def migrate(self, mig): if mig: pull.print("*", "Migration Phase. Initializing File & Configurations.", pull.YELLOW) config = CONFIG() config.read_variables() config.generate_key() config.write() time.sleep(3) application = GETWSGI() pull.print("^", "Configuration Done. Uprnning Migrations Now. ", pull.DARKCYAN) DJANGOCALL('makemigrations', stdout=(sys.stdout if self.debug else self.npointer)) pull.verbose("*", "Files Modified. Running Into Final Stage. ", self.verbose, pull.YELLOW) DJANGOCALL('migrate', stdout=(sys.stdout if self.debug else self.npointer)) pull.halt("Migrations Applied Successfuly. Exiting Now!", True, pull.GREEN) return True return False
def configure(self, conf): if conf: toset = pull.input( "-", "Do you Want To Configure Your Database Credentials? [Y/n] ", ("y", "n"), pull.BLUE) if toset: dbase = pull.input("?", "Enter Your Database Name: ", False, pull.GREEN) serve = pull.input("?", "Enter Your Server Name [localhost]: ", False, pull.GREEN) uname = pull.input("?", "Enter Database Username: "******"?", "Enter Database Password: "******"^", "Checking Database Connection. Connecting!", pull.DARKCYAN) try: pymysql.connect(serve, uname, passw, dbase) except pymysql.err.OperationalError: pull.halt( "Access Denied for the user. Check Credentials and Server Status!", True, pull.RED) config = CONFIG() config.read_variables() config.db_create(dbase, serve, uname, passw) config.write_variables() else: pull.print( "*", "Skipped Configuration of Database. Proceeding now. ", pull.YELLOW) pull.halt("Done Configurations. Exiting", True, pull.RED)