def __init__(self): self.__data = {} self.__ignore = [] self.__buyed = [] self.__setting = Config() self.__tpe = ThreadPoolExecutor(5) self.__engine = create_engine(self.__setting.get_DBurl())
def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.config = Config("config.ini") # INIT Controls self.wheels = Wheels(self.config.steeringMid, self.config.steeringLeft, self.config.steeringRight) self.accelerator = Accelerator(self.config, self) self.__initUI() self.statusBar().showMessage("Board not connected") # Init uds listener self._log("Init udp at {}:{}".format( get_ip(), self.config.getOption('udp_port'))) self.udpSocket = QUdpSocket() self.udpSocket.setLocalAddress(QHostAddress(get_ip())) self.udpSocket.bind(self.config.getOption('udp_port')) self.udpSocket.readyRead.connect(self.udpHandler) # Init tcp server self.tcpServer = QTcpServer(self) self._log("Starting TCP at {}:{} ".format( get_ip(), str(self.config.getOption('tcp_port')))) self.tcpServer.listen(QHostAddress(get_ip()), self.config.getOption('tcp_port')) self.tcpServer.newConnection.connect(self.establishBoardConnection)
def upload_face(): male_group_id = 'celebrity_male_test' female_group_id = 'celebrity_female_test' app_id = Config().get("AipConfig", "APP_ID") api_key = Config().get("AipConfig", "API_KEY") secret_key = Config().get("AipConfig", "SECRET_KEY") client = AipFace(app_id, api_key, secret_key) cnx = mysql.connector.connect(user='******', password='******', host='', database='chbb_facecompare') cursor = cnx.cursor() query_images = 'select, c.gender, ci.imagePath, ci.uid from celebrity c join celebrityImage ci on ci.celebrity_id =;' cursor.execute(query_images) for (name, gender, imagePath, uid) in cursor: group_id = '' # print(name, gender, imagePath, uid) if gender == '男': group_id = male_group_id elif gender == '女': group_id = female_group_id else: print(gender) image_path = directoryPath + imagePath options = { "action_type": "replace" } client.updateUser(uid, name, group_id, get_file_content(image_path), options) print(name, gender, 'uploaded.') cursor.close() cnx.close()
def main(): home = os.path.expanduser("~") defaultConfigFile = home + '/.config-stt-watson.yml' parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description= 'Speech to text using watson in python with websocket and record from microphone' ) parser.add_argument('-f', action='store', dest='configFile', default=defaultConfigFile, help='config file', required=False) args = parser.parse_args() if not os.path.isfile(args.configFile): print "Config file '" + args.configFile + "' doesn't exist." print "Creating it ..." data = pkgutil.get_data('config', 'config.sample.yml') Config.Instance().loadConfigFromResource(data) watsonConfig = Config.Instance().getWatsonConfig() user = raw_input("Watson user: "******"Watson password: "******"user"] = user watsonConfig["password"] = password f = open(args.configFile, 'w') f.write(yaml.dump(Config.Instance().getConfig())) f.close() Config.Instance().setConfigFile(args.configFile) sttWatsonLogListener = SttWatsonLogListener() watsonConfig = Config.Instance().getWatsonConfig() sttWatson = SttWatson(watsonConfig["user"], watsonConfig["password"]) sttWatson.addListener(sttWatsonLogListener)
def __init__(self, stopper): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.p = pyaudio.PyAudio() self.writer = None self.stopper = stopper self.channels = Config.Instance().getChannels() self.rate = Config.Instance().getAudioRate() self.chunk = Config.Instance().getAudioChunk() self.pauseRecord = False
def __init__(self): self.__config = Config() self.__buyedCount = 0 self.__balance = self.__config.get_t1()['trade']['balance'] if self.__config.get_t1()['trade']['enable']: self.__trade = Trade() if self.__config.get_t1()['trade']['enableMock']: self.__mockTrade = MockTrade() self.__engine = create_engine(self.__config.get_DBurl())
def __init__(self, db_name): con = Config() self._db_host = con.get_db("database", "db_host") self._db_port = con.get_db("database", "db_port") self._db_auth = con.get_db("database", "db_auth") self._db_user = con.get_db("database", "db_user") self._db_password = con.get_db("database", "db_password") self._db_name = db_name self._client = None
