def rd_server(): """Runs an aiocoap Resource Directory server as an ExpectHost.""" folder = os.environ.get('AIOCOAP_BASE', None) host = ExpectHost(folder, './aiocoap-rd') term = host.connect() # allow a couple of seconds for initialization time.sleep(2) yield host # teardown host.disconnect()
def cord_cli(): """Runs the RIOT cord_epsim example process as an ExpectHost.""" base_folder = os.environ.get('RIOTBASE', None) host = ExpectHost(os.path.join(base_folder, 'examples/cord_epsim'), 'make term') term = host.connect() term.expect('Simplified CoRE RD registration example') yield host # teardown host.disconnect()
def run_block2(address, block_size): """Runs block2 test""" response = b'This is RIOT \\(Version' cmdText = './ -r [{0}] -b {1} {2}' cmd = cmdText.format(address, block_size, '-c dtls-credentials.json' if proto_params['is_dtls'] else '') host = ExpectHost(pwd, cmd) output = assert'2.05 Content', output) assert, output)
def aiocoap_client(): """Registers an observe client and waits for a notification.""" # server handles same quantity of messages as client sends cmd = './ -r [fd00:bbbb::2]' host = ExpectHost(pwd, cmd) term = host.connect() # allow a couple of seconds for initialization time.sleep(2) yield host # teardown host.disconnect()
def retry_server(ignores): """Runs a server that ignores requests as an ExpectHost.""" cmd = './ -i {0}'.format(ignores) host = ExpectHost(pwd, cmd) term = host.connect() # allow a couple of seconds for initialization time.sleep(2) yield host # teardown host.disconnect()
def aiocoap_client(): """Runs an aiocoap client to query gcoap_example as a server.""" # server handles same quantity of messages as client sends cmd = './ -r [fd00:bbbb::2] -p /cli/stats -q {0}'.format( 10) host = ExpectHost(pwd, cmd) term = host.connect() # allow a couple of seconds for initialization time.sleep(2) yield host # teardown host.disconnect()
def run_block1(server_addr, block_size): """Runs block1 test""" signature = b'C496DF5946783990BEC5EFDC2999530EEB9175B83094BAE66170FF2431FC896E' cmd = './ -r [{0}] -b {1} {2}' host = ExpectHost( pwd, cmd.format( server_addr, block_size, '-c dtls-credentials.json' if proto_params['is_dtls'] else '')) output = assert'2.04 Changed', output) assert, output)
def aiocoap_client(): """Runs an aiocoap client to query gcoap_example as a server.""" # server handles same quantity of messages as client sends cmdText = './ -r [fd00:bbbb::2] -p /cli/stats -q {0} {1}' cmd = cmdText.format( 10, '-c dtls-credentials.json' if proto_params['is_dtls'] else '') host = ExpectHost(pwd, cmd) term = host.connect() # allow a couple of seconds for initialization time.sleep(2) yield host # teardown host.disconnect()
def libcoap_server(request): """Runs a libcoap example server process, and provides a pexpect spawn object to interact with it.""" folder = os.environ.get('LIBCOAP_BASE', None) if folder: cmd = os.path.join('examples/coap-server') else: cmd = 'coap-server' host = ExpectHost(folder, cmd) term = host.connect() yield host # teardown host.disconnect()
def aiocoap_client(): """Registers an observe client and waits for a notification.""" # server handles same quantity of messages as client sends dtls_arg = '-c dtls-credentials.json' if proto_params['is_dtls'] else '' cmd = './ -r [fd00:bbbb::2] {0}'.format(dtls_arg) #host = ExpectHost(pwd, cmd, putenv={'PYTHONPATH' : '/home/kbee/dev/aiocoap/repo'}) host = ExpectHost(pwd, cmd) term = host.connect() # allow a couple of seconds for initialization time.sleep(2) yield host # teardown host.disconnect()
