Esempio n. 1
def main():
    argparser = ArgParser(description="Load TUPA model and visualize, saving to .png file.")
    argparser.add_argument("models", nargs="+", help="model file basename(s) to load")
    args = argparser.parse_args()
    for filename in args.models:
        model = load_model(filename)
        visualize(model, filename)
 def add_arguments(cls, arg_parser: ArgParser) -> None:
     Add pipeline-specific arguments. The parsed arguments are passed to the constructor as keywords.
                             help="config file path")
                             help="turn on debugging")
         help="force extract and transform, ignoring any cached data",
         help="force extract, ignoring any cached data",
         help="set logging-level level (see Python logging module)",
Esempio n. 3
def _mk_maget_parser(parser : ArgParser):
    group = parser.add_argument_group("MAGeT options", "Options for running MAGeT.")
    group.add_argument("--atlas-library", dest="atlas_lib",  # can't make required=True since may not be using MAGeT :|
                       type=str,                             # TODO: check existence of this dir?
                       help="Directory of existing atlas/label pairs")
    group.add_argument("--pairwise", dest="pairwise",
                       help="""If specified, register inputs to each other pairwise. [Default]""")
    group.add_argument("--no-pairwise", dest="pairwise",
                       help="""If specified, only register inputs to atlases in library.""")
    group.add_argument("--mask", dest="mask",
                       action="store_true", default=False,
                       help="Create a mask for all images prior to handling labels. [Default = %(default)s]")
    group.add_argument("--mask-only", dest="mask_only",
                       action="store_true", default=False,
                       help="Create a mask for all images only, do not run full algorithm. [Default = %(default)s]")
    group.add_argument("--max-templates", dest="max_templates",
                       default=25, type=int,
                       help="Maximum number of templates to generate. [Default = %(default)s]")
    group.add_argument("--masking-method", dest="mask_method",
                       default="minctracc", type=str,
                       help="Specify whether to use minctracc or mincANTS for masking. [Default = %(default)s].")
    group.add_argument("--masking-nlin-protocol", dest="masking_nlin_protocol",
                       # TODO basically copied from nlin parser
                       type=str, default=None,
                       help="Can optionally specify a registration protocol that is different from nlin protocol. "
                            "Parameters must be specified as in either or the following examples: \n"
                            "applications_testing/test_data/minctracc_example_nlin_protocol.csv \n"
                            "applications_testing/test_data/mincANTS_example_nlin_protocol.csv \n"
                            "[Default = %(default)s]")
    return parser
Esempio n. 4
def setup_config_arguments(argParser: configargparse.ArgParser):
        help='Path to the Config File which should be used.')
                           help='Your Telegram Bot - Token.')
                           help='The IP - Address of the MQTT - Server')
                           help='The port of the MQTT - Server.')
                           help='Set this Switch for additional debug logs.')
Esempio n. 5
    def inject_arguments(self, parser: ArgumentParser) -> None:
        """Inject arguments."""

        def _inject_mssql_uri(mssql_uri: str) -> str:
            self._mssql_uri = mssql_uri
            return mssql_uri

            help=" ".join((
                "MSSQL URI used to connect to a MSSQL database:",
                "Use a valid uri."
                "Url encode all parts, but do not encode the entire uri.",
                "No unencoded colons, ampersands, slashes,",
                "question-marks, etc. in parts.",
                "Specifically, check url encoding of USER (domain slash),"
                "and PASSWORD.",
Esempio n. 6
def _mk_thickness_parser(parser: ArgParser):
    group = parser.add_argument_group("Thickness",
                                      "Thickness calculation options.")
                       help="Run thickness computation.")
                       help="Don't run thickness computation.")
        help="path to CSV file mapping; see minclaplace/wiki/LaplaceGrid")
        type=float,  # default ?!
        help="Blurring kernel (mm) for atlas")
        type=float,  # default??
        help="Blurring kernel (mm) for cortical surfaces")
    return parser
    def main(cls, args: Optional[Dict[str, object]] = None):
        if args is None:
            arg_parser = ArgParser()
            args = arg_parser.parse_args()
            args = vars(args).copy()

        if args.get("debug", False):
            logging_level = logging.DEBUG
        elif args.get("logging_level") is not None:
            logging_level = getattr(logging, args["logging_level"].upper())
            logging_level = logging.INFO
            "%(asctime)s:%(module)s:%(lineno)s:%(name)s:%(levelname)s: %(message)s",

        pipeline_kwds = args.copy()
        for key in ("force", "force_extract", "logging_level"):
            except KeyError:
        pipeline = cls(**pipeline_kwds)

        force = bool(args.get("force", False))
        force_extract = force or bool(args.get("force_extract", False))

Esempio n. 8
 def initialize_config(self,
                       config_parser: configargparse.ArgParser) -> None:
         help=f"Should the changes made in {_chart_yaml} be kept",
Esempio n. 9
 def add_arguments(self, arg_parser: ArgParser, add_parent_args):
                             help="path to a CSKG release .zip file")
         help="path to a directory to store extracted and transformed data",
Esempio n. 10
def _mk_segmentation_parser(parser : ArgParser, default : bool):
    group = parser.add_argument_group("Segmentation", "Segmentation options.")
    group.add_argument("--run-maget", action='store_true', dest="run_maget",
                       help="Run MAGeT segmentation. [default = %(default)s]")
    group.add_argument("--no-run-maget", dest="run_maget",
                       action='store_false', help="Don't run MAGeT segmentation")
    return parser
Esempio n. 11
def main():
    argparser = ArgParser(description="Load TUPA model and export as .npz file.")
    argparser.add_argument("models", nargs="+", help="model file basename(s) to load")
    args = argparser.parse_args()
    for filename in args.models:
        model = load_model(filename)
        save_model(model, filename)
Esempio n. 12
 def initialize_config(self,
                       config_parser: configargparse.ArgParser) -> None:
         help="Path of a directory to store the packaged tgz.",
Esempio n. 13
 def go_2(p, current_prefix, current_ns):
     if isinstance(p, BaseParser):
         new_p = ArgParser(default_config_files=config_files)
         for a in p.argparser._actions:
             new_a = copy.copy(a)
             ss = copy.deepcopy(new_a.option_strings)
             for ix, s in enumerate(new_a.option_strings):
                 if s.startswith("--"):
                     ss[ix] = "-" + current_prefix + "-" + s[2:]
                     raise NotImplementedError
                 new_a.option_strings = ss
         _used_args, _rest = new_p.parse_known_args(args, namespace=current_ns)
         # add a "_flags" field to each object so we know what flags caused a certain option to be set:
         # (however, note that post-parsing we may munge around ...)
         flags_dict = defaultdict(set)
         for action in new_p._actions:
             for opt in action.option_strings:
         current_ns.flags_ = Namespace(**flags_dict)
         # TODO: could continue parsing from `_rest` instead of original `args`
     elif isinstance(p, CompoundParser):
         current_ns.flags_ = set()  # could also check for the CompoundParser case and not set flags there,
                                    # since there will never be any
         for q in p.parsers:
             ns = Namespace()
             if q.namespace in current_ns.__dict__:
                 raise ValueError("Namespace field '%s' already in use" % q.namespace)
                 # TODO could also allow, say, a None
                 # gross but how to write n-ary identity fn that behaves sensibly on single arg??
                 current_ns.__dict__[q.namespace] = ns
                 # FIXME this casting doesn't work for configurations with positional arguments,
                 # which aren't unpacked correctly -- better to use a namedtuple
                 # (making all arguments keyword-only also works, but then you have to supply
                 # often meaningless defaults in the __init__)
             go_2(q.parser, current_prefix=current_prefix + (('-' + q.prefix) if q.prefix is not None else ''),
             # If a cast function is provided, apply it to the namespace, possibly doing dynamic type checking
             # and also allowing the checker to provide hinting for the types of the fields
             flags = ns.flags_
             del ns.flags_
             fixed = (q.cast(current_ns.__dict__[q.namespace]) #(q.cast(**vars(current_ns.__dict__[q.namespace]))
                                                 if q.cast else current_ns.__dict__[q.namespace])
             if isinstance(fixed, tuple):
                 fixed = fixed.replace(flags_=flags)
             elif isinstance(fixed, Namespace):
                 setattr(fixed, "flags_", flags)
                 raise ValueError("currently only Namespace and NamedTuple objects are supported return types from "
                                  "parsing; got %s (a %s)" % (fixed, type(fixed)))
             current_ns.__dict__[q.namespace] = fixed
             # TODO current_ns or current_namespace or ns or namespace?
         raise TypeError("parser %s wasn't a %s (%s or %s) but a %s" %
                         (p, Parser, BaseParser, CompoundParser, p.__class__))
Esempio n. 14
 def initialize_config(self,
                       config_parser: configargparse.ArgParser) -> None:
         f"Path to optional 'kube-linter' config file. If empty, tries to load "
Esempio n. 15
 def initialize_config(self,
                       config_parser: configargparse.ArgParser) -> None:
         help="Path to the Helm Chart to build.",
Esempio n. 16
def parse_args():
    parser = ArgParser(default_config_files=[".env"])
    parser.add("--start_page", required=True, type=int)
    parser.add("--end_page", type=int, default=701)
    parser.add("--file", required=True, help="books description file")
    args = parser.parse_args()
    return args
Esempio n. 17
def main():
    argparser = ArgParser(
        "Load TUPA model and save the features enumeration as a text JSON file."
                           help="model file basename(s) to load")
                           help="filename suffix to append")
                           help="use spaCy model to decode numeric IDs")
    args = argparser.parse_args()
    for filename in args.models:
        model = load_model(filename)
        params = model.feature_extractor.params
        if args.lang:
            vocab = get_vocab(lang=args.lang)
            for param in params.values():
           = [
                        decode(vocab, v)
                        for v in sorted(,
        save_json(model.filename + args.suffix, params)
def main():
    # command line option handling
    # use an environment variable to look for a default config file
    # Alternately, we could use a default location for the file
    # (say `files = ['/etc/pydpiper.cfg', '~/pydpiper.cfg', './pydpiper.cfg']`)
    # TODO this logic is duplicated in
    #if "PYDPIPER_CONFIG_FILE" in os.environ:
    default_config_file = os.getenv("PYDPIPER_CONFIG_FILE")
    if default_config_file is not None:
            with open(PYDPIPER_CONFIG_FILE):
            warnings.warn(f"PYDPIPER_CONFIG_FILE is set to '{default_config_file}', which can't be opened.")
    if default_config_file is not None:
        files = [default_config_file]
        files = []

    from pydpiper.core.arguments import _mk_execution_parser
    parser = ArgParser(default_config_files=files)