def __init__(self, codes): self.__data = {} self.__buyed = [] self.__selled = [] self.__setting = Config() self.__tpe = ThreadPoolExecutor(5) self.__engine = create_engine(self.__setting.get_DBurl()) if self.__setting.get_t1( )['need_recover_data'] and self.needRecoverData(): self.recoverData(codes)
def __getFilenamesToNormalise(self): extensions = tuple( Config.getFromSection( self.mediaType, 'normaliser.path.sources.file.extensions').split(',')) maxNumberOfFiles = int( Config.getFromSection(self.mediaType, 'normaliser.max.number.of.files')) return FileUtils.findFilesRecursivelly(self.sourcePath, extensions, maxNumberOfFiles)
def __init__(self): super(TitleScene, self).__init__() # generate bg stars self.bgStars = [] for i in range(0, 100): self.bgStars.append(Vector2(random.randrange(0, Config.getScreenSize()[0]), random.randrange(0, Config.getScreenSize()[1]))) # menu manager self.menuManager = MenuManager(MainMenu(), self) # bg music # loop forever
def main(): config = Loggable.get_config_provider() config.set_console_log_level(logging.INFO) Loggable.set_config_provider(config) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-c', dest='config', default='config.json', help='Config which should be used') args = parser.parse_args() if not os.path.isfile(args.config): raise FileNotFoundError('Config not found: ' + str(args.config)) with open(args.config) as file: config = Config(json.load(file)) dns_watcher = DnsWatcher() tunnels = [] for forwarder in config.forwarders: tunnels.append(Tunnel(forwarder, config.dest_addr, dns_watcher)) for tunnel in tunnels: tunnel.start() def signal_handler(sig, frame): # Gracefully terminate to revert the iptables config dns_watcher.stop() for t in tunnels: t.stop() sys.exit(0) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, signal_handler) dns_watcher.wait_for_changes()
def __init__(self): self.config = Config() self.ROOT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) self.db_filename = os.path.join(self.config.database_location) self.schema_filename = os.path.join(self.ROOT_DIR, 'cryptoAlchemist_schema.sql') self.createDatabase()
def main(argv): if len(argv) < 2: print("usage: python <model-config.yaml>") exit(1) print(argv) configs = Config(argv[1]) generate_dataset(configs)
class WebSocket: auth_cookie = '' uri = 'wss://' + Config.get_host() + '/api/v4/websocket' def __init__(self): self.auth_cookie = 'MMAUTHTOKEN=' + Config.get_access_token( ) + '; MMUSERID=' + Bot.Bot.get_bot().get_bot_id() async def listen(self): async with websockets.connect( uri=self.uri, extra_headers=[('Cookie', self.auth_cookie)]) \ as websocket: while True: receive = await websocket.recv() dump = json.loads(receive) if 'data' in dump: if 'post' in dump['data']: post_dump = dump['data']['post'] post_dump = post_dump.strip() index = post_dump.index('message') message = post_dump[index + len('message') + 2:post_dump.index(',', index)] message = message[1:len(message) - 1] message = message.strip() if Command.is_command(message): if ' ' in message: command, arg = message.split(' ') CommandManager.check_command(command, arg) else: CommandManager.check_command(message, '')
def __normalise(): for pathSource in Config.get('normaliser.path.sources').split(','): try: Normaliser(pathSource, 'Pictures').run() Normaliser(pathSource, 'Videos').run() except Exception as err: logging.error(str(err))
def __rename(): for pathSource in Config.get('renamer.path.sources').split(','): try: Renamer(pathSource, 'Pictures').run() Renamer(pathSource, 'Videos').run() except Exception as err: logging.error(str(err))
def buyLogic(self, emaTracker, connection, currentSelectedCryptoPrice, mainConfig): ################################################################################################################ #################################### Buy ####################################################################### # See if the conditions are right for a sell limit to be placed avgNegVariance = emaTracker.getAvgNegVariance() print("Avg Neg Variance: ", (avgNegVariance / mainConfig.order_rate)) ema = emaTracker.getEMA() try: last_ema_val = ema[len(ema) - 1] except: print("Error with getting Ema") return print("Last EMA Val: ", last_ema_val, ' ', "Current Price: ", currentSelectedCryptoPrice) if avgNegVariance is not None: print("Min Buy Val: ", last_ema_val - avgNegVariance) # Altered buy logic to immediately set buy order # The Buy orders are all timed to elapse in 1 hour, with the amount needed scaling towards EMA buy_val = float(currentSelectedCryptoPrice) - float(avgNegVariance / mainConfig.order_rate) # hard-coding offset tradeHandler = TradeHandler(connection, Config())