def block_server(): """ Provides a block server that uses Packet API functions to build the response. """ base_folder = os.environ.get('RIOTAPPSBASE', None) board = os.environ.get('BOARD', 'native') term_cmd = 'make term' term_resp = 'gcoap block handler' host = ExpectHost(os.path.join(base_folder, 'gcoap-block-server'), term_cmd, putenv={'PORT':'tap1'}) term = host.connect() term.expect(term_resp) # set ULA pid = '5' if proto_params['is_dtls'] else '6' cmd = 'ifconfig {0} add unicast fd00:bbbb::1/64'.format(pid) host.send_recv(cmd, 'success:') yield host # teardown host.disconnect()
def leshan_server(tmpdir): """ Provides an ExpectHost that runs the Leshan LwM2M server app. """ base_folder = os.environ.get('LESHAN_BASE', None) board = os.environ.get('BOARD', 'native') jar = '{0}/leshan-server-demo/target/leshan-server-demo-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar'.format( base_folder) term_cmd = 'java -jar {0} --coaphost [fd00:bbbb::1]'.format(jar) term_resp = 'Web server started' host = ExpectHost(tmpdir, term_cmd) term = host.connect() term.expect(term_resp) yield host # teardown host.disconnect()
def libcoap_client(request_path): """Runs a libcoap example client as an ExpectHost to retrieve a response. Overrides fixture with the same name in to allow specification of address. """ folder = os.environ.get('LIBCOAP_BASE', None) cmd_folder = folder + '/examples/' if folder else '' addr = os.environ.get('TAP_LLADDR_SUT', None) cmd = '{0}coap-client -N -m get -T 5a -U coap://[{1}]{2}' cmd_text = cmd.format(cmd_folder, addr, request_path) host = ExpectHost(folder, cmd_text) yield host
def cord_cli(): """Runs the RIOT cord_ep example process as an ExpectHost.""" base_folder = os.environ.get('RIOTBASE', None) host = ExpectHost(os.path.join(base_folder, 'examples/cord_ep'), 'make term') term = host.connect() term.expect('CoRE RD client example!') # set ULA host.send_recv('ifconfig 7 add unicast fd00:bbbb::2/64', 'success:') yield host # teardown host.disconnect()
def lwm2m_client(): """ Provides an ExpectHost that runs the LwM2M client app. """ base_folder = os.environ.get('RIOTAPPSBASE', None) host = ExpectHost(os.path.join(base_folder, 'lwm2m-client'), 'make term') term = host.connect() term.expect('This is RIOT!') # set ULA host.send_recv('ifconfig 6 add unicast fd00:bbbb::2/64', 'success:') yield host # teardown host.disconnect()
def nano_block_client(): """ Provides an ExpectHost that runs the nanocoap block client app. """ base_folder = os.environ.get('RIOTAPPSBASE', None) host = ExpectHost(os.path.join(base_folder, 'nano-block-client'), 'make term') term = host.connect() term.expect('nanocoap block client app') # set ULA host.send_recv('ifconfig 5 add unicast fd00:bbbb::2/64','success:') yield host # teardown host.disconnect()
def gcoap_block_client(): """ Provides an ExpectHost that runs the nanocoap block client app. """ base_folder = os.environ.get('RIOTAPPSBASE', None) host = ExpectHost(os.path.join(base_folder, 'gcoap-block-client'), 'make term') term = host.connect() term.expect('gcoap block client') # set ULA pid = '5' if proto_params['is_dtls'] else '6' cmd = 'ifconfig {0} add unicast fd00:bbbb::2/64'.format(pid) host.send_recv(cmd, 'success:') yield host # teardown host.disconnect()
def pkt_block_server(): """ Provides a block server that uses Packet API functions to build the response. """ base_folder = os.environ.get('RIOTAPPSBASE', None) board = os.environ.get('BOARD', 'native') term_cmd = 'make term' term_resp = 'gcoap block handler' host = ExpectHost(os.path.join(base_folder, 'gcoap-block-server'), term_cmd) term = host.connect() term.expect(term_resp) # set ULA host.send_recv('ifconfig 6 add unicast fd00:bbbb::2/64', 'success:') yield host # teardown host.disconnect()