import math
from time import process_time
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from dynopy.data_objects.node_traj import Node
from dynopy.motion_planning.tree_analysis import plot_tree
from config.config import get_parameters
from tree_analysis import plot_tree

cfg_ws = get_parameters()

def update_information(V, E, epsilon_0, I_0, fused, channel_list, cfg):

    :param V: list of nodes
    :param E: list of edges
    :param epsilon_0: current pdf
    :param I_0: information gained so far
    :param fused: dict of information fused on each channel
    :param channel_list: dict of channels and their path
    :param cfg: configuration of agent
    :return: list of nodes with updated information values

    # TODO: could probably save time here by not going through the full tree, just new nodes

    ol = [V[0]]  # open list
    bl = [Node(None, None, 0, I_0, 0, 0,
               fused)]  # branch list for visited nodes
    cl = []  # closed list
Esempio n. 2
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from math import sqrt, cos, sin, trunc, pi
from time import process_time
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import scipy.stats as stats
from config import config
from dynopy.data_objects.node import Node
from tree_analysis import plot_tree

# ================================
# ================================

cfg = config.get_parameters()

def RIG_tree(d,  B, X_all, X_free, epsilon, x_0, R, t_limit=0.1):

    :param d: single dynamic step
    :param B: budget
    :param X_all: workspace
    :param X_free: free space
    :param epsilon: environment
    :param x_0: initial state
    :param R: nearest neighbor radius
    :param t_limit: time expansion can run for
    :return: a list of nodes and edges
# !/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import os
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from config import config
from dynopy.motion_planning.RIG_tree_R_based import RIG_tree
import as init

cfg_ws = config.get_parameters()

def main():
    cfg = config.load_agent_parameters("Blinky")

    run("workspace_sandbox.txt", cfg.get("lambda"), cfg.get("budget"), cfg.get("t_limit"), cfg.get("gamma"), 1, 1)

def run(file_ws, lamb, budget, t_limit, gamma, n_agents, plot=True, plot_full=False):
    ws = init.load_workspace(file_ws, os.path.dirname(__file__))
    volunteer = init.load_volunteer(config, lamb, budget, t_limit, gamma, plot_full)
    agents_dedicated = init.load_agents(n_agents, config)

    agents_all = agents_dedicated.copy()

    for agent in agents_all:
        n = config.get_cfg_number(agent.get_name())
        waypoints = ws.get_default_waypoints(n)