class Storage: def __init__(self): self.config = Config() def get_storage(self): return self.config.get_storage()
def sellLogic(self, emaTracker, connection, currentSelectedCryptoPrice, mainConfig): avgPosVariance = emaTracker.getAvgPosVariance() print("Avg Pos Variance: ", avgPosVariance) ema = emaTracker.getEMA() try: last_ema_val = ema[len(ema) - 1] except: print("Error with getting Ema") return trade_handler = TradeHandler(connection, Config()) if avgPosVariance is not None: print("Last EMA Val: ", last_ema_val, ' ', "Current Price: ", currentSelectedCryptoPrice) # print("Step Value decisionMaker.sellLogic(): ", stepValue) print("Sell Val: ", last_ema_val + (avgPosVariance / mainConfig.order_rate)) last_buy_price = self.database.getLastBoughtPrice() sell_price = last_buy_price + (avgPosVariance / mainConfig.order_rate) if sell_price < last_buy_price: sell_price = last_buy_price + .01 print("Sell Price is currently being calculated below profitability.") print("Selling at 1 cent above bought price: ", sell_price) trade_handler.sell(sell_price)
def showPauseMenu(self, screen): menuRect = pygame.Rect(0,0, 400, 400) = screen.get_rect().center self.selections = ["RESUME", "SAVE GAME", "MAIN MENU", "QUIT"] selectionsTexts = [] selectionsRects = [] menuFont = pygame.font.Font(Config.getFile(Config.ethnocentric), 40) for index, item in enumerate(self.selections): text = menuFont.render(item, True, (255,255,255)) textRect = text.get_rect() textRect.centerx = screen.get_rect().centerx textRect.y = + 30 + index * 60 selectionsTexts.append(text) selectionsRects.append(textRect) self.selectionsRects = selectionsRects highlightRect = selectionsRects[self.currentSelection].copy() = selectionsRects[self.currentSelection].bottom highlightRect.height = 2 pygame.draw.rect(screen, (0,254,253), highlightRect, 0) for i, text in enumerate(selectionsTexts): screen.blit(text, selectionsRects[i])
def __shrink(): for pathSource in Config.get('shrinker.path.sources').split(','): try: Shrinker(pathSource, 'Pictures').run() Shrinker(pathSource, 'Videos').run() except Exception as err: logging.error(str(err))
def modify_path_watch(self): Config().check_config(path_watch=self.path_watch, file_pattern=self.file_pattern, min_size=self.min_size, timewait=self.timewait) list_file = parser_yaml.get_list_file_data() path_file_name = parser_yaml.normalize_path(self.path_watch) if path_file_name not in list_file: logging.error("Path already exists : {} | use ajouter".format( self.path_watch)) return False modif_val = parser_yaml.get_read_single_yaml(path_file_name) if self.file_pattern is not None: modif_val['file_pattern'] = self.file_pattern if self.min_size is not None: modif_val['min_size'] = self.min_size if self.command is not None: modif_val['command'] = self.command if self.timewait is not None: modif_val['timewait'] = self.timewait parser_yaml.set_write_yaml(path_file_name, modif_val)'Modify for path {}'.format(self.path_watch)) return True
def __classify(): for pathSource in Config.get('classifier.path.sources').split(','): try: Classifier(pathSource, 'Pictures').run() Classifier(pathSource, 'Videos').run() except Exception as err: logging.error(str(err))
def __buildDestinationFilename(self, filename, destinationPath): media = partialPath = FileUtils.getDestinationSubdirectory(media) filePath = os.path.join(destinationPath, partialPath, media.getNextNewFileName()) filePathWithoutExtension = os.path.splitext(filePath)[0] newExtension = '.' + Config.get('handbrake.destination.extension') return filePathWithoutExtension + newExtension