    # using parse_known_args instead of parse_args is a hack since we
    # currently send ALL arguments from the main program to the executor.
    # Alternately, we could keep a copy of the executor parser around
    # when constructing the executor shell command
    options, _ = parser.parse_known_args()


    def local_launch(options):
        pe = pipelineExecutor(options=options, uri_file=options.urifile, pipeline_name="anon-executor")  # didn't parse application options so don't have a --pipeline-name
        # FIXME - I doubt missing the other options even works, otherwise we could change the executor interface!!
        # executors don't use any shared-memory constructs, so OK to copy
        ps = [Process(target=launchExecutor, args=(pe,))
              for _ in range(options.num_exec)]
        for p in ps:
        for p in ps:

    if options.local:
    elif options.submit_server:
        roq = q.runOnQueueingSystem(options, sysArgs=sys.argv)
        for i in range(options.num_exec):
            roq.createAndSubmitExecutorJobFile(i, after=None,
    elif options.queue_type is not None:
        for i in range(options.num_exec):
            pe = pipelineExecutor(options=options, uri_file=options.urifile, pipeline_name="anon-executor")
            pe.submitToQueue(1)  # TODO is there a reason why we have logic for submitting `i` executors again here?
Esempio n. 19
 def initialize_config(self,
                       config_parser: configargparse.ArgParser) -> None:
         help="Path to optional 'ct' lint config file.",
         help="Path to optional 'ct' schema file.",
Esempio n. 20
def get_config() -> Namespace:
    Parse config and return the parsed args

    :return: ConfigArgParse Namespace object holding parsed args

    parser = ArgParser()
    args = parser.parse_args()

    return args
Esempio n. 21
 def add_arguments(self, arg_parser: ArgParser):
         "name of the benchmark the submission was tested against (in snake_case)",
         "true if using truncated data for testing (in the test_data directory)\nalters the test file input path",
Esempio n. 22
def _mk_segmentation_parser(parser: ArgParser, default: bool):
    group = parser.add_argument_group("Segmentation", "Segmentation options.")
                       help="Run MAGeT segmentation. [default = %(default)s]")
                       help="Don't run MAGeT segmentation")
    return parser
Esempio n. 23
class Cli:
        "create-spreadsheets": CreateSpreadsheetsCommand,

    def __init__(self):
        self.__arg_parser = ArgParser()
        self.__logger = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__)

    def __add_arguments(self):
        arg_parsers = [self.__arg_parser]

        subparsers = self.__arg_parser.add_subparsers(dest="command", required=True)
        for command_name, command_class in self.__COMMAND_CLASSES.items():
            command_arg_parser = subparsers.add_parser(command_name)

        for arg_parser in arg_parsers:
            arg_parser.add_argument("-c", is_config_file=True, help="config file path")
                "--debug", action="store_true", help="turn on debugging"
                help="set logging-level level (see Python logging module)",

    def __configure_logging(self, args):
        if args.debug:
            logging_level = logging.DEBUG
        elif args.logging_level is not None:
            logging_level = getattr(logging, args.logging_level.upper())
            logging_level = logging.INFO
            format="%(asctime)s:%(processName)s:%(module)s:%(lineno)s:%(name)s:%(levelname)s: %(message)s",

    def main(self):
        args = self.__arg_parser.parse_args()

        command_class = self.__COMMAND_CLASSES[args.command]
        command_kwds = vars(args).copy()
        command = command_class(**command_kwds)

Esempio n. 24
def get_settings_parser() -> ArgParser:
    """Returns the single global argument parser for adding parameters.

    Parameters can be added in all modules by add_argument.
    After calling parse() once in the main program, all settings
    are available in the global settings dictionary.
    global _parser  # pylint: disable=global-statement
    if not _parser:
        _parser = ArgParser(  # default_config_files=["default.cfg"],
    return _parser
Esempio n. 25
def main():
    argparser = ArgParser(description="Visualize scores of a model over the dev set, saving to .png file.")
    argparser.add_argument("models", nargs="+", help="model file basename(s) to load")
    args = argparser.parse_args()
    for pattern in args.models:
        for filename in sorted(glob(pattern)) or [pattern]:
            basename, _ = os.path.splitext(filename)
            for div in "dev", "test":
                    scores = load_scores(basename, div=div)
                except OSError:
                visualize(scores, basename, div=div)
Esempio n. 26
def _mk_thickness_parser(parser : ArgParser):
    group = parser.add_argument_group("Thickness", "Thickness calculation options.")
    group.add_argument("--run-thickness", action='store_true', dest="run_thickness",
                       help="Run thickness computation.")
    group.add_argument("--no-run-thickness", action='store_false', dest="run_thickness",
                       help="Don't run thickness computation.")
    group.add_argument("--label-mapping", type=str, dest="label_mapping",
                       help="path to CSV file mapping; see minclaplace/wiki/LaplaceGrid")
    group.add_argument("--atlas-fwhm", dest="atlas_fwhm", type=float, # default ?!
                       help="Blurring kernel (mm) for atlas")
    group.add_argument("--thickness-fwhm", dest="thickness_fwhm", type=float, # default??
                       help="Blurring kernel (mm) for cortical surfaces")
    return parser
Esempio n. 27
def create_args():
    parser = ArgParser()
    args = parser.parse_args()
    return args
Esempio n. 28
 def initialize_config(self,
                       config_parser: configargparse.ArgParser) -> None:
         help="Generate the metadata file for Giant Swarm App Platform.",
         "Base URL of the catalog in which the app package will be stored in. Should end with a /",
Esempio n. 29
def _mk_registration_parser(p: ArgParser) -> ArgParser:
    g = p.add_argument_group("General registration options",
    # p = ArgParser(add_help=False)
    g.add_argument("--input-space", dest="input_space",
                   type=lambda x: InputSpace[x],  # type: ignore # mypy/issues/741
                   # choices=[x for x, _ in InputSpace.__members__.items()],
                   help="Option to specify space of input-files. Can be native (default), lsq6, lsq12. "
                        "Native means that there is no prior formal alignment between the input files "
                        "yet. lsq6 means that the input files have been aligned using translations "
                        "and rotations; the code will continue with a 12 parameter alignment. lsq12 "
                        "means that the input files are fully linearly aligned. Only non-linear "
                        "registrations are performed. [Default=%(default)s]")
    g.add_argument("--resolution", dest="resolution",
                   type=float, default=None,
                   help="Specify the resolution at which you want the registration to be run. "
                        "If not specified, the resolution of the target of your pipeline will "
                        "be used. [Default=%(default)s]")
    g.add_argument("--subject-matter", dest="subject_matter",
                   type=str, default=None,
                   help="Specify the subject matter for the pipeline. This will set the parameters "
                        "for multiple programs based on the overall size of the subject matter. Instead "
                        "of using the resolution of the files. Currently supported option is: \"mousebrain\" "
    return p  # g?
Esempio n. 30
 def inject_arguments(  # pylint: disable=no-self-use,protected-access
     self, parser: ArgumentParser
 ) -> None:
     """Inject arguments."""
     parser._default_config_files = [
     parser._ignore_unknown_config_file_keys = True
         help="config file path",
         env_var="CONFIG",  # make ENV match default metavar
Esempio n. 31
    def inject_arguments(self, parser: ArgumentParser) -> None:
        """Inject arguments."""

        def _inject_model(path: str) -> Model:
            model = cast(Model, load_pickle_file(path))
            self.model = model
            return model

            help="Path to pickled model",
Esempio n. 32
 def initialize_config(self,
                       config_parser: configargparse.ArgParser) -> None:
         f"Should the {_chart_yaml_app_version_key} in {_chart_yaml} be replaced by a tag and hash from git",
         f"Should the {_chart_yaml_chart_version_key} in {_chart_yaml} be replaced by a tag and hash from git",
def _mk_staging_parser(parser : ArgParser):
    group = parser.add_argument_group("Embryo staging options", "Options for staging embryos in a 4D atlas.")
    group.add_argument("--csv-4D", dest="csv_4D", type=str,
                       help="CSV containing information about the 4D altas. Should contain "
                            "the following fields: `volume`, `timepoint`, `file`, "
    return parser
Esempio n. 34
def _mk_model_building_parser(parser: ArgParser):
    group = parser.add_argument_group(
        "Model building options",
        "Options specific to consensus model building")
    #group.add_argument("--registration-strategy", dest="reg_strategy",
    #                   default="build_model", choices=['build_model', 'pairwise', 'tournament'],
    #                   help="Process used for model construction [Default = %(default)s")
    #group.add_argument("--preliminary-registration-strategy", dest="preliminary_reg_strategy",
    #                   default=None, choices=['pairwise', 'tournament'],
    #                   help="Process used to construct a preliminary target for nonlinear model building "
    #                        "(use with '--registration-strategy=build_model' only!)")
    #group.add_argument("--preliminary-registration-protocol", dest="preliminary_reg_protocol",
    #                   default=None, type=str,
    #                   help="Protocol file for the optional preliminary model building")
        help="Maximum number of nonlinear registrations per input file "
        "for preliminary pairwise nonlinear model construction [default = %(default)s"
        help="Maximum number of images to use "
        "for preliminary pairwise nonlinear model construction [default = %(default)s"
    # TODO prelim_tournament_max_depth  # continue as a build model afterwards??
    return parser
Esempio n. 35
def _mk_common_space_parser(parser : ArgParser):
    group = parser.add_argument_group("Common space options", "Options for registration/resampling to common (db) space.")
    group.add_argument("--common-space-model", dest="common_space_model",
                       type=str, help="Run MAGeT segmentation on the images.")
    group.add_argument("--no-common-space-registration", dest="do_common_space_registration",
                       default=False, action="store_false", help="Skip registration to common (db) space.")
    return parser
Esempio n. 36
def add_bool_arg(parser: ArgParser, name: str, default: bool, **kwargs):
    """Add a boolean parameter to the settings parser.

    This helper function add two arguments "--"+name and "--no-"+name to the settings parser for a boolean parameter.

