def initGui(self): """Create the menu entries and toolbar icons inside the QGIS GUI.""" self.iface.addDockWidget(Qt.RightDockWidgetArea, self.dockWidgetAnnotation) icon_path = ':/plugins/CoconutTreesDetection/icon.png' self.add_action(icon_path,'coconutTreesDetection'),, parent=self.iface.mainWindow()) # imgFilename = self.iface.activeLayer().dataProvider().dataSourceUri() self.imgFilename = Parameters.rgb_image_clipped_tif self.layer = self.getLayerByName(Parameters.rgb_image_layername) self.windowArrayList = list() # self.imgArray = cv2.imread(self.imgFilename) self.imgArray = gdal.Open(self.imgFilename).ReadAsArray().astype( np.uint8) self.imgArray = np.transpose(self.imgArray, (1, 2, 0)) self.bovwTrainingFeatures = None self.labelTrainingArray = None self.predicted_probs = None self.pred_test_labels = None self.windowsCentersList = list() self.windowPositiveIndexList = list() self.windowNegativeIndexList = list() self.config = Parameters(self.layer) self.config.readRasterConfig() self.canvasClicked = ClickTool(self.config, self.canvas, self.layer, self.imgArray) self.canvas.setMapTool(self.canvasClicked) self.uiDockWidgetAnnotation.btnLoadAnnotationFile.clicked.connect( self.loadAnnotationsAndDisplay) self.uiDockWidgetAnnotation.btnSaveAnnotationFile.clicked.connect( self.saveAnnotationFile) self.uiDockWidgetAnnotation.btnAddAnnotationCoco.clicked.connect( self.addAnnotationsCoco) self.uiDockWidgetAnnotation.btnDeleteAnnotation.clicked.connect( self.deleteAnnotation) self.uiDockWidgetAnnotation.btnClassify.clicked.connect(self.classify) self.uiDockWidgetAnnotation.btnPreprocess.clicked.connect( self.preprocess) self.uiDockWidgetAnnotation.btnAddAnnotationNoncoco.clicked.connect( self.addAnnotationsNoncoco) self.uiDockWidgetAnnotation.btnDeleteAllAnnotation.clicked.connect( self.deleteAllAnnnotaions) self.uiDockWidgetAnnotation.btnVisualize.clicked.connect( self.tsneVisualization) self.uiDockWidgetAnnotation.btnTest.clicked.connect(self.calRecall) self.uiDockWidgetAnnotation.btnValidate.clicked.connect(self.validate)
def main(): args = Parameters().parse() np.random.seed(args.random_seed) torch.manual_seed(args.random_seed) torch.cuda.manual_seed_all(args.random_seed) torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = True torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True torch.backends.cudnn.enabled = True # Dataset datasets = create_datasets(args) # Network net = create_network(args) # Loss Function criterion = create_lossfunc(args, net) # optimizer and parameters optim_params = create_params(args, net) optimizer = create_optimizer(args, optim_params) # learning rate scheduler scheduler = create_scheduler(args, optimizer, datasets) if args.mode == 'train': train(args, net, datasets, criterion, optimizer, scheduler) return if args.mode == 'test': test(args, net, datasets) return
def main(): t1 = time() # load hyperparams params = Parameters() # load dataset print('loading dataset') dataset = Sub_COCO(params) print('data num:{}'.format(len(dataset))) # x:[b, 3, 224, 224] # y:[b,] dataloader = DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=params.batch_size, shuffle=False) # load model model = load_model(params).cuda().eval() # run model correct_num = 0.0 total_num = 0.0 print('starting') for (x, y) in dataloader: x, y = x.cuda(), y.cuda() logits = model(x) correct_num +=, dim=1)).sum().float() total_num += y.size(0) accuracy = correct_num / total_num print(accuracy) t2 = time() print('it costs {} s'.format(t2 - t1))
def test(): params = Parameters() print('reading logs') log_path = os.path.join(params.model_logs_dir, 'cider_log_' + str(params.topic_num) + '.txt') print(os.path.exists(log_path)) log = np.loadtxt(log_path) index = np.argmax(log[:, 1].tolist()) print('loading model') checkpoint = os.path.join(params.model_dir, str(index) + '.pkl') print(os.path.exists(checkpoint))
from dataset import get_segmentation_dataset from network import get_segmentation_model from config import Parameters import random import timeit import logging import pdb from tqdm import tqdm from tensorboardX import SummaryWriter from utils.criterion import CriterionCrossEntropy, CriterionDSN, CriterionOhemDSN, CriterionOhemDSN_single from utils.parallel import DataParallelModel, DataParallelCriterion start = timeit.default_timer() args = Parameters().parse() # file_log = open(args.log_file, "w") # sys.stdout = sys.stderr = file_log def lr_poly(base_lr, iter, max_iter, power): return base_lr*((1-float(iter)/max_iter)**(power)) def adjust_learning_rate(optimizer, i_iter): lr = lr_poly(args.learning_rate, i_iter, args.num_steps, args.power) optimizer.param_groups[0]['lr'] = lr return lr def main():
import tensorflow as tf from glob import glob from processors import SimpleDataGenerator from readers import KittiDataReader from config import Parameters from network import build_point_pillar_graph DATA_ROOT = "../validation_small" MODEL_ROOT = "./logs" # os.environ["CUDA_DEVICE_ORDER"]="PCI_BUS_ID" # os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"]="0" if __name__ == "__main__": params = Parameters() pillar_net = build_point_pillar_graph(params) pillar_net.load_weights(os.path.join(MODEL_ROOT, "model.h5")) pillar_net.summary() data_reader = KittiDataReader() lidar_files = sorted(glob(os.path.join(DATA_ROOT, "velodyne", "*.bin"))) label_files = sorted(glob(os.path.join(DATA_ROOT, "label_2", "*.txt"))) calibration_files = sorted(glob(os.path.join(DATA_ROOT, "calib", "*.txt"))) eval_gen = SimpleDataGenerator(data_reader, params.batch_size, lidar_files, label_files, calibration_files) pred = pillar_net.predict(eval_gen)
