def train_procedure(model, config: Config, epoch: int, train_insts: List[Instance], dev_insts: List[Instance], test_insts: List[Instance], devscore=None, testscore=None): optimizer = get_optimizer(config, model) random.shuffle(train_insts) batched_data = batching_list_instances(config, train_insts, is_soft=False, is_naive=True) dev_batches = batching_list_instances(config, dev_insts) test_batches = batching_list_instances(config, test_insts) if devscore is None: best_dev = [-1, 0] else: best_dev = devscore if testscore is None: best_test = [-1, 0] else: best_test = testscore for i in range(1, epoch + 1): epoch_loss = 0 start_time = time.time() model.zero_grad() if config.optimizer.lower() == "sgd": optimizer = lr_decay(config, optimizer, i) for index in tqdm(np.random.permutation(len(batched_data))): model.train() loss = model(*batched_data[index][0:5], batched_data[index][-3]) epoch_loss += loss.item() loss.backward(retain_graph=True) optimizer.step() model.zero_grad() end_time = time.time() print("Epoch %d: %.5f, Time is %.2fs" % (i, epoch_loss, end_time - start_time), flush=True) model.eval() dev_metrics = evaluate_model(config, model, dev_batches, "dev", dev_insts) test_metrics = evaluate_model(config, model, test_batches, "test", test_insts) if dev_metrics[2] > best_dev[0]: print("saving the best model...") best_dev[0] = dev_metrics[2] best_dev[1] = i best_test[0] = test_metrics[2] best_test[1] = i model.zero_grad() return model, best_dev, best_test
def learn_from_insts(config: Config, epoch: int, train_insts, dev_insts, test_insts): # train_insts: List[Instance], dev_insts: List[Instance], test_insts: List[Instance], batch_size: int = 1 model = NNCRF(config) optimizer = get_optimizer(config, model) train_num = len(train_insts) print("number of instances: %d" % (train_num)) print(colored("[Shuffled] Shuffle the training instance ids", "red")) random.shuffle(train_insts) batched_data = batching_list_instances(config, train_insts) dev_batches = batching_list_instances(config, dev_insts) test_batches = batching_list_instances(config, test_insts) best_dev = [-1, 0] best_test = [-1, 0] model_folder = "model_files" res_folder = "results" model_name = model_folder + "/lstm_{}_crf_{}_{}_dep_{}_elmo_{}_lr_{}.m".format( config.hidden_dim, config.dataset, config.train_num,, config.optimizer.lower(), config.learning_rate) res_name = res_folder + "/lstm_{}_crf_{}_{}_dep_{}_elmo_{}_lr_{}.results".format( config.hidden_dim, config.dataset, config.train_num,, config.optimizer.lower(), config.learning_rate) print("[Info] The model will be saved to: %s" % (model_name)) if not os.path.exists(model_folder): os.makedirs(model_folder) if not os.path.exists(res_folder): os.makedirs(res_folder) for i in range(1, epoch + 1): epoch_loss = 0 start_time = time.time() model.zero_grad() if config.optimizer.lower() == "sgd": optimizer = lr_decay(config, optimizer, i) for index in np.random.permutation(len(batched_data)): # for index in range(len(batched_data)): model.train() batch_word, batch_wordlen, batch_context_emb, batch_char, batch_charlen, batch_label = batched_data[ index] loss = model.neg_log_obj(batch_word, batch_wordlen, batch_context_emb, batch_char, batch_charlen, batch_label) epoch_loss += loss.item() loss.backward() # # torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(model.parameters(), config.clip) ##clipping the gradient optimizer.step() model.zero_grad() end_time = time.time() print("Epoch %d: %.5f, Time is %.2fs" % (i, epoch_loss, end_time - start_time), flush=True) model.eval() dev_metrics = evaluate_model(config, model, dev_batches, "dev", dev_insts) test_metrics = evaluate_model(config, model, test_batches, "test", test_insts) if dev_metrics[2] > best_dev[0]: print("saving the best model...") best_dev[0] = dev_metrics[2] best_dev[1] = i best_test[0] = test_metrics[2] best_test[1] = i, model_name) write_results(res_name, test_insts) model.zero_grad() print("The best dev: %.2f" % (best_dev[0])) print("The corresponding test: %.2f" % (best_test[0])) print("Final testing.") model.load_state_dict(torch.load(model_name)) model.eval() evaluate_model(config, model, test_batches, "test", test_insts) write_results(res_name, test_insts)