def initialize(): config = Config() log_distributor_builder = LogDistributorBuilder() default_log_distributor = log_distributor_builder.build_default() logger = Logger() logger.setup([default_log_distributor]) App.__path_provider = PathProvider(logger=logger) config.pathes = App.__path_provider.load(load_default=True) App.__settings_provider = SettingsProvider(location=config.pathes[PathKeys.SETTINGS].location, logger=logger) config.settings = App.__settings_provider.load() log_distributor_builder.setup(config.settings[SettingsKeys.logging][SettingsKeys.loggers]) log_distributors = log_distributor_builder.build_all() logger.setup(log_distributors=log_distributors) delete_excess_files( config.pathes[PathKeys.GEN_OUT].location, config.settings[SettingsKeys.system][SettingsKeys.out_files_max], logger) delete_excess_files( config.pathes[PathKeys.LOG].location, config.settings[SettingsKeys.logging][SettingsKeys.logger_files_max], logger) App.__gen_settings_provider = SettingsProvider(location=config.pathes[PathKeys.GEN_SETTINGS].location, logger=logger) config.gen_settings = App.__gen_settings_provider.load() App.__logger = logger #App.setup_thread_pool(config) #App.__data_collector = ReportDataCollector() #App.__data_collector.setup() App.__reporter = Reporter( #App.__batch_amount = config.gen_settings[GenSettingsKeys.portion_amount] return config, logger
def renderNearestPlanetGUI(self, screen, camera): # GUI - Object desc color = (0,254,253) # heading guiFont = pygame.font.Font(Config.getFile(Config.neuropol), 18) heading = guiFont.render("Nearest Planet", True, color) headingRect = pygame.Rect(screen.get_rect().left + 10, screen.get_rect().bottom - 200, 400, 30) screen.blit(heading, (headingRect.left + 10, + 7)) #border descRect = pygame.Rect(headingRect.left, headingRect.bottom + 10, 400, 150) borderRect = descRect.copy() borderRect.height = 2 pygame.draw.rect(screen, color, borderRect, 0) # planet name closestPlanet = None closestDistanceSq = 0 for planet in self.planets: distanceToPlanetSq = (self.probe.position - planet.position).magnitude_squared() if closestPlanet is None or distanceToPlanetSq < closestDistanceSq: closestPlanet = planet closestDistanceSq = distanceToPlanetSq font = pygame.font.Font(Config.getFile(Config.ethnocentric), 30) text = font.render(, True, color) screen.blit(text, (descRect.left + 10, + 10)) font = pygame.font.Font(Config.getFile(Config.neuropol), 17) text = font.render("Distance : " + str(int(math.sqrt(closestDistanceSq))), True, color) screen.blit(text, (descRect.left + 10, + 60)) hasHumanPresence = "Yes" if closestPlanet.zoneRadius > 0 else "No" text = font.render("Human Presence : " + hasHumanPresence, True, color) screen.blit(text, (descRect.left + 10, + 85)) text = font.render("Distance From Sun: " + str(int(closestPlanet.distance)) + " AU", True, color) screen.blit(text, (descRect.left + 10, + 110)) originalImage = closestPlanet.originalImage zoomedImage = pygame.transform.smoothscale(originalImage, (100,100)) probeRect = zoomedImage.get_rect() probeRect.topright = (descRect.right - 10, + 10) screen.blit(zoomedImage, probeRect)
def __init__(self): # pull from database print("Initializing Exponential Moving Average tracker...") # Basic Queue carries unweighted price data self.mainConfig = Config() self.database = CryptoDatabase()
def __init__(self, user, password, model=None, rate=None, chunk=None, channels=None): if not Config.Instance().getConfig(): Config.Instance().setConfig(self.default_config) watsonConfig = Config.Instance().getWatsonConfig() watsonConfig["user"] = user watsonConfig["password"] = password if model is not None: watsonConfig["model"] = model if chunk is not None: Config.Instance().setAudioChunk(chunk) if rate is not None: Config.Instance().setAudioRate(rate) if channels is not None: Config.Instance().setChannels(channels) Config.Instance().setWatsonConfig(watsonConfig) self.listeners = [] self.stopper = threading.Event() self.record = Record(self.stopper) self.workers = [self.record] self.watsonClient = Client() self.handler = SignalHandler(self.stopper, self.workers) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self.handler)
def setUp(self): driver_path = os.path.realpath('../webdrivers/chromedriver.exe') self.driver = webdriver.Chrome(driver_path) self.contact_page = ContactPage(self.driver) self.driver.maximize_window() self.driver.implicitly_wait(5) = TestData() self.url = Config().get_url(ENV) self.enums = ContactPageEnums
def __handleError(self, filename): self.numberOfErrors = self.numberOfErrors + 1 logging.error("Error normalising %s. Error number %s.", filename, str(self.numberOfErrors), exc_info=True) if self.numberOfErrors == int( Config.get('normaliser.max.number.of.errors')): raise ValueError( 'Too many errors. Something is wrong. Aborting execution.')
