Esempio n. 1
    def configure(self, service, secrets=None):
        """ Parameters:
                image (str) – The image name to use for the containers.
                command (list of str or str) – Command to run.
                args (list of str) – Arguments to the command.
                constraints (list of str) – Placement constraints.
                preferences (list of tuple) – Placement preferences.
                platforms (list of tuple) – A list of platform constraints expressed as (arch, os) tuples.
                container_labels (dict) – Labels to apply to the container.
                endpoint_spec (EndpointSpec) – Properties that can be configured to access and load balance a service. Default: None.
                env (list of str) – Environment variables, in the form KEY=val.
                hostname (string) – Hostname to set on the container.
                isolation (string) – Isolation technology used by the service’s containers. Only used for Windows containers.
                labels (dict) – Labels to apply to the service.
                log_driver (str) – Log driver to use for containers.
                log_driver_options (dict) – Log driver options.
                mode (ServiceMode) – Scheduling mode for the service. Default:None
                mounts (list of str) – Mounts for the containers, in the form source:target:options, where options is either ro or rw.
                name (str) – Name to give to the service.
                networks (list of str) – List of network names or IDs to attach the service to. Default: None.
                resources (Resources) – Resource limits and reservations.
                restart_policy (RestartPolicy) – Restart policy for containers.
                secrets (list of docker.types.SecretReference) – List of secrets accessible to containers for this service.
                stop_grace_period (int) – Amount of time to wait for containers to terminate before forcefully killing them.
                update_config (UpdateConfig) – Specification for the update strategy of the service. Default: None
                rollback_config (RollbackConfig) – Specification for the rollback strategy of the service. Default: None
                user (str) – User to run commands as.
                workdir (str) – Working directory for commands to run.
                tty (boolean) – Whether a pseudo-TTY should be allocated.
                groups (list) – A list of additional groups that the container process will run as.
                open_stdin (boolean) – Open stdin
                read_only (boolean) – Mount the container’s root filesystem as read only.
                stop_signal (string) – Set signal to stop the service’s containers
                healthcheck (Healthcheck) – Healthcheck configuration for this service.
                hosts (dict) – A set of host to IP mappings to add to the container’s hosts file.
                dns_config (DNSConfig) – Specification for DNS related configurations in resolver configuration file.
                configs (list) – List of ConfigReference that will be exposed to the service.
                privileges (Privileges) – Security options for the service’s containers.

        options = service.options
        deploy_opts = options.get("deploy", {})
        prefs = deploy_opts.get("placement", {}).get("preferences", {})

        # Map compose options to service options
        self.constraints = deploy_opts.get("placement", {}).get("constraints")
        self.preferences = [kv for pref in prefs for kv in pref.items()]
        self.container_labels = options.get("labels")

        self.endpoint_spec = EndpointSpec(
             for p in options.get("ports", [])})

        self.env = [f"{k}={v}" for k, v in options.get("environment").items()]
        self.hostname = options.get("hostname")
        self.isolation = options.get("isolation")
        self.labels = {
            k: v
            for k, v in (kv.split('=') for kv in deploy_opts.get("labels", []))
        self.log_driver = options.get("logging", {}).get("driver")
        self.log_driver_options = options.get("logging", {}).get("options")
        self.mode = ServiceMode(deploy_opts.get("mode", "replicated"),
                                deploy_opts.get("replicas", 1))
        self.mounts = None  # I'm not sure we should allow mounting volumes to apps until I see a use case =
        self.networks = None  # Similar to mounts. I don't see the use case but see the issues

        resource_opts = deploy_opts.get("resources", {})
        if resource_opts:
            # Unpack any generic_resources defined i.e. gpus and such
            reservation_opts = resource_opts.get("reservations", {})
            generic_resources = {}
            for generic_resource in reservation_opts.get(
                    "generic_resources", {}):
                discrete_resource_spec = generic_resource[
                    "kind"]] = discrete_resource_spec["value"]
            cpu_limit = sfloat(resource_opts.get("limits", {}).get("cpus"))
            cpu_reservation = sfloat(reservation_opts.get("cpus"))
            nano_cpu_limit = sint(cpu_limit *
                                  1e9) if cpu_limit is not None else None
            nano_cpu_reservation = sint(
                cpu_reservation * 1e9) if cpu_reservation is not None else None
            self.resources = Resources(
                    resource_opts.get("limits", {}).get("memory", '')),

        restart_opts = deploy_opts.get("restart_policy", {})
        if restart_opts:
            # Parse the restart policy
            delay = timeparse.timeparse(restart_opts.get("delay", "0s"))
            window = timeparse.timeparse(restart_opts.get(
                "restart_opts", "0s"))
            self.restart_policy = RestartPolicy(
                condition=restart_opts.get("condition", ),
                max_attempts=sint(restart_opts.get("max_attempts", 0)),

        # self.secrets = [SecretReference(secret_id=s["secret"].uid, secret_name=s["secret"].name, filename=s.get("file", s["secret"].name), uid=s["secret"].uid, gid=s["secret"].gid, mode=s["secret"].mode) for s in service.secrets]
        # self.secrets = self.load_secrets(service)

        return {
            key: value
            for key, value in self.as_dict().items() if value is not None
Esempio n. 2
def test_invalid_with_empty_string():
    assert timeparse.timeparse('') is None
Esempio n. 3
def test_milli():
    assert timeparse.timeparse('5ms') == 0.005
Esempio n. 4
def test_invalid_with_space():
    assert timeparse.timeparse('5h 34m 56s') is None
Esempio n. 5
def test_invalid_with_comma():
    assert timeparse.timeparse('5h,34m,56s') is None
Esempio n. 6
def test_minute_as_float():
    assert timeparse.timeparse('1.5m') == 90
Esempio n. 7
def test_hour_minute_second():
    assert timeparse.timeparse('5h34m56s') == 20096
Esempio n. 8
def test_minute():
    assert timeparse.timeparse('32m') == 1920
Esempio n. 9
def test_hour_minute():
    assert timeparse.timeparse('2h32m') == 9120
Esempio n. 10
def test_second_as_float():
    assert timeparse.timeparse('20.5s') == 20.5
Esempio n. 11
def test_second():
    assert timeparse.timeparse('200s') == 200
Esempio n. 12
def test_second_milli_micro():
    assert timeparse.timeparse('200s5ms10us') == 200.00501
Esempio n. 13
def test_second_milli():
    assert timeparse.timeparse('200s5ms') == 200.005
Esempio n. 14
def test_milli_float():
    assert timeparse.timeparse('50.5ms') == 0.0505