def __init__(self, iface1, iface2, *args, **kwargs):
        super(L2SocketSplit, self).__init__()

        self.sock1 = conf.L2socket(iface=iface1, *args, **kwargs)
        self.sock2 = conf.L2socket(iface=iface2, *args, **kwargs)

        self.servers = []
Esempio n. 2
def srp(x,
    """Send and receive packets at layer 2
nofilter: put 1 to avoid use of bpf filters
retry:    if positive, how many times to resend unanswered packets
          if negative, how many times to retry when no more packets are answered
timeout:  how much time to wait after the last packet has been sent
verbose:  set verbosity level
multi:    whether to accept multiple answers for the same stimulus
filter:   provide a BPF filter
iface:    work only on the given interface"""
    if not kargs.has_key("timeout"):
        kargs["timeout"] = -1
    if iface is None and iface_hint is not None:
        iface = conf.route.route(iface_hint)[0]
    s = conf.L2socket(iface=iface, filter=filter, nofilter=nofilter, type=type)
    a, b = sndrcv(s, x, *args, **kargs)
    return a, b
Esempio n. 3
def sendp(x, inter=0, loop=0, iface=None, iface_hint=None, count=None, verbose=None, realtime=None,
          return_packets=False, *args, **kargs):
    """Send packets at layer 2
sendp(packets, [inter=0], [loop=0], [verbose=conf.verb]) -> None"""
    if iface is None and iface_hint is not None:
        iface = conf.route.route(iface_hint)[0]
    return __gen_send(conf.L2socket(iface=iface, *args, **kargs), x, inter=inter, loop=loop, count=count,
                      verbose=verbose, realtime=realtime, return_packets=return_packets)
Esempio n. 4
def srpflood(x,filter=None, iface=None, iface_hint=None, nofilter=None, *args,**kargs):
    """Flood and receive packets at layer 2
prn:      function applied to packets received. Ret val is printed if not None
store:    if 1 (default), store answers and return them
unique:   only consider packets whose print 
nofilter: put 1 to avoid use of bpf filters
filter:   provide a BPF filter
iface:    listen answers only on the given interface"""
    if iface is None and iface_hint is not None:
        iface = conf.route.route(iface_hint)[0]    
    s = conf.L2socket(filter=filter, iface=iface, nofilter=nofilter)
    return r
Esempio n. 5
 def start(self):
     self.s = conf.L2socket(iface=self.iface)