def __init__(self): self.__config = Config() try: if self.__config.get_mongo_config()['load_from_mongo']: self.__mongo_client = pymongo.MongoClient( self.__config.get_mongo_config()['mongo_url']) self.__mongo_client.admin.command('ismaster') self.__config.update_proxy(self.get_t1_from_mongo()) self.__config.get_mongo_config( )['load_time'] = except Exception as e: MyLog.error('can not connect to mongo, %s' % e) self.__buyedCount = 0 self.__balance = self.__config.get_t1()['trade']['balance'] if self.__config.get_t1()['trade']['enable']: self.__trade = Trade() if self.__config.get_t1()['trade']['enableMock']: self.__mockTrade = MockTrade() self.__engine = create_engine(self.__config.get_DBurl())
def __buildCommand(inputFile, outputFile): command = [] command.append('HandBrakeCLI') command.append('-i') command.append(inputFile) command.append('-o') command.append(outputFile) command.append('-x') command.append(Config.get('handbrake.profile')) return command
def __init__(self): self.mass = 33300 self.position = Vector2(0,0) self.size = 15 self.imageSize = Vector2(self.size*2, self.size*2) self.zoom = 0 self.originalImage = pygame.image.load(Config.getFile("img/planets/sun.png")).convert_alpha() self.tempImage = pygame.transform.smoothscale(self.originalImage, map(int, (self.imageSize * self.zoom))) self.rect = self.tempImage.get_rect()
def action(): # 定义环境 env = Consts.API_ENVIRONMENT_DEBUG conf = Config() host = conf.host_debug tester = conf.tester_debug allure.environment(environment=env) allure.environment(hostname=host) allure.environment(tester=tester) return env
def renderObjectDescGUI(self, screen): # GUI - Object desc color = (0,254,253) windowSize = Vector2(400, 150) # heading guiFont = pygame.font.Font(Config.getFile(Config.neuropol), 18) heading = guiFont.render("Object description", True, color) headingRect = pygame.Rect(screen.get_rect().right - 10 - windowSize.x, screen.get_rect().bottom - 200, windowSize.x, 30) screen.blit(heading, (headingRect.left + 10, + 7)) descRect = pygame.Rect(headingRect.left, headingRect.bottom + 10, windowSize.x, windowSize.y) # border borderRect = descRect.copy() borderRect.height = 2 pygame.draw.rect(screen, color, borderRect, 0) # object descriptions font = pygame.font.Font(Config.getFile(Config.ethnocentric), 30) text = font.render("FR-71", True, color) screen.blit(text, (descRect.left + 10, + 10)) font = pygame.font.Font(Config.getFile(Config.neuropol), 17) text = font.render("Health : " + str( + "/" + str(self.probe.maxHealth), True, color) screen.blit(text, (descRect.left + 10, + 60)) text = font.render("Fuel : " + str(round(self.probe.fuel, 1)) + "/" + str(self.probe.fuelCapacity), True, color) screen.blit(text, (descRect.left + 10, + 85)) text = font.render("Speed: " + str(int(self.probe.speed.magnitude() * 100)) + "/" + str(self.probe.maxSpeed * 100), True, color) screen.blit(text, (descRect.left + 10, + 110)) # object image originalImage = pygame.image.load(Config.getFile("img/rocket4.png")).convert_alpha() imageSize = Vector2(173, 291) * 0.5 zoomedImage = pygame.transform.smoothscale(originalImage, map(int, (imageSize))) probeRect = zoomedImage.get_rect() probeRect.topright = (descRect.right - 10, + 10) screen.blit(zoomedImage, probeRect)
def __init__(self): super(IntroScene, self).__init__() # generate bg stars self.bgStars = [] for i in range(0, 100): self.bgStars.append(Vector2(random.randrange(0, Config.getScreenSize()[0]), random.randrange(0, Config.getScreenSize()[1]))) # bg music # loop forever # Render Lines self.fontColor = (255,255,0) self.titleFont = pygame.font.Font(Config.getFile(Config.ethnocentric), 40) self.font = pygame.font.Font(Config.getFile(Config.ethnocentric), 20) self.lineHeight = 55 self.lines = [ "HOME DEFENCE", "", "It is a period of space war. Alien", "spaceships, striking from a hidden base,", "have conquered the planets of our solar", "system.", "", "During the battle, alien spies managed", "to destroy our colonies of Uranus and", "Neptune, using armoured space station", "called DEATH STAR.", "", "We must act fast to stop the aliens from", "destroying all of our homeland!" ] # start scrolling from the bottom of the screen self.y = Config.getScreenSize()[1] self.scrollSpeed = 50
