Esempio n. 1
	def run_task(
		self, task_id, task_data, 
		incoming_task_id = 'no source task id', 
		incoming_args = {}, 
		incoming_name_type_map = {}

		if task_data.get('paused'):

		tasktype = self.get_tasktypes().get(
			task_data.get('tasktype','not to be found')
		if not tasktype:
			storage.change(task_id, {'paused':True})

		for name in incoming_name_type_map.keys():
			if incoming_name_type_map[name] == 'Args':
				# we have boxed args. need to unpack these.
				# Args are something like this:
				# [{
				#	'kw':{} # all incoming args are converted to kw because we know the declaration.
				#	'kw_types':{}
				#	'from':'long_id_of_task_runner_instance'
				#	'to':'long_id_of_task_runner_instance'
				# }, another one here ] 
				# Args are always unpacked and repacked at each hand-over point.
				# so there would not be a double-wrapping.
				kw = incoming_args[name].get('kw')
				kw_types = incoming_args[name].get('kw_types')
				del incoming_args[name]
				del incoming_name_type_map[name]
				incoming_args = kw
				incoming_name_type_map = kw_types

		outgoing_args = {}
		Args_packing_name = None
		for arg in task_data.get('inputs',[]):
			# arg is [default value, type, name, description]

			# the rules of args migration:
			# if consumer's arg definition has non-Null value, it wins
			# if it's Null, we look for similar name + type in incoming args and use that
			# Future TODO: if name + type did not match we try matching on "non-native" types (those not including String, Number, Object, Array, Int)
			#              if even 'non-native' type matching did not yield any matches, we use Null

			value, typename, name = arg[:3]

			if typename == 'Callback':
				callback = outgoing_args[name] = bind(self.process_callback, task_id)
			elif typename == 'Args':
				# we have to box args.
				# Args are something like this:
				# [{
				#	'kw':{} # all incoming args are converted to kw because we know the declaration.
				#	'kw_types':{}
				#	'from':'long_id_of_task_runner_instance'
				#	'to':'long_id_of_task_runner_instance'
				# }, another one here ] 
				# Args are always unpacked and repacked at each hand-over point.
				# so there would not be a double-wrapping.

				# long id is a combination of TaskHive ID + Task Run record ID.
				outgoing_args[name] = {
					'kw': incoming_args
					, 'kw_types': incoming_name_type_map
					, 'from': incoming_task_id + '@' +
					, 'to': task_id + '@' +
			elif value == None and typename == incoming_name_type_map.get(name,'not to be matched'):
				# nice! arg name+type matches to incoming
				outgoing_args[name] = incoming_args.get(name)
				# either it's non-null, which is a proper outcome,
				# or it's null, but we are too lazy to do better matching and settle on default Null
				# either way,
				# using default value
				outgoing_args[name] = value

		# this is used for shutting long-running tasks down
		if hasattr( tasktype, 'stop' ) and 'callback' in outgoing_args:
			args_passed = outgoing_args.copy()
			del args_passed['callback']
			# _running... is Weakref dictionary. When last hard ref to
			# callback goes, so goes the _running.. entry.
			self._running_tasks[callback] = [ task_id, args_passed ]
			self._running_tasks_map[task_id] = callback

		logging.debug(HELLO + "Running '%s' task's runner for TaskHive '%s'" % (task_id,

		th = threading.Thread(
			target =
			, kwargs = outgoing_args
		th.daemon = True
Esempio n. 2
    def run_task(self,
                 incoming_task_id='no source task id',

        if task_data.get('paused'):

        tasktype = self.get_tasktypes().get(
            task_data.get('tasktype', 'not to be found'))
        if not tasktype:
            storage.change(task_id, {'paused': True})

        for name in incoming_name_type_map.keys():
            if incoming_name_type_map[name] == 'Args':
                # we have boxed args. need to unpack these.
                # Args are something like this:
                # [{
                #	'kw':{} # all incoming args are converted to kw because we know the declaration.
                #	'kw_types':{}
                #	'from':'long_id_of_task_runner_instance'
                #	'to':'long_id_of_task_runner_instance'
                # }, another one here ]
                # Args are always unpacked and repacked at each hand-over point.
                # so there would not be a double-wrapping.
                kw = incoming_args[name].get('kw')
                kw_types = incoming_args[name].get('kw_types')
                del incoming_args[name]
                del incoming_name_type_map[name]
                incoming_args = kw
                incoming_name_type_map = kw_types

        outgoing_args = {}
        Args_packing_name = None
        for arg in task_data.get('inputs', []):
            # arg is [default value, type, name, description]

            # the rules of args migration:
            # if consumer's arg definition has non-Null value, it wins
            # if it's Null, we look for similar name + type in incoming args and use that
            # Future TODO: if name + type did not match we try matching on "non-native" types (those not including String, Number, Object, Array, Int)
            #              if even 'non-native' type matching did not yield any matches, we use Null

            value, typename, name = arg[:3]

            if typename == 'Callback':
                callback = outgoing_args[name] = bind(self.process_callback,
            elif typename == 'Args':
                # we have to box args.
                # Args are something like this:
                # [{
                #	'kw':{} # all incoming args are converted to kw because we know the declaration.
                #	'kw_types':{}
                #	'from':'long_id_of_task_runner_instance'
                #	'to':'long_id_of_task_runner_instance'
                # }, another one here ]
                # Args are always unpacked and repacked at each hand-over point.
                # so there would not be a double-wrapping.

