def connect(self): super().connect() try: identity = self.service.identity(self._name) if identity: if not self._connector: self._connector = Connector( self.service, identity.get('api-key'), identity.get('api-secret'), identity.get('host')) if not self._connector.connected: self._connector.connect(use_ws=False) # # instruments # # get all products symbols self._available_instruments = set() # @todo # instruments = self._connector.client.get_products().get('data', []) # for instrument in instruments: # self._available_instruments.add(instrument['symbol']) except Exception as e: logger.error(repr(e)) error_logger.error(traceback.format_exc())
def connect(self): super().connect() with self._mutex: try: self._ready = False self._connecting = True identity = self.service.identity(self._name) if identity: if not self._connector: self._connector = Connector( self.service, identity.get('account-id', ""), identity.get('api-key'), identity.get('api-secret'), identity.get('host')) if not self._connector.connected or not self._connector.ws_connected: self._connector.connect() if self._connector and self._connector.connected: # # instruments # # get all products symbols self._available_instruments = set() instruments = self._connector.client.get_products( ).get('data', []) configured_symbols = self.configured_symbols() matching_symbols = self.matching_symbols_set( configured_symbols, [ instrument['symbol'] for instrument in instruments ]) # cache them self.__configured_symbols = configured_symbols self.__matching_symbols = matching_symbols # prefetch all markets data with a single request to avoid one per market self.__prefetch_markets() for instrument in instruments: self._available_instruments.add( instrument['symbol']) # all tickers self._tickers_handler = self.__on_tickers_data) # userdata self._user_data_handler = self.__on_user_data) # and start ws manager if necessarry try: except RuntimeError: logger.debug("%s WS already started..." % ( # once market are init self._ready = True self._connecting = False logger.debug("%s connection successed" % ( except Exception as e: logger.debug(repr(e)) error_logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) if self._connector and self._connector.connected and self._ready: self.service.notify(Signal.SIGNAL_WATCHER_CONNECTED,, time.time())
class BinanceWatcher(Watcher): """ Binance market watcher using REST + WS. @ref @todo Margin trading, get position from REST API + WS events. @todo Finish order book events. @todo Update base_exchange_rate as price change. @todo Once a market is not longer found (market update) we could remove it from watched list, and even have a special signal to strategy, and remove the subscriber, and markets data from watcher and trader """ BASE_QUOTE = 'BTC' REV_TF_MAP = { '1m': 60, '3m': 180, '5m': 300, '15m': 900, '30m': 1800, '1h': 3600, '2h': 7200, '4h': 14400, '6h': 21600, '8h': 28800, '12h': 43200, '1d': 86400, '3d': 259200, '1w': 604800, '1M': 2592000 } def __init__(self, service): super().__init__("", service, Watcher.WATCHER_PRICE_AND_VOLUME) self._connector = None self._depths = {} # depth chart per symbol tuple (last_id, bids, ofrs) self._acount_data = {} self._symbols_data = {} self._tickers_data = {} self._last_trade_id = {} self.__configured_symbols = set() # cache for configured symbols set self.__matching_symbols = set() # cache for matching symbols self._multiplex_handler = None # WS multiple instruments self._multiplex_handlers = {} # WS instruments per instrument self._tickers_handler = None # WS all tickers self._user_data_handler = None # WS user data def connect(self): super().connect() with self._mutex: try: self._ready = False self._connecting = True identity = self.service.identity(self._name) if identity: if not self._connector: self._connector = Connector( self.service, identity.get('account-id', ""), identity.get('api-key'), identity.get('api-secret'), identity.get('host')) if not self._connector.connected or not self._connector.ws_connected: self._connector.connect() if self._connector and self._connector.connected: # # instruments # # get all products symbols self._available_instruments = set() instruments = self._connector.client.get_products( ).get('data', []) configured_symbols = self.configured_symbols() matching_symbols = self.matching_symbols_set( configured_symbols, [ instrument['symbol'] for instrument in instruments ]) # cache them self.