Esempio n. 1
def getjson(request, datatype):
    req = request.REQUEST

    start = req.get('start', None)
    end = req.get('end', None)
    daysofweek = req.get('daysofweek', '')
    reply = req.get('reply', None)
    lat = bool(req.get('lat', False))
    email = req.get('email', None)
    granularity = req.get('granularity', None)

    if start: start = parse(start)
    if end: end = parse(end)
    if daysofweek: daysofweek = daysofweek.split(",")
    if reply is not None: reply = bool(reply)

    curruser = User.objects.get(username=request.user)

    #ATTENTION: going to need to change the host once we deploy live
    #conn_string = "host=localhost dbname=liamg user=liamg password=liamg"

    #connect to db to get the data
    #conn = psycopg2.connect(conn_string)
    conn = connection

    #DEPRECATED: for the sqlite prototype database
    #conn = sqlite3.connect(curruser.dbname, detect_types=sqlite3.PARSE_DECLTYPES)

    #get the curruser id so that you can pass it to the functions below
    curridsql = "select id from accounts where user_id = %s"
    c = conn.cursor()
    c.execute(curridsql, (,))
    currid = c.fetchone()[0]

    #get the top people who respond to the user
    if datatype == 'topsenders':
        req = request.REQUEST
        start = req.get('start', None)
        end = req.get ('end', None)
        top = 10       
        email = curruser.username
        data = topsenders.get_top_senders(top, start, end, email, conn)
    #get the sent top ten people who the user contacts
    elif datatype == "topsent":
        req = request.REQUEST
        start = req.get('start', None)
        end = req.get('end', None)
        top = 10 
        email = curruser.username
        data = topsent.get_top_sent(top, start, end, email, conn)

    #get the rate for a specifc user (filtered) and for the general population
    elif datatype == "getrate":
        req = request.REQUEST
        start = req.get('start', None)
        end = req.get('end', None)
        emailAddy = curruser.username
        replyAddy = req.get('email', None)
        mode = req.get('mode', None)
        data = responseRateByTime.get_response_rate(mode, start, end, emailAddy, replyAddy, conn)

    #use this to get the count in the first graph and maybe the second graph?
    elif datatype == "byhour":
        ebh = RepliesByHour()
        queries = []

        queries.append(('y', ebh.get_sql(lat=lat, reply=reply, start=start, end=end,
                                         daysofweek=daysofweek, email=email, currid = currid)))
        ld = LineData()
        data = ld.get_data(queries, conn)

    #not sure what this does yet?
    elif datatype == "contacts":
        contacts = Contacts()
        data = contacts.get_data(conn)

    #get the second graph that shows the response time
    elif datatype == "getlatency":
        bd = ByDay()
        queries = []
        queries.append(('y', bd.get_sql(lat=lat, reply=reply, start=start, end=end,
                                        granularity=granularity, email=email)))
        ld = BDLineData()

        chartdata, maxval = ld.get_data(queries, conn, 0, granularity=granularity, start=start, end=end)
        data = [chartdata, maxval]

    #use this to get the small graph next to the top ten
    elif datatype == "getcount":
        bd = ByDayNorm()
        queries = []
        #get the queries for the line charts in the top ten
        queries.append(('y', bd.get_sql(lat=lat, reply=reply, start=start, end=end, granularity=granularity, email=email, currid=currid)))
        ld = BDLineData()

        chartdata, maxval = ld.get_data(queries, conn, 1, granularity=granularity, start=start, end=end)
        data = [chartdata, maxval]

        return HttpResponse('json call not recognized')

    # return data as json
    return HttpResponse(json.dumps(data), mimetype="application/json")
Esempio n. 2
def getjson(request, datatype):
    req = request.REQUEST

    start = req.get('start', None)
    end = req.get('end', None)
    daysofweek = req.get('daysofweek', '')
    reply = req.get('reply', None)
    lat = bool(req.get('lat', False))
    email = req.get('email', None)
    granularity = req.get('granularity', None)

    if start: start = parse(start)
    if end: end = parse(end)
    if daysofweek: daysofweek = daysofweek.split(",")
    if reply is not None: reply = bool(reply)

    curruser = Userdbs.objects.get(username=request.user)
    print request.user
    print curruser.dbname

    conn = sqlite3.connect(curruser.dbname, detect_types=sqlite3.PARSE_DECLTYPES)

    # db call to get data
    if datatype == 'topsenders':
        req = request.REQUEST
        start = req.get('start', None)
        end = req.get ('end', None)
        top = 10       
        data = topsenders.get_top_senders(top, start, end, conn)
    elif datatype == "getrate":
        req = request.REQUEST
        start = req.get('start', None)
        end = req.get('end', None)
        emailAddy = curruser.username
        replyAddy = req.get('replyAddy', None)
        mode = req.get('mode', None)
        data = responseRateByTime.get_response_rate(mode, start, end, emailAddy, replyAddy, conn)

    elif datatype == "byhour":
        ebh = RepliesByHour()
        queries = []
        print "EMAIL", email
        queries.append(('y', ebh.get_sql(lat=lat, reply=reply, start=start, end=end,
                                         daysofweek=daysofweek, email=email)))
        ld = LineData()
        data = ld.get_data(queries, conn)

    elif datatype == "contacts":
        contacts = Contacts()
        data = contacts.get_data(conn)

    elif datatype == "getlatency":
        bd = ByDay()
        queries = []
        queries.append(('y', bd.get_sql(lat=lat, reply=reply, start=start, end=end,
                                        granularity=granularity, email=email)))
        ld = BDLineData()
        data = ld.get_data(queries, conn, 0, granularity=granularity, start=start, end=end)

    elif datatype == "getcount":
        bd = ByDayNorm()
        queries = []
        queries.append(('y', bd.get_sql(lat=lat, reply=reply, start=start, end=end,
                                        granularity=granularity, email=email)))
        ld = BDLineData()
        data = ld.get_data(queries, conn, 1, granularity=granularity, start=start, end=end)

        return HttpResponse('json call not recognized')

    # return data as json
    return HttpResponse(json.dumps(data), mimetype="application/json")