                # long id is a combination of TaskHive ID + Task Run record ID.
                outgoing_args[name] = {
                    'kw': incoming_args,
                    'kw_types': incoming_name_type_map,
                    'from': incoming_task_id + '@' +,
                    'to': task_id + '@' +
            elif value == None and typename == incoming_name_type_map.get(
                    name, 'not to be matched'):
                # nice! arg name+type matches to incoming
                outgoing_args[name] = incoming_args.get(name)
                # either it's non-null, which is a proper outcome,
                # or it's null, but we are too lazy to do better matching and settle on default Null
                # either way,
                # using default value
                outgoing_args[name] = value

        # this is used for shutting long-running tasks down
        if hasattr(tasktype, 'stop') and 'callback' in outgoing_args:
            args_passed = outgoing_args.copy()
            del args_passed['callback']
            # _running... is Weakref dictionary. When last hard ref to
            # callback goes, so goes the _running.. entry.
            self._running_tasks[callback] = [task_id, args_passed]
            self._running_tasks_map[task_id] = callback

        logging.debug(HELLO + "Running '%s' task's runner for TaskHive '%s'" %

        th = threading.Thread(, kwargs=outgoing_args)
        th.daemon = True
Esempio n. 3
	def process_callback(self, task_id, *args, **kw):
		This converts output arguments (those the done task pushed to the callback)
		into input arguments for each of the to-be-called-next task.
		#logging.debug(HELLO + "Processing callback on hive '%s' for args '%s'" % (, args))

		donetask = storage.get(task_id)
		if not donetask:
			# which may happen if task was removed from the roster while it was running

		# tasktypes = self.get_tasktypes()
		# donetasktype = tasktypes.get(donetask['type'])
		# if not donetasktype:
		# 	# kinda hard to imagine, but, heck..
		# 	return		

		consumers = [[consumer_id, storage.get(consumer_id)] for consumer_id in donetask.get('consumers',[])]

		if not consumers:

		# Preassemblying input args.
		# in python, as long as you don't splat-collect args in the function,
		# all positional args can be pulled into dictionary and 
		# applied to the function as named args.
		# we rely on that here.
		# in other words, DO NOT USE SPLAT ("*args, **kw") in Task run() declaration.
		incoming_args_def = donetask.get('outputs',[])
		incoming_name_type_map = {}
		incoming_args = {}
		for arg in incoming_args_def:
			# arg is [default value, type, name, description]
			value, typename, name = arg[:3]
			if name in kw:
				incoming_args[name] = kw[name]
				incoming_name_type_map[name] = typename

		for arg_position in xrange(min( len(args), len(incoming_args_def) )):
			value, typename, name = incoming_args_def[arg_position][:3]
			# [default value, type, name, description]
			incoming_args[name] = args[arg_position]
			incoming_name_type_map[name] = typename

		# we allow task runners to push back updates to task records.
		# web server task can push back update to task label with
		# port number that was autopicked by the server. etc.
		updateargtype = 'MetadataUpdate'
		updateargname = updateargtype.lower()
		if updateargname in incoming_args and \
			incoming_name_type_map[updateargname] == updateargtype:
			storage.change(, incoming_args[updateargname])
			del incoming_args[updateargname]

		for consumer in consumers:
			# consumer is an array [id, metadata object]
			if consumer[1]:
					, consumer[1]
					, task_id
					, incoming_args
					, incoming_name_type_map
Esempio n. 4
    def process_callback(self, task_id, *args, **kw):
		This converts output arguments (those the done task pushed to the callback)
		into input arguments for each of the to-be-called-next task.
        #logging.debug(HELLO + "Processing callback on hive '%s' for args '%s'" % (, args))

        donetask = storage.get(task_id)
        if not donetask:
            # which may happen if task was removed from the roster while it was running

        # tasktypes = self.get_tasktypes()
        # donetasktype = tasktypes.get(donetask['type'])
        # if not donetasktype:
        # 	# kinda hard to imagine, but, heck..
        # 	return

        consumers = [[consumer_id, storage.get(consumer_id)]
                     for consumer_id in donetask.get('consumers', [])]

        if not consumers:

        # Preassemblying input args.
        # in python, as long as you don't splat-collect args in the function,
        # all positional args can be pulled into dictionary and
        # applied to the function as named args.
        # we rely on that here.
        # in other words, DO NOT USE SPLAT ("*args, **kw") in Task run() declaration.
        incoming_args_def = donetask.get('outputs', [])
        incoming_name_type_map = {}
        incoming_args = {}
        for arg in incoming_args_def:
            # arg is [default value, type, name, description]
            value, typename, name = arg[:3]
            if name in kw:
                incoming_args[name] = kw[name]
                incoming_name_type_map[name] = typename

        for arg_position in xrange(min(len(args), len(incoming_args_def))):
            value, typename, name = incoming_args_def[arg_position][:3]
            # [default value, type, name, description]
            incoming_args[name] = args[arg_position]
            incoming_name_type_map[name] = typename

        # we allow task runners to push back updates to task records.
        # web server task can push back update to task label with
        # port number that was autopicked by the server. etc.
        updateargtype = 'MetadataUpdate'
        updateargname = updateargtype.lower()
        if updateargname in incoming_args and \
         incoming_name_type_map[updateargname] == updateargtype:
            storage.change(, incoming_args[updateargname])
            del incoming_args[updateargname]

        for consumer in consumers:
            # consumer is an array [id, metadata object]
            if consumer[1]:
                self.run_task(consumer[0], consumer[1], task_id, incoming_args,