__configured_symbols = configured_symbols self.__matching_symbols = matching_symbols # prefetch all markets data with a single request to avoid one per market self.__prefetch_markets() for instrument in instruments: self._available_instruments.add( instrument['symbol']) # all tickers self._tickers_handler = self.__on_tickers_data) # userdata self._user_data_handler = self.__on_user_data) # and start ws manager if necessarry try: except RuntimeError: logger.debug("%s WS already started..." % ( # once market are init self._ready = True self._connecting = False logger.debug("%s connection successed" % ( except Exception as e: logger.debug(repr(e)) error_logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) if self._connector and self._connector.connected and self._ready: self.service.notify(Signal.SIGNAL_WATCHER_CONNECTED,, time.time()) def disconnect(self): super().disconnect() logger.debug("%s disconnecting..." % ( with self._mutex: try: if self._connector: self._connector.disconnect() self._connector = None # reset WS handlers self._multiplex_handler = None self._multiplex_handlers = {} self._tickers_handler = None self._user_data_handler = None self._ready = False logger.debug("%s disconnected" % ( except Exception as e: logger.debug(repr(e)) error_logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) @property def connector(self): return self._connector @property def connected(self): return self._connector is not None and self._connector.connected and self._connector.ws_connected @property def authenticated(self): return self._connector and self._connector.authenticated def pre_update(self): if not self._connecting and not self._ready: reconnect = False with self._mutex: if not self._ready or self._connector is None or not self._connector.connected or not self._connector.ws_connected: # cleanup self._ready = False self._connector = None reconnect = True if reconnect: time.sleep(2) self.connect() return # # instruments # def subscribe(self, market_id, timeframe, ohlc_depths=None, order_book_depth=None): result = False with self._mutex: try: if market_id in self.__matching_symbols: multiplex = [] # live data symbol = market_id.lower() # depth - order book # multiplex.append(symbol + '@depth') # aggreged trade multiplex.append(symbol + '@aggTrade') # not used : ohlc (1m, 5m, 1h), prefer rebuild ourself using aggreged trades # multiplex.append('{}@kline_{}'.format(symbol, '1m')) # '5m' '1h'... # fetch from 1M to 1W if self._initial_fetch:"%s prefetch for %s" % (, market_id)) self.fetch_and_generate(market_id, Instrument.TF_1M, 3 * self.DEFAULT_PREFETCH_SIZE, Instrument.TF_3M) self.fetch_and_generate(market_id, Instrument.TF_5M, self.DEFAULT_PREFETCH_SIZE, None) self.fetch_and_generate(market_id, Instrument.TF_15M, 2 * self.DEFAULT_PREFETCH_SIZE, Instrument.TF_30M) self.fetch_and_generate(market_id, Instrument.TF_1H, 4 * self.DEFAULT_PREFETCH_SIZE, Instrument.TF_4H) self.fetch_and_generate(market_id, Instrument.TF_1D, 7 * self.DEFAULT_PREFETCH_SIZE, Instrument.TF_1W) # one more watched instrument self.insert_watched_instrument(market_id, [0]) # trade+depth self._multiplex_handlers[ market_id] = multiplex, self.