    :param parser: parser obtained by get_settings_parser
    :param name: name of the parameter without "--"
    :param default: default value
    :param kwargs: further parameters such as help
    parser.add_argument('--' + name,
    parser.add_argument('--no-' + name, dest=name, action='store_false')
Esempio n. 37
def _mk_application_parser(p: ArgParser) -> ArgParser:
    The arguments that all applications share:
    files - leftover arguments (0 or more are allowed)
    # p = ArgParser(add_help=False)
    g = p.add_argument_group("General application options",
                             "General options for all pydpiper applications.")
    g.add_argument("--restart", dest="restart",
                   action="store_false", default=True,
                   help="Restart pipeline using backup files. [default = %(default)s]")
    g.add_argument("--pipeline-name", dest="pipeline_name", type=str,
                   help="Name of pipeline and prefix for models.")

    g.add_argument("--no-restart", dest="restart",
                   action="store_false", help="Opposite of --restart")
    # TODO instead of prefixing all subdirectories (logs, backups, processed, ...)
    # with the pipeline name/date, we could create one identifying directory
    # and put these other directories inside
    g.add_argument("--output-dir", dest="output_directory",
                   help="Directory where output data and backups will be saved.")
    g.add_argument("--create-graph", dest="create_graph",
                   action="store_true", default=False,
                   help="Create a .dot file with graphical representation of pipeline relationships [default = %(default)s]")
    g.add_argument("--execute", dest="execute",
                   help="Actually execute the planned commands [default = %(default)s]")
    g.add_argument("--no-execute", dest="execute",
                   help="Opposite of --execute")
    g.add_argument("--version", action="version",
                   version="%(prog)s (" + get_distribution("pydpiper").version + ")")  # pylint: disable=E1101
    g.add_argument("--verbose", dest="verbose",
                   help="Be verbose in what is printed to the screen [default = %(default)s]")
    g.add_argument("--no-verbose", dest="verbose",
                   help="Opposite of --verbose")
    g.add_argument("--files", type=str, nargs='*', metavar='file',
                   help='Files to process')
    g.add_argument("--csv-file", dest="csv_file",
                   type=str, default=None,
                   help="CSV file containing application-specific columns. [Default=%(default)s]")
    return p
Esempio n. 38
def main():
    argparser = ArgParser(
        "Visualize scores of a model over the dev set, saving to .png file.")
                           help="model file basename(s) to load")
    args = argparser.parse_args()
    for pattern in args.models:
        for filename in glob(pattern) or [pattern]:
            basename, _ = os.path.splitext(filename)
            for div in "dev", "test":
                    scores = load_scores(basename, div=div)
                except OSError:
                visualize(scores, basename, div=div)
Esempio n. 39
def _mk_chain_parser():
    p = ArgParser(add_help=False)
    p.add_argument("--csv-file", dest="csv_file",
                   type=str, required=True,
                   help="The spreadsheet with information about your input data. "
                        "For the registration chain you are required to have the "
                        "following columns in your csv file: \" subject_id\", "
                        "\"timepoint\", and \"filename\". Optionally you can have "
                        "a column called \"is_common\" that indicates that a scan "
                        "is to be used for the common time point registration "
                        "using a 1, and 0 otherwise.")
    p.add_argument("--common-time-point", dest="common_time_point",
                   type=int, default=None,
                   help="The time point at which the inter-subject registration will be "
                        "performed. I.e., the time point that will link the subjects together. "
                        "If you want to use the last time point from each of your input files, "
                        "(they might differ per input file) specify -1. If the common time "
                        "is not specified, the assumption is that the spreadsheet contains "
                        "the mapping using the \"is_common\" column. [Default = %(default)s]")
    p.add_argument("--common-time-point-name", dest="common_time_point_name",
                   type=str, default="common",
                   help="Option to specify a name for the common time point. This is useful for the "
                        "creation of more readable output file names. Default is \"common\". Note "
                        "that the common time point is the one created by an iterative group-wise "
                        "registration (inter-subject).")
    return p
Esempio n. 40
def configure_global_options(config_parser: configargparse.ArgParser) -> None:
        help="Enable debug messages.",
                               version=f"{app_name} {get_version()}")
        help="Select the build engine used for building your chart.",
    steps_group = config_parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
        help=f"List of steps to execute. Available steps: {ALL_STEPS}",
        help=f"List of steps to skip. Available steps: {ALL_STEPS}",
Esempio n. 41
    def inject_arguments(self, parser: ArgumentParser) -> None:
        """Inject arguments."""

        def _inject_mongo_uri(mongo_uri: str) -> str:
            self._mongo_uri = mongo_uri
            return mongo_uri

            help=("Mongo URI used to connect to a Mongo database: "
                  "replicaset=REPLICASET&authsource=admin "
                  "Url encode all parts: PASS in particular"),
Esempio n. 42
    def inject_arguments(self, parser: ArgumentParser) -> None:
        """Inject arguments."""

        def _inject_mssql_uri(mssql_uri: str) -> str:
            self._mssql_uri = mssql_uri
            return mssql_uri

                "MSSQL URI used to connect to a MSSQL database: "
                "mssql+pymssql://USER:PASS@HOST:PORT/DATABASE?timeout=TIMEOUT "
                "Url encode all parts: USER (domain slash), PASS in particular"
Esempio n. 43
 def go_2(p, current_prefix, current_ns):
     if isinstance(p, BaseParser):
         new_p = ArgParser(default_config_files=config_files)
         for a in p.argparser._actions:
             new_a = copy.copy(a)
             ss = copy.deepcopy(new_a.option_strings)
             for ix, s in enumerate(new_a.option_strings):
                 if s.startswith("--"):
                     ss[ix] = "-" + current_prefix + "-" + s[2:]
                     raise NotImplementedError
                 new_a.option_strings = ss
         _used_args, _rest = new_p.parse_known_args(args, namespace=current_ns)
         # TODO: could continue parsing from `_rest` instead of original `args`
     elif isinstance(p, CompoundParser):
         for q in p.parsers:
             ns = Namespace()
             if q.namespace in current_ns.__dict__:
                 raise ValueError("Namespace field '%s' already in use" % q.namespace)
                 # TODO could also allow, say, a None
                 # gross but how to write n-ary identity fn that behaves sensibly on single arg??
                 current_ns.__dict__[q.namespace] = ns
                 # FIXME this casting doesn't work for configurations with positional arguments,
                 # which aren't unpacked correctly -- better to use a namedtuple
                 # (making all arguments keyword-only also works, but then you have to supply
                 # often meaningless defaults in the __init__)
             go_2(q.parser, current_prefix=current_prefix + (('-' + q.prefix) if q.prefix is not None else ''),
             # If a cast function is provided, apply it to the namespace, possibly doing dynamic type checking
             # and also allowing the checker to provide hinting for the types of the fields
             current_ns.__dict__[q.namespace] = (q.cast(current_ns.__dict__[q.namespace]) #(q.cast(**vars(current_ns.__dict__[q.namespace]))
                                                 if q.cast else current_ns.__dict__[q.namespace])
             # TODO current_ns or current_namespace or ns or namespace?
         raise TypeError("parser %s wasn't a %s (%s or %s) but a %s" %
                         (p, Parser, BaseParser, CompoundParser, p.__class__))
Esempio n. 44
def _mk_nlin_parser(p: ArgParser):
    group = p.add_argument_group("Nonlinear registration options",
                                 "Options for performing a non-linear registration")
    group.add_argument("--registration-method", dest="reg_method",
                       default="ANTS", choices=["ANTS", "minctracc"],
                       help="Specify whether to use minctracc or ANTS for non-linear registrations. "
                            "[Default = %(default)s]")
    group.add_argument("--nlin-protocol", dest="nlin_protocol",
                       type=str, default=None,
                       help="Can optionally specify a registration protocol that is different from defaults. "
                            "Parameters must be specified as in either or the following examples: \n"
                            "applications_testing/test_data/minctracc_example_nlin_protocol.csv \n"
                            "applications_testing/test_data/mincANTS_example_nlin_protocol.csv \n"
                            "[Default = %(default)s]")
    return p
Esempio n. 45
def main():
    argparser = ArgParser(description="Load TUPA model and save again to a different file.")
    argparser.add_argument("models", nargs="+", help="model file basename(s) to load")
    argparser.add_argument("-s", "--suffix", default=".1", help="filename suffix to append")
    args = argparser.parse_args()
    for filename in args.models:
        model = load_model(filename)
        model.filename += args.suffix
        model.classifier.filename += args.suffix
Esempio n. 46
def _mk_nlin_parser(p: ArgParser):
    group = p.add_argument_group("Nonlinear registration options",
                                 "Options for performing a non-linear registration")
    group.add_argument("--registration-method", dest="reg_method",
                       default="ANTS", choices=["ANTS", "antsRegistration", "demons",
                                                "DRAMMS", "elastix", "minctracc"],
                       help="Specify algorithm used for non-linear registrations. "
                            "[Default = %(default)s]")
    # TODO wire up the choices here in reg_method and reg_strategy to the actual ones ...
    group.add_argument("--registration-strategy", dest="reg_strategy",
                        default="build_model", choices=['build_model', 'pairwise', 'tournament',
                                                        'tournament_and_build_model', 'pairwise_and_build_model'],
                        help="Process used for model construction [Default = %(default)s")
    group.add_argument("--nlin-protocol", dest="nlin_protocol",
                       type=str, default=None,
                       help="Can optionally specify a registration protocol that is different from defaults. "
                            "Parameters must be specified as in either or the following examples: \n"
                            "applications_testing/test_data/minctracc_example_nlin_protocol.csv \n"
                            "applications_testing/test_data/mincANTS_example_nlin_protocol.csv \n"
                            "[Default = %(default)s]")
    return p
Esempio n. 47
def add_param_arguments(ap=None, arg_default=None):  # arguments with possible format-specific parameter values

    def add_argument(a, *args, **kwargs):
        return a.add_argument(*args, **kwargs)

    def add(a, *args, default=None, func=add_argument, **kwargs):
        arg = func(a, *args, default=default if arg_default is None else arg_default, **kwargs)
        except AttributeError:

    def add_boolean(a, *args, **kwargs):
        add(a, *args, func=add_boolean_option, **kwargs)

    if not ap:
        ap = ArgParser()

    group = ap.add_argument_group(title="Node labels")
    add(group, "--max-node-labels", type=int, default=0, help="max number of node labels to allow")
    add(group, "--max-node-categories", type=int, default=0, help="max node categories to allow")
    add(group, "--min-node-label-count", type=int, default=2, help="min number of occurrences for a label")
    add_boolean(group, "use-gold-node-labels", "gold node labels when parsing")
    add_boolean(group, "wikification", "use Spotlight to wikify any named node")
    add_boolean(group, "node-labels", "prediction of node labels, if supported by format", default=True)

    group = ap.add_argument_group(title="Structural constraints")
    add_boolean(group, "linkage", "linkage nodes and edges")
    add_boolean(group, "implicit", "implicit nodes and edges")
    add_boolean(group, "remote", "remote edges", default=True)
    add_boolean(group, "constraints", "scheme-specific rules", default=True)
    add_boolean(group, "require-connected", "constraint that output graph must be connected")
    add(group, "--orphan-label", default="orphan", help="edge label to use for nodes without parents")
    add(group, "--max-action-ratio", type=float, default=100, help="max action/terminal ratio")
    add(group, "--max-node-ratio", type=float, default=10, help="max node/terminal ratio")
    add(group, "--max-height", type=int, default=20, help="max graph height")

    group = ap.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
    add(group, "--swap", choices=(REGULAR, COMPOUND), default=REGULAR, help="swap transitions")
    add(group, "--no-swap", action="store_false", dest="swap", help="exclude swap transitions")
    add(ap, "--max-swap", type=int, default=15, help="if compound swap enabled, maximum swap size")

