def start_stream(): global darkice global darkice_stderr_queue global darkice_stdout_queue values = request.json alsacap = subprocess.Popen('alsacap -R', shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) output, error = alsacap.communicate() found_usb = False channels = None sampling_rate = None for line in output.splitlines(): print line if found_usb and 'channel' in line and 'sampling rate' in line: print "line:" print line.strip() channels, sampling_rate = parse_card_info_string(line.strip()) break if 'USB' in line: # start capturing data print "start capturing data" found_usb = True print(channels) print(sampling_rate) if channels and sampling_rate: darkice_config['audio'].channel.value = max(channels) # todo fix this max/min darkice_config['audio'].sampleRate.value = max(sampling_rate) # todo fix this max/min darkice_config['servers'][0].name.value = unicode(values['name']) darkice_config['servers'][0].genre.value = unicode(values['genre']) darkice_config['servers'][0].url.value = unicode(values['url']) darkice_config['servers'][0].description.value = unicode(values['description']) print app_config['recording_folder'] print unicode(values['name']) darkice_config['servers'][0].localDumpFile.value = path.join(app_config['recording_folder'], unicode(values['name'] + '.mp3')) try: with'test.cfg', mode='wb', encoding='utf-8') as config_file: config.write_to_file(config_file, darkice_config['general'], darkice_config['audio'], darkice_config['servers']) filename = print filename except IOError as e: print("there is an error") return {'error': 'File not availabe: {}'.format(e)} darkice = subprocess.Popen('sudo darkice -c {}'.format(filename), stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) # non blocking reading of stdout and stderr for darkice status thread_output = Thread(target=read_nonblocking_output, args=(darkice.stdout, darkice_stdout_queue)) thread_output.daemon = True thread_output.start() thread_error = Thread(target=read_nonblocking_error, args=(darkice.stderr, darkice_stderr_queue)) thread_error.daemon = True thread_error.start() return get_stream_status()
def _init_config_filepath(self): tmp_dir = os.path.join(gettempdir(), 'keras_image_captioning') mkdir_p(tmp_dir) config_file = NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.yaml', dir=tmp_dir, delete=False) config_file.close() self._config_filepath = write_to_file(self._config, self._config_filepath)
def main_worker(file_path, uploaded_file_id): time.sleep(0.5) try: if uploaded_file_id == 0: db = mysql.connector.Connect(**login_info) cursor = db.cursor() computed_file_hash = compute_hash(file_path) sql_query = "SELECT * FROM upload_file WHERE hash LIKE '" + computed_file_hash + "' AND processed LIKE '0' ORDER BY id DESC" cursor.execute(sql_query) for row in cursor: uploaded_file_id = row[0] break print("[" + str(uploaded_file_id) + "] New File " + file_path + ". Details added to 'upload_file' table") config.write_to_file( config.log_file_name, "[" + str(uploaded_file_id) + "] New File " + file_path + ". Details added to 'upload_file' table") start_time = time.time() if, file_path, start_time, uploaded_file_id): print("[" + str(uploaded_file_id) + "] No Matches Found based on SHA-256 hash. Time: " + str( round(time.time() - start_time, config.time_digit_precision))) config.write_to_file( config.log_file_name, "[" + str(uploaded_file_id) + "] No Matches Found based on SHA-256 hash. Time: " + str( round(time.time() - start_time, config.time_digit_precision))) file_type = magic.from_file(file_path, mime=True) if ("png" in str(file_type)) or ("jpeg" in str(file_type)) or ( "bmp" in str(file_type)): # Send it to PNG Function print("[" + str(uploaded_file_id) + "] Image Detected") config.write_to_file( config.log_file_name, "[" + str(uploaded_file_id) + "] Image Detected") image_after_processing.handle_image(file_path, uploaded_file_id, computed_file_hash) elif "pdf" in file_type: # Send it to PDF function print("[" + str(uploaded_file_id) + "] PDF Detected") config.write_to_file( config.log_file_name, "[" + str(uploaded_file_id) + "] PDF Detected") pdf_after_processing.handle_pdf(computed_file_hash, file_path, uploaded_file_id) q1.put(file_path + ";;;" + str(start_time) + ";;;" + str(uploaded_file_id)) if config.keep_uploaded_files == 0: os.remove(file_path) except Exception as e: print("Error: " + e) config.write_to_file(config.error_file_name, e)