__on_multiplex_data) result = True except Exception as e: error_logger.error(repr(e)) return result def unsubscribe(self, market_id, timeframe): with self._mutex: if market_id in self._multiplex_handlers: self._multiplex_handlers[market_id].close() del self._multiplex_handlers[market_id] return True return False # # processing # def update(self): if not super().update(): return False if not self.connected: return False # # ohlc close/open # with self._mutex: self.update_from_tick() # # market info update (each 4h) # if time.time( ) - self._last_market_update >= BinanceWatcher.UPDATE_MARKET_INFO_DELAY: # only once per 4h try:"%s update market info" % self.update_markets_info() self._last_market_update = time.time() except Exception as e: error_logger.error("update_update_markets_info %s" % str(e)) return True def post_update(self): super().post_update() time.sleep(0.0005) def post_run(self): super().post_run() def fetch_market(self, market_id): """ Fetch and cache it. It rarely changes. """ symbol = self._symbols_data.get(market_id) ticker = self._tickers_data.get(market_id) account = self._acount_data market = None if symbol and ticker and account: market = Market(symbol['symbol'], symbol['symbol']) market.is_open = symbol['status'] == "TRADING" market.expiry = '-' base_asset = symbol['baseAsset'] market.set_base(base_asset, base_asset, symbol['baseAssetPrecision']) quote_asset = symbol['quoteAsset'] market.set_quote(quote_asset, symbol.get('quoteAssetUnit', quote_asset), symbol['quotePrecision']) # tick size at the base asset precision market.one_pip_means = math.pow(10.0, -symbol['baseAssetPrecision']) market.value_per_pip = 1.0 market.contract_size = 1.0 market.lot_size = 1.0 # @todo add margin support market.margin_factor = 1.0 size_limits = ["1.0", "0.0", "1.0"] notional_limits = ["1.0", "0.0", "0.0"] price_limits = ["0.0", "0.0", "0.0"] # size min/max/step for afilter in symbol["filters"]: if afilter['filterType'] == "LOT_SIZE": size_limits = [ afilter['minQty'], afilter['maxQty'], afilter['stepSize'] ] elif afilter['filterType'] == "MIN_NOTIONAL": notional_limits[0] = afilter['minNotional'] elif afilter['filterType'] == "PRICE_FILTER": price_limits = [ afilter['minPrice'], afilter['maxPrice'], afilter['tickSize'] ] market.set_size_limits(float(size_limits[0]), float(size_limits[1]), float(size_limits[2])) market.set_price_limits(float(price_limits[0]), float(price_limits[1]), float(price_limits[2])) market.set_notional_limits(float(notional_limits[0]), 0.0, 0.0) market.unit_type = Market.UNIT_AMOUNT market.market_type = Market.TYPE_CRYPTO market.contract_type = Market.CONTRACT_SPOT = 0 if symbol.get('isSpotTradingAllowed', False): |= Market.TRADE_ASSET if symbol.get('isMarginTradingAllowed', False): |= Market.TRADE_IND_MARGIN # @todo orders capacities # symbol['orderTypes'] in ['LIMIT', 'LIMIT_MAKER', 'MARKET', 'STOP_LOSS_LIMIT', 'TAKE_PROFIT_LIMIT'] # market.orders = if symbol.get('ocoAllowed', False): market.orders |= Market.ORDER_ONE_CANCEL_OTHER market.maker_fee = account['makerCommission'] * 0.0001 market.taker_fee = account['takerCommission'] * 0.0001 # market.buyer_commission = account['buyerCommission'] # market.seller_commission = account['sellerCommission'] # only order book can give us bid/ofr = float(ticker['price']) market.ofr = float(ticker['price']) mid_price = float(ticker['price']) if quote_asset != self.BASE_QUOTE: if self._tickers_data.get(quote_asset + self.BASE_QUOTE): market.base_exchange_rate = float( self._tickers_data.get(quote_asset + self.BASE_QUOTE, {'price', '1.0'})['price']) elif self._tickers_data.get(self.BASE_QUOTE + quote_asset): market.base_exchange_rate = 1.0 / float( self._tickers_data.get(self.BASE_QUOTE + quote_asset, {'price', '1.0'})['price']) else: market.base_exchange_rate = 1.0 else: market.base_exchange_rate = 1.0 market.contract_size = 1.0 / mid_price market.value_per_pip = market.contract_size / mid_price # volume 24h # in client.get_ticker but cost is 40 for any symbols then wait it at all-tickets WS event # vol24_base = ticker24h('volume') # vol24_quote = ticker24h('quoteVolume') # notify for strategy self.service.notify(Signal.SIGNAL_MARKET_INFO_DATA,, (market_id, market)) # store the last market info to be used for backtesting if not self._read_only: Database.inst().store_market_info((, market.market_id, market.symbol, market.market_type, market.unit_type, market.contract_type, # type, market.orders, # type