Esempio n. 1
    def __init__(self, beta, xi=None, xmin=None,
                 method='match head to tail'):
        """`xmin` is minimum x value of natural matching point.  If `x_m` <
        `xmin`, then the matching point will be forced to be `xmin`"""
        # Set head parameters
        self.A_h = A(beta, xi)
        self.theta_h = theta_c(beta, xi)
        self.sig_h = np.sign(self.theta_h)
        self.tau_h = np.tan(np.abs(self.theta_h))
        self.a_h = self.A_h/self.tau_h**2
        self.x0_h = 1.0 - self.sig_h*self.a_h
        self.head_conic = Conic(A=self.A_h, th_conic=np.degrees(self.theta_h))
        self.t_h = self.head_conic.make_t_array()
        # Set tail parameters
        # Distance to other star in units of R0
        self.D = (1 + np.sqrt(beta)) / np.sqrt(beta)
        if xi == None:
            # Opening angle of tail
            self.theta_t = theta_tail(beta, xi, f=finf_CRW)
            # This was formerly known as phi1_over_phi
            self.J = phi_ratio_CRW(beta, self.theta_t)
            self.K = K_func_CRW(beta, self.theta_t, self.J)
            # Empirically determined correction factor
            self.K *= 0.5*self.J*(1.0 + beta)
            self.theta_t = theta_tail(beta, xi, f=finf)
            self.J = phi_ratio_anisotropic(beta, xi, self.theta_t)
            self.K = K_func_anisotropic(beta, xi, self.theta_t, self.J)

        self.tau_t = np.tan(self.theta_t)
        self.T = (self.tau_h/self.tau_t)**2
        self.R90 = B(beta, xi)
        self.m90 = m90_func(beta, xi)

        if method == 'match R90 and gradient':
            # New 30 Sep 2016 - fit tail to y, dy/dx @ 90 deg, instead
            # of to head conic
            self.x0_t = self.R90*self.m90 / self.tau_t**2
            self.a_t = np.sqrt(self.x0_t**2 - (self.R90/self.tau_t)**2)
            self.x_m = 0.0      # for completeness, but we don't use it
        elif method == 'match head to tail':
            # Original method, that I am not satisfied with (30 Sep 2016)

            # Center of tail hyperbola in units of R_0
            self.x0_t =  self.D / (1.0 + self.J)

            # New 30 Aug 2016
            # Scale of hyperbola now determined from the K coefficient
            # self.a_t = self.x0_t*a_over_x(self.tau_t, self.J, self.K)

            # Find the x value where two conics match in dy/dx
            self.x_m = (self.x0_t + self.sig_h*self.T*self.x0_h) / (1 + self.sig_h*self.T)
            if xmin is not None: # and self.x_m < xmin:
                # 30 Aug 2016: Match at x = xmin if gradients would naturally
                # match at a more negative value of x
                self.x_m = xmin
                # And throw away the previous value of x0_t so that we can
                # force y and dy/dx to match at x=xmin
                self.x0_t = (1 + self.sig_h*self.T)*xmin - self.sig_h*self.T*self.x0_h

            # Major and minor axes of tail hyperbola
            self.a_t = np.sqrt(
                (self.x_m - self.x0_t)**2
                - self.T*np.abs(self.a_h**2 - (self.x_m - self.x0_h)**2)
        elif method == 'match R90 and asymptote':
            # Hyperbola center depends on asymptote only
            self.x0_t =  self.D / (1.0 + self.J)
            self.a_t = np.sqrt(self.x0_t**2 - (self.R90/self.tau_t)**2)
            self.x_m = 0.0
            raise NotImplementedError('Unknown match method: "{}"'.format(method))

        self.t_t = np.linspace(0.0, max(2.0, 10.0/self.a_t),  500)
figfilename = sys.argv[0].replace('.py', '.pdf')
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nxi, nbeta, sharex=True, sharey=True)

for j, xi in enumerate(xigrid):
    for i, beta in enumerate(betagrid):
        ax = axes[j, i]

        # Geberalized CRW solution
        R_crw = R_from_theta(theta, beta, xi)
        x_crw = R_crw*np.cos(theta)
        y_crw = R_crw*np.sin(theta)

        # Matched conic parameters
        A = conic_parameters.A(beta, xi)
        th_conic = np.degrees(conic_parameters.theta_c(beta, xi))
        c = Conic(A=A, th_conic=th_conic)
        t = c.make_t_array()
        x_con = c.x(t)
        y_con = c.y(t)

        # Hyperbola fit to tail
        th_tail = np.degrees(conic_parameters.theta_tail(beta, xi))

        # First draw the asymptote
        D = (1 + np.sqrt(beta))/np.sqrt(beta)
        b_a = np.tan(np.radians(th_tail))
        x_cone = np.linspace(-10*D, 10*D, 3)
        y_cone = -b_a*(x_cone - 0.5*(1 + np.sqrt(beta))*D)
        print(th_tail, b_a, x_cone, y_cone)

Esempio n. 3
# Step 2: Initialize arrays

beta = [5e-4, 0.001, 0.002, 0.005, 0.01, 0.02, 0.05, 0.1]
colors = sns.color_palette("Blues", len(beta))
inc = np.linspace(0, 75, 100)
# print(inc)

# step 3: Beta loop  for plotting
for b, c in zip(beta, colors):
    th_inf = theta_infty(b, Xi, CRW)
    imax = np.degrees(np.arctan(-1.0 / np.tan(th_inf)))
    imask = inc <= imax
    conic = Conic(A=A(b, Xi), th_conic=np.degrees(theta_c(b, Xi)))
    print(r"$\beta={}$".format(b), imax)
    q_prime = q(b) * conic.g(inc[imask])
    A_prime = conic.Aprime(inc[imask])
        label=r"$\beta={}${}$\theta_c={:.0f}^\circ$".format(b, "\n", np.degrees(theta_c(b, Xi))),
    every15 = np.zeros(q_prime.shape, dtype=bool)
    for thisinc in 0.0, 15.0, 30.0, 45.0, 60.0, 75.0:
        iclosest = np.argmin(np.abs(inc[imask] - thisinc))
        every15[iclosest] = True