Esempio n. 1
File: Progetto: bobff/ev-cloud
def migrate(args):
    api = VmAPI()
    host_api = HostAPI()
    vm = api.get_vm_by_uuid(args['uuid'])
    if not vm:
        return {'res': False, 'err': ERR_VM_UUID}
    if not vm.can_operate_by(args['req_user']):
        return {'res': False, 'err': ERR_AUTH_PERM}
    host = host_api.get_host_by_id(args['host_id'])
    if not host.managed_by(args['req_user']):
        return {'res': False, 'err': ERR_AUTH_PERM}
    if not vm.center_id == host.center_id:
        return {'res': False, 'err': ERR_AUTH_PERM}
    if vm.host_id ==
        return {'res': False, 'err': ERR_VM_MIGRATE}
    res = api.migrate_vm(args['uuid'], args['host_id'])
    if res:
        return {'res': True}
    return {'res': False, 'err': ERR_VM_MIGRATE}

Esempio n. 2
def migrate(args):
    api = VmAPI()
    host_api = HostAPI()
    vm = api.get_vm_by_uuid(args['uuid'])
    if not vm:
        return {'res': False, 'err': ERR_VM_UUID}
    if not vm.can_operate_by(args['req_user']):
        return {'res': False, 'err': ERR_AUTH_PERM}

    host = host_api.get_host_by_id(args['host_id'])
    if not host.managed_by(args['req_user']):
        return {'res': False, 'err': ERR_AUTH_PERM}

    if not vm.center_id == host.center_id:
        return {'res': False, 'err': ERR_AUTH_PERM}

    if vm.host_id ==
        return {'res': False, 'err': ERR_VM_MIGRATE_SAME_HOST}

    res = api.migrate_vm(args['uuid'], args['host_id'])
    if res:
        return {'res': True}
    return {'res': False, 'err': ERR_VM_MIGRATE}
Esempio n. 3
def get(args):
    host_api = HostAPI()
    host = host_api.get_host_by_id(args['host_id'])
    if not host.managed_by(args['req_user']):
        return {'res': False, 'err': ERR_AUTH_PERM}
    return {'res': True,
            'info': {
                     'group_id': host.group_id,
                     'vlan_list': host.vlans,
                     'ipv4': host.ipv4,
                     'vcpu_total': host.vcpu_total,
                     'vcpu_allocated': host.vcpu_allocated,
                     'mem_total': host.mem_total,
                     'mem_allocated': host.mem_allocated,
                     'mem_reserved': host.mem_reserved,
                     'vm_limit': host.vm_limit,
                     'vm_created': host.vm_created,
                     'enable': host.enable
Esempio n. 4
def migrate(args):
    api = VmAPI()
    host_api = HostAPI()
    gpu_api = GPUAPI()
    volume_api = VolumeAPI()
    vm = api.get_vm_by_uuid(args['uuid'])
    if not vm:
        return {'res': False, 'err': ERR_VM_UUID}
    if not vm.can_operate_by(args['req_user']):
        return {'res': False, 'err': ERR_AUTH_PERM}

    host = host_api.get_host_by_id(args['host_id'])
    if not host.managed_by(args['req_user']):
        return {'res': False, 'err': ERR_AUTH_PERM}

    if not vm.center_id == host.center_id:
        return {'res': False, 'err': ERR_VM_MIGRATE_DIFF_CEPH}

    if vm.host_id ==
        return {'res': False, 'err': ERR_VM_MIGRATE_SAME_HOST}

    gpu_list = gpu_api.get_gpu_list_by_vm_uuid(args['uuid'])
    if len(gpu_list) > 0:
        return {'res': False, 'err': ERR_VM_MIGRATE_WITHGPU}

    volume_list = volume_api.get_volume_list_by_vm_uuid(args['uuid'])
    if len(volume_list) > 0 and vm.group_id != host.group_id:
        return {'res': False, 'err': ERR_VM_MIGRATE_WITHVOL}