market.base, market.base_display, market.base_precision, # base market.quote, market.quote_display, market.quote_precision, # quote market.expiry, int(market.last_update_time * 1000.0), # expiry, timestamp str(market.lot_size), str(market.contract_size), str(market.base_exchange_rate), str(market.value_per_pip), str(market.one_pip_means), '-', *size_limits, *notional_limits, *price_limits, str(market.maker_fee), str(market.taker_fee), str(market.maker_commission), str(market.taker_commission))) return market def fetch_order_book(self, market_id): # get_orderbook_tickers # get_order_book(market_id) pass # # protected # def __prefetch_markets(self): symbols = self._connector.client.get_exchange_info().get('symbols', []) tickers = self._connector.client.get_all_tickers() self._acount_data = self._connector.client.get_account() self._symbols_data = {} self._tickers_data = {} for symbol in symbols: self._symbols_data[symbol['symbol']] = symbol for ticker in tickers: self._tickers_data[ticker['symbol']] = ticker def __on_tickers_data(self, data): # market data instrument by symbol for ticker in data: symbol = ticker['s'] last_trade_id = ticker['L'] if last_trade_id != self._last_trade_id.get(symbol, 0): self._last_trade_id[symbol] = last_trade_id last_update_time = ticker['C'] * 0.001 bid = float(ticker['b']) ofr = float(ticker['a']) vol24_base = float(ticker['v']) if ticker['v'] else 0.0 vol24_quote = float(ticker['q']) if ticker['q'] else 0.0 # @todo compute base_exchange_rate # if quote_asset != self.BASE_QUOTE: # if self._tickers_data.get(quote_asset+self.BASE_QUOTE): # market.base_exchange_rate = float(self._tickers_data.get(quote_asset+self.BASE_QUOTE, {'price', '1.0'})['price']) # elif self._tickers_data.get(self.BASE_QUOTE+quote_asset): # market.base_exchange_rate = 1.0 / float(self._tickers_data.get(self.BASE_QUOTE+quote_asset, {'price', '1.0'})['price']) # else: # market.base_exchange_rate = 1.0 # else: # market.base_exchange_rate = 1.0 market_data = (symbol, last_update_time > 0, last_update_time, bid, ofr, None, None, None, vol24_base, vol24_quote) self.service.notify(Signal.SIGNAL_MARKET_DATA,, market_data) def __on_depth_data(self, data): # @todo using binance.DepthCache return if data['e'] == 'depthUpdate': symbol = data['s'] if symbol not in self._depths: # initial snapshot of the order book from REST API initial = self._connector.client.get_order_book(symbol=symbol, limit=100) bids = {} asks = {} for bid in initial['bids']: bids[bid[0]] = bid[1] for ask in initial['asks']: asks[ask[0]] = ask[1] self._depths[symbol] = [ initial.get('lastUpdateId', 0), bids, asks ] depth = self._depths[symbol] # The first processed should have U <= lastUpdateId+1 AND u >= lastUpdateId+1 if data['u'] <= depth[0] or data['U'] >= depth[0]: # drop event if older than the last snapshot return if data['U'] != depth[0] + 1: logger.warning( "Watcher %s, there is a gap into depth data for symbol %s" % (self._name, symbol)) for bid in data['b']: # if data['U'] <= depth[0]+1 and data['u'] >= depth[0]+1: if bid[1] == 0: del depth[1][bid[0]] # remove at price else: depth[2][bid[0]] = bid[1] # price : volume for ask in data['a']: if ask[1] == 0: del depth[2][ask[0]] else: depth[2][ask[0]] = ask[1] # last processed id, next must be +1 depth[0] = data['u'] # self.service.notify(Signal.SIGNAL_ORDER_BOOK,, (symbol, depth[1], depth[2])) def __on_multiplex_data(self, data): """ Intercepts ticker all, depth for followed symbols. Klines are generated from tickers data. Its a prefered way to recuce network traffic and API usage. """ if not data.get('stream'): return if data['stream'].endswith('@aggTrade'): self.__on_trade_data(data['data']) elif data['stream'].endswith('@depth'): self.__on_depth_data(data['data']) elif '@kline_' in data['stream']: self.__on_kline_data(data['data']) # elif data['stream'] == '!ticker@arr': # self.