def parse_config_and_write_with_configupdater(): ini = ConfigUpdater()"logman.ini", encoding='windows-1251') print_ini_updater(ini) option = ini['REM_Log_Tolyan_10']['daysold'] val = float(option.value) print(f'[{}].{option.key}: {type(val)} = "{val}"') print(delimiter) section_name = 'Interface' interface = ini[section_name] par_name = 'iconblinkinterval' val = interface[par_name].value print(f'{section_name}.{par_name} = {val}') par_name = 'dummy_int' val = interface.get(par_name, default=Option(par_name, '0')).value val = val if val else 0 print(f'{section_name}.{par_name} = {val}') par_name = 'HotKey' val = interface[par_name].value val = val if val else 0 print(f'{section_name}.{par_name} = {val}') print(delimiter) # Writing count demo... section_name = 'System' system = ini[section_name] par_name = 'multiline' # try: # # WTF! In this place exception configparser.DuplicateOptionError not raised! # # It raised only during ini.update_file() ! # # So at this place we have duplicate option 'multiline' without even any warnings # system.add_option(system.create_option( # key=par_name, # value=""" # 'Ok, it's' # ' a multiline with quotation' # ' and indentation test value!' # """ # )) # except Exception as e: # # configparser.DuplicateOptionError # # print(e) # pass if not system.get(par_name): system.add_option( system.create_option(key=par_name, value=""" 'Ok, it's' ' a multiline with quotation' ' and indentation test value!' """)) # Fallback/default values does not work for me for a while... # par_name = 'Count' # # count = system[par_name].value # # system[par_name].value raises exception if no such option, but system.get return None # count = system.get(key=par_name) # count = count if count else 0 # count += 1 # system[par_name].value = str(count) with open('logman.ini', 'w', encoding='windows-1251') as f: ini.write(f)
class IniPlugin(NitpickPlugin): """Enforce configurations and autofix INI files. Examples of ``.ini`` files handled by this plugin: - `setup.cfg <>`_ - `.editorconfig <>`_ - `tox.ini <>`_ - `.pylintrc <>`_ Style examples enforcing values on INI files: :gitref:`flake8 configuration <src/nitpick/resources/python/flake8.toml>`. """ fixable = True identify_tags = {"ini", "editorconfig"} violation_base_code = 320 updater: ConfigUpdater comma_separated_values: set[str] def post_init(self): """Post initialization after the instance was created.""" self.updater = ConfigUpdater() self.comma_separated_values = set(self.nitpick_file_dict.get(COMMA_SEPARATED_VALUES, [])) if not self.needs_top_section: return if all(isinstance(v, dict) for v in self.expected_config.values()): return new_config = dict({TOP_SECTION: {}}) for key, value in self.expected_config.items(): if isinstance(value, dict): new_config[key] = value continue new_config[TOP_SECTION][key] = value self.expected_config = new_config @property def needs_top_section(self) -> bool: """Return True if this .ini file needs a top section (e.g.: .editorconfig).""" return "editorconfig" in @property def current_sections(self) -> set[str]: """Current sections of the .ini file, including updated sections.""" return set(self.updater.sections()) @property def initial_contents(self) -> str: """Suggest the initial content for this missing file.""" return self.get_missing_output() @property def expected_sections(self) -> set[str]: """Expected sections (from the style config).""" return set(self.expected_config.keys()) @property def missing_sections(self) -> set[str]: """Missing sections.""" return self.expected_sections - self.current_sections def write_file(self, file_exists: bool) -> Fuss | None: """Write the new file.""" try: if self.needs_top_section: self.file_path.write_text(self.contents_without_top_section(str(self.updater))) return None if file_exists: self.updater.update_file() else: self.updater.write("w")) except ParsingError as err: return self.reporter.make_fuss(Violations.PARSING_ERROR, cls=err.__class__.