reaction_list)
    sparse = map(lambda x: KeggReaction.parse_formula(x).sparse, reaction_list)
    N_P = np.zeros(len(sparse))
    N_S = np.zeros(len(sparse))    
    for i,s in enumerate(sparse):   
        N_P[i] = sum([v for v in s.itervalues() if v>0])
        N_S[i] = -sum([v for v in s.itervalues() if v<0])
    N = N_P + N_S
    Q_2prime = fixed_conc**(N_P-N_S)
    RI = ( keq*Q_2prime )**( 2.0/N )
    return RI
Esempio n. 4
    def add_to_reac(self, cobra_model):

        for r in cobra_model.reactions:
            CIDS = dict(
                    map(lambda x: x.CID, r.metabolites.keys())))
            if None in CIDS.values():
                r.kegg_reaction = None
                sparse = {
                    CIDS[m]: v
                    for m, v in r.metabolites.iteritems()
                    if CIDS[m] != 'C00080'
                r.kegg_reaction = KeggReaction(sparse)
Esempio n. 5
def reaction2RI(reaction_list, metabolite_list, fixed_conc=0.1):
        Calculates the reversibility index (RI) of a reaction.
        The RI represent the change in concentrations of metabolites
        (from equal reaction reactants) that will make the reaction reversible.
        That is, the higher RI is, the more irreversible the reaction.
        A convenient threshold for reversibility is RI>=1000, that is a change of
        1000% in metabolite concentrations is required in order to flip the
        reaction direction. 
        Includes fixed meatbolite concentrations for the measured metabolites 
            List of cobra model reaction objects
            Array of RI values
    keq = reaction2Keq(reaction_list)
    print metabolite_list
    sparse = map(lambda x: KeggReaction.parse_formula(x).sparse, reaction_list)

    # map concentrations to reactions
    N_u = np.array(map(lambda x: len(set(x.keys())-set(metabolite_list.keys())), sparse))

    concs = [{k:metabolite_list[k] if k in metabolite_list.keys() 
                                    else fixed_conc 
                                    for k in l.iterkeys()} 
                                    for l in sparse] #new array with concentrations instead of stoichiometric values
    Q =  np.zeros(len(concs))
    for i, (c, s) in enumerate(zip(concs, sparse)):
        Q[i] =[v**s[k] for k, v in c.iteritems()]))
    # ToDo: if all concentration are known, take only Keq/Q
    RI = ( keq/Q )**( 2.0/N_u )
    return RI,sparse, Q, N_u
                       help='path to a text file containing the reactions')
    parser.add_argument('--out_file', type=argparse.FileType('wb'),
                       help='path to the output .mat file')
    args = parser.parse_args()

    ccache = CompoundCacher()
    groups_data = inchi2gv.init_groups_data()
    decomposer = inchi2gv.InChIDecomposer(groups_data)
    w, b, G, cids, S = map(loadmat(args.train_file).get, ['w', 'b', 'G', 'cids', 'S'])
    cids = list(cids.flat)
    Nc, Ng = G.shape
    model_X = []
    model_G = []
    for line in args.rxn_file.readlines():
        reaction = KeggReaction.parse_formula(line)
            x, g = decompose_reaction(ccache, decomposer, cids, G, reaction)
        except inchi2gv.GroupDecompositionError:
            x = np.zeros((Nc, 1))
            g = np.zeros((Ng, 1))

    mdict = {
                'X' : np.array(model_X).T,
                'G': np.array(model_G).T
    savemat(args.out_file, mdict, appendmat=False, format='5', 
            long_field_names=False, do_compression=True, oned_as='row')
Esempio n. 7
                        help='pH increment.')

    args = parser.parse_args()

    I = args.ionic_strength
    T = default_T

    cc = ComponentContribution.init()
    pHs = np.arange(args.pH_min, args.pH_max + args.pH_step, args.pH_step)

    reactions_and_energies = []
    reader = csv.reader(args.infile)
    for row in reader:
        formula = row[0].strip()
        reaction = KeggReaction.parse_formula(formula)
        reaction_atom_bag = reaction._get_reaction_atom_bag()
        n_e = reaction_atom_bag.pop('e-', 0)
        if len(reaction_atom_bag) != 0:
            raise ValueError('This is not a half-reaction'
                             ' (i.e. cannot be balanced by adding e-)')

        dG0_r, u_r = cc.get_dG0_r(reaction)
        E0s = []
        for pH in pHs:
            ddG0_r = reaction.get_transform_ddG0(pH=pH, I=I, T=T)
            dG0_r_prime = dG0_r + ddG0_r
            E0_prime = 1000 * -dG0_r_prime / (n_e * F)  # mV

        reactions_and_energies.append((row, E0s))
from component_contribution.component_contribution_trainer import ComponentContribution
from component_contribution.kegg_reaction import KeggReaction
from component_contribution.thermodynamic_constants import F, default_T

#pH = 7
I = 0.2
T = default_T
cc = ComponentContribution.init()

formula = 'C00149 <=> C00036'
#formula = 'C00033 + C00282 <=> C00084 + C00001'
#formula = 'C00067 + C00001 <=> C00058 + C00010'
#formula = 'C00003 + C00282 <=> C00004'
reaction = KeggReaction.parse_formula(formula)
reaction_atom_bag = reaction._get_reaction_atom_bag()
n_e = 0
if 'e-' in reaction_atom_bag:
    n_e = reaction_atom_bag['e-']
    del reaction_atom_bag['e-']
if len(reaction_atom_bag) != 0:
    raise Exception('This is not a half-reaction (i.e. cannot be balanced by adding e-)')

print reaction.write_formula() + ' + (%d) e-' % (-n_e)

dG0_r, u_r = cc.get_dG0_r(reaction)

for pH in xrange(6, 9):
    ddG0_r = reaction.get_transform_ddG0(pH=pH, I=I, T=T)
    dG0_r_prime = dG0_r + ddG0_r