__on_tickers_data(data['data']) def __on_trade_data(self, data): event_type = data.get('e', "") if event_type == "aggTrade": symbol = data['s'] trade_time = data['T'] * 0.001 # trade_id = data['t'] # buyer_maker = data['m'] price = float(data['p']) vol = float(data['q']) bid = price ofr = price tick = (trade_time, bid, ofr, vol) self.service.notify(Signal.SIGNAL_TICK_DATA,, (symbol, tick)) if not self._read_only and self._store_trade: Database.inst().store_market_trade( (, symbol, int(data['T']), data['p'], data['p'], data['q'])) for tf in Watcher.STORED_TIMEFRAMES: # generate candle per timeframe candle = None with self._mutex: candle = self.update_ohlc(symbol, tf, trade_time, bid, ofr, vol) if candle is not None: self.service.notify(Signal.SIGNAL_CANDLE_DATA,, (symbol, candle)) def __on_kline_data(self, data): event_type = data.get('e', '') if event_type == 'kline': k = data['k'] symbol = k['s'] timestamp = k['t'] * 0.001 tf = self.REV_TF_MAP[k['i']] candle = Candle(timestamp, tf) # only price, no spread candle.set_bid_ohlc(float(k['o']), float(k['h']), float(k['l']), float(k['c'])) candle.set_ofr_ohlc(float(k['o']), float(k['h']), float(k['l']), float(k['c'])) candle.set_volume(float(k['v'])) candle.set_consolidated(k['x']) self.service.notify(Signal.SIGNAL_CANDLE_DATA,, (symbol, candle)) if k['x'] and not self._read_only: # write only consolidated candles. values are string its perfect Database.inst().store_market_ohlc( (, symbol, int(k['t']), tf, k['o'], k['h'], k['l'], k['c'], k['o'], k['h'], k['l'], k['c'], k['v'])) def __on_user_data(self, data): """ @ref @todo Soon support of margin trading. """ event_type = data.get('e', '') if event_type == 'executionReport':" executionReport %s", str(data)) event_timestamp = float(data['E']) * 0.001 symbol = data['s'] cid = data['c'] reason = "" side = '' quantity = 0 partially = 0 if data['x'] == 'REJECTED': # and data['X'] == '?': client_order_id = str(data['c']) reason = "" if data['r'] == 'INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE': reason = 'insufficient balance' self.service.notify(Signal.SIGNAL_ORDER_REJECTED,, (symbol, client_order_id)) elif (data['x'] == 'TRADE') and (data['X'] == 'FILLED' or data['X'] == 'PARTIALLY_FILLED'): order_id = str(data['i']) client_order_id = str(data['c']) timestamp = float(data['T']) * 0.001 # transaction time price = None stop_price = None if data['o'] == 'LIMIT': order_type = Order.ORDER_LIMIT price = float(data['p']) elif data['o'] == 'MARKET': order_type = Order.ORDER_MARKET elif data['o'] == 'STOP_LOSS': order_type = Order.ORDER_STOP stop_price = float(data['P']) elif data['o'] == 'STOP_LOSS_LIMIT': order_type = Order.ORDER_STOP_LIMIT price = float(data['p']) stop_price = float(data['P']) elif data['o'] == 'TAKE_PROFIT': order_type = Order.ORDER_TAKE_PROFIT stop_price = float(data['P']) elif data['o'] == 'TAKE_PROFIT_LIMIT': order_type = Order.ORDER_TAKE_PROFIT_LIMIT price = float(data['p']) stop_price = float(data['P']) elif data['o'] == 'LIMIT_MAKER': order_type = Order.ORDER_LIMIT price = float(data['p']) else: order_type = Order.ORDER_LIMIT if data['f'] == 'GTC': time_in_force = Order.TIME_IN_FORCE_GTC elif data['f'] == 'IOC': time_in_force = Order.TIME_IN_FORCE_IOC elif data['f'] == 'FOK': time_in_force = Order.TIME_IN_FORCE_FOK else: time_in_force = Order.TIME_IN_FORCE_GTC order = { 'id': order_id, 'symbol': symbol, 'type': order_type, 'trade-id': str(data['t']), 'direction': Order.LONG if data['S'] == 'BUY' else Order.SHORT, 'timestamp': timestamp, 'quantity': float(data['q']), 'price': price, 'stop-price': stop_price, 'exec-price': float(data['L']), 'filled': float(data['l']), 'cumulative-filled': float(data['z']), 'quote-transacted': float(data['Y'] ), # similar as float(data['Z']) for cumulative 'stop-loss': None, 'take-profit': None, 'time-in-force': time_in_force, 'commission-amount': float(data['n']), 'commission-asset': data['N'], 'maker': data[ 'm'], # trade execution over or counter the market : true if maker, false if taker 'fully-filled': data['X'] == 