Esempio n. 1
    inds = np.argsort(mags)
    mags, bls, conj = np.take(mags,inds), np.take(bls,inds), np.take(conj,inds)
    kprs = np.zeros((len(mags)),)
    half = len(kpl)/2.
    wfall = np.zeros((len(mags),half),dtype=complex)
    hors = np.zeros((len(mags)),)
    phors = np.zeros((len(mags)),)
    for ii, mg in enumerate(mags):
       spec = Tspec[mg]
       if conj[ii] ==1:
           spec = spec[::-1]
       inds = np.argsort(kpl)
       spec = np.take(spec,inds)
       kpr = cc.z2kpr(cc.fq2z(fq))*mg
       pkpr = cc.z2kpr(cc.fq2z(fq))*(mg+50*fq)
       kprs[ii] = kpr
       # horizon limit
       hor = cc.Hlimit(cc.fq2z(fq))*kpr#mg/fq
       phor = cc.Hlimit(cc.fq2z(fq))*pkpr#((mg/fq)+50)
       hors[ii] = hor
       phors[ii] = phor
       spec = (spec[0:half] + spec[half:][::-1])/2.
       wfall[ii,:] = spec 

    print wfall    
    wfall = wfall.T 
Esempio n. 2
o.add_option('--beam', dest='beam',type='str',default=None,
    help='npzfile of stokes beam, keys as different polarizations')
o.add_option('--convert', dest='convert', action='store_true',
    help='If convert is set to True, the values in JY/BEAM will be converted to mK.')
opts, args = o.parse_args(sys.argv[1:])
uv = a.miriad.UV(args[0])
sfreq = uv['sfreq']
nchan = uv['nchan']
sdf = uv['sdf']
stop = sfreq + nchan*sdf
aa =, sdf, sfreq, nchan)
freqs = np.linspace(sfreq,stop,nchan)
fq0 = opts.cenf
B =
z = cc.fq2z(fq0)

omega_bw8 = [2.00, 1.95, 1.96, 1.95]# hardcorded normalizations
#omega_bw8 = [3.98,3.96,3.97,3.95]
def genWindow(size):
    "Blackman-Harris window function"
    window = np.zeros((size),)
    alpha = 0.16
    _w = lambda n: (1-alpha)/2. - 0.5*np.cos((2*np.pi*n)/(size-1)) + alpha/2.*np.cos((4*np.pi*n)/(size-1))
    window[:] = _w(np.arange(size))
    return window

def Tspec_fq(jy_spec,convert=opts.convert):
    " Selecting the specified bandwith and Fourier transforming along frequency axis"       
    ch0 = np.argmin(np.abs(freqs-fq0)) + 1 # choosing the mid channel
    dCH = int(B/sdf) + 1 # evaluating how many channels would formed the requires bandwidth