    res = api.migrate_vm(args['uuid'], args['host_id'])
    if res:
        return {'res': True}
    return {'res': False, 'err': ERR_VM_MIGRATE}
Esempio n. 5
def get(args):
    host_api = HostAPI()
    host = host_api.get_host_by_id(args['host_id'])

    if not host.managed_by(args['req_user']):
        return {'res': False, 'err': ERR_AUTH_PERM}

    return {
        'res': True,
        'info': {
            'group_id': host.group_id,
            'vlan_list': host.vlans,
            'ipv4': host.ipv4,
            'vcpu_total': host.vcpu_total,
            'vcpu_allocated': host.vcpu_allocated,
            'mem_total': host.mem_total,
            'mem_allocated': host.mem_allocated,
            'mem_reserved': host.mem_reserved,
            'vm_limit': host.vm_limit,
            'vm_created': host.vm_created,
            'enable': host.enable
Esempio n. 6
class GPUAPI(object):
    def __init__(self, manager=None, vm_api=None, host_api=None, group_api=None):
        if manager:
            self.manager = manager
            self.manager = GPUManager()
        if vm_api:
            self.vm_api = vm_api
            self.vm_api = VmAPI()
        if host_api:
            self.host_api = host_api
            self.host_api = HostAPI()
        if group_api:
            self.group_api = group_api
            self.group_api = GroupAPI()

    def get_gpu_list_by_host_id(self, host_id):
        host = self.host_api.get_host_by_id(host_id)
        return self.manager.get_gpu_list(host_id = host_id)

    def get_gpu_list_by_group_id(self, group_id):
        group = self.group_api.get_group_by_id(group_id)
        return self.manager.get_gpu_list(group_id=group_id)

    def get_gpu_by_id(self, gpu_id):
        return self.manager.get_gpu_by_id(gpu_id)

    def get_gpu_by_address(self, address):
        return self.manager.get_gpu_by_address(address)

    def get_gpu_list_by_vm_uuid(self, vm_uuid):
        return self.manager.get_gpu_list(vm_uuid=vm_uuid)
    def set_remarks(self, gpu_id, content):
        gpu = self.manager.get_gpu_by_id(gpu_id)
        return gpu.set_remarks(content)

    def mount(self, vm_id, gpu_id):
        gpu = self.manager.get_gpu_by_id(gpu_id)
        vm = self.vm_api.get_vm_by_uuid(vm_id)
        if vm.host_id != gpu.host_id:
            return False

        if gpu.mount(vm_id):
            if self.vm_api.attach_device(vm_id, gpu.xml_desc):
                return True
        return False

    def umount(self, gpu_id):
        gpu = self.manager.get_gpu_by_id(gpu_id)
        if self.vm_api.vm_uuid_exists(gpu.vm):
            vm = self.vm_api.get_vm_by_uuid(gpu.vm)
            if vm and vm.host_id != gpu.host_id:
                return False
            if self.vm_api.detach_device(vm.uuid, gpu.xml_desc):
                if gpu.umount():
                    return True
                self.vm_api.attach_device(vm.uuid, gpu.xml_desc)
            if gpu.umount():
                return True
        return False
Esempio n. 7
class GPUAPI(object):
    def __init__(self, manager=None, vm_api=None, host_api=None):
        if manager:
            self.manager = manager
            self.manager = GPUManager()
        if vm_api:
            self.vm_api = vm_api
            self.vm_api = VmAPI()
        if host_api:
            self.host_api = host_api
            self.host_api = HostAPI()

    def get_gpu_list_by_host_id(self, host_id):
        host = self.host_api.get_host_by_id(host_id)
        db_list = DBGPU.objects.filter(host_id = host_id)
        ret_list = []
        for db in db_list:
        return ret_list

    def get_gpu_list_by_group_id(self, group_id):
        db_list = DBGPU.objects.filter(host__group_id = group_id)
        ret_list = []
        for db in db_list:
        return ret_list