def main(): """Create the model and start the evaluation process.""" args = Parameters().parse() # # # args.method = 'student_res18_pre' args.method = 'student_esp_d' args.dataset = 'camvid_light' args.data_list = "/ssd/yifan/SegNet/CamVid/test.txt" args.data_dir = "/ssd/yifan/" args.num_classes = 11 # args.method='psp_dsn_floor' args.restore_from = "./checkpoint/Camvid/ESP/base_57.8.pth" # args.restore_from="/teamscratch/msravcshare/v-yifan/ESPNet/train/0.4results_enc_01_enc_2_8/model_298.pth" # args.restore_from = "/teamscratch/msravcshare/v-yifacd n/sd_pytorch0.5/checkpoint/snapshots_psp_dsn_floor_1e-2_40000_TEACHER864/CS_scenes_40000.pth" # args.restore_from = "/teamscratch/msravcshare/v-yifan/sd_pytorch0.5/checkpoint/snapshots_psp_dsn_floor_1e-2_40000_TEACHER5121024_esp/CS_scenes_40000.pth" # args.data_list = '/teamscratch/msravcshare/v-yifan/deeplab_v3/dataset/list/cityscapes/train.lst' args.batch_size = 1 print("Input arguments:") for key, val in vars(args).items(): print("{:16} {}".format(key, val)) h, w = map(int, args.input_size.split(',')) input_size = (h, w) print(args) output_path = args.output_path if not os.path.exists(output_path): os.makedirs(output_path) # args.method='psp_dsn' deeplab = get_segmentation_model(args.method, num_classes=args.num_classes) ignore_label = 255 id_to_trainid = { -1: ignore_label, 0: ignore_label, 1: ignore_label, 2: ignore_label, 3: ignore_label, 4: ignore_label, 5: ignore_label, 6: ignore_label, 7: 0, 8: 1, 9: ignore_label, 10: ignore_label, 11: 2, 12: 3, 13: 4, 14: ignore_label, 15: ignore_label, 16: ignore_label, 17: 5, 18: ignore_label, 19: 6, 20: 7, 21: 8, 22: 9, 23: 10, 24: 11, 25: 12, 26: 13, 27: 14, 28: 15, 29: ignore_label, 30: ignore_label, 31: 16, 32: 17, 33: 18 } os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = args.gpu # args.restore_from="/teamscratch/msravcshare/v-yifan/sd_pytorch0.3/checkpoint/snapshots_resnet_psp_dsn_1e-4_5e-4_8_20000_DSN_0.4_769light/CS_scenes_20000.pth" # if 'dense' in args.method: # if args.restore_from is not None: saved_state_dict = torch.load(args.restore_from) c_keys = saved_state_dict.keys() for i in c_keys: flag = i.split('.')[0] if 'module' in flag: deeplab = nn.DataParallel(deeplab) deeplab.load_state_dict(saved_state_dict) if 'module' not in flag: deeplab = nn.DataParallel(deeplab) # if 'dense' not in args.method: # deeplab = nn.DataParallel(deeplab) model = deeplab model.eval() model.cuda() # args.dataset='cityscapes_light' testloader = data.DataLoader(get_segmentation_dataset( args.dataset, root=args.data_dir, list_path=args.data_list, crop_size=(360, 480), mean=IMG_MEAN, scale=False, mirror=False), batch_size=args.batch_size, shuffle=False, pin_memory=True) data_list = [] confusion_matrix = np.zeros((args.num_classes, args.num_classes)) palette = get_palette(20) image_id = 0 for index, batch in enumerate(testloader): if index % 100 == 0: print('%d processd' % (index)) if args.side: image, label, _, size, name = batch elif 'sd' in args.dataset: _, image, label, size, name = batch else: image, label, size, name = batch # print('image name: {}'.format(name)) size = size[0].numpy() output = predict_esp(model, image) # seg_pred = np.asarray(np.argmax(output, axis=3), dtype=np.uint8) result = np.asarray(np.argmax(output, axis=3), dtype=np.uint8) # result=cv2.resize(result, (1024, 1024), interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST) m_seg_pred = ma.masked_array(result, mask=torch.eq(label, 255)) ma.set_fill_value(m_seg_pred, 20) seg_pred = m_seg_pred for i in range(image.size(0)): image_id += 1 print('%d th segmentation map generated ...' % (image_id)) args.store_output = 'True' output_path = './esp_camvid_base/' if not os.path.exists(output_path): os.mkdir(output_path) if args.store_output == 'True': # print('a') output_im = PILImage.fromarray(seg_pred[i]) output_im.putpalette(palette) + '/' + name[i] + '.png') seg_gt = np.asarray(label.numpy()[:, :size[0], :size[1]], ignore_index = seg_gt != 255 seg_gt = seg_gt[ignore_index] seg_pred = seg_pred[ignore_index] confusion_matrix += get_confusion_matrix(seg_gt, seg_pred, args.num_classes) pos = confusion_matrix.sum(1) res = confusion_matrix.sum(0) tp = np.diag(confusion_matrix) IU_array = (tp / np.maximum(1.0, pos + res - tp)) mean_IU = IU_array.mean() print({'meanIU': mean_IU, 'IU_array': IU_array}) print("confusion matrix\n") print(confusion_matrix)
def main(): """Create the model and start the evaluation process.""" args = Parameters().parse() # file_log = open(args.log_file, "w") # sys.stdout = sys.stderr = file_log print("Input arguments:") sys.stdout.flush() for key, val in vars(args).items(): print("{:16} {}".format(key, val)) h, w = map(int, args.input_size.split(',')) input_size = (h, w) output_path = args.output_path if not os.path.exists(output_path): os.makedirs(output_path) deeplab = get_segmentation_model("_".join([, args.method]), num_classes=args.num_classes) ignore_label = 255 id_to_trainid = { -1: ignore_label, 0: ignore_label, 1: ignore_label, 2: ignore_label, 3: ignore_label, 4: ignore_label, 5: ignore_label, 6: ignore_label, 7: 0, 8: 1, 9: ignore_label, 10: ignore_label, 11: 2, 12: 3, 13: 4, 14: ignore_label, 15: ignore_label, 16: ignore_label, 17: 5, 18: ignore_label, 19: 6, 20: 7, 21: 8, 22: 9, 23: 10, 24: 11, 25: 12, 26: 13, 27: 14, 28: 15, 29: ignore_label, 30: ignore_label, 31: 16, 32: 17, 33: 18 } os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = args.gpu import urllib.request local_checkpoint, _ = urllib.request.urlretrieve( '', 'resnet101-imagenet.pth') saved_state_dict = torch.load(local_checkpoint) deeplab.load_state_dict(saved_state_dict) model = nn.DataParallel(deeplab) model.eval() model.cuda() testloader = data.DataLoader(get_segmentation_dataset( args.dataset, root=args.data_dir, list_path=args.data_list, crop_size=(1024, 2048), scale=False, mirror=False,, batch_size=args.batch_size, shuffle=False, pin_memory=True) data_list = [] confusion_matrix = np.zeros((args.num_classes, args.num_classes)) palette = get_palette(20) image_id = 0 for index, batch in enumerate(testloader): if index % 100 == 0: print('%d processd' % (index)) sys.stdout.flush() image, label, size, name = batch size = size[0].numpy() if torch_ver == '0.3': if args.use_ms == 'True': output = predict_multi_scale(model, image.numpy(), ([0.75, 1, 1.25]), input_size, args.num_classes, args.use_flip, args.method) else: if args.use_flip == 'True': output = predict_multi_scale(model, image.numpy(), ([args.whole_scale]), input_size, args.num_classes, args.use_flip, args.method) else: if 'gt' in args.method: label = Variable(label.long().cuda()) output = predict_whole_img_w_label( model, image.numpy(), args.num_classes, args.method, scale=float(args.whole_scale), label=label) else: output = predict_whole_img(model, image.numpy(), args.num_classes, args.method, scale=float( args.whole_scale)) else: with torch.no_grad(): if args.use_ms == 'True': output = predict_multi_scale(model, image.numpy(), ([0.75, 1, 1.25]), input_size, args.num_classes, args.use_flip, args.method) else: if args.use_flip == 'True': output = predict_multi_scale(model, image.numpy(), ([args.whole_scale]), input_size, args.num_classes, args.use_flip, args.method) else: if 'gt' in args.method: output = predict_whole_img_w_label( model, image.numpy(), args.num_classes, args.method, scale=float(args.whole_scale), label=Variable(label.long().cuda())) else: output = predict_whole_img(model, image.numpy(), args.num_classes, args.method, scale=float( args.whole_scale)) seg_pred = np.asarray(np.argmax(output, axis=3), dtype=np.uint8) m_seg_pred = ma.masked_array(seg_pred, mask=torch.eq(label, 255)) ma.set_fill_value(m_seg_pred, 20) seg_pred = m_seg_pred for i in range(image.size(0)): image_id += 1 print('%d th segmentation map generated ...' % (image_id)) sys.stdout.flush() if args.store_output == 'True': output_im = PILImage.fromarray(seg_pred[i]) output_im.putpalette(palette) + '/' + name[i] + '.png') seg_gt = np.asarray(label.numpy()[:, :size[0], :size[1]], ignore_index = seg_gt != 255 seg_gt = seg_gt[ignore_index] seg_pred = seg_pred[ignore_index] confusion_matrix += get_confusion_matrix(seg_gt, seg_pred, args.num_classes) pos = confusion_matrix.sum(1) res = confusion_matrix.sum(0) tp = np.diag(confusion_matrix) IU_array = (tp / np.maximum(1.0, pos + res - tp)) mean_IU = IU_array.mean() print({'meanIU': mean_IU, 'IU_array': IU_array}) print("confusion matrix\n") print(confusion_matrix) sys.stdout.flush()
def main(): """Create the model and start the evaluation process.""" args = Parameters().parse() # file_log = open(args.log_file, "w") # sys.stdout = sys.stderr = file_log print("Input arguments:") for key, val in vars(args).items(): print("{:16} {}".format(key, val)) sys.stdout.flush() h, w = map(int, args.input_size.split(',')) input_size = (h, w) ignore_label = args.ignore_label output_path = args.output_path if not os.path.exists(output_path): os.makedirs(output_path) deeplab = get_segmentation_model("_".join([, args.method]), num_classes=args.num_classes) os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = args.gpu saved_state_dict = torch.load(args.restore_from) deeplab.load_state_dict(saved_state_dict) model = nn.DataParallel(deeplab) model.eval() model.cuda() testloader = data.DataLoader(get_segmentation_dataset( args.dataset, root=args.data_dir, list_path=args.data_list, crop_size=(1024, 2048), scale=False, mirror=False,, batch_size=args.batch_size, shuffle=False, pin_memory=True) data_list = [] confusion_matrix = np.zeros((args.num_classes, args.num_classes)) palette = get_palette(256) id_to_trainid = { -1: ignore_label, 0: ignore_label, 1: ignore_label, 2: ignore_label, 3: ignore_label, 4: ignore_label, 5: ignore_label, 6: ignore_label, 7: 0, 8: 1, 9: ignore_label, 10: ignore_label, 11: 2, 12: 3, 13: 4, 14: ignore_label, 15: ignore_label, 16: ignore_label, 17: 5, 18: ignore_label, 19: 6, 20: 7, 21: 8, 22: 9, 23: 10, 24: 11, 25: 12, 26: 13, 27: 14, 28: 15, 29: ignore_label, 30: ignore_label, 31: 16, 32: 17, 33: 18 } image_id = 0 for index, batch in enumerate(testloader): if index % 100 == 0: print('%d processd' % (index)) image, size, name = batch size = size[0].numpy() if torch_ver == '0.3': if args.use_ms == 'True': output = predict_multi_scale(model, image.numpy(), ([0.75, 1, 1.25]), args.num_classes, args.use_flip, args.method) else: output = predict_whole_img(model, image.numpy(), args.num_classes, args.method, scale=float(args.whole_scale)) else: with torch.no_grad(): if args.use_ms == 'True': output = predict_multi_scale(model, image.numpy(), ([0.75, 1, 1.25]), args.num_classes, args.use_flip, args.method) else: output = predict_whole_img(model, image.numpy(), args.num_classes, args.method, scale=float(args.whole_scale)) seg_pred = np.asarray(np.argmax(output, axis=3), dtype=np.uint8) seg_pred = id2trainId(seg_pred, id_to_trainid, reverse=True) for i in range(image.size(0)): image_id += 1 print('%d th segmentation map generated ...' % (image_id)) sys.stdout.flush() if args.store_output == 'True': output_im = PILImage.fromarray(seg_pred[i]) output_im.putpalette(palette) + '/' + name[i] + '.png')
class CoconutTreesDetection: """QGIS Plugin Implementation.""" def __init__(self, iface): """Constructor. :param iface: An interface instance that will be passed to this class which provides the hook by which you can manipulate the QGIS application at run time. :type iface: QgisInterface """ # Save reference to the QGIS interface self.iface = iface self.canvas = self.iface.mapCanvas() self.codebook = None # initialize plugin directory self.plugin_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) self.dockWidgetAnnotation = DockWidget(self.iface.mainWindow(), self.iface) self.uiDockWidgetAnnotation = self.dockWidgetAnnotation.ui # initialize locale locale = QSettings().value('locale/userLocale')[0:2] locale_path = os.path.join( self.plugin_dir, 'i18n', 'CoconutTreesDetection_{}.qm'.format(locale)) if os.path.exists(locale_path): self.translator = QTranslator() self.translator.load(locale_path) if qVersion() > '4.3.3': QCoreApplication.installTranslator(self.translator) # Declare instance attributes self.actions = [] ='&CoconutTreesDetection') # TODO: We are going to let the user set this up in a future iteration self.toolbar = self.iface.addToolBar(u'CoconutTreesDetection') self.toolbar.setObjectName(u'CoconutTreesDetection') self.pluginIsActive = False self.dockwidget = None # noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic def tr(self, message): """Get the translation for a string using Qt translation API. We implement this ourselves since we do not inherit QObject. :param message: String for translation. :type message: str, QString :returns: Translated version of message. :rtype: QString """ # noinspection PyTypeChecker,PyArgumentList,PyCallByClass return QCoreApplication.translate('CoconutTreesDetection', message) def add_action(self, icon_path, text, callback, enabled_flag=True, add_to_menu=True, add_to_toolbar=True, status_tip=None, whats_this=None, parent=None): """Add a toolbar