def render(self, screen, camera): if self.zoom != camera.zoom: self.zoomedImage = pygame.transform.smoothscale(self.originalImage, map(int, (self.imageSize * camera.zoom))) self.tempImage = pygame.transform.rotate(self.zoomedImage, self.direction) self.rect = self.tempImage.get_rect() self.zoom = camera.zoom if abs(self.directionChange) > 0: oldCenter = self.tempImage = pygame.transform.rotate(self.zoomedImage, self.direction) self.rect = self.tempImage.get_rect() = oldCenter self.directionChange = 0 if self.isHit: self.tempImage.fill((255,0,0), special_flags=pygame.BLEND_RGBA_MULT) = camera.convertCoordinates(self.position) screen.blit(self.tempImage, self.rect) if self.isHit: self.zoomedImage = pygame.transform.scale(self.originalImage, map(int, (self.imageSize * camera.zoom))) self.tempImage = pygame.transform.rotate(self.zoomedImage, self.direction) self.isHit = False for bullet in self.bullets: bullet.blit(screen, camera) # health bar and info maxWidth = 0.02 * camera.zoom * self.maxHealth healthRect = pygame.Rect((self.rect.topleft), (maxWidth, 2)) healthRect.bottom = - 4 healthRect.centerx = self.rect.centerx oldLeft = healthRect.left healthRect.width = maxWidth * / self.maxHealth healthRect.left = oldLeft pygame.draw.rect(screen, (0,255,0), healthRect, 0) font = pygame.font.Font(Config.getFile(Config.ethnocentric), int(round(0.4 * camera.zoom))) text = font.render("HP:" + str(, True, (255,255,255)) textRect = text.get_rect() textRect.left = healthRect.left textRect.bottom = - 1 screen.blit(text, textRect)
def render(self, screen): screen.fill((0,0,0)) # render bg stars for star in self.bgStars: position = map(int, star) randomVal = random.randrange(150, 255) color = (randomVal,randomVal,randomVal) pygame.gfxdraw.pixel(screen, position[0], position[1], (randomVal,randomVal,randomVal)) # Render Game title titleFont = pygame.font.Font(Config.getFile(Config.ethnocentric), 80) titleText = titleFont.render("PLANET WARS", True, (255,255,255)) titleTextRect = titleText.get_rect() titleTextRect.centerx = screen.get_rect().centerx titleTextRect.y = 40 screen.blit(titleText, titleTextRect) # Render Menu
def render(self, screen): selectionsTexts = [] selectionsRects = [] menuFont = pygame.font.Font(Config.getFile(Config.ethnocentric), 40) for i, selection in enumerate(self.selections): text = menuFont.render(selection, True, (255,255,255)) textRect = text.get_rect() textRect.centerx = screen.get_rect().centerx textRect.y = 180 + i * 60 selectionsTexts.append(text) selectionsRects.append(textRect) self.selectionsRects = selectionsRects highlightRect = selectionsRects[self.currentSelection].copy() highlightRect.height = 2 = selectionsRects[self.currentSelection].bottom pygame.draw.rect(screen, (0,254,253), highlightRect, 0) for i, text in enumerate(selectionsTexts): screen.blit(text, selectionsRects[i])
def render(self, screen): super(SavedGamesMenu, self).render(screen) texts = [] rects = [] menuFont = pygame.font.Font(Config.getFile(Config.ethnocentric), 20) text = menuFont.render("ENTER - Load saved game", True, (255,255,255)) textRect = text.get_rect() textRect.centerx = screen.get_rect().width / 4 textRect.bottom = screen.get_rect().bottom - 20 texts.append(text) rects.append(textRect) text = menuFont.render("BACKSPACE - Delete saved game", True, (255,255,255)) textRect = text.get_rect() textRect.centerx = screen.get_rect().width / 4 * 3 textRect.bottom = screen.get_rect().bottom - 20 texts.append(text) rects.append(textRect) for i, text in enumerate(texts): screen.blit(text, rects[i])