    group = ap.add_argument_group(title="General classifier training parameters")
    add(group, "--learning-rate", type=float, help="rate for model weight updates (default: by trainer/1)")
    add(group, "--learning-rate-decay", type=float, default=0, help="learning rate decay per iteration")
    add(group, "--swap-importance", type=float, default=1, help="learning rate factor for Swap")
    add(group, "--max-training-per-format", type=int, help="max number of training passages per format per iteration")
    add_boolean(group, "missing-node-features", "allow node features to be missing if not available", default=True)
    add(group, "--omit-features", help="string of feature properties to omit, out of " + FEATURE_PROPERTIES)
    add_boolean(group, "curriculum", "sort training passages by action prediction accuracy in previous epoch")

    group = ap.add_argument_group(title="Perceptron parameters")
    add(group, "--min-update", type=int, default=5, help="minimum #updates for using a feature")

    group = ap.add_argument_group(title="Neural network parameters")
    add(group, "--word-dim-external", type=int, default=300, help="dimension for external word embeddings")
    add(group, "--word-vectors", help="file to load external word embeddings from (default: GloVe)")
    add(group, "--vocab", help="file mapping integer ID to word form (to avoid loading spaCy), or '-' to use word form")
    add_boolean(group, "update-word-vectors", "external word vectors in training parameters", default=True)
    add(group, "--word-dim", type=int, default=0, help="dimension for learned word embeddings")
    add(group, "--lemma-dim", type=int, default=200, help="dimension for lemma embeddings")
    add(group, "--tag-dim", type=int, default=20, help="dimension for fine POS tag embeddings")
    add(group, "--pos-dim", type=int, default=20, help="dimension for coarse/universal POS tag embeddings")
    add(group, "--dep-dim", type=int, default=10, help="dimension for dependency relation embeddings")
    add(group, "--edge-label-dim", type=int, default=20, help="dimension for edge label embeddings")
    add(group, "--node-label-dim", type=int, default=0, help="dimension for node label embeddings")
    add(group, "--node-category-dim", type=int, default=0, help="dimension for node category embeddings")
    add(group, "--punct-dim", type=int, default=1, help="dimension for separator punctuation embeddings")
    add(group, "--action-dim", type=int, default=3, help="dimension for input action type embeddings")
    add(group, "--ner-dim", type=int, default=3, help="dimension for input entity type embeddings")
    add(group, "--shape-dim", type=int, default=3, help="dimension for word shape embeddings")
    add(group, "--prefix-dim", type=int, default=2, help="dimension for word prefix embeddings")
    add(group, "--suffix-dim", type=int, default=3, help="dimension for word suffix embeddings")
    add(group, "--output-dim", type=int, default=50, help="dimension for output action embeddings")
    add(group, "--layer-dim", type=int, default=50, help="dimension for hidden layers")
    add(group, "--layers", type=int, default=2, help="number of hidden layers")
    add(group, "--lstm-layer-dim", type=int, default=500, help="dimension for LSTM hidden layers")
    add(group, "--lstm-layers", type=int, default=0, help="number of LSTM hidden layers")
    add(group, "--embedding-layer-dim", type=int, default=500, help="dimension for layers before LSTM")
    add(group, "--embedding-layers", type=int, default=1, help="number of layers before LSTM")
    add(group, "--activation", choices=ACTIVATIONS, default=DEFAULT_ACTIVATION, help="activation function")
    add(group, "--init", choices=INITIALIZERS, default=DEFAULT_INITIALIZER, help="weight initialization")
    add(group, "--minibatch-size", type=int, default=200, help="mini-batch size for optimization")
    add(group, "--optimizer", choices=TRAINERS, default=DEFAULT_TRAINER, help="algorithm for optimization")
    add(group, "--loss", choices=LOSSES, default=DEFAULT_LOSS, help="loss function for training")
    add(group, "--max-words-external", type=int, default=250000, help="max external word vectors to use")
    add(group, "--max-words", type=int, default=10000, help="max number of words to keep embeddings for")
    add(group, "--max-lemmas", type=int, default=3000, help="max number of lemmas to keep embeddings for")
    add(group, "--max-tags", type=int, default=100, help="max number of fine POS tags to keep embeddings for")
    add(group, "--max-pos", type=int, default=100, help="max number of coarse POS tags to keep embeddings for")
    add(group, "--max-deps", type=int, default=100, help="max number of dep labels to keep embeddings for")
    add(group, "--max-edge-labels", type=int, default=15, help="max number of edge labels for embeddings")
    add(group, "--max-puncts", type=int, default=5, help="max number of punctuations for embeddings")
    add(group, "--max-action-types", type=int, default=10, help="max number of action types for embeddings")
    add(group, "--max-action-labels", type=int, default=100, help="max number of action labels to allow")
    add(group, "--max-ner-types", type=int, default=18, help="max number of entity types to allow")
    add(group, "--max-shapes", type=int, default=30, help="max number of word shapes to allow")
    add(group, "--max-prefixes", type=int, default=30, help="max number of 1-character word prefixes to allow")
    add(group, "--max-suffixes", type=int, default=500, help="max number of 3-character word suffixes to allow")
    add(group, "--word-dropout", type=float, default=0.2, help="word dropout parameter")
    add(group, "--word-dropout-external", type=float, default=0, help="word dropout for word vectors")
    add(group, "--lemma-dropout", type=float, default=0.2, help="lemma dropout parameter")
    add(group, "--tag-dropout", type=float, default=0.2, help="fine POS tag dropout parameter")
    add(group, "--pos-dropout", type=float, default=0.2, help="coarse POS tag dropout parameter")
    add(group, "--dep-dropout", type=float, default=0.5, help="dependency label dropout parameter")
    add(group, "--node-label-dropout", type=float, default=0.2, help="node label dropout parameter")
    add(group, "--node-dropout", type=float, default=0.1, help="probability to drop features for a whole node")
    add(group, "--dropout", type=float, default=0.4, help="dropout parameter between layers")
    add(group, "--max-length", type=int, default=120, help="maximum length of input sentence")
    add(group, "--rnn", choices=["None"] + list(RNNS), default=DEFAULT_RNN, help="type of recurrent neural network")
    add(group, "--gated", type=int, nargs="?", default=2, help="gated input to BiRNN and MLP")
    return ap
Esempio n. 48
        log_file = os.path.join(self.orig_out_dir, 'train.log')
        manifest_list_cfg = ', '.join([k+':'+v for k, v in self.manifests.items()])

        with open(cfg_file, 'w') as f:
            f.write('manifest = [{}]\n'.format(manifest_list_cfg))
            f.write('manifest_root = {}\n'.format(self.out_dir))
            f.write('log = {}\n'.format(log_file))
            f.write('epochs = 90\nrng_seed = 0\nverbose = True\neval_freq = 1\n')

        for setn, manifest in self.manifests.items():
            if not os.path.exists(manifest):
                pairs = self.train_or_val_pairs(setn)
                records = [(os.path.relpath(fname, self.out_dir),
                            os.path.relpath(self._target_filename(int(tgt)), self.out_dir))
                           for fname, tgt in pairs]
                np.savetxt(manifest, records, fmt='%s,%s')

if __name__ == "__main__":
    parser = ArgParser()
    parser.add_argument('--input_dir', help='Directory to find input tars', default=None)
    parser.add_argument('--out_dir', help='Directory to write ingested files', default=None)
    parser.add_argument('--target_size', type=int, default=256,
                        help='Size in pixels to scale shortest side DOWN to (0 means no scaling)')
    args = parser.parse_args()

    logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    bw = IngestI1K(input_dir=args.input_dir, out_dir=args.out_dir, target_size=args.target_size)
Esempio n. 49
    def _process_args(self):
        flags = ArgParser(prog='repoman',
        flags.add('--config-file', required=False, is_config_file=True,
                  help='override config file path')

        # global flags
        flags.add('--simpledb-domain', action='store', required=True,
        flags.add('--s3-bucket', action='store', required=True,
        flags.add('--aws-profile', action='store', required=False, default='',
                  help='Use the specified profile in ~/.aws/credentials')
        flags.add('--region', action='store', required=False,
                  default=None, help='AWS region to connect to')
        flags.add('--aws-role', action='store', required=False, default='',
                  help='Full ARN of IAM role to assume before calling any '
                  'other AWS APIs')
        flags.add('--log-config', action='store', required=False, default='',
                  help='path to a JSON file with a python log configuration ')
        flags.add('--skip-checkup', action='store_true',
                  required=False, default=False,
                  help='do not run system health checkup on every action')
        flags.add('--debug', action='store_true', required=False,
                  default=False, help='debug logging')
                  required=False, env_var='REPOMAN_GPG_HOME',
                  help='set path to gpg keyring')
        flags.add('--gpg-signer', action='append',
                  required=False, help='gpg identity to sign as')
        flags.add('--gpg-pinentry-path', action='store',
                  required=False, help='path to gpg pinentry program')
        flags.add('--gpg-passphrase', action='append',
                  help='passphrase for gpg secret key for signing '
                  '(if multiple, must be in same order as --gpg-signer)')
        flags.add('--auto-purge', action='store', default=0,
                  type=int, required=False,
                  help='automatically purge packages older than the '
                  'last N revisions when adding or copying')

        # subparsers for commands
        commands = flags.add_subparsers(dest='command')

        # singelton commands
        commands.add_parser('checkup', help='check that all systems are go')
                            help='dump the simpledb state to a JSON file')

        # restore command
        restore_flags = commands.add_parser(
            'restore', help='restore simpledb state from a JSON file')
            'filename', nargs=1, help='path to backup file')

        # commands that take flags
        setup_flags = commands.add_parser(
            help='do initial system configuration: create simpledb domain '
                 'and s3 bucket, specify at least one each architecture, '
                 'distribution and component to publish.'
        repo_flags = commands.add_parser(
            'repo', help='repo management commands')
        add_flags = commands.add_parser(
            'add', help='add package files to repo')
        cp_flags = commands.add_parser(
            'cp', help='move packages between components and distributions')
        rm_flags = commands.add_parser(
            'rm', help='remove specific packages from repo')
        publish_flags = commands.add_parser(
            'publish', help='publish the repository to s3')
        query_flags = commands.add_parser(
            'query', help='query the repository')

        # command flags

        # query
        query_flags.add('-a', '--architecture',
                        action='append', required=False,
                        help='narrow query by architecture(s)')
        query_flags.add('-d', '--distribution',
                        action='append', required=False,
                        help='narrow query by distribution(s)')
        query_flags.add('-c', '--component',
                        action='append', required=False,
                        help='narrow query by component(s)')
        query_flags.add('-p', '--package',
                        action='append', required=False,
                        help='narrow query by package name(s)')
        query_flags.add('-w', '--wildcard', action='store_true', default=False,
                        help='match package names to left of --package flag')
        query_flags.add('-H', '--query-hidden', action='store_true',
                        help='include packages "hidden" by the removal of '
                        'their distribution/component/architecture')
        query_flags.add('-f', '--format', action='store',
                        dest='outputfmt', default='simple',
                        choices=('json', 'jsonc', 'packages', 'simple',
                                 'plain', 'grid', 'fancy_grid', 'pipe',
                                 'orgtbl', 'jira', 'psql', 'rst', 'mediawiki',
                                 'moinmoin', 'html', 'latex', 'latex_booktabs',
                        help='select output format for querys & rm/cp prompts')
        query_latest = query_flags.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
        query_latest.add('-v', '--version', action='append',
                         help='only return packages matching these versions')
        query_latest.add('-l', '--latest', action='store_const',
                         dest='latest_versions', const=1,
                         help='only return the most recent package version '
                         '(equivalent to `--recent 1`)')
        query_latest.add('-r', '--recent', action='store', default=0,
                         type=int, dest='latest_versions',
                         help='only return the N most recent package versions')