icon to the toolbar. :param icon_path: Path to the icon for this action. Can be a resource path (e.g. ':/plugins/foo/bar.png') or a normal filePickle system path. :type icon_path: str :param text: Text that should be shown in menu items for this action. :type text: str :param callback: Function to be called when the action is triggered. :type callback: function :param enabled_flag: A flag indicating if the action should be enabled by default. Defaults to True. :type enabled_flag: bool :param add_to_menu: Flag indicating whether the action should also be added to the menu. Defaults to True. :type add_to_menu: bool :param add_to_toolbar: Flag indicating whether the action should also be added to the toolbar. Defaults to True. :type add_to_toolbar: bool :param status_tip: Optional text to show in a popup when mouse pointer hovers over the action. :type status_tip: str :param parent: Parent widget for the new action. Defaults None. :type parent: QWidget :param whats_this: Optional text to show in the status bar when the mouse pointer hovers over the action. :returns: The action that was created. Note that the action is also added to self.actions list. :rtype: QAction """ icon = QIcon(icon_path) action = QAction(icon, text, parent) action.triggered.connect(callback) action.setEnabled(enabled_flag) if status_tip is not None: action.setStatusTip(status_tip) if whats_this is not None: action.setWhatsThis(whats_this) if add_to_toolbar: self.toolbar.addAction(action) if add_to_menu: self.iface.addPluginToMenu(, action) self.actions.append(action) return action def initGui(self): """Create the menu entries and toolbar icons inside the QGIS GUI.""" self.iface.addDockWidget(Qt.RightDockWidgetArea, self.dockWidgetAnnotation) icon_path = ':/plugins/CoconutTreesDetection/icon.png' self.add_action(icon_path,'coconutTreesDetection'),, parent=self.iface.mainWindow()) # imgFilename = self.iface.activeLayer().dataProvider().dataSourceUri() self.imgFilename = Parameters.rgb_image_clipped_tif self.layer = self.getLayerByName(Parameters.rgb_image_layername) self.windowArrayList = list() # self.imgArray = cv2.imread(self.imgFilename) self.imgArray = gdal.Open(self.imgFilename).ReadAsArray().astype( np.uint8) self.imgArray = np.transpose(self.imgArray, (1, 2, 0)) self.bovwTrainingFeatures = None self.labelTrainingArray = None self.predicted_probs = None self.pred_test_labels = None self.windowsCentersList = list() self.windowPositiveIndexList = list() self.windowNegativeIndexList = list() self.config = Parameters(self.layer) self.config.readRasterConfig() self.canvasClicked = ClickTool(self.config, self.canvas, self.layer, self.imgArray) self.canvas.setMapTool(self.canvasClicked) self.uiDockWidgetAnnotation.btnLoadAnnotationFile.clicked.connect( self.loadAnnotationsAndDisplay) self.uiDockWidgetAnnotation.btnSaveAnnotationFile.clicked.connect( self.saveAnnotationFile) self.uiDockWidgetAnnotation.btnAddAnnotationCoco.clicked.connect( self.addAnnotationsCoco) self.uiDockWidgetAnnotation.btnDeleteAnnotation.clicked.connect( self.deleteAnnotation) self.uiDockWidgetAnnotation.btnClassify.clicked.connect(self.classify) self.uiDockWidgetAnnotation.btnPreprocess.clicked.connect( self.preprocess) self.uiDockWidgetAnnotation.btnAddAnnotationNoncoco.clicked.connect( self.addAnnotationsNoncoco) self.uiDockWidgetAnnotation.btnDeleteAllAnnotation.clicked.connect( self.deleteAllAnnnotaions) self.uiDockWidgetAnnotation.btnVisualize.clicked.connect( self.tsneVisualization) self.uiDockWidgetAnnotation.btnTest.clicked.connect(self.calRecall) self.uiDockWidgetAnnotation.btnValidate.clicked.connect(self.validate) #------------------------------------------------------------------- # Add function for auto-save later... # autoSaver = threading.Thread(target = self.autosavePickleFile()) # autoSaver.start() #-------------------------------------------------------------------- def getLayerByName(self, layer_name): layer = None for lyr in QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().mapLayers().values(): if == layer_name: layer = lyr break return layer def loadAnnotationsAndDisplay(self): self.canvasClicked.addingCoco = False self.canvasClicked.addingNoncoco = False self.canvasClicked.deleting = False if not os.path.isfile(Parameters.annotationCocoFile): with open(Parameters.annotationCocoFile, 'w') as filePickle_read: pass QMessageBox.information(self.iface.mainWindow(), "Load Coconut Annotations", "Coconut annotation file created!") else: try: with open(Parameters.annotationCocoFile, "r") as filePickle_read: self.canvasClicked.annotationCocoList = pickle.load( filePickle_read) # QMessageBox.information(self.iface.mainWindow(), "loadCocoAnnotations", "Coco annotations Loaded!") except EOFError: QMessageBox.information(self.iface.mainWindow(), "Load Coconut Annotations", "Empty coconut annotation file!") if not os.path.isfile(Parameters.annotationNoncocoFile): with open(Parameters.annotationNoncocoFile, 'w') as filePickle_read: pass QMessageBox.information(self.iface.mainWindow(), "Load Non-coconut Annotations", "Non-coconut annotation file created!") else: try: with open(Parameters.annotationNoncocoFile, "r") as filePickle_read: self.canvasClicked.annotationNoncocoList = pickle.load( filePickle_read) QMessageBox.information(self.iface.mainWindow(), "LoadAnnotations", "Annotations Loaded!") except EOFError: QMessageBox.information(self.iface.mainWindow(), "LoadAnnotations", "Empty non-coconut annotation file!") # Display loaded annotations on canvas self.canvasClicked.displayAnnotations() def saveAnnotationFile(self): with open(Parameters.annotationCocoFile, "w") as filePickle_save: pickle.dump(self.canvasClicked.annotationCocoList, filePickle_save) with open(Parameters.annotationNoncocoFile, "w") as filePickle_save: pickle.dump(self.canvasClicked.annotationNoncocoList, filePickle_save) self.canvasClicked.deleting = False self.canvasClicked.addingCoco = False self.canvasClicked.addingNoncoco = False QMessageBox.information(self.iface.mainWindow(), "Save Annotations", "All annotations saved!") def addAnnotationsCoco(self): """Call this function to get clicked point coordinates after pressed the 'Add' button""" self.canvasClicked.addingCoco = True