'FILLED' # fully filled status else its partially } self.service.notify(Signal.SIGNAL_ORDER_TRADED,, (symbol, order, client_order_id)) elif data['x'] == 'NEW' and data['X'] == 'NEW': order_id = str(data['i']) timestamp = float(data['O']) * 0.001 # order creation time client_order_id = str(data['c']) iceberg_qty = float(data['F']) price = None stop_price = None if data['o'] == 'LIMIT': order_type = Order.ORDER_LIMIT price = float(data['p']) elif data['o'] == 'MARKET': order_type = Order.ORDER_MARKET elif data['o'] == 'STOP_LOSS': order_type = Order.ORDER_STOP stop_price = float(data['P']) elif data['o'] == 'STOP_LOSS_LIMIT': order_type = Order.ORDER_STOP_LIMIT price = float(data['p']) stop_price = float(data['P']) elif data['o'] == 'TAKE_PROFIT': order_type = Order.ORDER_TAKE_PROFIT stop_price = float(data['P']) elif data['o'] == 'TAKE_PROFIT_LIMIT': order_type = Order.ORDER_TAKE_PROFIT_LIMIT price = float(data['p']) stop_price = float(data['P']) elif data['o'] == 'LIMIT_MAKER': order_type = Order.ORDER_LIMIT price = float(data['p']) else: order_type = Order.ORDER_LIMIT if data['f'] == 'GTC': time_in_force = Order.TIME_IN_FORCE_GTC elif data['f'] == 'IOC': time_in_force = Order.TIME_IN_FORCE_IOC elif data['f'] == 'FOK': time_in_force = Order.TIME_IN_FORCE_FOK else: time_in_force = Order.TIME_IN_FORCE_GTC order = { 'id': order_id, 'symbol': symbol, 'direction': Order.LONG if data['S'] == 'BUY' else Order.SHORT, 'type': order_type, 'timestamp': event_timestamp, 'quantity': float(data['q']), 'price': price, 'stop-price': stop_price, 'time-in-force': time_in_force, 'stop-loss': None, 'take-profit': None } self.service.notify(Signal.SIGNAL_ORDER_OPENED,, (symbol, order, client_order_id)) elif data['x'] == 'CANCELED' and data['X'] == 'CANCELED': order_id = str(data['i']) org_client_order_id = data['C'] self.service.notify(Signal.SIGNAL_ORDER_CANCELED,, (symbol, order_id, org_client_order_id)) elif data['x'] == 'EXPIRED' and data['X'] == 'EXPIRED': order_id = str(data['i']) self.service.notify(Signal.SIGNAL_ORDER_DELETED,, (symbol, order_id, "")) elif data['x'] == 'REPLACED' or data['X'] == 'REPLACED': pass # nothing to do (currently unused) elif event_type == 'outboundAccountInfo': event_timestamp = float(data['E']) * 0.001 # balances for balance in data['B']: asset_name = balance['a'] free = balance['f'] locked = balance['l'] # asset updated self.service.notify(Signal.SIGNAL_ASSET_UPDATED,, (asset_name, float(locked), float(free))) # # miscs # def price_history(self, market_id, timestamp): """ Retrieve the historical price for a specific market id. """ try: d = self.connector.price_for_at(market_id, timestamp) return (float(d[0][1]) + float(d[0][4]) + float(d[0][3])) / 3.0 except Exception as e: logger.error("Cannot found price history for %s at %s" % (market_id, datetime.fromtimestamp( timestamp).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))) return None def update_markets_info(self): """ Update market info. """ self.__prefetch_markets() for market_id in self._watched_instruments: market = self.fetch_market(market_id) if market is None: # can be a removed market, signal its closed market_data = (market_id, False, time.time(), None, None, None, None, None, None, None) elif market.is_open: # market exists and tradable market_data = (market_id, market.is_open, market.last_update_time,, market.ofr, market.base_exchange_rate, market.contract_size, market.value_per_pip, market.vol24h_base, market.vol24h_quote) else: # market exists but closed market_data = (market_id, market.is_open, market.last_update_time, None, None, None, None, None, None, None) self.service.notify(Signal.SIGNAL_MARKET_DATA,, market_data) def fetch_candles(self, market_id, timeframe, from_date=None, to_date=None, n_last=None): TF_MAP = { 60: '1m', 180: '3m', 300: '5m', 900: '15m', 1800: '30m', 3600: '1h', 7200: '2h', 14400: '4h', 21600: '6h', 28800: '8h', 43200: '12h', 86400: '1d', 259200: '3d', 604800: '1w', 2592000: '1M' } if timeframe