def compare(current_file_hash, file_path, execution_start_time, uploaded_file_id): """ This script will check the hash of the newly entered file with the existing hashes from the upload_file table. If a similar file is found, the process will be stopped for this file. And details will be added to the log of this file in the upload_file table. Input: Newly Uploaded file. Output: Rejects the file if hash is not unique. """ import mysql.connector from database import login_info import os import json import config import time print("[" + str(uploaded_file_id) + "] Checking For Existing Copies within 'upload_file' table") config.write_to_file(config.log_file_name,"[" + str(uploaded_file_id) + "] Checking For Existing Copies within 'upload_file' table") log_dictionary = {} log_dictionary['all_steps'] = "Checking For Existing Copies within 'upload_file' table" db = mysql.connector.Connect(**login_info) cursor = db.cursor(buffered=True) cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM upload_file WHERE processed LIKE "1"') for row in cursor: db_file_hash = row[4] if db_file_hash == current_file_hash: os.remove(file_path) db2 = mysql.connector.Connect(**login_info) cursor_delete = db2.cursor() log_dictionary['all_steps'] += 'Rejected. Hash Matches with File Number: ' + str(row[0]) + '\n' total_time = str(round(time.time() - execution_start_time,config.time_digit_precision)) print("[" + str(uploaded_file_id) + "] Rejected. Hash Matches with File Number: " + str(row[0]) + ". Time: " + total_time) config.write_to_file(config.log_file_name,"[" + str(uploaded_file_id) + "] Rejected. Hash Matches with File Number: " + str(row[0]) + ". Time: " + total_time) log_dictionary['total_time'] = "Time: " + total_time + "\n" json_string = json.dumps(log_dictionary) cursor_delete.execute('UPDATE upload_file SET log = "' + (str(json_string).replace('"','\\"')).replace("'","\\'") + '", processed = "2" WHERE hash LIKE "' + current_file_hash + '" AND processed LIKE "0"') db2.commit() cursor_delete.close() cursor.close() return False cursor.close() return True
def _write_active_config(self): CONFIG_FILENAME = 'hyperparams-config.yaml' self._config_filepath = self._path_from_result_dir(CONFIG_FILENAME) config.write_to_file(config.active_config(), self._config_filepath)
def compare(filename, uploaded_file_id, page_number, source_width, source_height): """ This function compares the currently generated thumbnail with all the other thumbnails from the 'thumbnail' table. It compares thumbnails that are generated by the same type of file (PDF or PNG), and with the same dimensions and orientation. It also generates the difference PNG and stores it locally and also on the 'thumb_comparison' table. Input: Thumnail. Output: Percentage difference between the current thumbnail and the other "compatible" thumbnails in the 'thumbnail' table """ import mysql.connector import config from database import login_info import os import subprocess db = mysql.connector.Connect(**login_info) cursor = db.cursor() def compare_files(mainfile, otherfile): pipe = subprocess.Popen("node ImageComparison/compare.js %s %s" % (mainfile, otherfile), shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout output = return output.replace("\n", "") valid_comparison = "True" sql_query1 = """SELECT * FROM thumbnail WHERE dir LIKE '%s'""" % (filename) cursor.execute(sql_query1) file_id = 0 file_orientation = "" file_generated_by = "" for row in cursor: file_id = row[0] file_orientation = row[4] file_generated_by = row[5] break cursor.close() db = mysql.connector.Connect(**login_info) cursor = db.cursor() sql_query2 = """SELECT * FROM thumbnail WHERE generatedBy LIKE '%s' AND width = '%s' AND height = '%s' AND dir NOT LIKE '%s' AND orientation LIKE '%s' """ % ( file_generated_by, source_width, source_height, filename, file_orientation) cursor.execute(sql_query2) files_to_compare = list() files_to_compare_id = list() for row in cursor: files_to_compare.append(row[1].encode("utf8")) files_to_compare_id.append(row[0]) cursor.close() print("[" + str(uploaded_file_id) + "," + page_number + "] Found %d Thumbnails for valid