class PyConsole(QtGui.QWidget): def __init__(self, parent=None, locals=None, log='', fontSize=10, commandWidget=None): QtGui.QWidget.__init__(self, parent) self.ui = Ui_Form() self.ui.setupUi(self) # Setup TextBrowser self.ui.tb_view.setWordWrapMode(QtGui.QTextOption.WrapAnywhere) self.ui.tb_view.keyPressEvent = self.tb_out_keypress # Setup Command if not commandWidget: try: import scintilla_cmd commandWidget = scintilla_cmd.cmd_widget() except: commandWidget = None if commandWidget: # Scintilla Commandline self.ui.le_cmd = commandWidget else: # Line Edit self.ui.le_cmd = QtGui.QLineEdit() self.ui.le_cmd.widgetObject = QtGui.QLineEdit self.ui.le_cmd.type = 'qlineedit' self.ui.frame.layout().addWidget(self.ui.le_cmd, 0, 2, 1, 1) self.ui.le_cmd.keyPressEvent = self.cmdKeyPress # font if == 'posix': font = QtGui.QFont("Monospace", fontSize) elif == 'nt' or == 'dos': font = QtGui.QFont("Courier New", fontSize) else: print(SystemExit, "FIXME for 'os2', 'mac', 'ce' or 'riscos'") ## raise Exception(SystemExit, "FIXME for 'os2', 'mac', 'ce' or 'riscos'") font.setFixedPitch(1) ## self.setFont(font) self.ui.tb_view.setFont(font) self.ui.le_cmd.setFont(font) self.ui.l_prompt.setFont(font) # geometry height = 40 * QtGui.QFontMetrics(font).lineSpacing() self.ui.tb_view.setTabStopWidth( QtGui.QFontMetrics(font).width(' ') - 1) # Setup Interpreter if locals == None: locals = {'self': self, 'scope': parent} self.interpreter = Interpreter(locals) # Exit with Ctrl+D if parent is None: self.eofKey = Qt.Key_D else: self.eofKey = None ## self.viewers = [] class SplitStdErr: def __init__(self, default_stderr, console_stderr): ## self._targets=targets self.default_stderr = default_stderr self.console_stderr = console_stderr def write(self, line): self.default_stderr.write(line) self.console_stderr.write(line, mode=2) ## for target in self._targets: ## target.write(line) # capture all interactive input/output sys.stdout = self sys.stderr = SplitStdErr(sys.stderr, self) sys.stdin = self # last line + last incomplete lines self.lines = [] # the cursor position in the last line self.point = 0 # flag: the interpreter needs more input to run the last lines. self.more = 0 # flag: readline() is being used for e.g. raw_input() and input() self.reading = 0 # history self.history = [] self.pointer = 0 self.indent = '' self.prompt = '>>>' self.writecount = 0 # interpreter prompt. try: sys.ps1 except AttributeError: sys.ps1 = ">>> " try: sys.ps2 except AttributeError: sys.ps2 = "... " self.write('# Python ' + '(' + str(sys.version_info.major) + '.' + str(sys.version_info.minor) + '.' + str(sys.version_info.micro) + ')\n', mode=1) self.write('\n') # Focus to command prompt self.ui.le_cmd.setFocus() def cmdSizeHint(self): print 'size hint' return QtCore.QSize(20, 20) def enter(self): line = unicode(self.ui.le_cmd.text()) if line.strip(): self.history.append(line) self.pointer = len(self.history) ## self.write(line+'\n',mode=1,prefix=unicode(self.ui.l_prompt.text())+' ') else: line = '' # Clear if 2 blank lines in a row cmd_reset = 0 if len(self.lines) > 0: if self.lines[-1].rstrip() == '' and line.rstrip() == '': self.lines = [] cmd_reset = 1 if not cmd_reset: self.write(line + '\n', mode=1, prefix=unicode(self.ui.l_prompt.text()) + ' ') self.lines.append(line) if line == 'clear': # Clear Text self.prompt = '>>>' self.ui.tb_view.setText('') self.ui.le_cmd.setText('') self.lines = [] else: source = '\n'.join(self.lines) self.more = self.interpreter.runsource(source) self.indent = '' if self.more: self.prompt = sys.ps2 self.indent = line[0:len(line) - len(line.lstrip())] if line.rstrip(): if line.rstrip()[-1] == ':': self.indent += ' ' else: self.prompt = sys.ps1 self.lines = [] self.setCommandText(self.indent) self.ui.l_prompt.setText(self.prompt) def write(self, text, mode=0, prefix=None): # modes # 0 = output # 1 = input # 2 = error ## hack = self.ui.tb_view.toPlainText() ## hack.append(text+'\n') ## self.ui.tb_view.setText(hack) ## print len(text),len(text.rstrip()) self.writecount += 1 ## if text.rstrip() or 1: self.ui.tb_view.moveCursor(QtGui.QTextCursor.End, 0) if mode == 2: # Error txt = '<font style="color:rgb(255,112,99);">' + str( QtCore.QString(text).toUtf8()).decode('utf-8').replace( '<', '<').replace('>', '>').replace( ' ', ' ').replace('\n', '<br>') + "</font>" txt = re_file.sub( r"<a style=" "color:rgb(121,213,255);" " href='\g<2>'>\g<2></a>", txt) self.ui.tb_view.insertHtml(txt) elif mode == 1: # Input txt = '<div style="color:rgb(89,197,254);">' if prefix: txt += '<span style="color:rgb(38,90,150);">' + prefix.replace( '>', '>') + '</span>' txt += str(QtCore.QString(text).toUtf8()).decode('utf-8').replace( '<', '<').replace('>', '>').replace( ' ', ' ').replace('\n', '<br>') + "</div>" self.ui.tb_view.insertHtml(txt) else: # Write txt = '<div style="color:rgb(255,255,255);">' + str( QtCore.QString(text).toUtf8()).decode('utf-8').replace( '<', '<').replace('>', '>').replace( ' ', ' ').replace('\n', '<br>') + "</div>" self.ui.tb_view.insertHtml(txt) self.ui.tb_view.moveCursor(QtGui.QTextCursor.End, 0) def cmdKeyPress(self, e): key = e.key() handled = 0 if key == Qt.Key_Up: # Up if len(self.history): if self.pointer > 0: self.pointer -= 1 self.setCommandText(self.history[self.pointer]) handled = 1 elif key == Qt.Key_Down: # Down if len(self.history) and self.pointer < len(self.history): if self.pointer == len(self.history) - 1: self.setCommandText('') self.pointer += 1 handled = 1 else: self.pointer += 1 self.setCommandText(self.history[self.pointer]) handled = 1 elif key == Qt.Key_Enter or key == Qt.Key_Return: # Enter if self.reading: self.reading = 0 else: self.enter() handled = 1 elif key == Qt.Key_Tab: self.ui.le_cmd.insert(' ') handled = 1 # Ctrl if e.modifiers() & QtCore.Qt.ControlModifier: if key == QtCore.Qt.Key_V: # paste # V ## txt = QtGui.QApplication.clipboard().text('plain').split(QtCore.QRegExp("[\r\n]"),QtCore.QString.SkipEmptyParts) txt = str(QtGui.QApplication.clipboard().text( 'plain').toUtf8()).decode('utf-8').splitlines() if len(txt) > 0: self.ui.le_cmd.insert(txt[0]) if len(txt) > 1: self.enter() for t in txt[1:-1]: self.setCommandText(t) self.enter() self.setCommandText(txt[-1]) handled = 1 elif key == QtCore.Qt.Key_L: # launch # L from subprocess import Popen try: if == 'nt': Popen(["pythonw", os.path.abspath(__file__)]) else: Popen(["python", os.path.abspath(__file__)]) except: QtGui.QMessageBox.warning( self, 