__name__, msg=err) return None @staticmethod def contents_without_top_section(multiline_text: str) -> str: """Remove the temporary top section from multiline text, and keep the newline at the end of the file.""" return "\n".join(line for line in multiline_text.splitlines() if TOP_SECTION not in line) + "\n" def get_missing_output(self) -> str: """Get a missing output string example from the missing sections in an INI file.""" missing = self.missing_sections if not missing: return "" parser = ConfigParser() for section in sorted(missing, key=lambda s: "0" if s == TOP_SECTION else f"1{s}"): expected_config: dict = self.expected_config[section] if self.autofix: if self.updater.last_block: self.updater.add_section(section) self.updater[section].update(expected_config) self.dirty = True parser[section] = expected_config return self.contents_without_top_section(self.get_example_cfg(parser)) # TODO: refactor: convert the contents to dict (with IniConfig().sections?) and mimic other plugins doing dict diffs def enforce_rules(self) -> Iterator[Fuss]: """Enforce rules on missing sections and missing key/value pairs in an INI file.""" try: yield from self._read_file() except Error: return yield from self.enforce_missing_sections() csv_sections = {v.split(SECTION_SEPARATOR)[0] for v in self.comma_separated_values} missing_csv = csv_sections.difference(self.current_sections) if missing_csv: yield self.reporter.make_fuss( Violations.INVALID_COMMA_SEPARATED_VALUES_SECTION, ", ".join(sorted(missing_csv)) ) # Don't continue if the comma-separated values are invalid return for section in self.expected_sections.intersection(self.current_sections) - self.missing_sections: yield from self.enforce_section(section) def _read_file(self) -> Iterator[Fuss]: """Read the .ini file or special files like .editorconfig.""" parsing_err: Error | None = None try: except MissingSectionHeaderError as err: if self.needs_top_section: original_contents = self.file_path.read_text() self.updater.read_string(f"[{TOP_SECTION}]\n{original_contents}") return # If this is not an .editorconfig file, report this as a regular parsing error parsing_err = err except DuplicateOptionError as err: parsing_err = err if not parsing_err: return # Don't change the file if there was a parsing error self.autofix = False yield self.reporter.make_fuss(Violations.PARSING_ERROR, cls=parsing_err.__class__.__name__, msg=parsing_err) raise Error def enforce_missing_sections(self) -> Iterator[Fuss]: """Enforce missing sections.""" missing = self.get_missing_output() if missing: yield self.reporter.make_fuss(Violations.MISSING_SECTIONS, missing, self.autofix) def enforce_section(self, section: str) -> Iterator[Fuss]: """Enforce rules for a section.""" expected_dict = self.expected_config[section] actual_dict = {k: v.value for k, v in self.updater[section].items()} # TODO: refactor: add a class Ini(BaseDoc) and move this dictdiffer code there for diff_type, key, values in dictdiffer.diff(actual_dict, expected_dict): if diff_type == dictdiffer.CHANGE: if f"{section}.{key}" in self.comma_separated_values: yield from self.enforce_comma_separated_values(section, key, values[0], values[1]) else: yield from self.compare_different_keys(section, key, values[0], values[1]) elif diff_type == dictdiffer.ADD: yield from self.show_missing_keys(section, values) def enforce_comma_separated_values(self, section, key, raw_actual: Any, raw_expected: Any) -> Iterator[Fuss]: """Enforce sections and keys with comma-separated values. The values might contain spaces.""" actual_set = {s.strip() for s in raw_actual.split(",")} expected_set = {s.strip() for s in raw_expected.split(",")} missing = expected_set - actual_set if not missing: return joined_values = ",".join(sorted(missing)) value_to_append = f",{joined_values}" if self.autofix: self.updater[section][key].value += value_to_append self.dirty = True section_header = "" if section == TOP_SECTION else f"[{section}]\n" # TODO: test: top section with separated values in yield self.reporter.make_fuss( Violations.MISSING_VALUES_IN_LIST, f"{section_header}{key} = (...){value_to_append}", key=key, fixed=self.autofix, ) def compare_different_keys(self, section, key, raw_actual: Any, raw_expected: Any) -> Iterator[Fuss]: """Compare different keys, with special treatment when they are lists or numeric.""" if isinstance(raw_actual, (int, float, bool)) or isinstance(raw_expected, (int, float, bool)): # A boolean "True" or "true" has the same effect on ConfigParser files. actual = str(raw_actual).lower() expected = str(raw_expected).lower() else: actual = raw_actual expected = raw_expected if actual == expected: return if self.autofix: self.updater[section][key].value = expected self.dirty = True if section == TOP_SECTION: yield self.reporter.make_fuss( Violations.TOP_SECTION_HAS_DIFFERENT_VALUE, f"{key} = {raw_expected}", key=key, actual=raw_actual, fixed=self.autofix, ) else: yield self.reporter.make_fuss( Violations.OPTION_HAS_DIFFERENT_VALUE, f"[{section}]\n{key} = {raw_expected}", section=section, key=key, actual=raw_actual, fixed=self.autofix, ) def show_missing_keys(self, section: str, values: list[tuple[str, Any]]) -> Iterator[Fuss]: """Show the keys that are not present in a section.""" parser = ConfigParser() missing_dict = dict(values) parser[section] = missing_dict output = self.get_example_cfg(parser) self.add_options_before_space(section, missing_dict) if section == TOP_SECTION: yield self.reporter.make_fuss( Violations.TOP_SECTION_MISSING_OPTION, self.contents_without_top_section(output), self.autofix ) else: yield self.reporter.make_fuss(Violations.MISSING_OPTION, output, self.autofix, section=section) def add_options_before_space(self, section: str, options: dict) -> None: """Add new options before a blank line in the end of the section.""" if not self.autofix: return space_removed = False while isinstance(self.updater[section].last_block, Space): space_removed = True self.updater[section].last_block.detach() self.updater[section].update(options) self.dirty = True if space_removed: self.updater[section] @staticmethod def get_example_cfg(parser: ConfigParser) -> str: """Print an example of a config parser in a string instead of a file.""" string_stream = StringIO() parser.write(string_stream) output = string_stream.getvalue().strip() return output
class EncryptedConfigFile(object): """Wrap encrypted config files. Manages keys based on the data in the configuration. Also allows management of additional files with the same keys. """ def __init__(self, encrypted_file, add_files_for_env: Optional[str] = None, write_lock=False, quiet=False): self.add_files_for_env = add_files_for_env self.write_lock = write_lock self.quiet = quiet self.files = {} self.main_file = self.add_file(encrypted_file) # Add all existing files to the session if self.add_files_for_env: for path in iter_other_secrets(self.add_files_for_env): self.add_file(path) def add_file(self, filename): # Ensure compatibility with pathlib. filename = str(filename) if filename not in self.files: self.files[filename] = f = EncryptedFile(filename, self.write_lock, self.quiet) return self.files[filename] def __enter__(self): self.main_file.__enter__() # Ensure `self.config` return self def __exit__(self, _exc_type=None, _exc_value=None, _traceback=None): self.main_file.__exit__() if not self.get_members(): os.unlink(self.main_file.encrypted_filename) def read(self): if not self.main_file.cleartext: self.main_file.cleartext = NEW_FILE_TEMPLATE self.config = ConfigUpdater() self.config.read_string(self.main_file.cleartext) self.set_members(self.get_members()) def write(self): s = io.StringIO() self.config.write(s) self.main_file.cleartext = s.getvalue() for file in self.files.values(): file.recipients = self.get_members() file.write() def get_members(self): if 'batou' not in self.config: self.config.add_section('batou') try: members = self.config.get("batou", "members").value.split(",") except Exception: return [] members = [x.strip() for x in members] members = [_f for _f in members if _f] members.sort() return members def set_members(self, members): # The whitespace here is exactly what # "members = " looks like in the config file so we get # proper indentation. members = ",\n ".join(members) self.config.set("batou", "members", members)