not in TF_MAP: logger.error("Watcher %s does not support timeframe %s" % (, timeframe)) return candles = [] tf = TF_MAP[timeframe] try: candles = self._connector.client.get_historical_klines( market_id, tf, int(from_date.timestamp() * 1000), int(to_date.timestamp() * 1000)) except Exception as e: logger.error( "Watcher %s cannot retrieve candles %s on market %s (%s)" % (, tf, market_id, str(e))) count = 0 for candle in candles: count += 1 # (timestamp, open bid, high bid, low bid, close bid, open ofr, high ofr, low ofr, close ofr, volume) yield ((candle[0], candle[1], candle[2], candle[3], candle[4], candle[1], candle[2], candle[3], candle[4], candle[5]))
def connect(self): super().connect() try: self.lock() self._ready = False identity = self.service.identity(self._name) if identity: if not self._connector: self._connector = Connector(self.service, identity.get('account-id'), identity.get('api-key'), identity.get('api-secret'), identity.get('host')) if not self._connector.connected or not self._connector.ws_connected: self._connector.connect() if self._connector and self._connector.connected: # # instruments # # get all products symbols self._available_instruments = set() instruments = self._connector.client.get_products().get( 'data', []) configured_symbols = self.configured_symbols() matching_symbols = self.matching_symbols_set( configured_symbols, [instrument['symbol'] for instrument in instruments]) # prefetch all markets data with a single request to avoid one per market self.__prefetch_markets() multiplex = [] for instrument in instruments: self._available_instruments.add(instrument['symbol']) # and watch it if configured or any if instrument['symbol'] in matching_symbols: # live data symbol = instrument['symbol'].lower() # depth - order book # multiplex.append(symbol + '@depth') # aggreged trade multiplex.append(symbol + '@aggTrade') # not used : ohlc (1m, 5m, 1h), prefer rebuild ourself using aggreged trades # multiplex.append('{}@kline_{}'.format(symbol, '1m')) # '5m' '1h'... # fetch from 1M to 1W if self._initial_fetch: self.fetch_and_generate( instrument['symbol'], Instrument.TF_1M, 3 * self.DEFAULT_PREFETCH_SIZE, Instrument.TF_3M) self.fetch_and_generate( instrument['symbol'], Instrument.TF_5M, self.DEFAULT_PREFETCH_SIZE, None) self.fetch_and_generate( instrument['symbol'], Instrument.TF_15M, 2 * self.DEFAULT_PREFETCH_SIZE, Instrument.TF_30M) self.fetch_and_generate( instrument['symbol'], Instrument.TF_1H, 4 * self.DEFAULT_PREFETCH_SIZE, Instrument.TF_4H) self.fetch_and_generate( instrument['symbol'], Instrument.TF_1D, 7 * self.DEFAULT_PREFETCH_SIZE, Instrument.TF_1W)"%s prefetch for %s" % (, instrument['symbol'])) # one more watched instrument self.insert_watched_instrument( instrument['symbol'], [0]) # all 24h mini tickers (prefers ticker@arr) # multiplex.append('!miniTicker@arr') # all tickers multiplex.append('!ticker@arr') # depth+kline+ticker self._multiplex_handler = multiplex, self.__on_multiplex_data) # userdata self._user_data_handler = self.__on_user_data) # and start ws manager # once market are init self._ready = True except Exception as e: logger.debug(repr(e)) error_logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) finally: self.unlock() if self._connector and self._connector.connected and self._ready: self.service.notify(Signal.SIGNAL_WATCHER_CONNECTED,, time.time())
class KrakenFetcher(Fetcher): """ Kraken market data fetcher. """ TF_MAP = { 60: '1m', 180: '3m', 300: '5m', 900: '15m', 1800: '30m', 3600: '1h', 7200: '2h', 14400: '4h', 21600: '6h', 28800: '8h', 43200: '12h', 86400: '1d', 259200: '3d', 604800: '1w', 2592000: '1M' } def __init__(self, service): super().