def get_removable_volume_info(f): """ Returns the root uri of the volume, and local path of the group config file """ rooturi = f.get_removable_volume_root_uri() if rooturi: path = Vfs.uri_to_local_path(rooturi) if path: path = Vfs.uri_join(path, ".conduit") return rooturi, path return None, None
def get_removable_volume_info(f): """ Returns the root uri of the volume, and local path of the group config file """ rooturi = f.get_removable_volume_root_uri() if rooturi: path = Vfs.uri_to_local_path(rooturi) if path: path = Vfs.uri_join(path, ".conduit") return rooturi,path return None,None
ok("Scanned /tmp ok - found %s" % fileuri, "file://"+fileuri in t1.get_uris()) ok("Scanned %s ok (empty)" % tmpdiruri, t2.get_uris() == []) # Test the volume management stuff ntfsUri = get_external_resources('folder')['ntfs-volume'] if Vfs.uri_exists(ntfsUri): fstype = Vfs.uri_get_filesystem_type(ntfsUri) ok("Get filesystem type (%s)" % fstype,fstype == "ntfs", False) #ok("Escape illegal chars in filenames", # Vfs.uri_sanitize_for_filesystem("invalid:name","ntfs") == "invalid name") #ok("Escape illegal chars in uris", # Vfs.uri_sanitize_for_filesystem("file:///i:n/i:n","ntfs") == "file:///i n/i n") localUri = get_external_resources('folder')['folder'] ok("Local uri --> path", Vfs.uri_to_local_path(localUri) == "/tmp") ok("Local uri not removable", Vfs.uri_is_on_removable_volume(localUri) == False) removableUri = get_external_resources('folder')['removable-volume'] if Vfs.uri_exists(removableUri): fstype = Vfs.uri_get_filesystem_type(removableUri) ok("Get filesystem type (%s)" % fstype,fstype in ("vfat","msdos")) ok("Removable volume detected removable", Vfs.uri_is_on_removable_volume(removableUri)) ok("Removable volume calculate root path", Vfs.uri_get_volume_root_uri(removableUri).startswith("file:///media/")) URIS_TO_JOIN = ( ( ("file:///foo/bar","gax","ssss"), "file:///foo/bar/gax/ssss"), ( ("smb://","Disk-2","Travel%20Videos/","Switzerland"), "smb://"), ( ("ssh://[email protected]/home","john","phd"),