    def get_gpu_by_id(self, gpu_id):
        db = DBGPU.objects.filter(pk = gpu_id)
        if not db.exists():
            raise Error(ERR_GPU_ID)
        return GPU(db=db[0])

    def get_gpu_by_address(self, address):
        db = DBGPU.objects.filter(address = address)
        if not db.exists():
            raise Error(ERR_GPU_ADDRESS)
        return GPU(db=db[0])

    def get_gpu_list_by_vm_uuid(self, vm_uuid):
        db_list = DBGPU.objects.filter(vm = vm_uuid)
        ret_list = []
        for db in db_list:
        return ret_list
    def set_remarks(self, gpu_id, content):
        gpu = self.get_gpu_by_id(gpu_id)
        return gpu.set_remarks(content)

    def mount(self, vm_id, gpu_id):
        gpu = self.get_gpu_by_id(gpu_id)
        vm = self.vm_api.get_vm_by_uuid(vm_id)
        if vm.host_id != gpu.host_id:
            return False
        if gpu.mount(vm_id):
            if self.vm_api.attach_device(vm_id, gpu.xml_desc):
                return True
        return False

    def umount(self, gpu_id):
        gpu = self.get_gpu_by_id(gpu_id)
        if self.vm_api.vm_uuid_exists(gpu.vm):
            vm = self.vm_api.get_vm_by_uuid(gpu.vm)
            if vm and vm.host_id != gpu.host_id:
                return False
            if self.vm_api.detach_device(vm.uuid, gpu.xml_desc):
                if gpu.umount():
                    return True
                self.vm_api.attach_device(vm.uuid, gpu.xml_desc)
            if gpu.umount():
                return True
        return False
Esempio n. 8
class GPUAPI(object):
    def __init__(self, manager=None, vm_api=None, host_api=None, group_api=None):
        if manager:
            self.manager = manager
            self.manager = GPUManager()
        if vm_api:
            self.vm_api = vm_api
            self.vm_api = VmAPI()
        if host_api:
            self.host_api = host_api
            self.host_api = HostAPI()
        if group_api:
            self.group_api = group_api
            self.group_api = GroupAPI()

    def get_gpu_list_by_host_id(self, host_id):
        host = self.host_api.get_host_by_id(host_id)
        return self.manager.get_gpu_list(host_id = host_id)

    def get_gpu_list_by_group_id(self, group_id):
        group = self.group_api.get_group_by_id(group_id)
        return self.manager.get_gpu_list(group_id=group_id)

    def get_gpu_by_id(self, gpu_id):
        return self.manager.get_gpu_by_id(gpu_id)

    def get_gpu_by_address(self, address):
        return self.manager.get_gpu_by_address(address)

    def get_gpu_list_by_vm_uuid(self, vm_uuid):
        return self.manager.get_gpu_list(vm_uuid=vm_uuid)
    def set_remarks(self, gpu_id, content):
        gpu = self.manager.get_gpu_by_id(gpu_id)
        return gpu.set_remarks(content)

    def mount(self, vm_id, gpu_id):
        gpu = self.manager.get_gpu_by_id(gpu_id)
        vm = self.vm_api.get_vm_by_uuid(vm_id)
        if vm.host_id != gpu.host_id:
            return False
        if gpu.mount(vm_id):
            if self.vm_api.attach_device(vm_id, gpu.xml_desc):
                return True
        return False

    def umount(self, gpu_id):
        gpu = self.manager.get_gpu_by_id(gpu_id)
        if self.vm_api.vm_uuid_exists(gpu.vm):
            vm = self.vm_api.get_vm_by_uuid(gpu.vm)
            if vm and vm.host_id != gpu.host_id:
                return False
            if self.vm_api.detach_device(vm.uuid, gpu.xml_desc):
                if gpu.umount():
                    return True
                self.vm_api.attach_device(vm.uuid, gpu.xml_desc)
            if gpu.umount():
                return True
        return False