self.canvasClicked.addingNoncoco = False self.canvasClicked.deleting = False self.canvas.setMapTool(self.canvasClicked) def addAnnotationsNoncoco(self): """Call this function to get clicked point coordinates after pressed the 'Add' button""" self.canvasClicked.addingNoncoco = True self.canvasClicked.addingCoco = False self.canvasClicked.deleting = False self.canvas.setMapTool(self.canvasClicked) def deleteAnnotation(self): """Delete clicked annotations on the canvas""" self.canvasClicked.addingCoco = False # Deactivate the addingCoco activity self.canvasClicked.addingNoncoco = False self.canvasClicked.deleting = True self.canvas.setMapTool(self.canvasClicked) def deleteAllAnnnotaions(self): """Delete all annotations on the canvas""" self.canvasClicked.addingNoncoco = False self.canvasClicked.addingCoco = False self.canvasClicked.deleteAllAnnnotaions() def preprocess(self): """Build the Bag of Visual Words codebook and create sliding windows for grid search Check if codebook.npy and testFeatures.npy exist, if not, create, otherwise load from disk.""" timeStart = time.time() self.canvasClicked.addingCoco = False self.canvasClicked.addingNoncoco = False self.canvasClicked.deleting = False if not os.path.isfile(Parameters.codebookFileName): imgHeight = self.imgArray.shape[0] imgWidth = self.imgArray.shape[1] nrRandomSamples = Parameters.bovwCodebookNrRandomSamples randomPatchesArrayList = list() print "Creating random samples for building the codebook ..." randomPatchesCenterList = extractRandomPatchCenterFromListWithoutMask( nrRandomSamples, imgHeight, imgWidth) for randomPatchCenter in randomPatchesCenterList: centerX = randomPatchCenter[0] centerY = randomPatchCenter[1] tl_x = int(centerX - Parameters.samplePatchSize / 2) tl_y = int(centerY - Parameters.samplePatchSize / 2) br_x = tl_x + Parameters.samplePatchSize br_y = tl_y + Parameters.samplePatchSize # Replace with boundary when beyond tl_x = max(tl_x, 0) tl_y = max(tl_y, 0) br_x = min(br_x, self.imgArray.shape[1] - 1) br_y = min(br_y, self.imgArray.shape[0] - 1) randomPatchesArrayList.append(self.imgArray[tl_y:br_y + 1, tl_x:br_x + 1, :]) timeRandomPatchForCodebook = time.time() print "Random samples generated!" print "Generating codebook with {0} random samples, takes {1: .2f} seconds".format( nrRandomSamples, timeRandomPatchForCodebook - timeStart) print "Building the codebook ..." self.codebook = extract_code_for_Images_List( randomPatchesArrayList), self.codebook) print "Codebook built!" else: self.codebook = np.load(Parameters.codebookFileName) print "Codebook loaded!" # if not os.path.exists(Parameters.testFeatures): self.extractProposalFeaturesForPrediction() #, self.bovwTestFeatures) timeEndPreprocessing = time.time() print "The whole preprocessing takes {0: .2f} seconds!".format( timeEndPreprocessing - timeStart) print "Test features loaded!" def extractProposalFeaturesForPrediction(self): start_time = time.time() # Generate sliding windows if not (os.path.isfile(Parameters.testWindowCentersList) and (os.path.isfile(Parameters.testFeatures))): pixel_size_x = self.layer.rasterUnitsPerPixelX() pixel_size_y = self.layer.rasterUnitsPerPixelY() top_left_x = self.layer.extent().xMinimum() top_left_y = self.layer.extent().yMaximum() bottom_right_x = self.layer.extent().xMaximum() bottom_right_y = self.layer.extent().yMinimum() dim_x = int((bottom_right_x - top_left_x) / pixel_size_x) dim_y = int((top_left_y - bottom_right_y) / pixel_size_y) window_top_left_y = 0 window_bottom_right_y = 90 while window_bottom_right_y < dim_y - Parameters.samplePatchSize: window_bottom_right_x = 90 window_top_left_x = 0 while (window_bottom_right_x < dim_x - Parameters.samplePatchSize): windowArray = self.imgArray[ window_top_left_y:window_bottom_right_y, window_top_left_x:window_bottom_right_x, :] self.windowArrayList.append(windowArray) windowCenterTuple = ((window_top_left_x + Parameters.samplePatchSize / 2), (window_top_left_y + Parameters.samplePatchSize / 2)) self.windowsCentersList.append(windowCenterTuple) window_top_left_x += Parameters.strideSize window_bottom_right_x += Parameters.strideSize window_top_left_y += Parameters.strideSize window_bottom_right_y += Parameters.strideSize with open(Parameters.testWindowCentersList, 'w') as f: pickle.dump(self.windowsCentersList, f) print "All window centers list created!" self.bovwTestFeatures = extract_bovw_features( self.windowArrayList, self.codebook)[0] with open(Parameters.testFeatures, 'w') as f: pickle.dump(self.bovwTestFeatures, f) # # with open(Parameters.testWindowArrayList, 'w') as f: # pickle.dump(self.windowArrayList, f) print "All windows created!" timeGeneratingSlindingwindows = time.time() # print "Generating {0} sliding windows with stride size of {1} takes {2:.2f} seconds".format(len(self.windowArrayList), Parameters.strideSize, timeGeneratingSlindingwindows - start_time) else: with open(Parameters.testWindowCentersList, 'r') as f: self.windowsCentersList = pickle.load(f) self.bovwTestFeatures = np.load(Parameters.testFeatures) print "Window bovw features loaded!" print "Window Centers List loaded!" print "All window bovw features extracted! " timeExtractWindowFeatures = time.time() # print "Extracting features from all sliding windows takes {0:.2f} seconds".format(timeExtractWindowFeatures - timeGeneratingSlindingwindows) # with open(Parameters.testWindowArrayList, 'r') as f: # self.windowArrayList = pickle.load(f) def classify(self): timeStart = time.time() """Do the classification job here""" self.canvasClicked.addingCoco = False self.canvasClicked.deleting = False # Do the classification bovwTrainingCocoFeatures = extract_bovw_features( self.canvasClicked.patchArrayCocoList, self.codebook)[0] labelTrainingCocoArray = np.ones(bovwTrainingCocoFeatures.shape[0], # One bovwTrainingNoncocoFeatures = extract_bovw_features( self.canvasClicked.patchArrayNoncocoList, self.codebook)[0] labelTrainingNoncocoArray = np.zeros( bovwTrainingNoncocoFeatures.shape[0], # Zero self.bovwTrainingFeatures = np.concatenate( (bovwTrainingCocoFeatures, bovwTrainingNoncocoFeatures)) self.labelTrainingArray = np.concatenate( (labelTrainingCocoArray, labelTrainingNoncocoArray)) timeExtractTrainingFeatures = time.time() print "Extracting features from all sliding windows takes {0:.2f} seconds".format( timeExtractTrainingFeatures - timeStart) print "Number of training samples are {0}, with {1} Coco and {2} Non_coco!"