def __init__(self, position, speed, direction, imageSize, size, imageFile, health, maxHealth, thrust): self.position = position self.speed = speed self.direction = direction self.gravitationalPull = Vector2(0,0) self.directionChange = 0 self.thrust = thrust self.imageSize = imageSize self.size = size # for collision purpose self.originalImage = pygame.image.load(Config.getFile(imageFile)).convert_alpha() self.zoom = 0 self.zoomedImage = pygame.transform.smoothscale(self.originalImage, map(int, (self.imageSize * self.zoom))) self.tempImage = pygame.transform.rotate(self.zoomedImage, self.direction) self.rect = self.tempImage.get_rect() self.maxHealth = maxHealth = health self.isHit = False self.bullets = []
def render(self, screen): super(ControlsMenu, self).render(screen) controlsTexts = [] controlsRects = [] menuFont = pygame.font.Font(Config.getFile(Config.ethnocentric), 15) for i, control in enumerate(self.controls1): text = menuFont.render(control, True, (255,255,255)) textRect = text.get_rect() textRect.centerx = screen.get_rect().width / 4 textRect.y = 250 + i * 30 controlsTexts.append(text) controlsRects.append(textRect) for i, control in enumerate(self.controls2): text = menuFont.render(control, True, (255,255,255)) textRect = text.get_rect() textRect.centerx = screen.get_rect().width / 4 * 3 textRect.y = 250 + i * 30 controlsTexts.append(text) controlsRects.append(textRect) for i, text in enumerate(controlsTexts): screen.blit(text, controlsRects[i])
# CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT # LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN # ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # import sys import os sys.path.append( os.path.join( os.getcwd(), '..' ) ) # Make template classes from mako.template import Template from mako.lookup import TemplateLookup templateLookup = TemplateLookup(directories=['./']) #local classes for Numb3r L0ck3r from config.Config import Config localConfig = Config() localConfig.parseConfigurationFile() t = Template(filename='template/frontPage.tmpl',lookup=templateLookup) #print(page) print(t.render(templateDir="template", **localConfig.getConfigurationDict()))
from mako.lookup import TemplateLookup templateLookup = TemplateLookup(directories=['./']) #local classes for Numb3r L0ck3r from config.Config import Config # The database class. Used to escape some sensitive information. from DataBase import DataBase # The authorization class to get the password hash for the admin user from User.Authorize import Authorize # Create objects from the configuration and database classes config = Config('../config/config.dat') # Parse the config file. if(config.parseConfigurationFile()) : # The config file was successfully parsed. db = DataBase() # Create the db object siteInfo = config.getConfigurationDict() # Get the site variables databaseInfo = config.getDatabaseConfigurationDict() # get the db variables securityInfo = config.getSecurityConfigurationDict() # get the security variables siteInfo.update(databaseInfo) # Add all the dicts into one master siteInfo.update(securityInfo) # Set the admin password auth = Authorize() auth.setPassPhrase(securityInfo['passwordSecurityHash']) siteInfo['adminPassword'] = auth.getHash(securityInfo['administratorPassword'])
def __init__(self, savedGame = None): super(GameScene, self).__init__() self.level = 1 self.paused = False screenSize = Config.getScreenSize() = Camera(Vector2(screenSize[0], screenSize[1])) # setup solar system self.sun = Sun() # size mass dist year colour center mercury = Planet("Mercury", 0.383, 3200, 57.0, 900, "img/planets/mercury.png", self.sun, math.radians(random.randrange(0, 359))) venus = Planet("Venus", 0.95, 3200, 108.0, 2000, "img/planets/venus.png", self.sun, math.radians(random.randrange(0, 359))) earth = Planet("Earth", 1.0, 3200, 150.0, 3650, "img/planets/earth.png", self.sun, math.radians(random.randrange(0, 359))) mars = Planet("Mars", 0.532, 3200, 227.0, 7000, "img/planets/mars.png", self.sun, math.radians(random.randrange(0, 359))) jupiter = Planet("Jupiter", 11.2, 12000, 778.0, 36000, "img/planets/jupiter.png", self.sun, math.radians(random.randrange(0, 359))) saturn = Planet("Saturn", 9.45, 5000, 1426.0, 