'Error', 'The Python Shell could not open with your default Python install. Please make sure you have Python 2.7 (or 2.6) installed and the Python executable is in your system path' ) if not handled: ## QtGui.QLineEdit.keyPressEvent(self.ui.le_cmd,e) self.ui.le_cmd.widgetObject.keyPressEvent(self.ui.le_cmd, e) def setCommandText(self, text): self.ui.le_cmd.setText(text) if self.ui.le_cmd.type == 'qscintilla': self.ui.le_cmd.setCursorPosition(0, len(text)) def readline(self): """ Simulate stdin, stdout, and stderr. """ self.reading = 1 self.ui.le_cmd.setText('') self.ui.l_prompt.setText('?') ## self.moveCursor(QtGui.QTextCursor.End, 0) while self.reading: QtGui.QApplication.processEvents() line = self.ui.le_cmd.text() if len(line) == 0: return_line = '\n' else: return_line = str(line) self.write('\n') return return_line def writelines(self, text): """ Simulate stdin, stdout, and stderr. """ map(self.write, text) def flush(self): """ Simulate stdin, stdout, and stderr. """ pass def isatty(self): """ Simulate stdin, stdout, and stderr. """ return 1 #---Output Overrides def tb_out_keypress(self, e): key = e.key() handled = 0 # Copy ahead of disable if e.modifiers() & QtCore.Qt.ControlModifier: # Copy if key == Qt.Key_C: txt = str(self.ui.tb_view.textCursor().selectedText().toUtf8() ).replace('\xc2\xa0', ' ').decode('utf-8') ## QtGui.QApplication.clipboard().clear() ntxt = [] for ln in txt.splitlines(): t = ln if ln.startswith('>>> ') or ln.startswith('... '): t = ln[4:] ntxt.append(t) txt = '\n'.join(ntxt) QtGui.QApplication.clipboard().setText(txt) handled = 1 if not handled: QtGui.QTextEdit.keyPressEvent(self.ui.tb_view, e)
class PyConsole(QtGui.QWidget): def __init__(self,parent=None,locals=None, log='', fontSize=10, commandWidget=None): QtGui.QWidget.__init__(self, parent) self.ui = Ui_Form() self.ui.setupUi(self) # Setup TextBrowser self.ui.tb_view.setWordWrapMode(QtGui.QTextOption.WrapAnywhere) self.ui.tb_view.keyPressEvent = self.tb_out_keypress # Setup Command if not commandWidget: try: import scintilla_cmd commandWidget = scintilla_cmd.cmd_widget() except: commandWidget = None if commandWidget: # Scintilla Commandline self.ui.le_cmd = commandWidget else: # Line Edit self.ui.le_cmd = QtGui.QLineEdit() self.ui.le_cmd.widgetObject = QtGui.QLineEdit self.ui.le_cmd.type = 'qlineedit' self.ui.frame.layout().addWidget(self.ui.le_cmd,0,2,1,1) self.ui.le_cmd.keyPressEvent = self.cmdKeyPress # font if == 'posix': font = QtGui.QFont("Monospace", fontSize) elif == 'nt' or == 'dos': font = QtGui.QFont("Courier New", fontSize) else: print(SystemExit, "FIXME for 'os2', 'mac', 'ce' or 'riscos'") ## raise Exception(SystemExit, "FIXME for 'os2', 'mac', 'ce' or 'riscos'") font.setFixedPitch(1) ## self.setFont(font) self.ui.tb_view.setFont(font) self.ui.le_cmd.setFont(font) self.ui.l_prompt.setFont(font) # geometry height = 40*QtGui.QFontMetrics(font).lineSpacing() self.ui.tb_view.setTabStopWidth(QtGui.QFontMetrics(font).width(' ')-1) # Setup Interpreter if locals==None: locals={'self':self,'scope':parent} self.interpreter = Interpreter(locals) # Exit with Ctrl+D if parent is None: self.eofKey = Qt.Key_D else: self.eofKey = None ## self.viewers = [] class