\ .format(len(self.bovwTrainingFeatures), len(bovwTrainingCocoFeatures), len(bovwTrainingNoncocoFeatures)) timeTuningCparameter = time.time() print "Tuning C parameter for the SVM takes {0:.2f} seconds".format( timeTuningCparameter - timeExtractTrainingFeatures) # Only train the new model when the model file is not exists on the disk if not os.path.isfile(Parameters.trainedModelPath): c_tuned = linearSVM_grid_search(self.bovwTrainingFeatures, self.labelTrainingArray) print "Tuned C parameter is {0}".format(c_tuned) linear_svm_classifier = svm.LinearSVC(C=c_tuned, random_state=10) calibrated_svc = CalibratedClassifierCV(linear_svm_classifier), self.labelTrainingArray) #, self.labelTrainingArray) # save the trained model to a pickle file locally on the disk # joblib.dump(linear_svm_classifier, Parameters.trainedModelPath) joblib.dump(calibrated_svc, Parameters.trainedModelPath) else: # load the previsouly trained model # linear_svm_classifier = joblib.load(Parameters.trainedModelPath) calibrated_svc = joblib.load(Parameters.trainedModelPath) self.predicted_probs = calibrated_svc.predict_proba( self.bovwTestFeatures) # self.pred_test_labels = linear_svm_classifier.predict(self.bovwTestFeatures) # calibrated_svc = CalibratedClassifierCV(linear_svm_classifier) #, self.labelTrainingArray) # self.predicted_probs = calibrated_svc.predict_proba(self.bovwTestFeatures) # important to use predict_proba self.pred_test_labels = np.argmax(self.predicted_probs, 1) print "Number of {0} Prediction Labels created! ".format( len(self.pred_test_labels)) timeTrainAndPredict = time.time() print "Training and predicting takes {0:.2f} seconds".format( timeTrainAndPredict - timeTuningCparameter) print "It takes {0} seconds to classify in total!".format( timeTrainAndPredict - timeStart), self.pred_test_labels), self.predicted_probs) # Load the classification probability map predicted_probs_matrix = classification_map.calPredictedProbsMatrix( Parameters.rgb_image_clipped_tif, self.pred_test_labels, self.predicted_probs) classficationLayer = classification_map.loadRasterLayer( predicted_probs_matrix, Parameters.rgb_image_clipped_tif, Parameters.rstClassPathext, "probability_map") classification_map.styleProbabilityMapRasterLayer(classficationLayer) # Separate windows classified as trees or no for i, label in enumerate(self.pred_test_labels): if label == 0: self.windowNegativeIndexList.append(i) else: self.windowPositiveIndexList.append(i) # def calRecall(self): # """Calculate recall based on the confusion matrix.""" # distanceThreshold = 45**2 # unit: pixel # countedWindowsIndexList = list() # countedWindowsCentersList = list() # # # Load the ground truths # groundTruthCentersList = featurePoint2PixelPosition(Parameters.groundTruthLayername, Parameters.rgb_image_layername) # tpCounter = 0 # true positive counter # fnCounter = 0 # false negative counter # tnCounter = 0 # true negative counter # fpCounter = 0 # false positive counter # # print len(groundTruthCentersList) # print len(self.windowsCentersList) # print len(self.windowNegativeIndexList), "Negative prediction" # print len(self.windowPositiveIndexList), "Positive prediction" # # # True positive (TP) and False negative (FN): # for groundtruth in groundTruthCentersList: # found = False # for windowCenterIndex in self.windowPositiveIndexList: # distance = calDistanceBetweenCenterTuple(groundtruth, self.windowsCentersList[windowCenterIndex]) # if distance <= distanceThreshold: # tpCounter += 1 # found = True # break # if not found: # fnCounter += 1 # # True negative (TN) and False positive (FP): # for i,window in enumerate(self.windowsCentersList): # found = False # if (i in self.windowNegativeIndexList): # # for groundtruthCenter in groundTruthCentersList: # # distance = calDistanceBetweenCenterTuple(groundtruthCenter, window) # # if distance < distanceThreshold: # # found = True # # break # # if not found: # # tnCounter += 1 # pass # else: # # if i not in countedWindowsIndexList: # for groundtruthCenter in groundTruthCentersList: # distance = calDistanceBetweenCenterTuple(groundtruthCenter, window) # if distance <= distanceThreshold: # found = True # break # if found: # continue # # overlap = False # for countedWindow in countedWindowsCentersList: # d = calDistanceBetweenCenterTuple(countedWindow, window) # if d <= distanceThreshold: # overlap = True # break # # if not overlap: # countedWindowsIndexList.append(i) # countedWindowsCentersList.append(window) # fpCounter += 1 # # print "False positive, true positive, true negative, false negative:", fpCounter, tpCounter, tnCounter,fnCounter # recall = float(tpCounter)/(tpCounter + fnCounter) * 100 # precision = float(tpCounter)/(tpCounter + fpCounter) * 100 # print "The recalll is {0} and the precision is {1} for distanceThreshold {2}".format(recall, precision,distanceThreshold) def calRecall(self): """Calculate recall based on the confusion matrix.""" distanceThresholdSquare = Parameters.recallDistanceSquare**2 # unit: pixel countedWindowsIndexList = list() countedWindowsCentersList = list() # Load the ground truths groundTruthCentersList = featurePoint2PixelPosition( Parameters.groundTruthLayername, Parameters.rgb_image_layername) # print groundTruthCentersList # print self.windowsCentersList tpCounter = 0 # true positive counter fnCounter = 0 # false negative counter tnCounter = 0 # true negative counter fpCounter = 0 # false positive counter print len(groundTruthCentersList) print len(self.windowsCentersList) print len(self.windowNegativeIndexList), "Negative prediction" print len(self.windowPositiveIndexList), "Positive prediction" # True positive (TP) and False negative (FN): for groundtruth in groundTruthCentersList: found = False for windowCenterIndex in self.windowPositiveIndexList: distanceSquare = calDistanceBetweenCenterTuple( groundtruth, self.windowsCentersList[windowCenterIndex]) if distanceSquare <= distanceThresholdSquare: tpCounter += 1 found = True break if not found: fnCounter += 1 print "proc... TP and FN ok" # True negative (TN) and False positive (FP): """ for