80000, "img/planets/saturn.png", self.sun, math.radians(random.randrange(0, 359))) # moons #earth moon = Moon( 0.5, 100, 15.0, 80, "img/planets/moon.png", earth, math.radians(random.randrange(0, 359))) earth.moons.append(moon) #mars phobos = Moon( 0.2, 100, 5.0, 30, "img/planets/moon.png", mars, math.radians(random.randrange(0, 359))) deimos = Moon( 0.2, 100, 8.0, 40, "img/planets/moon.png", mars, math.radians(random.randrange(0, 359))) mars.moons.append(phobos) mars.moons.append(deimos) #jupiter europa = Moon( 0.2, 100, 20.0, 60, "img/planets/moon.png", jupiter, math.radians(random.randrange(0, 359))) io = Moon( 0.2, 100, 25.0, 80, "img/planets/moon.png", jupiter, math.radians(random.randrange(0, 359))) ganymede = Moon( 0.2, 100, 30.0, 100, "img/planets/moon.png", jupiter, math.radians(random.randrange(0, 359))) callisto = Moon( 0.2, 100, 35.0, 120, "img/planets/moon.png", jupiter, math.radians(random.randrange(0, 359))) jupiter.moons.append(europa) jupiter.moons.append(io) jupiter.moons.append(ganymede) jupiter.moons.append(callisto) self.planets = [mercury, venus, earth, mars, jupiter, saturn] # asteroids self.asteroids = [] for i in range(0, 500): size = random.randrange(4, 15) / 10.0 self.asteroids.append(Asteroid( size, 1, random.randrange(400,600), random.randrange(100, 300), (100, 100, 100), self.sun, math.radians(random.randrange(0, 359)))) # setup pointer to probe and aliens self.probe = Probe(earth.position + Vector2(20,0), Vector2(0,0)) self.aliens = [] # stars self.bgStars = [] for i in range(0, 200): self.bgStars.append(Vector2(random.randrange(-Config.getScreenSize()[0]/2, Config.getScreenSize()[0]/2), random.randrange(-Config.getScreenSize()[1]/2, Config.getScreenSize()[1]/2))) # Level setup and load game if necessary self.levelManager = LevelManager(Level1(), self.planets, self.probe, self.aliens, self) if savedGame is not None: savedGame.load(self.levelManager, self.planets, self.probe, self.aliens) self.update(0) self.paused = True # gui self.currentSelection = 0 self.selectionsRects = [] self.selectSound = pygame.mixer.Sound("sound/select.ogg")
def save(self): s = appended = s["savedGames"] appended.append(self) s["savedGames"] = appended s.close()
# TODO - verify the password if(authorization.checkUser(formValues['userID'].value,formValues['passwd'].value)): # TODO - set cookie #authorization.printCookieInformation() #print("Authorized: {0}".format(authorization.userAuthorized())) print("Location: ../index.cgi\n\n") else: # The password and username did not match. # Need to print an error message badUser = True # Get the configuration information from config.Config import Config localConfig = Config('../') localConfig.parseConfigurationFile() # Get the authorization information authorization = Authorize(localConfig.getPassPhrase()) # get the controler to print the page from Controller.AccountController import LoginController mainControl = LoginController('loginPage.tmpl',localConfig.diskOptions['templateDir']) mainControl.renderPage(loginBox=True, badPassword = badUser, username=authorization.getUserName(), **localConfig.getConfigurationDict())
def saveBulk(savedGames): db = db["savedGames"] = savedGames db.close()
import sys, pygame from config.Config import Config from scenes.Scene import Scene from models.SceneManager import SceneMananger from scenes.TitleScene import TitleScene from scenes.GameScene import GameScene pygame.init() Config.load() modes = pygame.display.list_modes(32) size = modes[Config.screenMode] screen = pygame.display.set_mode(size, Config.getScreenFlags()) pygame.display.set_caption(Config.caption) clock = pygame.time.Clock() pygame.mouse.set_visible(True) manager = SceneMananger(TitleScene()) # bg music pygame.mixer.init() pygame.mixer.set_num_channels(8) def main(): while True: clock.tick(Config.fps) deltaTime = clock.get_time() / 1000.0 # in seconds events = pygame.event.get() for event in events: if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
def loadAll(): db = savedGames = db["savedGames"] db.close() return savedGames