        # setup
        setup_flags.add('-a', '--architecture',
                        action='append', required=True,
                        help='specify at least one architecture')
        setup_flags.add('-d', '--distribution',
                        action='append', required=True,
                        help='specify at least one distribution')
        setup_flags.add('-c', '--component',
                        action='append', required=True,
                        help='specify at least one component')
        setup_flags.add('--s3-acl', action='store',
                        default='private', required=False,
                        help='set a canned ACL for the S3 bucket '
                        '(default is private)')
        setup_flags.add('--s3-region', action='store', required=False,
                        help='set region for s3 bucket '
                        '(default is us-east-1 AKA US/Standard)')
        setup_flags.add('--sns-topic', action='store', required=False,
                        help='AWS SNS topic name for logging')
        setup_flags.add('--origin', action='store', required=False,
                        help='origin string for repository')
        setup_flags.add('--label', action='store', required=False,
                        help='label string for repository')
        setup_flags.add('--enable-website', action='store_true',
                        required=False, default=False,
                        help='configure public website hosting for '
                        'the S3 bucket. Implies --s3-acl=public-read')

        # repo management operations
        repo_commands = repo_flags.add_subparsers(dest='repo_command')
        repo_add_architecture_flags = repo_commands.add_parser(
            'add-architecture', help='add a architecture to repo')
            'architecture_names', nargs='+', help='architecture to add')
            '--i-fear-no-evil', action='store_true',
            default=False, required=False,
            help='skip confirmation step for scary actions')
        raa_confirm = \
        raa_confirm.add('--confirm', action='store_true', dest='confirm',
                        required=False, default=True,
                        help='confirm any mutating actions')
        raa_confirm.add('-y', '--no-confirm', action='store_false',
                        dest='confirm', required=False, default=False,
                        help='do not prompt for confirmation')

        repo_rm_architecture_flags = repo_commands.add_parser(
            'rm-architecture', help='remove a architecture from repo')
            'architecture_names', nargs='+', help='architecture to remove')
            '--i-fear-no-evil', action='store_true',
            default=False, required=False,
            help='skip confirmation step for scary actions')
        rra_confirm = repo_rm_architecture_flags.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
        rra_confirm.add('--confirm', action='store_true', dest='confirm',
                        required=False, default=True,
                        help='confirm any mutating actions')
        rra_confirm.add('-y', '--no-confirm', action='store_false',
                        dest='confirm', required=False, default=False,
                        help='do not prompt for confirmation')

        repo_add_distribution_flags = repo_commands.add_parser(
            'add-distribution', help='add a distribution to repo')
            'distribution_names', nargs='+', help='distribution to add')
            '--i-fear-no-evil', action='store_true',
            default=False, required=False,
            help='skip confirmation step for scary actions')
        rad_confirm = \
        rad_confirm.add('--confirm', action='store_true', dest='confirm',
                        required=False, default=True,
                        help='confirm any mutating actions')
        rad_confirm.add('-y', '--no-confirm', action='store_false',
                        dest='confirm', required=False, default=False,
                        help='do not prompt for confirmation')

        repo_rm_distribution_flags = repo_commands.add_parser(
            'rm-distribution', help='remove a distribution from repo')
            'distribution_names', nargs='+', help='distribution to remove')
            '--i-fear-no-evil', action='store_true',
            default=False, required=False,
            help='skip confirmation step for scary actions')
        rrd_confirm = repo_rm_distribution_flags.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
        rrd_confirm.add('--confirm', action='store_true', dest='confirm',
                        required=False, default=True,
                        help='confirm any mutating actions')
        rrd_confirm.add('-y', '--no-confirm', action='store_false',
                        dest='confirm', required=False, default=False,
                        help='do not prompt for confirmation')

        repo_add_component_flags = repo_commands.add_parser(
            'add-component', help='add a component to repo')
            'component_names', nargs='+', help='component to add')
            '--i-fear-no-evil', action='store_true',
            default=False, required=False,
            help='skip confirmation step for scary actions')
        rac_confirm = repo_add_component_flags.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
        rac_confirm.add('--confirm', action='store_true', dest='confirm',
                        required=False, default=True,
                        help='confirm any mutating actions')
        rac_confirm.add('-y', '--no-confirm', action='store_false',
                        dest='confirm', required=False, default=False,
                        help='do not prompt for confirmation')

        repo_rm_component_flags = repo_commands.add_parser(
            'rm-component', help='remove a component from repo')
            'component_names', nargs='+', help='component to remove')
            '--i-fear-no-evil', action='store_true',
            default=False, required=False,
            help='skip confirmation step for scary actions')
        rrc_confirm = repo_rm_component_flags.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
        rrc_confirm.add('--confirm', action='store_true', dest='confirm',
                        required=False, default=True,
                        help='confirm any mutating actions')
        rrc_confirm.add('-y', '--no-confirm', action='store_false',
                        dest='confirm', required=False, default=False,
                        help='do not prompt for confirmation')

        repo_add_topic_flags = repo_commands.add_parser(
            'add-topic', help='send notifications to an SNS topic')
        repo_add_topic_flags.add('topic_name', nargs=1, action='store',
                                 help='SNS topic to configure for logging')
        rat_confirm = repo_add_topic_flags.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
        rat_confirm.add('--confirm', action='store_true', dest='confirm',
                        required=False, default=True,
                        help='confirm any mutating actions')
        rat_confirm.add('-y', '--no-confirm', action='store_false',
                        dest='confirm', required=False, default=False,
                        help='do not prompt for confirmation')

        repo_rm_topic_flags = repo_commands.add_parser(
            'rm-topic', help='remove SNS topic logging')
        rrt_confirm = repo_rm_topic_flags.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
        rrt_confirm.add('--confirm', action='store_true', dest='confirm',
                        required=False, default=True,
                        help='confirm any mutating actions')
        rrt_confirm.add('-y', '--no-confirm', action='store_false',
                        dest='confirm', required=False, default=False,
                        help='do not prompt for confirmation')

                                 help='show current repo configuration')

        repo_add_origin_flags = repo_commands.add_parser(
            'add-origin', help='set the repository origin string')
        repo_add_origin_flags.add('origin', nargs=1, action='store',
                                  help='origin string')
        rao_confirm = repo_add_origin_flags.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
        rao_confirm.add('--confirm', action='store_true', dest='confirm',
                        required=False, default=True,
                        help='confirm any mutating actions')
        rao_confirm.add('-y', '--no-confirm', action='store_false',
                        dest='confirm', required=False, default=False,
                        help='do not prompt for confirmation')

        repo_add_label_flags = repo_commands.add_parser(
            'add-label', help='set the repository label string')
        repo_add_label_flags.add('label', nargs=1, action='store',
                                 help='label string')
        ral_confirm = repo_add_label_flags.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
        ral_confirm.add('--confirm', action='store_true', dest='confirm',
                        required=False, default=True,
                        help='confirm any mutating actions')
        ral_confirm.add('-y', '--no-confirm', action='store_false',
                        dest='confirm', required=False, default=False,
                        help='do not prompt for confirmation')

                                 help='show current repo configuration')
        # add packages
        add_flags.add('-d', '--distribution', action='append', required=True,
                      help='add to specified distribution')
        add_flags.add('-c', '--component', action='append', required=True,
                      help='add to specified component')
                      action='store_true', required=False, default=False,
                      help='re-upload packages even if they already exist '
                      'in the repository')
                      action='store_true', required=False, default=False,
                      help='publish the repo to s3 after adding packages')
        add_flags.add('files', nargs='+', help='debian package files to add')

        # copy
        cp_flags.add('--src-distribution', action='store', required=True,
                     help='specify one or more distributions to copy from')
        cp_flags.add('--dst-distribution', action='store',
                     help='specify one or more distributions to copy to')
        cp_flags.add('--src-component', action='store', required=True,
                     help='specify one or more components to copy from')
        cp_flags.add('--dst-component', action='store',
                     help='specify one or more components to copy to')
        cp_flags.add('-a', '--architecture', action='append', required=False,
                     help='limit to specified architectures')
        cp_flags.add('-p', '--package', action='append',
                     help='specify one or more package names to act on')
                     action='store_true', required=False, default=False,
                     help='re-upload packages even if they already exist '
                     'in the repository -- this only applies to cross-'
                     'distribution copies')
                     action='store_true', required=False, default=False,
                     help='only copy files where the latest source version '
                     'is more recent than the latest destination version ')
        cp_flags.add('-w', '--wildcard', action='store_true', default=False,
                     help='match package names to left of --package flag')
        cp_latest = cp_flags.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
        cp_latest.add('-v', '--version', action='append',
                      help='only copy packages matching these versions')
        cp_latest.add('-l', '--latest', action='store_const',
                      dest='latest_versions', const=1,
                      help='only copy the most recent package version '
                      '(equivalent to `--recent 1`)')
        cp_latest.add('-r', '--recent', action='store', default=0,
                      type=int, dest='latest_versions',
                      help='only copy the N most recent package versions')
        cp_flags.add('--i-fear-no-evil', action='store_true',
                     default=False, required=False,
                     help='skip confirmation step for scary actions')
        cp_confirm = cp_flags.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
        cp_confirm.add('--confirm', action='store_true', dest='confirm',
                       required=False, default=True,
                       help='confirm any mutating actions')
        cp_confirm.add('-y', '--no-confirm', action='store_false',
                       dest='confirm', required=False, default=False,
                       help='do not prompt for confirmation')