i,window in enumerate(self.windowsCentersList): found = False if (i in self.windowNegativeIndexList): # for groundtruthCenter in groundTruthCentersList: # distance = calDistanceBetweenCenterTuple(groundtruthCenter, window) # if distance < distanceThreshold: # found = True # break # if not found: # tnCounter += 1 pass else: # if i not in countedWindowsIndexList: for groundtruthCenter in groundTruthCentersList: distance = calDistanceBetweenCenterTuple(groundtruthCenter, window) if distance <= distanceThreshold: found = True break if found: continue overlap = False for countedWindow in countedWindowsCentersList: d = calDistanceBetweenCenterTuple(countedWindow, window) if d <= distanceThreshold: overlap = True break if not overlap: countedWindowsIndexList.append(i) countedWindowsCentersList.append(window) fpCounter += 1 """ for windowCenterIndex in self.windowPositiveIndexList: window = self.windowsCentersList[windowCenterIndex] found = False for groundtruthCenter in groundTruthCentersList: distanceSquare = calDistanceBetweenCenterTuple( groundtruthCenter, window) if distanceSquare <= distanceThresholdSquare: found = True break if found: continue overlap = False for countedWindow in countedWindowsCentersList: distanceSquare = calDistanceBetweenCenterTuple( countedWindow, window) if distanceSquare <= distanceThresholdSquare: overlap = True break if not overlap: # countedWindowsIndexList.append(i) countedWindowsCentersList.append(window) fpCounter += 1 print "False positive, true positive, true negative, false negative:", fpCounter, tpCounter, tnCounter, fnCounter recall = float(tpCounter) / (tpCounter + fnCounter) * 100 precision = float(tpCounter) / (tpCounter + fpCounter) * 100 print "The recalll is {0} and the precision is {1} for distanceThreshold {2}".format( recall, precision, int(math.sqrt(distanceThresholdSquare))) # def calRecallValidation(self, windowsCentersList, # windowNegativeIndexList, windowPositiveIndexList): # """Calculate recall based on the confusion matrix.""" # distanceThresholdSquare = 45 # unit: pixel # countedWindowsIndexList = list() # countedWindowsCentersList = list() # # # Load the ground truths # groundTruthCentersList = featurePoint2PixelPosition(Parameters.groundTruthLayername_validation, Parameters.rgb_image_layername_validation) # tpCounter = 0 # true positive counter # fnCounter = 0 # false negative counter # tnCounter = 0 # true negative counter # fpCounter = 0 # false positive counter # # print len(groundTruthCentersList) # print len(windowsCentersList) # print len(windowNegativeIndexList), "Negative prediction" # print len(windowPositiveIndexList), "Positive prediction" # # # True positive (TP) and False negative (FN): # for groundtruth in groundTruthCentersList: # found = False # for windowCenterIndex in windowPositiveIndexList: # distanceSquare = calDistanceBetweenCenterTuple(groundtruth, windowsCentersList[windowCenterIndex]) # if distanceSquare <= distanceThresholdSquare: # tpCounter += 1 # found = True # break # if not found: # fnCounter += 1 # # True negative (TN) and False positive (FP): # for i,window in enumerate(windowsCentersList): # found = False # if (i in windowNegativeIndexList): # # for groundtruthCenter in groundTruthCentersList: # # distance = calDistanceBetweenCenterTuple(groundtruthCenter, window) # # if distance < distanceThreshold: # # found = True # # break # # if not found: # # tnCounter += 1 # pass # else: # # if i not in countedWindowsIndexList: # for groundtruthCenter in groundTruthCentersList: # distanceSquare = calDistanceBetweenCenterTuple(groundtruthCenter, window) # if distanceSquare <= distanceThresholdSquare: # found = True # break # if found: # continue # # overlap = False # for countedWindow in countedWindowsCentersList: # distanceSquare = calDistanceBetweenCenterTuple(countedWindow, window) # if distanceSquare <= distanceThresholdSquare: # overlap = True # break # # if not overlap: # countedWindowsIndexList.append(i) # countedWindowsCentersList.append(window) # fpCounter += 1 # # print "Validation: False positive, true positive, true negative, false negative:", fpCounter, tpCounter, tnCounter,fnCounter # recall = float(tpCounter)/(tpCounter + fnCounter) * 100 # precision = float(tpCounter)/(tpCounter + fpCounter) * 100 # print "Validation: The recalll is {0} and the precision is {1} for distanceThreshold {2}".format(recall, precision,distanceThresholdSquare) def calRecallValidation(self, windowsCentersList, windowNegativeIndexList, windowPositiveIndexList): """Calculate recall based on the confusion matrix.""" distanceThresholdSquare = Parameters.recallDistanceSquare**2 # unit: pixel countedWindowsIndexList = list() countedWindowsCentersList = list() # Load the ground truths groundTruthCentersList = featurePoint2PixelPosition( Parameters.groundTruthLayername_validation, Parameters.rgb_image_layername_validation) tpCounter = 0 # true positive counter fnCounter = 0 # false negative counter tnCounter = 0 # true negative counter fpCounter = 0 # false positive counter # True positive (TP) and False negative (FN): for groundtruth in groundTruthCentersList: found = False for windowCenterIndex in windowPositiveIndexList: distanceSquare = calDistanceBetweenCenterTuple( groundtruth, windowsCentersList[windowCenterIndex]) if distanceSquare <= distanceThresholdSquare: tpCounter += 1 found = True break if not found: fnCounter += 1 for windowCenterIndex in windowPositiveIndexList: window = windowsCentersList[windowCenterIndex] found = False for groundtruthCenter in groundTruthCentersList: distanceSquare = calDistanceBetweenCenterTuple( groundtruthCenter, window) if distanceSquare <= distanceThresholdSquare: found = True break if found: continue overlap = False for countedWindow in countedWindowsCentersList: dSauare = calDistanceBetweenCenterTuple(countedWindow, window) if dSauare <= distanceThresholdSquare: overlap = True break if not overlap: # countedWindowsIndexList.append(i) countedWindowsCentersList.append(window) fpCounter += 1 print "Validation: False positive, true positive, true negative, false negative:", fpCounter, tpCounter, tnCounter, fnCounter recall = float(tpCounter) / (tpCounter + fnCounter) * 100 precision = float(tpCounter) / (tpCounter + fpCounter) * 