comparison" % (len(files_to_compare))) config.write_to_file( config.log_file_name, "[" + str(uploaded_file_id) + "," + page_number + "] Found %d Thumbnails for valid comparison" % (len(files_to_compare))) for file_number in range(len(files_to_compare)): percentage_difference = compare_files(filename, files_to_compare[file_number]) if percentage_difference == "0": print("[" + str(uploaded_file_id) + "," + page_number + "] Thumbnail Matches With Thumbnail ID: " + str(files_to_compare_id[file_number]) + ". Aborting") config.write_to_file( config.log_file_name, "[" + str(uploaded_file_id) + "," + page_number + "] Thumbnail Matches With Thumbnail ID: " + str(files_to_compare_id[file_number]) + ". Aborting") db = mysql.connector.Connect(**login_info) cursor = db.cursor() sql_query4 = "DELETE FROM thumb_comparison WHERE new_image_id LIKE %s" % ( file_id) cursor.execute(sql_query4) db.commit() cursor.close() db = mysql.connector.Connect(**login_info) cursor = db.cursor() sql_query5 = "DELETE FROM thumbnail WHERE id = %d" % (file_id) cursor.execute(sql_query5) db.commit() cursor.close() print("[" + str(uploaded_file_id) + "," + page_number + "] Deleted database entry for this Thumbnail ID: " + str(file_id)) config.write_to_file( config.log_file_name, "[" + str(uploaded_file_id) + "," + page_number + "] Deleted database entry for this Thumbnail ID: " + str(file_id)) valid_comparison = "False" return valid_comparison, str(files_to_compare_id[file_number]) current_image_id = files_to_compare_id[file_number] db = mysql.connector.Connect(**login_info) cursor = db.cursor() output_file_name = filename.replace( config.store_thumbnails, "") + "_" + files_to_compare[file_number].replace( config.store_thumbnails, "") + "diff.png" os.rename(output_file_name, config.store_comparison_images + output_file_name) comparison_blob = "NULL" if config.add_comparison_blob_into_db == 1: with open(config.store_comparison_images + output_file_name, "rb") as img: comparison_blob = # sql_query3 = """INSERT INTO thumb_comparison VALUES(%d, %d, '%s', '%s')""" %(file_id, current_image_id, comparison_blob, str(percentage_difference)) cursor.execute("INSERT INTO thumb_comparison VALUES(%s, %s, %s, %s)", ( file_id, current_image_id, comparison_blob, str(percentage_difference), )) db.commit() cursor.close() return valid_comparison, "NONE"
def handle_pdf(file_hash, file_name, uploaded_file_id): """ Updates the database with the document info of the file along with the orientation, height and width of the file passed as argument. Input: uploaded file Output: Update details about the file in 'upload_file' """ import sys import mysql.connector from PyPDF2 import PdfFileReader import os from database import login_info import json import config inputpdf = PdfFileReader(open(file_name, "rb")) document_info = inputpdf.getDocumentInfo() xmp_info = inputpdf.getXmpMetadata() db = mysql.connector.Connect(**login_info) cursor=db.cursor() w = float(inputpdf.getPage(0).mediaBox.getWidth()) * 0.352 h = float(inputpdf.getPage(0).mediaBox.getHeight()) * 0.352 orientation = "" if w > h: orientation = "Landscape" else: orientation = "Portrait" pdf_info = {} fonts = set() embedded = set() for page in inputpdf.pages: obj = page.getObject() f, e = walk(obj['/Resources'], fonts, embedded) fonts = fonts.union(f) embedded = embedded.union(e) unembedded = fonts - embedded font_list = sorted(list(fonts)) pdf_info['pages'] = str(inputpdf.numPages) pdf_info['orientation'] = orientation pdf_info['dimensions'] = {"width": str(w), "height": str(h)} pdf_info['fonts'] = font_list print(pdf_info) doc_info = {} if document_info!=None: for item in document_info: doc_info[item] = document_info[item] xmp_pdf_info = {} if xmp_info!=None: for item in xmp_info: xmp_pdf_info[item] = xmp_info[item] pdf_info['document_information'] = doc_info pdf_info['xmp_information'] = xmp_pdf_info sql_query = "UPDATE upload_file SET doc_info = '" + (str(json.dumps(pdf_info)).replace('"','\\"')).replace("'","\\'") + "', processed='1' WHERE processed='0' AND hash LIKE '" + file_hash + "';" cursor.execute(sql_query) db.commit() cursor.close() print("[" + str(uploaded_file_id) + "] Added PDF details to 'upload_file' table.") config.write_to_file(config.log_file_name,"[" + str(uploaded_file_id) + "] Added PDF details to 'upload_file' table.")