        # remove
        rm_flags.add('-a', '--architecture', action='append', required=False,
                     help='limit to specified architectures')
        rm_flags.add('-d', '--distribution', action='append', required=False,
                     help='limit to specified distributions')
        rm_flags.add('-c', '--component', action='append', required=False,
                     help='limit to specified distributions')
        rm_flags.add('-p', '--package', action='append', required=False,
                     help='limit to specified package names')
        rm_flags.add('--remove-from-s3', action='store_true',
                     default=False, required=False,
                     help='remove package files from s3')
        rm_flags.add('--publish', action='store_true', required=False,
                     default=False, help='publish the repo to s3')
        rm_flags.add('-w', '--wildcard', action='store_true', default=False,
                     help='match package names to left of --package flag')
        rm_flags.add('-H', '--rm-hidden', action='store_true',
                     help='include packages "hidden" by the removal of '
                     'their distribution/component/architecture')
        rm_flags.add('--i-fear-no-evil', action='store_true',
                     default=False, required=False,
                     help='skip confirmation step for scary actions')
        rm_flags.add('-f', '--format', action='store',
                     dest='outputfmt', default='simple',
                     choices=('json', 'jsonc', 'simple', 'plain', 'grid',
                              'fancy_grid', 'pipe', 'orgtbl', 'jira',
                              'psql', 'rst', 'mediawiki', 'moinmoin',
                              'html', 'latex', 'latex_booktabs', 'textile'),
                     help='select output format for querys & rm/cp prompts')
        rm_latest = rm_flags.add_mutually_exclusive_group()

        rm_latest.add('-v', '--version', action='append',
                      help='only delete packages matching these versions')
        rm_latest.add('-l', '--exclude-latest', action='store_const',
                      dest='latest_versions', const=1,
                      help='only delete the most recent package version '
                      '(equivalent to `--recent 1`)')
        rm_latest.add('-r', '--exclude-recent', action='store', default=0,
                      type=int, dest='latest_versions',
                      help='only delete the N most recent package versions')

        rm_confirm = rm_flags.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
        rm_confirm.add('--confirm', action='store_true', dest='confirm',
                       required=False, default=True,
                       help='confirm any mutating actions')
        rm_confirm.add('-y', '--no-confirm', action='store_false',
                       dest='confirm', required=False, default=False,
                       help='do not prompt for confirmation')

        # publish to s3
        publish_flags.add('-d', '--distribution', action='append',
                          help='limit to specified distributions '
                               '(default is all)')

        config = flags.parse_args(self.argv)
        return config
Esempio n. 50
    if "amr" not in keep:  # Remove AMR-specific features: node label and category
        delete_if_exists((model.feature_params, model.classifier.params), (NODE_LABEL_KEY, "c"))
    delete_if_exists((model.classifier.labels, model.classifier.axes), {NODE_LABEL_KEY}.union(FORMATS).difference(keep))

def delete_if_exists(dicts, keys):
    for d in dicts:
        for key in keys:
                del d[key]
            except KeyError:

def main(args):
    os.makedirs(args.out_dir, exist_ok=True)
    for filename in args.models:
        model = load_model(filename)
        strip_multitask(model, args.keep)
        model.filename = os.path.join(args.out_dir, os.path.basename(filename))

if __name__ == "__main__":
    argparser = ArgParser(description="Load TUPA model and save with just one task's features/weights.")
    argparser.add_argument("models", nargs="+", help="model file basename(s) to load")
    argparser.add_argument("-k", "--keep", nargs="+", choices=tuple(filter(None, FORMATS)), default=["ucca"],
                           help="tasks to keep features/weights for")
    argparser.add_argument("-o", "--out-dir", default=".", help="directory to write modified model files to")
Esempio n. 51
    def argument_parser():
        # Create command line arguments
        parser = ArgParser()
        # General arguments
        parser.add('--db_section',required=True,help = "Database section in your \
                             .desservices.ini file, e.g., db-desoper or db-destest")
        parser.add("--user", action="store", default=os.environ['USER'],
                            help="username that will submit")
        parser.add('--paramfile',is_config_file=True,help='Key = Value file that can be used to replace\
        parser.add('--csv',help='CSV of exposures and information specified by user. If specified, \
                             code will use exposures in csv to submit jobs. Must also specify \
        parser.add('--exclude_list',help='A comma-separated list or line-separated file of exposures \
                             to exclude from the dataframe')
        parser.add('--delimiter',default=',',help='The delimiter if specifying csv and is not \
        parser.add('--campaign',required=True, help='Directory in pipebox where templates are \
                             stored, e.g., $PIPEBOX_DIR/templates/pipelines/finalcut/-->Y2A1dev<--')
        parser.add('--savefiles',action='store_true',help='Saves submit files to submit later.')
        parser.add('--queue_size',default=1000,help='If set and savefiles is not specified, code \
                             will submit specified runs up until queue_size is reached. Code \
                             will wait until queue drops below limit to submit next job')
        parser.add('--total_queue',action='store_true',help='If specified, total jobs per \
                             pipeline per machine will be counted and user will be ignored')
        parser.add('--labels',help='Human-readable labels to "mark" a given processing attempt')
        parser.add('--template_name',help='submitwcl template within pipeline/campaign')
        parser.add('--configfile',help='Name of user cfg file')
        parser.add('--out',help='Output directory for submit files')
        parser.add('--auto',action='store_true',help='Will run autosubmit mode if specified')
        parser.add('--resubmit_failed',action='store_true',help='Will ressubmit failed runs')
        parser.add('--resubmit_max',default=99,help='Set max attempt number for resubmit-failed.')
        parser.add('--ignore_processed',action='store_true',help='Will skip any expnum \
                             that has been attempted to process, pass/fail.')
        parser.add('--wait',default=30,help='Wait time (seconds) between dessubmits. \
        # Archive arguments
        parser.add('--target_site',required=True,help='Computing node, i.e., fermigrid-sl6')
        parser.add('--archive_name',help='Home archive to store products, e.g., \
        parser.add('--project',default='ACT',help='Archive directory where runs are \
                             stored, e.g., $ARCHIVE/-->ACT<--/finalcut/')
        parser.add('--rundir',help='Archive directory structure')
        parser.add('--http',help='The machine to copy files through: desar0, desar1,desar2')
        # JIRA arguments
        parser.add('--jira_parent',help='JIRA parent ticket under which\
                             new ticket will be created.')
        parser.add('--jira_description',help='Description of ticket\
                             found in JIRA')
        parser.add('--jira_project',default='DESOPS',help='JIRA project where \
                             ticket will be created, e.g., DESOPS')
        parser.add('--jira_summary',help='Title of JIRA ticket. To submit multiple \
                             exposures under same ticket you can specify jira_summary')
        parser.add('--jira_user',help='JIRA username')
        parser.add('--jira_section',default='jira-desdm',help='JIRA section \
                             in .desservices.ini file')
        parser.add('--ignore_jira',default=False,action='store_true',help="If specified will not \
                            connect to JIRA, but must specify reqnum and jira_parent.")
        parser.add('--reqnum',help='Part of processing unique identifier. Tied to JIRA ticket \
        parser.add('--decade', action='store_true', help='Uses the DECADE subsection of WCL')
        # EUPS arguments
        parser.add('--eups_stack',action='append',nargs='+', required=True,help='EUPS production stack, \
                                                                               e.g., finalcut Y2A1+4')
        # Science arguments
        parser.add('--ccdnum',help='CCDs to be processed.')
        parser.add('--minsigma',help='Specify minsigma for immask (defaults to 6.0)')
        parser.add('--nite',help='For auto mode: if specified will submit all exposures found \
                         from nite')
        parser.add('--niterange',nargs='+',action='append',help='Specify a range of nites')
        parser.add('--RA','-ra',nargs='+',action='append',help='RA in deg., in the order of min max')
        parser.add('--Dec','-dec',nargs='+',action='append',help='Dec in deg., in the order of min max')
        parser.add('--epoch',help='Observing epoch. If not specified, will be calculated. E.g.,\
        parser.add('--inputcals_file',help='Key=Var list of calibrations to be used in processing. \
                         $PIPEBOX_DIR/templates/inputcals for a sample')

        # glide in options
        parser.add('--time_to_live',default=None,type=float,help='The amount of time-to-live (in hours)\
                          for the job to grab a glidein')
        # Transfers
        parser.add('--nginx',action='store_true',help='Use nginx?')

        # Condor options
        parser.add('--request_memory',default=8000,help='Amount of memory (MB) to use for processing.\
                                        Default (8000) is set for finalcut on fermigrid-ce nodes. For \
                                        supercal on fermigrid-ce nodes try 32000.')
        parser.add('--request_disk',default=90000000,help='Amount of disk space (MB) to use for \
                                        processing. Default (90000000) is set for finalcut on \
                                        fermigrid-ce nodes. For supercal on fermigrid-ce nodes try \
        parser.add('--request_cpus',default=1,help='# of cpus to use for processing. Default (1) is \
                                        set for finalcut on fermigrid-ce nodes.')
        return parser
Esempio n. 52
##########     ---     Start of program     ---     ##########   

if __name__ == "__main__":

    # command line option handling
    # use an environment variable to look for a default config file
    # Alternately, we could use a default location for the file
    # (say `files = ['/etc/pydpiper.cfg', '~/pydpiper.cfg', './pydpiper.cfg']`)
    # TODO this logic is duplicated in
    default_config_file = os.getenv("PYDPIPER_CONFIG_FILE")
    if default_config_file is not None:
        files = [default_config_file]
        files = []
    parser = ArgParser(default_config_files=files)    

    rf.addGenRegArgumentGroup(parser) # just to get --pipeline-name

    # using parse_known_args instead of parse_args is a hack since we
    # currently send ALL arguments from the main program to the executor
    # on PBS queues (FIXME not yet true on SGE queues, but this is
    # not the best solution anyway).
    # Alternately, we could keep a copy of the executor parser around
    # when constructing the executor shell command
    options = parser.parse_known_args()[0]

    #Check to make sure some executors have been specified. 
Esempio n. 53
def _mk_lsq12_parser():
    p = ArgParser(add_help=False)
    # group = parser.add_argument_group("LSQ12 registration options",
    #                                  "Options for performing a pairwise, affine registration")
    p.add_argument("--run-lsq12", dest="run_lsq12",
                   help="Actually run the 12 parameter alignment [default = %(default)s]")
    p.add_argument("--no-run-lsq12", dest="run_lsq12",
                   help="Opposite of --run-lsq12")
    p.add_argument("--lsq12-max-pairs", dest="max_pairs",
                   type=parse_nullable_int, default=25,
                   help="Maximum number of pairs to register together ('None' implies all pairs). "
                        "[Default = %(default)s]")
    p.add_argument("--lsq12-likefile", dest="like_file",
                   type=str, default=None,
                   help="Can optionally specify a 'like'-file for resampling at the end of pairwise "
                        "alignment. Default is None, which means that the input file will be used. "
                        "[Default = %(default)s]")
    p.add_argument("--lsq12-protocol", dest="protocol",
                   help="Can optionally specify a registration protocol that is different from defaults. "
                        "Parameters must be specified as in the following example: \n"
                        "applications_testing/test_data/minctracc_example_linear_protocol.csv \n"
                        "[Default = %(default)s].")
    return p
Esempio n. 54
        if (all([os.path.exists(manifest) for manifest in self.manifests.values()])
                and not self.overwrite):
            print("Found manfiest files, skipping ingest, use --overwrite to overwrite them.")