def learn_from_insts(config: Config, epoch: int, train_insts, dev_insts, test_insts): # train_insts: List[Instance], dev_insts: List[Instance], test_insts: List[Instance], batch_size: int = 1 model = NNCRF(config) optimizer = get_optimizer(config, model) train_num = len(train_insts) print("number of instances: %d" % (train_num)) print(colored("[Shuffled] Shuffle the training instance ids", "red")) random.shuffle(train_insts) batched_data = batching_list_instances(config, train_insts) dev_batches = batching_list_instances(config, dev_insts) test_batches = batching_list_instances(config, test_insts) best_dev = [-1, 0] best_test = [-1, 0] dep_model_name = if config.dep_model == DepModelType.dggcn: dep_model_name += '(' + str(config.num_gcn_layers) + "," + str( config.gcn_dropout) + "," + str(config.gcn_mlp_layers) + ")" model_name = "model_files/gcn_{}_hidden_{}_dataset_{}_{}_context_{}.m".format( config.num_gcn_layers, config.hidden_dim, config.dataset, config.affix, res_name = "results/gcn_{}_hidden_{}_dataset_{}_{}_context_{}.results".format( config.num_gcn_layers, config.hidden_dim, config.dataset, config.affix, print( "[Info] The model will be saved to: %s, please ensure models folder exist" % (model_name)) if not os.path.exists("model_files"): os.makedirs("model_files") if not os.path.exists("results"): os.makedirs("results") for i in range(1, epoch + 1): epoch_loss = 0 start_time = time.time() model.zero_grad() if config.optimizer.lower() == "sgd": optimizer = lr_decay(config, optimizer, i) for index in np.random.permutation(len(batched_data)): # for index in range(len(batched_data)): model.train() # optimizer.zero_grad() batch_word, batch_wordlen, batch_context_emb, batch_char, batch_charlen, adj_matrixs, adjs_in, adjs_out, graphs, dep_label_adj, batch_dep_heads, trees, batch_label, batch_dep_label, batch_poslabel = batched_data[ index] loss = model.neg_log_obj(batch_word, batch_wordlen, batch_context_emb, batch_char, batch_charlen, adj_matrixs, adjs_in, adjs_out, graphs, dep_label_adj, batch_dep_heads, batch_label, batch_dep_label, batch_poslabel, trees) epoch_loss += loss.item() loss.backward() if config.dep_model == DepModelType.dggcn: torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_( model.parameters(), config.clip) ##clipping the gradient optimizer.step() model.zero_grad() end_time = time.time() print("Epoch %d: %.5f, Time is %.2fs" % (i, epoch_loss, end_time - start_time), flush=True) if i + 1 >= config.eval_epoch: model.eval() dev_metrics = evaluate(config, model, dev_batches, "dev", dev_insts) if dev_metrics[2] > best_dev[0]: test_metrics = evaluate(config, model, test_batches, "test", test_insts) print("saving the best model...") best_dev[0] = dev_metrics[2] best_dev[1] = i best_test[0] = test_metrics[2] best_test[1] = i, model_name) write_results(res_name, test_insts) model.zero_grad() print("The best dev: %.2f" % (best_dev[0])) print("The corresponding test: %.2f" % (best_test[0])) print("Final testing.") model.load_state_dict(torch.load(model_name)) model.eval() evaluate(config, model, test_batches, "test", test_insts) write_results(res_name, test_insts)
def learn_from_insts(config: Config, epoch: int, train_insts): # train_insts: List[Instance], dev_insts: List[Instance], test_insts: List[Instance], batch_size: int = 1 model = SimpleGCN(config) optimizer = get_optimizer(config, model) train_num = len(train_insts) print("number of instances: %d" % (train_num)) print(colored("[Shuffled] Shuffle the training instance ids", "red")) random.shuffle(train_insts) batched_data = batching_list_instances(config, train_insts) model_folder = config.model_folder res_folder = "results" model_path = f"model_files/{model_folder}/" config_path = f"model_files/{model_folder}/config.conf" os.makedirs(f"model_files/{model_folder}", exist_ok=True) ## create model files. not raise error if exist os.makedirs(res_folder, exist_ok=True) print( f"[Info] The model will be saved to the directory: model_files/{model_folder}" ) ignored_index = -100 loss_fcn = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss( ignore_index=ignored_index) ## if the label value is -100, ignore it for i in range(1, epoch + 1): epoch_loss = 0 start_time = time.time() model.zero_grad() if config.optimizer.lower() == "sgd": optimizer = lr_decay(config, optimizer, i) p = 0 total = 0 for index in np.random.permutation(len(batched_data)): # for index in range(len(batched_data)): model.train() batch_word, batch_word_len, batch_context_emb, batch_char, batch_charlen, adj_matrixs, adjs_in, adjs_out, graphs, dep_label_adj, batch_dep_heads, trees, batch_label, batch_dep_label = batched_data[ index] input, output, masked_index = mask_relations( batch_dep_label.clone(), probability=0.15, config=config, ignored_index=ignored_index, word_seq_len=batch_word_len) adj_matrixs = batch_word = batch_word if config.complete_tree else None logits = model(adj_matrixs, input, batch_word) ## (batch_size, sent_len, score) ## calculating the accuracy max_index = logits.cpu().detach().numpy().argmax(axis=2) max_index[~masked_index] = ignored_index batch_size = max_index.shape[0] for idx in range(batch_size): max_index[idx, batch_word_len[idx]:] = ignored_index output_res = output.cpu().detach().numpy() p += np.sum(output_res[output_res != ignored_index] == max_index[ max_index != ignored_index]) total += len(output_res[output_res != ignored_index]) # output: shape(batch_size, sent_len) loss = loss_fcn(logits.view(-1, len(config.deplabels)), output.view(-1)) epoch_loss += loss.item() loss.backward() # if config.dep_model == DepModelType.dggcn: # torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(model.parameters(), config.clip) ##clipping the gradient optimizer.step() model.zero_grad() end_time = time.time() print( f"Epoch {i}: {epoch_loss:.5f}, Acc: {p*1.0/total*100:.2f}, Time is {end_time-start_time:.2f}s", flush=True) if i % config.epoch_k == 0: """ Save the model in every k epoch """ print("[Info] Saving the model..."), model_path) f = open(config_path, 'wb') pickle.dump(config, f) f.close() with f"model_files/{model_folder}/{model_folder}.tar.gz", "w:gz") as tar: tar.add(f"model_files/{model_folder}", arcname=os.path.basename(model_folder)) ## draw and see the embeddings # tsne_ak_2d = TSNE(perplexity=30, n_components=2, init='pca', n_iter=3500, random_state=32) # embeddings = model.dep_emb.weight.detach().numpy() # assert len(embeddings[0]) == config.dep_emb_size # embeddings = tsne_ak_2d.fit_transform(embeddings) # tsne_plot_2d('Relation embedding', embeddings, a= 0.1, words= config.deplabels, file_name=str(i)) print("Archiving the last Model...") with"model_files/{model_folder}/{model_folder}.tar.gz", "w:gz") as tar: tar.add(f"model_files/{model_folder}", arcname=os.path.basename(model_folder)) print("Finished archiving the models")
def learn_from_insts(config:Config, epoch: int, train_insts, dev_insts, test_insts): # train_insts: List[Instance], dev_insts: List[Instance], test_insts: List[Instance], batch_size: int = 1 if config.pretrain_dep: model_path = f"model_files/{config.pdep_model}/{config.pdep_model}.tar.gz" predictor = Predictor(model_path) model = NNCRF(config, pretrained_dep_model=predictor.model) else: model = NNCRF(config) optimizer = get_optimizer(config, model) train_num = len(train_insts) print("number of instances: %d" % (train_num)) print(colored("[Shuffled] Shuffle the training instance ids", "red")) random.shuffle(train_insts) batched_data = batching_list_instances(config, train_insts) dev_batches = batching_list_instances(config, dev_insts) test_batches = batching_list_instances(config, test_insts) best_dev = [-1, 0] best_test = [-1, 0] dep_model_name = if config.dep_model == DepModelType.dggcn: dep_model_name += '(' + str(config.num_gcn_layers) + "," + str(config.gcn_dropout) + "," + str( config.gcn_mlp_layers) + ")" model_folder = config.model_folder res_folder = "results" model_path = f"model_files/{model_folder}/" config_path = f"model_files/{model_folder}/config.conf" res_path = f"{res_folder}/{model_folder}.res" os.makedirs(f"model_files/{model_folder}", exist_ok=True) ## create model files. not raise error if exist os.makedirs(res_folder, exist_ok=True) print(f"[Info] The model will be saved to the directory: model_files/{model_folder}") for i in range(1, epoch + 1): epoch_loss = 0 start_time = time.time() model.zero_grad() if config.optimizer.lower() == "sgd": optimizer = lr_decay(config, optimizer, i) for index in np.random.permutation(len(batched_data)): # for index in range(len(batched_data)): model.train() batch_word, batch_wordlen, batch_context_emb, batch_char, batch_charlen, adj_matrixs, adjs_in, adjs_out, graphs, dep_label_adj, batch_dep_heads, trees, batch_label, batch_dep_label = batched_data[index] loss = model.neg_log_obj(batch_word, batch_wordlen, batch_context_emb,batch_char, batch_charlen, adj_matrixs, adjs_in, adjs_out, graphs, dep_label_adj, batch_dep_heads, batch_label, batch_dep_label, trees) epoch_loss += loss.item() loss.backward() if config.dep_model == DepModelType.dggcn: torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(model.parameters(), config.clip) ##clipping the gradient optimizer.step() model.zero_grad() end_time = time.time() print("Epoch %d: %.5f, Time is %.2fs" % (i, epoch_loss, end_time - start_time), flush=True) if i + 1 >= config.eval_epoch: model.eval() dev_metrics = evaluate(config, model, dev_batches, "dev", dev_insts) test_metrics = evaluate(config, model, test_batches, "test", test_insts) if dev_metrics[2] > best_dev[0]: print("saving the best model...") best_dev[0] = dev_metrics[2] best_dev[1] = i best_test[0] = test_metrics[2] best_test[1] = i, model_path) write_results(res_path, test_insts) model.zero_grad() print("Archiving the best Model...") with"model_files/{model_folder}/{model_folder}.tar.gz", "w:gz") as tar: tar.add(f"model_files/{model_folder}", arcname=os.path.basename(model_folder)) print("Finished archiving the models") print("The best dev: %.2f" % (best_dev[0])) print("The corresponding test: %.2f" % (best_test[0])) print("Final testing.") model.load_state_dict(torch.load(model_path)) model.eval() evaluate(config, model, test_batches, "test", test_insts) write_results(res_path, test_insts)