def scan(cls, cmd): ''' Nmap scan. output: a list of host, each host has attribute 'ip' 'port' 'protocol' ''' result = list() if "-oX" not in cmd: cmd = cmd + " -oX -" if CONF.nmap: cmd.replace("nmap", CONF.nmap) popen = Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT) scanResult = #parse the nmap scan result xmlDoc = BeautifulStoneSoup(scanResult) hosts = xmlDoc.findAll("host") for host in hosts: if isinstance( host, NavigableString ) or != "host" or host.status['state'] != "up": continue ip = host.address['addr'] #url = host.hostnames.hostname['name'] try: ports = host.ports.contents except AttributeError: result.append(Dict(**{'ip': ip})) continue else: for port in ports: if isinstance( port, NavigableString ) or != "port" or port.state['state'] != "open": continue result.append( Dict(ip=ip, port=port['portid'], protocol=port.service['name'])) return result
def _parseHtml(self, document): document = BeautifulSoup(document) attrs = {"class": "b_algo"} relist = document.findAll("li", attrs=attrs) if not relist: raise StopIteration() for line in relist: title = "".join([x.string for x in line.h2.a.contents]) url = line.h2.a["href"] brief = "".join([x.string for x in line.contents[1].p.contents]) yield Dict(title=title, url=url, brief=brief)
def _parseHtml(self, document): document = BeautifulSoup(document) attrs = {"class": "f"} relist = document.findAll("td", attrs=attrs) if not relist: raise StopIteration() for line in relist: title = "".join([x.string for x in line.a.font.contents]) url = line.a["href"] briefDoc = line.a.nextSibling.nextSibling.contents brief = briefDoc[0].string + (briefDoc[1].string if briefDoc[1].string else "") yield Dict(title=title, url=url, brief=brief)
def brute(self): #partDoman示例 partDomain为aaa, partDomain为aaa pos = self.domain.rfind("") if pos == -1: pos = self.domain.rfind(".") partDomain = self.domain if pos == -1 else self.domain[0:pos] if self.bruteTopDomain: dlist = os.path.join("data", "wordlist", "toplevel.txt") for line in DictFileEnum(dlist): domain = partDomain + "." + line ip = self.checkDomain(domain) if ip: yield Dict(url=domain, ip=ip, description="Generated by dnsbrute plugin.") for dlist in self.dictfiles: for line in DictFileEnum(dlist): domain = line + "." + self.domain ip = self.checkDomain(domain) if ip: yield Dict(url=domain, ip=ip, description="Generated by dnsbrute plugin.")
def __init__(self, ptype=0, **kwargs): try: with open(os.path.join("plugin", "config", "portmapping.yaml"), "r") as fd: self.portDict = yaml.load(fd) except IOError: raise PluginError( "cannot load portmapping configure file 'portmapping.yaml'") if ptype == 1: self.cmd = "" elif ptype == 2: self.cmd = "nmap -n -Pn -oX - " elif ptype == 3: self.cmd = "nmap -n -Pn -p1-65535 -oX - " else: portList = [key for key in self.portDict] portStr = ",".join([str(x) for x in portList]) self.cmd = "nmap -n -Pn -p{ports} -oX - ".format(ports=portStr) self.type = ptype = Dict(**kwargs) #requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings() self.httpTimeout = CONF.http.timeout
# @Author : xxc727xxc ([email protected]) # @Version : 1.0.0 import functools import logging from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader import core.common.utils as utils from config import configs, Dict logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) options = Dict( autoescape=True, block_start_string='{%', block_end_string='%}', variable_start_string='{{', variable_end_string='}}', auto_reload=True, ) def jinja_filter(filter_name): if not isinstance(filter_name, str) or len(filter_name) <= 0: raise ValueError('jinja_filter not named') def decorator(func): @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kw): return func(*args, **kw) wrapper.__filter_name__ = filter_name
def formatParam(originParam, options): ''' Description : Check param. Usage : params = formatParam(originParam, options) Parameters: options: descript the param ((name,type,range), example: (("ip","ip",""), ("url","url",""), ("level","integer","1-5000"), ("title","string","1-100")) type: ip, url, email, string, int, text range: if null, means everything integer: the number range string: the length range param: the parameters ''' ipPattern = re.compile( r"^((?:(?:(?:2[0-4]\d)|(?:25[0-5])|(?:[01]?\d\d?))\.){3}(?:(?:2[0-4]\d)|(?:25[0-5])|(?:[01]?\d\d?))(?:\:\d+)?)$" ) urlPattern = re.compile( r"^(?:http(?:s)?\://)?((?:[-0-9a-zA-Z_~!=]+\.)+(?:[-0-9a-zA-Z_~!=]+)(?:\:\d+)?)" ) emailPattern = re.compile( r"^((?:[-0-9a-zA-Z_!=:.%+])+@(?:[-0-9a-zA-Z_!=:]+\.)+(?:[-0-9a-zA-Z_!=:]+))$" ) params = Dict() for option in options: if option[1] == "ip": try: value = originParam[option[0]].strip() except KeyError: raise ParamError("missing parameter '{0}'".format(option[0])) if not value and not option[2]: params[option[0]] = value else: match = ipPattern.match(value) if not match: raise ParamError("IP parameter '{0}' format error".format( option[0])) params[option[0]] = match.groups()[0] elif option[1] == "url": try: value = originParam[option[0]].strip() except KeyError: raise ParamError("missing parameter '{0}'".format(option[0])) if not value and not option[2]: params[option[0]] = value else: match = urlPattern.match(value) if not match: raise ParamError( "URL parameter '{0}' format error!".format(option[0])) params[option[0]] = match.groups()[0] elif option[1] == "email": try: value = originParam[option[0]].strip() except KeyError: raise ParamError("missing parameter '{0}'".format(option[0])) if not value and not option[2]: params[option[0]] = value else: match = emailPattern.match(value) if not match: raise ParamError( "Email parameter '{0}' format error!".format( option[0])) params[option[0]] = match.groups()[0] elif option[1] == "string": try: value = originParam[option[0]].strip() except KeyError: raise ParamError("missing parameter '{0}'".format(option[0])) if option[2]: try: l, g = [int(x) for x in option[2].split("-")] except ValueError: raise ParamError("range option define error '{0}'!".format( option[2])) if len(value) > g or len(value) < l: raise ParamError( "string parameter '{0}' out of range!".format( option[0])) params[option[0]] = addSlashes(value) else: params[option[0]] = addSlashes(value) elif option[1] == "integer": try: value = int(originParam[option[0]].strip()) except KeyError: raise ParamError("missing parameter '{0}'".format(option[0])) except ValueError: if originParam[option[0]]: raise ParamError( "integer parameter '{0}' format error!".format( option[0])) elif option[2]: raise ParamError( "integer parameter '{0}' must not null!".format( option[0])) elif not option[2]: params[option[0]] = "" if option[2]: try: l, g = [int(x) for x in option[2].split("-")] except ValueError: raise ParamError("range option define error '{0}'!".format( option[2])) if l == g == 0: params[option[0]] = str(value) elif value > g or value < l: raise ParamError( "Integer parameter '{0}' out of range!".format( option[0])) params[option[0]] = str(value) else: params[option[0]] = str(value) elif option[1] == "text": try: value = originParam[option[0]].strip() except KeyError: raise ParamError("missing parameter '{0}'".format(option[0])) params[option[0]] = addSlashes(value) else: raise ParamError("option type '{0}' is not recognized!".format( option[1])) return params