SplitStdErr: def __init__(self,default_stderr,console_stderr): ## self._targets=targets self.default_stderr = default_stderr self.console_stderr = console_stderr def write(self,line): self.default_stderr.write(line) self.console_stderr.write(line,mode=2) ## for target in self._targets: ## target.write(line) # capture all interactive input/output sys.stdout = self sys.stderr = SplitStdErr(sys.stderr,self) sys.stdin = self # last line + last incomplete lines self.lines = [] # the cursor position in the last line self.point = 0 # flag: the interpreter needs more input to run the last lines. self.more = 0 # flag: readline() is being used for e.g. raw_input() and input() self.reading = 0 # history self.history = [] self.pointer = 0 self.indent = '' self.prompt = '>>>' self.writecount = 0 # interpreter prompt. try: sys.ps1 except AttributeError: sys.ps1 = ">>> " try: sys.ps2 except AttributeError: sys.ps2 = "... " self.write('# Python '+'('+str(sys.version_info.major)+'.'+str(sys.version_info.minor)+'.'+str(sys.version_info.micro)+')\n',mode=1) self.write('\n') # Focus to command prompt self.ui.le_cmd.setFocus() def cmdSizeHint(self): print 'size hint' return QtCore.QSize(20,20) def enter(self): line = unicode(self.ui.le_cmd.text()) if line.strip(): self.history.append(line) self.pointer = len(self.history) ## self.write(line+'\n',mode=1,prefix=unicode(self.ui.l_prompt.text())+' ') else: line = '' # Clear if 2 blank lines in a row cmd_reset = 0 if len(self.lines) > 0: if self.lines[-1].rstrip() =='' and line.rstrip()=='': self.lines = [] cmd_reset = 1 if not cmd_reset: self.write(line+'\n',mode=1,prefix=unicode(self.ui.l_prompt.text())+' ') self.lines.append(line) if line == 'clear': # Clear Text self.prompt = '>>>' self.ui.tb_view.setText('') self.ui.le_cmd.setText('') self.lines = [] else: source = '\n'.join(self.lines) self.more = self.interpreter.runsource(source) self.indent='' if self.more: self.prompt = sys.ps2 self.indent = line[0:len(line)-len(line.lstrip())] if line.rstrip(): if line.rstrip()[-1]==':': self.indent+=' ' else: self.prompt = sys.ps1 self.lines = [] self.setCommandText(self.indent) self.ui.l_prompt.setText(self.prompt) def write(self, text,mode=0,prefix=None): # modes # 0 = output # 1 = input # 2 = error ## hack = self.ui.tb_view.toPlainText() ## hack.append(text+'\n') ## self.ui.tb_view.setText(hack) ## print len(text),len(text.rstrip()) self.writecount += 1 ## if text.rstrip() or 1: self.ui.tb_view.moveCursor(QtGui.QTextCursor.End, 0) if mode == 2: # Error txt = '<font style="color:rgb(255,112,99);">' + str(QtCore.QString(text).toUtf8()).decode('utf-8').replace('<','<').replace('>','>').replace(' ',' ').replace('\n','<br>')+"</font>" txt = re_file.sub(r"<a style=""color:rgb(121,213,255);"" href='\g<2>'>\g<2></a>",txt) self.ui.tb_view.insertHtml(txt) elif mode == 1: # Input txt = '<div style="color:rgb(89,197,254);">' if prefix: txt += '<span style="color:rgb(38,90,150);">'+prefix.replace('>','>')+'</span>' txt +=str(QtCore.QString(text).toUtf8()).decode('utf-8').replace('<','<').replace('>','>').replace(' ',' ').replace('\n','<br>')+"</div>" self.ui.tb_view.insertHtml(txt) else: # Write txt = '<div