__init__("", service) self._connector = None def connect(self): super().connect() try: identity = self.service.identity(self._name) if identity: if not self._connector: self._connector = Connector( self.service, identity.get('api-key'), identity.get('api-secret'), identity.get('host')) if not self._connector.connected: self._connector.connect(use_ws=False) # # instruments # # get all products symbols self._available_instruments = set() # @todo # instruments = self._connector.client.get_products().get('data', []) # for instrument in instruments: # self._available_instruments.add(instrument['symbol']) except Exception as e: logger.error(repr(e)) error_logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) def disconnect(self): super().disconnect() try: if self._connector: self._connector.disconnect() self._connector = None except Exception as e: logger.error(repr(e)) error_logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) @property def connector(self): return self._connector @property def connected(self): return self._connector is not None and self._connector.connected @property def authenticated(self): return self._connector and self._connector.authenticated def fetch_trades(self, market_id, from_date=None, to_date=None, n_last=None): pass def fetch_candles(self, market_id, timeframe, from_date=None, to_date=None, n_last=None): pass
class BinanceFetcher(Fetcher): """ Binance market data fetcher. """ TF_MAP = { 60: '1m', 180: '3m', 300: '5m', 900: '15m', 1800: '30m', 3600: '1h', 7200: '2h', 14400: '4h', 21600: '6h', 28800: '8h', 43200: '12h', 86400: '1d', 259200: '3d', 604800: '1w', 2592000: '1M' } def __init__(self, service): super().__init__("", service) self._connector = None def connect(self): super().connect() try: identity = self.service.identity(self._name) if identity: if not self._connector: self._connector = Connector(self.service, identity.get('api-key'), identity.get('api-secret'), identity.get('host')) if not self._connector.connected: self._connector.connect(use_ws=False) # # instruments # # get all products symbols self._available_instruments = set() instruments = self._connector.client.get_products().get( 'data', []) for instrument in instruments: self._available_instruments.add(instrument['symbol']) except Exception as e: logger.error(repr(e)) error_logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) def disconnect(self): super().disconnect() try: if self._connector: self._connector.disconnect() self._connector = None except Exception as e: logger.error(repr(e)) error_logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) @property def connector(self): return self._connector @property def connected(self): return self._connector is not None and self._connector.connected @property def authenticated(self): return self._connector and self._connector.authenticated def fetch_trades(self, market_id, from_date=None, to_date=None, n_last=None): trades = [] # get all trades and append them into a file try: trades = self._connector.client.aggregate_trade_iter( market_id, start_str=int(from_date.timestamp() * 1000), end_str=int(to_date.timestamp() * 1000)) except Exception as e: logger.error( "Fetcher %s cannot retrieve aggregated trades on market %s" % (, market_id)) count = 0 for trade in trades: count += 1 # timestamp, bid, ofr, volume yield ((trade['T'], trade['p'], trade['p'], trade['q'])) "Fetcher %s has retrieved on market %s %s aggregated trades" % (, market_id, count)) def fetch_candles(self, market_id, timeframe, from_date=None, to_date=None, n_last=None): if timeframe not in self.TF_MAP: logger.error("Fetcher %s does not support timeframe %s" % (, timeframe)) return candles = [] tf = self.TF_MAP[timeframe] try: candles = self._connector.client.get_historical_klines( market_id, tf, int(from_date.timestamp() * 1000), int(to_date.timestamp() * 1000)) except: logger.error("Fetcher %s cannot retrieve candles %s on market %s" % (, tf, market_id)) count = 0 for candle in candles: count += 1 # (timestamp, open bid, high bid, low bid, close bid, open ofr, high ofr, low ofr, close ofr, volume) yield ((candle[0], candle[1], candle[2], candle[3], candle[4], candle[1], candle[2], candle[3], candle[4], candle[5])) "Fetcher %s has retrieved on market %s %s candles for timeframe %s" % (, market_id, count, tf))