class EncryptedConfigFile(object): """Wrap encrypted config files.""" lockfd = None _cleartext = None # Additional GPG parameters. Used for testing. gpg_opts = "" GPG_BINARY_CANDIDATES = ["gpg", "gpg2"] def __init__(self, encrypted_file, write_lock=False, quiet=False): """Context manager that opens an encrypted file. Use the read() and write() methods in the subordinate "with" block to manipulate cleartext content. If the cleartext content has been replaced, the encrypted file is updated. `write_lock` must be set True if a modification of the file is intended. """ self.encrypted_file = encrypted_file self.write_lock = write_lock self.quiet = quiet def __enter__(self): self._lock() return self def __exit__(self, _exc_type, _exc_value, _traceback): self.lockfd.close() def gpg(self, cmdline): null = tempfile.TemporaryFile() for gpg in self.GPG_BINARY_CANDIDATES: try: subprocess.check_call([gpg, "--version"], stdout=null, stderr=null) except (subprocess.CalledProcessError, OSError): pass else: return "{} {}".format(gpg, cmdline) raise RuntimeError("Could not find gpg binary." " Is GPG installed? I tried looking for: {}".format( ", ".join("`{}`".format(x) for x in self.GPG_BINARY_CANDIDATES))) @property def cleartext(self): if self._cleartext is None: return NEW_FILE_TEMPLATE return self._cleartext @cleartext.setter def cleartext(self, value): self.config = ConfigUpdater() self.config.read_string(value) self.set_members(self.get_members()) s = io.StringIO() self.config.write(s) self._cleartext = s.getvalue() def read(self): if self._cleartext is None: if os.stat(self.encrypted_file).st_size: self._decrypt() return self.cleartext def write(self, cleartext): """Replace encrypted file with new content.""" if not self.write_lock: raise RuntimeError("write() needs a write lock") self.cleartext = cleartext self._encrypt() def write_config(self): s = io.StringIO() self.config.write(s) self.write(s.getvalue()) def _lock(self): self.lockfd = open(self.encrypted_file, self.write_lock and "a+" or "r+") try: if self.write_lock: fcntl.lockf(self.lockfd, fcntl.LOCK_EX | fcntl.LOCK_NB) else: fcntl.lockf(self.lockfd, fcntl.LOCK_SH | fcntl.LOCK_NB) except BlockingIOError: raise FileLockedError(self.encrypted_file) def _decrypt(self): opts = self.gpg_opts if self.quiet: opts += " -q --no-tty --batch" self.cleartext = subprocess.check_output( [self.gpg("{} --decrypt {}".format(opts, self.encrypted_file))], stderr=NULL, shell=True, ).decode("utf-8") def get_members(self): members = self.config.get("batou", "members").value.split(",") members = [x.strip() for x in members] members = [_f for _f in members if _f] members.sort() return members def set_members(self, members): # The whitespace here is exactly what # "members = " looks like in the config file so we get # proper indentation. members = ",\n ".join(members) self.config.set("batou", "members", members) def _encrypt(self): recipients = self.get_members() if not recipients: raise ValueError("Need at least one recipient.") self.set_members(self.get_members()) recipients = " ".join( ["-r {}".format(shlex.quote(r.strip())) for r in recipients]) os.rename(self.encrypted_file, self.encrypted_file + ".old") try: gpg = subprocess.Popen( [ self.gpg("{} --encrypt {} -o {}".format( self.gpg_opts, recipients, self.encrypted_file)) ], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True, ) gpg.communicate(self.cleartext.encode("utf-8")) if gpg.returncode != 0: raise RuntimeError("GPG returned non-zero exit code.") except Exception: os.rename(self.encrypted_file + ".old", self.encrypted_file) raise else: os.unlink(self.encrypted_file + ".old")
else: logger.debug('setting [{}]->{}={}'.format(sec, key, values[sec][key])) updater[sec][key] = values[sec][key] if values.get('_global_'): for key in values.get('_global_'): for secname in updater.sections(): if updater.has_option(secname, key): if values['_global_'][key] == 'comment_out' and updater[ secname].get(key): logger.debug('commenting out [{}]->{}={}'.format( secname, key, updater[secname][key].value)) updater[secname][key].key = '#{}'.format(key) else: updater[secname][key] = values['_global_'][key] logger.debug('{} found in [{}] setting to {}'.format( key, secname, values['_global_'][key])) if args.get('output'): logger.debug('writing output: {}'.format(args.get('output'))) output_file_handle = open(args['output'], 'w') else: logger.debug('writing output: stdout') output_file_handle = sys.stdout updater.write(output_file_handle) if output_file_handle is not sys.stdout: output_file_handle.close()