style="color:rgb(255,255,255);">'+str(QtCore.QString(text).toUtf8()).decode('utf-8').replace('<','<').replace('>','>').replace(' ',' ').replace('\n','<br>')+"</div>" self.ui.tb_view.insertHtml(txt) self.ui.tb_view.moveCursor(QtGui.QTextCursor.End, 0) def cmdKeyPress(self,e): key = e.key() handled = 0 if key == Qt.Key_Up: # Up if len(self.history): if self.pointer > 0: self.pointer -= 1 self.setCommandText(self.history[self.pointer]) handled = 1 elif key == Qt.Key_Down: # Down if len(self.history) and self.pointer<len(self.history): if self.pointer == len(self.history)-1: self.setCommandText('') self.pointer += 1 handled = 1 else: self.pointer += 1 self.setCommandText(self.history[self.pointer]) handled = 1 elif key == Qt.Key_Enter or key == Qt.Key_Return: # Enter if self.reading: self.reading = 0 else: self.enter() handled = 1 elif key == Qt.Key_Tab: self.ui.le_cmd.insert(' ') handled=1 # Ctrl if e.modifiers() & QtCore.Qt.ControlModifier: if key == QtCore.Qt.Key_V: # paste # V ## txt = QtGui.QApplication.clipboard().text('plain').split(QtCore.QRegExp("[\r\n]"),QtCore.QString.SkipEmptyParts) txt = str(QtGui.QApplication.clipboard().text('plain').toUtf8()).decode('utf-8').splitlines() if len(txt) > 0: self.ui.le_cmd.insert(txt[0]) if len(txt) > 1: self.enter() for t in txt[1:-1]: self.setCommandText(t) self.enter() self.setCommandText(txt[-1]) handled = 1 elif key == QtCore.Qt.Key_L: # launch # L from subprocess import Popen try: if =='nt': Popen(["pythonw",os.path.abspath(__file__)]) else: Popen(["python",os.path.abspath(__file__)]) except: QtGui.QMessageBox.warning(self,'Error','The Python Shell could not open with your default Python install. Please make sure you have Python 2.7 (or 2.6) installed and the Python executable is in your system path') if not handled: ## QtGui.QLineEdit.keyPressEvent(self.ui.le_cmd,e) self.ui.le_cmd.widgetObject.keyPressEvent(self.ui.le_cmd,e) def setCommandText(self,text): self.ui.le_cmd.setText(text) if self.ui.le_cmd.type == 'qscintilla': self.ui.le_cmd.setCursorPosition(0,len(text)) def readline(self): """ Simulate stdin, stdout, and stderr. """ self.reading = 1 self.ui.le_cmd.setText('') self.ui.l_prompt.setText('?') ## self.moveCursor(QtGui.QTextCursor.End, 0) while self.reading: QtGui.QApplication.processEvents() line = self.ui.le_cmd.text() if len(line) == 0: return_line = '\n' else: return_line = str(line) self.write('\n') return return_line def writelines(self, text): """ Simulate stdin, stdout, and stderr. """ map(self.write, text) def flush(self): """ Simulate stdin, stdout, and stderr. """ pass def isatty(self): """ Simulate stdin, stdout, and stderr. """ return 1 #---Output Overrides def tb_out_keypress(self,e): key = e.key() handled = 0 # Copy ahead of disable if e.modifiers() & QtCore.Qt.ControlModifier: # Copy if key == Qt.Key_C: txt = str(self.ui.tb_view.textCursor().selectedText().toUtf8()).replace('\xc2\xa0',' ').decode('utf-8') ## QtGui.QApplication.clipboard().clear() ntxt = [] for ln in txt.splitlines(): t = ln if ln.startswith('>>> ') or ln.startswith('... '): t = ln[4:] ntxt.append(t) txt = '\n'.join(ntxt) QtGui.QApplication.clipboard().setText(txt) handled = 1 if not handled: QtGui.QTextEdit.keyPressEvent(self.ui.tb_view,e)