100 print "Validation: The recalll is {0} and the precision is {1} for distanceThreshold {2}".format( recall, precision, int(math.sqrt(distanceThresholdSquare))) def validate(self): timeStart = time.time() imgArray = gdal.Open(Parameters.validationImage).ReadAsArray().astype( np.uint8) imgArray = np.transpose(imgArray, (1, 2, 0)) layer = getLayerByName(Parameters.rgb_image_layername_validation) windowArrayList = list() windowsCentersList = list() pixel_size_x = layer.rasterUnitsPerPixelX() pixel_size_y = layer.rasterUnitsPerPixelY() top_left_x = layer.extent().xMinimum() top_left_y = layer.extent().yMaximum() bottom_right_x = layer.extent().xMaximum() bottom_right_y = layer.extent().yMinimum() dim_x = int((bottom_right_x - top_left_x) / pixel_size_x) dim_y = int((top_left_y - bottom_right_y) / pixel_size_y) codebook = np.load(Parameters.codebookFileName) window_top_left_y = 0 window_bottom_right_y = 90 if not (os.path.isfile(Parameters.validationWindowCenterList) and os.path.isfile(Parameters.validationFeatures)): while window_bottom_right_y < dim_y - Parameters.samplePatchSize: window_bottom_right_x = 90 window_top_left_x = 0 while (window_bottom_right_x < dim_x - Parameters.samplePatchSize): windowArray = imgArray[ window_top_left_y:window_bottom_right_y, window_top_left_x:window_bottom_right_x, :] windowArrayList.append(windowArray) windowCenterTuple = ((window_top_left_x + Parameters.samplePatchSize / 2), (window_top_left_y + Parameters.samplePatchSize / 2)) windowsCentersList.append(windowCenterTuple) window_top_left_x += Parameters.strideSize window_bottom_right_x += Parameters.strideSize window_top_left_y += Parameters.strideSize window_bottom_right_y += Parameters.strideSize with open(Parameters.validationWindowCenterList, 'w') as f: pickle.dump(windowsCentersList, f) ################################################ bovwTestFeatures = extract_bovw_features(windowArrayList, codebook)[0], bovwTestFeatures) timeFeaturesCreated = time.time() print "windows centers list and bow feautures extracted!" else: bovwTestFeatures = np.load(Parameters.validationFeatures) with open(Parameters.validationWindowCenterList, 'r') as f: windowsCentersList = pickle.load(f) print "windows center list and bow features loaded!" ################################################################# # predict calibrated_svc = joblib.load(Parameters.trainedModelPath) predicted_probs = calibrated_svc.predict_proba(bovwTestFeatures) predictedLabels = np.argmax(predicted_probs, 1) # Load the classification probability map predicted_probs_matrix = classification_map.calPredictedProbsMatrix( Parameters.validationImage, predictedLabels, predicted_probs) classficationLayer = classification_map.loadRasterLayer( predicted_probs_matrix, Parameters.validationImage, Parameters.rstClassPathextValidation, "probability_map_validation") classification_map.styleProbabilityMapRasterLayer(classficationLayer) windowNegativeIndexList = list() windowPositiveIndexList = list() # Separate windows classified as trees or no for i, label in enumerate(predictedLabels): if label == 0: windowNegativeIndexList.append(i) else: windowPositiveIndexList.append(i) self.calRecallValidation(windowsCentersList, windowNegativeIndexList, windowPositiveIndexList), predictedLabels), predicted_probs) def autosavePickleFile(self): while True: if len(self.canvasClicked.annotationCocoList) != 0: self.saveAnnotationFile() time.sleep(5) def tsneVisualization(self): # Init the widget self.visualization = Visualization(self.config) # t-SNE features tSNE_features = getTSNEFeatures(self.bovwTrainingFeatures) self.visualization.updateNodes(tSNE_features, labels=self.labelTrainingArray) # self.visualization.graph_widget.fitInView() self.visualization.exec_() #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def onClosePlugin(self): """Cleanup necessary items here when plugin dockwidget is closed""" #print "** CLOSING CoconutTreesDetection" # disconnects self.dockwidget.closingPlugin.disconnect(self.onClosePlugin) # remove this statement if dockwidget is to remain # for reuse if plugin is reopened # Commented next statement since it causes QGIS crashe # when closing the docked window: # self.dockwidget = None self.pluginIsActive = False def unload(self): """Removes the plugin menu item and icon from QGIS GUI.""" #print "** UNLOAD CoconutTreesDetection" for action in self.actions: self.iface.removePluginMenu('&CoconutTreesDetection'), action) self.iface.removeToolBarIcon(action) # remove the toolbar del self.toolbar #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def run(self): """Run method that loads and starts the plugin""" """if not self.pluginIsActive:
from utils.flops_count import * from torch.utils import data from dataset import get_segmentation_dataset from network import get_segmentation_model from config import Parameters import numpy as np from torch.autograd import Variable import timeit args = Parameters().parse() args.batch_size = 1 args.dataset = 'cityscapes_light' methods = ['student_res18_pre'] args.data_list = '/teamscratch/msravcshare/v-yifan/deeplab_v3/dataset/list/cityscapes/val.lst' IMG_MEAN = np.array((104.00698793, 116.66876762, 122.67891434), dtype=np.float32) testloader = data.DataLoader(get_segmentation_dataset(args.dataset, root=args.data_dir, list_path=args.data_list, crop_size=(1024, 2048), mean=IMG_MEAN, scale=False, mirror=False), batch_size=args.batch_size, shuffle=False, pin_memory=True) for method in methods: args.method = method student = get_segmentation_model(args.method, num_classes=args.num_classes)
def main(): args = Parameters().parse() model = get_segmentation_model("_".join([, args.method]), num_classes=20) cost_summary(model=model.cuda(), input_size=(3, 1024, 2048))
from torch.autograd import Variable import torch.optim as optim import numpy as np import os import math import datetime from tqdm import tqdm import sys sys.path.append(os.getcwd()) from data_process import DataProcess sys.path.append(os.path.abspath('..')) from config import Parameters param = Parameters() """ B batch_size L max_len D dimension = d_mode d dimension = d_q, d_k, d_v H heads """ # 一些必须的工具函数类 class Tools(): def __init__(self): pass def str_2_list(self, tgt_seq):