def handle_image(file_name, uploaded_file_id, file_hash): """ This function handles the uploaded files that are detected as images. Input: Uploaded Image file Output: """ import magic from PIL import Image import os import json import mysql.connector from database import login_info import config import shutil import compareCompatibleFiles import convert_to_tiles import time execution_start_time = time.time() log_dictionary = {} log_dictionary['all_steps'] = "Image Detected\n" file_type = magic.from_file(file_name, mime=True) if "png" not in file_type: conversion_start_time = time.time() if not os.path.exists(config.store_converted_images): os.makedirs(config.store_converted_images) im = new_filename = file_name.replace(config.store_main_uploads, config.store_converted_images) new_filename = new_filename.split(".")[0] + ".png" file_name = new_filename conversion_end_time = time.time() total_time = str( round(conversion_end_time - conversion_start_time, config.time_digit_precision)) print("[" + str(uploaded_file_id) + "] Converting Image to PNG. Time: " + total_time) log_dictionary[ 'all_steps'] += "Converting Image to PNG. Time: %s\n" % ( total_time) config.write_to_file( config.log_file_name, "[" + str(uploaded_file_id) + "] Converting Image to PNG. Time: " + total_time) db = mysql.connector.Connect(**login_info) cursor = db.cursor() img_info = {} image = source_width, source_height = image.size img_info['dimensions'] = { "width": str(source_width), "height": str(source_height) } sql_query = 'UPDATE upload_file SET doc_info = "' + (str( json.dumps(img_info) ).replace('"', '\\"')).replace( "'", "\\'" ) + '", processed="1" WHERE processed="0" AND hash LIKE "' + file_hash + '";' cursor.execute(sql_query) db.commit() cursor.close() print("[" + str(uploaded_file_id) + "] Added Image details to 'upload_file' table") log_dictionary[ 'all_steps'] += "Added Image details to 'upload_file' table\n" config.write_to_file( config.log_file_name, "[" + str(uploaded_file_id) + "] Added Image details to 'upload_file' table") thumbnail_generation_start_time = time.time() newHeight = float(config.fixed_thumbnail_height) factor = newHeight / source_height newWidth = source_width * factor image.thumbnail((newWidth, newHeight), Image.ANTIALIAS) if not os.path.exists(config.store_thumbnails): os.makedirs(config.store_thumbnails) if config.store_converted_images in file_name: newfile_location = config.store_thumbnails + file_name.replace( config.store_converted_images, "") + ".png" else: newfile_location = config.store_thumbnails + file_name.replace( config.store_main_uploads, "") + ".png" thumbnail_blob = "NULL" generatedBy = "PNG" orientation = "" if config.add_thumb_blob_into_db == 1: with open(newfile_location, "rb") as img: thumbnail_blob = if source_width > source_height: orientation = "Landscape" else: orientation = "Portrait" db = mysql.connector.Connect(**login_info) cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute( "INSERT INTO `thumbnail` VALUES (NULL, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)", ( newfile_location, str(source_width), str(source_height), orientation, generatedBy, thumbnail_blob, )) db.commit() cursor.close() thumbnail_generation_end_time = time.time() total_time = str( round(thumbnail_generation_end_time - thumbnail_generation_start_time, config.time_digit_precision)) print( "[" + str(uploaded_file_id) + "] Thumbnail Generation Complete. Added Details to 'thumbnail' table. Time: " + total_time) log_dictionary[ 'all_steps'] += "Thumbnail Generation Complete. Added Details to 'thumbnail' table. Time: " + total_time + "\n" config.write_to_file( config.log_file_name, "[" + str(uploaded_file_id) + "] Thumbnail Generation Complete. Added Details to 'thumbnail' table. Time: " + total_time) comparison_start_time = time.time() checkVariable, similarThumbnailID = newfile_location, uploaded_file_id, "NULL", source_width, source_height) comparison_end_time = time.time() total_time = str( round(comparison_end_time - comparison_start_time, config.time_digit_precision)) print( "[" + str(uploaded_file_id) + '] Thumbnails Compared. Comparison Details added to \'thumb_comparison\' table. Time: ' + total_time) log_dictionary[ 'all_steps'] += 'Thumbnails Compared. Comparison Details added to \'thumb_comparison\' table. Time: ' + total_time + "\n" config.write_to_file( config.log_file_name, "[" + str(uploaded_file_id) + '] Thumbnails Compared. Comparison Details added to \'thumb_comparison\' table. Time: ' + total_time) if checkVariable == "True": high_res_start_time = time.time() png_blob = "" if config.store_converted_images in file_name: shutil.copy( file_name, file_name.replace(config.store_converted_images, config.store_high_res_images)) else: shutil.copy( file_name, file_name.replace(config.store_main_uploads, config.store_high_res_images)) if config.add_high_res_png_into_db == 1: with open(file_name, "rb") as img: png_blob = # print("[" + str(uploaded_file_id) + "," + str(page_number) + "] High Resolution PNG Generated. Details Added to 'image' table. Time: " + total_time) db = mysql.connector.Connect(**login_info) cursor = db.cursor() sql_query = "SELECT * FROM `thumbnail` WHERE dir LIKE '" + newfile_location + "'" cursor.execute(sql_query) thumbnail_id = 0 for row in cursor: thumbnail_id = row[0] break cursor.close() db = mysql.connector.Connect(**login_info) cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute( "INSERT INTO `image` VALUES (NULL, NULL, NULL, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s);", ( uploaded_file_id, str(thumbnail_id), "NULL", png_blob, "NULL", str(source_width), str(source_height), "", )) db.commit() high_res_end_time = time.time() total_time = str( round(high_res_end_time - high_res_start_time, config.time_digit_precision)) print( "[" + str(uploaded_file_id) + "] High Resolution PNG Generated. Details Added to 'image' table. Time: " + total_time) log_dictionary[ 'all_steps'] += "High Resolution PNG Generated. Details Added to 'image' table. Time: " + total_time + "\n" config.write_to_file( config.log_file_name, "[" + str(uploaded_file_id) + "] High Resolution PNG Generated. Details Added to 'image' table. Time: " + total_time) db = mysql.connector.Connect(**login_info) cursor = db.cursor() sql_query = """SELECT * FROM `image` WHERE upload_file_id LIKE '%s' AND page_number LIKE '%s'""" % ( uploaded_file_id, "") cursor.execute(sql_query) current_image_id = 0 for row in cursor: current_image_id = row[0] break cursor.close() tiles_start_time = time.time() log_dictionary = convert_to_tiles.generate_tiles( file_name, current_image_id, log_dictionary, "NULL", uploaded_file_id, tiles_start_time) else: # print("[" + str(uploaded_file_id) + '] Thumbnails Compared. Comparison Details added to \'thumb_comparison\' table.') log_dictionary[ 'all_steps'] += 'Thumbnail matches with Thumbnail ID: ' + similarThumbnailID + '\n' # Dont convert, abort process if config.keep_converted_images == 0 and config.store_converted_images in file_name: os.remove(file_name) log_dictionary['total_time'] = str(time.time() - execution_start_time) sql_query = "UPDATE upload_file SET log = '" + (str( json.dumps(log_dictionary)).replace('"', '\\"')).replace( "'", "\\'") + "' WHERE hash = '" + file_hash + "' AND processed = '1'" db = mysql.connector.Connect(**login_info) cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute(sql_query) db.commit() cursor.close()