        for setn, manifest in self.manifests.items():
            pairs = self.train_or_val_pairs(setn)
            records = [(os.path.relpath(fname, self.out_dir), int(tgt))
                       for fname, tgt in pairs]
            records.insert(0, ('@FILE', 'STRING'))
            np.savetxt(manifest, records, fmt='%s\t%s')

if __name__ == "__main__":
    parser = ArgParser()
    parser.add_argument('--input_dir', required=True,
                        help='Directory to find input tars', default=None)
    parser.add_argument('--out_dir', required=True,
                        help='Directory to write ingested files', default=None)
    parser.add_argument('--target_size', type=int, default=256,
                        help='Size in pixels to scale shortest side DOWN to (0 means no scaling)')
    parser.add_argument('--overwrite', action='store_true', default=False, help='Overwrite files')
    args = parser.parse_args()

    logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    bw = IngestI1K(input_dir=args.input_dir, out_dir=args.out_dir, target_size=args.target_size,
Esempio n. 55
def _mk_lsq12_parser():
    p = ArgParser(add_help=False)
    # group = parser.add_argument_group("LSQ12 registration options",
    #                                  "Options for performing a pairwise, affine registration")
    p.add_argument("--run-lsq12", dest="run_lsq12",
                   help="Actually run the 12 parameter alignment [default = %(default)s]")
    p.add_argument("--no-run-lsq12", dest="run_lsq12",
                   help="Opposite of --run-lsq12")
    p.add_argument("--lsq12-max-pairs", dest="max_pairs",
                   type=parse_nullable_int, default=25,
                   help="Maximum number of pairs to register together ('None' implies all pairs). "
                        "[Default = %(default)s]")
    p.add_argument("--lsq12-likefile", dest="like_file",
                   type=str, default=None,
                   help="Can optionally specify a 'like'-file for resampling at the end of pairwise "
                        "alignment. Default is None, which means that the input file will be used. "
                        "[Default = %(default)s]")
    p.add_argument("--lsq12-protocol", dest="protocol",
                   help="Can optionally specify a registration protocol that is different from defaults. "
                        "Parameters must be specified as in the following example: \n"
                        "applications_testing/test_data/minctracc_example_linear_protocol.csv \n"
                        "[Default = %(default)s].")
    #p.add_argument("--generate-tournament-style-lsq12-avg", dest="generate_tournament_style_lsq12_avg",
    #               action="store_true",
    #               help="Instead of creating the average of the lsq12 resampled files "
    #                    "by simply averaging them directly, create an iterative average "
    #                    "as follows. Perform a non linear registration between pairs "
    #                    "of files. Resample each file halfway along that transformation "
    #                    "in order for them to end up in the middle. Average those two files. "
    #                    "Then continue on to the next level as in a tournament. [default = %(default)s]")
    #p.add_argument("--no-generate-tournament-style-lsq12-avg", dest="generate_tournament_style_lsq12_avg",
    #               action="store_false",
    #               help="Opposite of --generate-tournament-style-lsq12-avg")
    return p
Esempio n. 56
def parse(parser: Parser, args: List[str]) -> Namespace:
    # TODO: accepting a comma-separated list might allow more flexibility
    default_config_file = os.getenv("PYDPIPER_CONFIG_FILE")
    if default_config_file is not None:
        with open(default_config_file) as _:
        warnings.warn(f"PYDPIPER_CONFIG_FILE is set to '{default_config_file}', which can't be opened.")
    config_files = [default_config_file] if default_config_file else []

    # First, build a parser that's aware of all options
    # (will be used for help/version/error messages).
    # This must be tried _before_ the partial parsing attempts
    # in order to get correct help/version messages.

    main_parser = ArgParser(default_config_files=config_files)

    # TODO: abstract out the recursive travels in go_1 and go_2 into a `walk` function
    def go_1(p, current_prefix):
        if isinstance(p, BaseParser):
            g = main_parser.add_argument_group(p.group_name)
            for a in p.argparser._actions:
                new_a = copy.copy(a)
                ss = copy.deepcopy(new_a.option_strings)
                for ix, s in enumerate(new_a.option_strings):
                    if s.startswith("--"):
                        ss[ix] = "-" + current_prefix + "-" + s[2:]  # "" was "-"
                        raise NotImplementedError(
                            "sorry, I only understand flags starting with `--` at the moment, but got %s" % s)
                new_a.option_strings = ss
        elif isinstance(p, CompoundParser):
            for q in p.parsers:
                go_1(q.parser, current_prefix + (('-' + q.prefix) if q.prefix is not None else ''))
            raise TypeError(
                "parser %s wasn't a %s (%s or %s) but a %s" % (p, Parser, BaseParser, CompoundParser, p.__class__))

    go_1(parser, "")

    # Use this parser to exit with a helpful message if parse fails or --help/--version specified:

    # Now, use parse_known_args for each parser in the tree of parsers to fill the appropriate namespace object ...
    def go_2(p, current_prefix, current_ns):
        if isinstance(p, BaseParser):
            new_p = ArgParser(default_config_files=config_files)
            for a in p.argparser._actions:
                new_a = copy.copy(a)
                ss = copy.deepcopy(new_a.option_strings)
                for ix, s in enumerate(new_a.option_strings):
                    if s.startswith("--"):
                        ss[ix] = "-" + current_prefix + "-" + s[2:]
                        raise NotImplementedError
                    new_a.option_strings = ss
            _used_args, _rest = new_p.parse_known_args(args, namespace=current_ns)
            # add a "_flags" field to each object so we know what flags caused a certain option to be set:
            # (however, note that post-parsing we may munge around ...)
            flags_dict = defaultdict(set)
            for action in new_p._actions:
                for opt in action.option_strings:
            current_ns.flags_ = Namespace(**flags_dict)
            # TODO: could continue parsing from `_rest` instead of original `args`
        elif isinstance(p, CompoundParser):
            current_ns.flags_ = set()  # could also check for the CompoundParser case and not set flags there,
                                       # since there will never be any
            for q in p.parsers:
                ns = Namespace()
                if q.namespace in current_ns.__dict__:
                    raise ValueError("Namespace field '%s' already in use" % q.namespace)
                    # TODO could also allow, say, a None
                    # gross but how to write n-ary identity fn that behaves sensibly on single arg??
                    current_ns.__dict__[q.namespace] = ns
                    # FIXME this casting doesn't work for configurations with positional arguments,
                    # which aren't unpacked correctly -- better to use a namedtuple
                    # (making all arguments keyword-only also works, but then you have to supply
                    # often meaningless defaults in the __init__)
                go_2(q.parser, current_prefix=current_prefix + (('-' + q.prefix) if q.prefix is not None else ''),
                # If a cast function is provided, apply it to the namespace, possibly doing dynamic type checking
                # and also allowing the checker to provide hinting for the types of the fields
                flags = ns.flags_
                del ns.flags_
                fixed = (q.cast(current_ns.__dict__[q.namespace]) #(q.cast(**vars(current_ns.__dict__[q.namespace]))
                                                    if q.cast else current_ns.__dict__[q.namespace])
                if isinstance(fixed, tuple):
                    fixed = fixed.replace(flags_=flags)
                elif isinstance(fixed, Namespace):
                    setattr(fixed, "flags_", flags)
                    raise ValueError("currently only Namespace and NamedTuple objects are supported return types from "
                                     "parsing; got %s (a %s)" % (fixed, type(fixed)))
                current_ns.__dict__[q.namespace] = fixed
                # TODO current_ns or current_namespace or ns or namespace?
            raise TypeError("parser %s wasn't a %s (%s or %s) but a %s" %
                            (p, Parser, BaseParser, CompoundParser, p.__class__))