def convert(filename, file_width, file_height, page_number, pdf_location, file_hash, execution_start_time, log_dictionary, uploaded_file_id, process_start_time, thumbnail_id): """ This function converts a single Page PDF into a high resolution image and adds the details into the 'image' table Input: A Single Page PDF/Image Output: A High Resolution Image """ from wand.image import Image from wand.color import Color import os from database import login_info import mysql.connector import config from PIL import Image as pilImage import convert_to_tiles import time db = mysql.connector.Connect(**login_info) cursor = db.cursor() png_blob = "NULL" pdf_blob = "NULL" if not os.path.exists(config.store_high_res_images): os.makedirs(config.store_high_res_images) with Image(filename=filename, resolution=config.high_res_value) as img: with Image(width=img.width, height=img.height, background=Color("white")) as bg: bg.composite(img, 0, 0) + filename.replace(config.store_split_pdfs, "") + ".png") im = + filename.replace(config.store_split_pdfs, "") + ".png") img_width, img_height = im.size page_size = str(file_width) + "," + str(file_height) if config.add_high_res_png_into_db == 1: with open( config.store_high_res_images + filename.replace(config.store_split_pdfs, "") + ".png", "rb") as img: png_blob = if config.add_split_pdf_into_database == 1: with open(pdf_location, "rb") as pdf: pdf_blob = # sql_query = """INSERT INTO `image` (`id`, `album_id`, `user_id`, `upload_file_id`, `thumbnail_id`,`page_size`, `png`, `pdf`, `width`, `height`, `page_number`) VALUES (NULL, NULL, NULL, '""" + upload_file_id + """', '""" + str(thumbnail_id) + """', '""" + page_size + """', '""" + png_blob + """' , '""" + pdf_blob + """', '""" + str(img_width) + """', '""" + str(img_height) + """', '""" + str(page_number) + """');""" cursor.execute( "INSERT INTO `image`(upload_file_id, thumbnail_id, page_size, png, pdf, width, height, page_number) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s);", (uploaded_file_id, str(thumbnail_id), page_size, png_blob, pdf_blob, img_width, img_height, "")) db.commit() cursor.close() db = mysql.connector.Connect(**login_info) cursor = db.cursor() sql_query = """SELECT * FROM `image` WHERE upload_file_id LIKE '%s' AND page_number LIKE '%s'""" % ( uploaded_file_id, str(page_number)) cursor.execute(sql_query) current_image_id = 0 for row in cursor: current_image_id = row[0] break cursor.close() process_end_time = time.time() total_time = str( round(process_end_time - process_start_time, config.time_digit_precision)) print( "[" + str(uploaded_file_id) + "," + str(page_number) + "] High Resolution PNG Generated. Details Added to 'image' table. Time: " + total_time) config.write_to_file( config.log_file_name, "[" + str(uploaded_file_id) + "," + str(page_number) + "] High Resolution PNG Generated. Details Added to 'image' table. Time: " + total_time) log_dictionary['all_steps'] += "[" + str( page_number ) + "] High Resolution PNG Generated Details Added to 'image' table. Time: " + total_time + "\n" log_dictionary = convert_to_tiles.generate_tiles( config.store_high_res_images + filename.replace(config.store_split_pdfs, "") + ".png", current_image_id, log_dictionary, page_number, uploaded_file_id, time.time()) return log_dictionary
def generate_tiles(filename, image_id, log_dictionary, page_number, uploaded_file_id, process_start_time): """ This function generates tiles for the high resolution image that is created. The tile details are stored in the 'tiles' table. Input: High resolution PNG Output: Tiles for the input PNG """ import tempfile, shutil import deepzoom import mysql.connector from database import login_info import config import os import time tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() tmpimg = str(image_id) + "_image.png" tmpdzi = str(image_id) + "_tmp.dzi" image_name = tmpdir + "/" + tmpimg dzi_name = tmpdir + "/" + tmpdzi with open(image_name, "wb") as img_file: with open(filename, "rb") as read_file: img_file.write( creator = deepzoom.ImageCreator(tile_size=config.tile_pixel_size, tile_overlap=2, tile_format="png", image_quality=1, resize_filter="bicubic") creator.create(image_name, dzi_name) width, height = creator.image.size basepath = tmpdir + "/" + str(image_id) + "_tmp_files" db = mysql.connector.Connect(**login_info) cursor = db.cursor() for d in os.listdir(basepath): curpath = os.path.join(basepath, d) if os.path.isdir(curpath): for f in os.listdir(curpath): if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(curpath, f)): with open(os.path.join(curpath, f), "rb") as tile_file: tile_blob = cursor.execute( "INSERT INTO tiles values (NULL,%s,%s,%s)", ( str(image_id), d + '_' + f[:-4], tile_blob, )) db.commit() shutil.rmtree(tmpdir) cursor.close() db.close() process_end_time = time.time() total_time = str( round(process_end_time - process_start_time, config.time_digit_precision)) log_dictionary['all_steps'] += "[" + str( page_number ) + "] Tile Generation Complete. Details Added to 'tiles' table. Time " + total_time + "\n" print("[" + str(uploaded_file_id) + "," + str(page_number) + "] Generated Tiles and Added Details to 'tiles' table. Time: " + total_time) config.write_to_file( config.log_file_name, "[" + str(uploaded_file_id) + "," + str(page_number) + "] Generated Tiles and Added Details to 'tiles' table. Time: " + total_time) return log_dictionary
def split_pdfs(file_name, execution_start_time, uploaded_file_id): """ This scipt will convert single pdf file with multiple pages into individual PDF files. Then carry out the rest of the functionality: Convert to thumnbail, compare generated thumbnail, generate high resolution image and also generate tiles. Input: Uploaded PDF Output: Individual Page PDFs """ from PyPDF2 import PdfFileWriter, PdfFileReader import time import convert_single_file import config import os from database import login_info import convert_to_high_res_png import mysql.connector import compareCompatibleFiles import json log_dictionary = {} file_hash = compute_hash(file_name) start = time.time() inputpdf = PdfFileReader(open(file_name, "rb")) log_dictionary['all_steps'] = "Splitting PDF File into " + str( inputpdf.numPages) + " Pages\n" print("[" + str(uploaded_file_id) + "] Splitting PDF File into " + str(inputpdf.numPages) + " Pages") config.write_to_file( config.log_file_name, "[" + str(uploaded_file_id) + "] Splitting PDF File into " + str(inputpdf.numPages) + " Pages") for i in xrange(inputpdf.numPages): output = PdfFileWriter() output.addPage(inputpdf.getPage(i)) if not os.path.exists(config.store_split_pdfs): os.makedirs(config.store_split_pdfs) with open( config.store_split_pdfs + file_name.replace(config.store_main_uploads, "") + "%s.pdf" % i, "wb") as outputStream: # with open(config.store_split_pdfs+file_name.replace(config.store_main_uploads,"")+"%s.pdf" % i, "wb") as outputStream: output.write(outputStream) new_file = PdfFileReader( open( config.store_split_pdfs + file_name.replace(config.store_main_uploads, "") + "%s.pdf" % i, 'rb')) file_width = new_file.getPage(0).mediaBox.getWidth() file_height = new_file.getPage(0).mediaBox.getHeight() orientation = "" if file_width > file_height: orientation = "Landscape" else: orientation = "Portrait" start_thumbnail_generation = time.time() image_width, thumbnail_image_name, thumbnail_id = convert_single_file.convert_pdf_to_png( config.store_split_pdfs + file_name.replace(config.store_main_uploads, "") + "%s.pdf" % i, orientation, "PDF", uploaded_file_id, file_width, file_height) end_thumbnail_generation = time.time() total_time = str( round(end_thumbnail_generation - start_thumbnail_generation, config.time_digit_precision)) log_dictionary['all_steps'] += '[' + str( i ) + '] Thumbnail Generation Complete. Added Details to \'thumbnail\' table. Time: ' + total_time + '\n' print( "[" + str(uploaded_file_id) + ',' + str(i) + '] Thumbnail Generation Complete. Added Details to \'thumbnail\' table Time: ' + total_time) config.write_to_file( config.log_file_name, "[" + str(uploaded_file_id) + ',' + str(i) + '] Thumbnail Generation Complete. Added Details to \'thumbnail\' table Time: ' + total_time) log_dictionary[ 'all_steps'] += "Finding existing images to compare with\n" start_thumbnail_comparison = time.time() checkVariable, similarThumbnailID = thumbnail_image_name, uploaded_file_id, str(i), file_width, file_height) end_thumbnail_comparison = time.time() total_time = str( round(end_thumbnail_comparison - start_thumbnail_comparison, config.time_digit_precision)) log_dictionary['all_steps'] += '[' + str( i ) + '] Thumbnails Compared. Comparison Details added to \'thumb_comparison\' table' + total_time + '\n' print( "[" + str(uploaded_file_id) + ',' + str(i) + '] Thumbnails Compared. Comparison Details added to \'thumb_comparison\' table. Time: ' + total_time) config.write_to_file( config.log_file_name, "[" + str(uploaded_file_id) + ',' + str(i) + '] Thumbnails Compared. Comparison Details added to \'thumb_comparison\' table. Time: ' + total_time) if checkVariable == "True": log_dictionary = convert_to_high_res_png.convert( config.store_split_pdfs + file_name.replace(config.store_main_uploads, "") + "%s.pdf" % i, file_width, file_height, i, file_name, file_hash, execution_start_time, log_dictionary, uploaded_file_id, time.time(), thumbnail_id) else: log_dictionary['all_steps'] += '[' + str( i ) + '] Thumbnail matches with Thumbnail ID: ' + similarThumbnailID + '\n' # log_dictionary['page'+str(i)]['time'] = str(time.time() - execution_start_time) if config.keep_split_pdf_pages == 0: os.remove(config.store_split_pdfs + file_name.replace(config.store_main_uploads, "") + "%s.pdf" % i) log_dictionary['total_time'] = str(time.time() - execution_start_time) sql_query = "UPDATE upload_file SET log = '" + (str( json.dumps(log_dictionary)).replace('"', '\\"')).replace( "'", "\\'") + "' WHERE hash = '" + file_hash + "' AND processed = '1'" db = mysql.connector.Connect(**login_info) cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute(sql_query) db.commit() cursor.close()
def start_stream(): global darkice global darkice_stderr_queue global darkice_stdout_queue values = request.json alsacap = subprocess.Popen('alsacap -R', shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) output, error = alsacap.communicate() found_usb = False channels = None sampling_rate = None for line in output.splitlines(): print line if found_usb and 'channel' in line and 'sampling rate' in line: print "line:" print line.strip() channels, sampling_rate = parse_card_info_string(line.strip()) break if 'USB' in line: # start capturing data print "start capturing data" found_usb = True print(channels) print(sampling_rate) if channels and sampling_rate: darkice_config['audio'].channel.value = max( channels) # todo fix this max/min darkice_config['audio'].sampleRate.value = max( sampling_rate) # todo fix this max/min darkice_config['servers'][0].name.value = unicode(values['name']) darkice_config['servers'][0].genre.value = unicode(values['genre']) darkice_config['servers'][0].url.value = unicode(values['url']) darkice_config['servers'][0].description.value = unicode( values['description']) print app_config['recording_folder'] print unicode(values['name']) darkice_config['servers'][0].localDumpFile.value = path.join( app_config['recording_folder'], unicode(values['name'] + '.mp3')) try: with'test.cfg', mode='wb', encoding='utf-8') as config_file: config.write_to_file(config_file, darkice_config['general'], darkice_config['audio'], darkice_config['servers']) filename = print filename except IOError as e: print("there is an error") return {'error': 'File not availabe: {}'.format(e)} darkice = subprocess.Popen('sudo darkice -c {}'.format(filename), stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) # non blocking reading of stdout and stderr for darkice status thread_output = Thread(target=read_nonblocking_output, args=(darkice.stdout, darkice_stdout_queue)) thread_output.daemon = True thread_output.start() thread_error = Thread(target=read_nonblocking_error, args=(darkice.stderr, darkice_stderr_queue)) thread_error.daemon = True thread_error.start() return get_stream_status()