    main_ns = Namespace()
    go_2(parser, current_prefix="", current_ns=main_ns)
    return main_ns
Esempio n. 57
def _mk_stats_parser():
    p = ArgParser(add_help=False)
    # p.add_argument_group("Statistics options",
    #                      "Options for calculating statistics.")
    default_fwhms = "0.2"
    p.add_argument("--calc-stats", dest="calc_stats",
                   help="Calculate statistics at the end of the registration. [Default = %(default)s]")
    p.add_argument("--no-calc-stats", dest="calc_stats",
                   help="If specified, statistics are not calculated. Opposite of --calc-stats.")
    p.add_argument("--stats-kernels", dest="stats_kernels",
                   help="comma separated list of blurring kernels for analysis. [Default = %(default)s].")
    return p
Esempio n. 58
def _mk_lsq6_parser(with_nuc : bool = True,
                    with_inormalize : bool = True):
    p = ArgParser(add_help=False)
    p.set_defaults(nuc = True if with_nuc else False)
    p.set_defaults(inormalize = True if with_inormalize else False)
    # TODO: should this actually be part of the LSQ6 component?  What would it return in this case?
    p.add_argument("--run-lsq6", dest="run_lsq6",
                   help="Actually run the 6 parameter alignment [default = %(default)s]")
    p.add_argument("--no-run-lsq6", dest="run_lsq6",
                   help="Opposite of --run-lsq6")
    # TODO should be part of some mutually exclusive group ...
    p.add_argument("--init-model", dest="init_model",
                   type=str, default=None,
                   help="File in standard space in the initial model. The initial model "
                        "can also have a file in native space and potentially a transformation "
                        "file. See our wiki ( for detailed "
                        "information on initial models. [Default = %(default)s]")
    p.add_argument("--lsq6-target", dest="lsq6_target",
                   type=str, default=None,
                   help="File to be used as the target for the initial (often 6-parameter) alignment. "
                        "[Default = %(default)s]")
    p.add_argument("--bootstrap", dest="bootstrap",
                   action="store_true", default=False,
                   help="Use the first input file to the pipeline as the target for the "
                        "initial (often 6-parameter) alignment. [Default = %(default)s]")
    # TODO: add information about the pride of models to the code in such a way that it
    # is reflected on GitHub
    p.add_argument("--pride-of-models", dest="pride_of_models",
                   type=str, default=None,
                   help="(selected longitudinal pipelines only!) Specify a csv file that contains the mapping of "
                        "all your initial models at different time points. The idea is that you might "
                        "want to use different initial models for the time points in your data. "
                        "The csv file should have one column called \"model_file\", and one column "
                        "called \"time_point\". The time points can be given in either integer values "
                        "or float values. Each model file should point to the file in standard space "
                        "for that particular model.  [Default = %(default)s]")
    # TODO: do we need to implement this option? This was for Kieran Short, but the procedure
    # he will be using in the future most likely will not involve this option.
    # group.add_argument("--lsq6-alternate-data-prefix", dest="lsq6_alternate_prefix",
    #                   type=str, default=None,
    #                   help="Specify a prefix for an augmented data set to use for the 6 parameter "
    #                   "alignment. Assumptions: there is a matching alternate file for each regular input "
    #                   "file, e.g. input files are: input_1.mnc input_2.mnc ... input_n.mnc. If the "
    #                   "string provided for this flag is \"aug_\", then the following files should exist: "
    #                   "aug_input_1.mnc aug_input_2.mnc ... aug_input_n.mnc. These files are assumed to be "
    #                   "in the same orientation/location as the regular input files.  They will be used for "
    #                   "for the 6 parameter alignment. The transformations will then be used to transform "
    #                   "the regular input files, with which the pipeline will continue.")
    p.add_argument("--lsq6-simple", dest="lsq6_method",
                   action="store_const", const="lsq6_simple",
                   help="Run a 6 parameter alignment assuming that the input files are roughly "
                        "aligned: same space, similar orientation. Keep in mind that if you use an "
                        "initial model with both a standard and a native space, the assumption is "
                        "that the input files are already roughly aligned to the native space. "
                        "Three iterations are run: 1st is 17 times stepsize blur, 2nd is 9 times "
                        "stepsize gradient, 3rd is 4 times stepsize blur. [Default = %(default)s]")
    p.add_argument("--lsq6-centre-estimation", dest="lsq6_method",
                   action="store_const", const="lsq6_centre_estimation",
                   help="Run a 6 parameter alignment assuming that the input files have a "
                        "similar orientation, but are scanned in different coils/spaces. [Default = %(default)s]")
    p.add_argument("--lsq6-large-rotations", dest="lsq6_method",
                   action="store_const", const="lsq6_large_rotations",
                   help="Run a 6 parameter alignment assuming that the input files have a random "
                        "orientation and are scanned in different coils/spaces. A brute force search over "
                        "the x,y,z rotation space is performed to find the best 6 parameter alignment. "
                        "[Default = %(default)s]")
    p.add_argument("--lsq6-large-rotations-tmp-dir", dest="rotation_tmp_dir",
                   type=str, default="/dev/shm/",
                   help="Specify the directory that uses for temporary files. "
                        "By default we use /dev/shm/, because this program involves a lot of I/O, and "
                        "this is probably one of the fastest way to provide this. [Default = %(default)s]")
    p.add_argument("--lsq6-large-rotations-parameters", dest="rotation_params",
                   type=str, default="5,4,10,8",
                   help="Settings for the large rotation alignment. factor=factor based on smallest file "
                        "resolution: 1) blur factor, 2) resample step size factor, 3) registration step size "
                        "factor, 4) w_translations factor  ***** if you are working with mouse brain data "
                        " the defaults do not have to be based on the file resolution; a default set of "
                        " settings works for all mouse brain. In order to use those setting, specify: "
                        "\"mousebrain\" as the argument for this option. ***** [default = %(default)s]")
    p.add_argument("--lsq6-rotational-range", dest="rotation_range",
                   type=int, default=50,
                   help="Settings for the rotational range in degrees when running the large rotation "
                        "alignment. [Default = %(default)s]")
    p.add_argument("--lsq6-rotational-interval", dest="rotation_interval",
                   type=int, default=10,
                   help="Settings for the rotational interval in degrees when running the large rotation "
                        "alignment. [Default = %(default)s]")
    p.add_argument("--nuc", dest="nuc",
                   help="Perform non-uniformity correction. [Default = %(default)s]")
    p.add_argument("--no-nuc", dest="nuc",
                   help="If specified, do not perform non-uniformity correction. Opposite of --nuc.")
    p.add_argument("--inormalize", dest="inormalize",
                   help="Normalize the intensities after lsq6 alignment and nuc, if done. "
                        "[Default = %(default)s] ")
    p.add_argument("--no-inormalize", dest="inormalize",
                   help="If specified, do not perform intensity normalization. Opposite of --inormalize.")
    p.add_argument("--copy-header-info-to-average", dest="copy_header_info",
                   help="Copy the MINC header information of the first input file into the "
                        "average that is created. [Default = %(default)s] ")
    p.add_argument("--no-copy-header-info-to-average", dest="copy_header_info",
                   help="Opposite of --copy-header-info-to-average.")
    p.add_argument("--lsq6-protocol", dest="protocol_file",
                   type=str, default=None,
                   help="Specify an lsq6 protocol that overrides the default setting for stages in "
                        "the 6 parameter minctracc call. Parameters must be specified as in the following \n"
                        "example: applications_testing/test_data/minctracc_example_linear_protocol.csv \n"
                        "[Default = %(default)s].")
    return p
Esempio n. 59
def _mk_execution_parser(p: ArgParser) -> ArgParser:
    # parser = ArgParser(add_help=False)
    group = p.add_argument_group("Executor options",
                                 "Options controlling how and where the code is run.")
    group.add_argument("--uri-file", dest="urifile",
                       type=str, default=None,
                       help="Location for uri file if NameServer is not used. If not specified, default is current working directory.")
    group.add_argument("--use-ns", dest="use_ns",
                       help="Use the Pyro NameServer to store object locations. Currently a Pyro nameserver must be started separately for this to work.")
    group.add_argument("--latency-tolerance", dest="latency_tolerance",
                       type=float, default=600.0,
                       help="Allowed grace period by which an executor may miss a heartbeat tick before being considered failed [Default = %(default)s.")
    group.add_argument("--num-executors", dest="num_exec",
                       type=int, default=-1,
                       help="Number of independent executors to launch. [Default = %(default)s. Code will not run without an explicit number specified.]")
    group.add_argument("--max-failed-executors", dest="max_failed_executors",
                       type=int, default=10,
                       help="Maximum number of failed executors before we stop relaunching. [Default = %(default)s]")
    # TODO: add corresponding --monitor-heartbeats
    group.add_argument("--no-monitor-heartbeats", dest="monitor_heartbeats",
                       help="Don't assume executors have died if they don't check in with the server (NOTE: this can hang your pipeline if an executor crashes).")
    group.add_argument("--time", dest="time", 
                       type=str, default="23:59:59",
                       help="Wall time to request for each server/executor in the format hh:mm:ss. Required only if --queue-type=pbs. Current default on PBS is %(default)s.")
    group.add_argument("--proc", dest="proc",
                       type=int, default=1,
                       help="Number of processes per executor. Also sets max value for processor use per executor. [Default = %(default)s]")
    group.add_argument("--mem", dest="mem",
                       type=float, default=6,
                       help="Total amount of requested memory (in GB) for all processes the executor runs. [Default = %(default)s].")
    group.add_argument("--pe", dest="pe",
                       type=str, default=None,
                       help="Name of the SGE pe, if any. [Default = %(default)s]")
    group.add_argument("--mem-request-attribute", dest="mem_request_attribute",
                       type=str, default=None,
                       help="Name of the resource attribute to request for managing memory limits. [Default = %(default)s]")
    group.add_argument("--greedy", dest="greedy",
                       help="Request the full amount of RAM specified by --mem rather than the (lesser) amount needed by runnable jobs.  Always use this if your executor is assigned a full node.")
    group.add_argument("--ppn", dest="ppn",
                       type=int, default=8,
                       help="Number of processes per node. Used when --queue-type=pbs. [Default = %(default)s].")
    group.add_argument("--queue-name", dest="queue_name", type=str, default=None,
                       help="Name of the queue, e.g., all.q (MICe) or batch (SciNet)")
    group.add_argument("--queue-type", dest="queue_type", type=str, default=None,
                       help="""Queue type to submit jobs, i.e., "sge" or "pbs".  [Default = %(default)s]""")
    group.add_argument("--queue-opts", dest="queue_opts",
                       type=str, default="",
                       help="A string of extra arguments/flags to pass to qsub. [Default = %(default)s]")
    group.add_argument("--executor-start-delay", dest="executor_start_delay", type=int, default=180,
                       help="Seconds before starting remote executors when running the server on the grid")
    group.add_argument("--submit-server", dest="submit_server", action="store_true",
                       help="Submit the server to the grid.  Currently works only with PBS/Torque systems.")
    group.add_argument("--no-submit-server", dest="submit_server", action="store_false",
                       help="Opposite of --submit-server. [default]")
    group.add_argument("--max-idle-time", dest="max_idle_time",
                       type=int, default=1,
                       help="The number of minutes an executor is allowed to continuously sleep, i.e. wait for an available job, while active on a compute node/farm before it kills itself due to resource hogging. [Default = %(default)s]")
    group.add_argument("--time-to-accept-jobs", dest="time_to_accept_jobs",
                       help="The number of minutes after which an executor will not accept new jobs anymore. This can be useful when running executors on a batch system where other (competing) jobs run for a limited amount of time. The executors can behave in a similar way by given them a rough end time. [Default = %(default)s]")
    group.add_argument('--local', dest="local", action='store_true',
                       help="Don't submit anything to any specified queueing system but instead run as a server/executor")
    group.add_argument("--config-file", type=str, metavar='config_file', is_config_file=True,
                       required=False, help='Config file location')
    group.add_argument("--prologue-file", type=str, metavar='file',
                       help="Location of a shell script to inline into PBS submit script to set paths, load modules, etc.")
    group.add_argument("--min-walltime", dest="min_walltime", type=int, default=0,
                       help="Min walltime (s) allowed by the queuing system [Default = %(default)s]")
    group.add_argument("--max-walltime", dest="max_walltime", type=int, default=None,
                       help="Max walltime (s) allowed for jobs on the queuing system, or infinite if None [Default = %(default)s]")
    group.add_argument("--default-job-mem", dest="default_job_mem",
                       type=float, default=1.75,
                       help="Memory (in GB) to allocate to jobs which don't make a request. [Default=%(default)s]")
    group.add_argument("--memory-factor", dest="memory_factor",
                       type=float, default=1,
                       help="Overall factor by which to scale all memory estimates/requests (including default job memory, "
                            "but not executor totals (--mem)), say due to system differences or overcommitted nodes. "
    group.add_argument("--cmd-wrapper", dest="cmd_wrapper",
                       type=str, default="",
                       help="Wrapper inside of which to run the command, e.g., '/usr/bin/time -v'. [Default='%(default)s']")
    group.add_argument("--check-input-files", dest="check_input_files", action="store_true",
                       help="Check overall pipeline inputs exist and, when applicable, "
                            "are valid MINC files [Default=%(default)s]")
    group.add_argument("--no-check-input-files", dest="check_input_files", action="store_false",
                       help="Opposite of --check-input-files")
    group.add_argument("--check-outputs", dest="check_outputs",
                       help="Check output files exist and error if not [Default=%(default)s]")
    group.add_argument("--no-check-outputs", dest="check_outputs",
                       help="Opposite of --check-outputs.")
    group.add_argument("--fs-delay", dest="fs_delay",
                       type=float, default=5,
                       help="Time (sec) to allow for NFS to become consistent after stage completion [Default=%(default)s]")
    group.add_argument("--executor_wrapper", dest="executor_wrapper",
                       type=str, default="",
                       help="Command inside of which to run the executor. [Default='%(default)s']")
    group.add_argument("--defer-directory-creation", default=False,
                       action="store_true", dest="defer_directory_creation",
                       help="Create relevant directories when a stage is run instead of at startup [Default=%(default)s]")
    return p