Esempio n. 1
    def __init__(self) -> None:
        """Initialize a Simulation.

        self._events = PriorityQueue()
        self._dispatcher = Dispatcher()
        self._monitor = Monitor()
Esempio n. 2
    def run(self, start: datetime, end: datetime) -> None:
        """Run the simulation from <start> to <end>.
        step = timedelta(minutes=1)  # Each iteration spans one minute of time
        for ride in self.all_rides:

        while start <= end:
            # self._update_active_rides(start)
            if start < end:
                list(self.all_stations.values()) + self.active_rides, start)
            start += step
            if start == end:
                self.active_rides = []

        # Leave this code at the very bottom of this method.
        # It will keep the visualization window open until you close
        # it by pressing the 'X'.

        while True:
            if self.visualizer.handle_window_events():
                return  # Stop the simulation
Esempio n. 3
 def __init__(self, station_file: str, ride_file: str) -> None:
     """Initialize this simulation with the given configuration settings.
     self.all_stations = create_stations(station_file)
     self.all_rides = create_rides(ride_file, self.all_stations)
     self.active_rides = []
     self.visualizer = Visualizer()
     self.event_queue = PriorityQueue()
    def __init__(self):
        """Initialize a Simulation.

        @type self: Simulation
        @rtype: None
        self._events = PriorityQueue()
        self._dispatcher = Dispatcher()
        self._monitor = Monitor()
Esempio n. 5
    def __init__(self, store_file):
        """Initialize a GroceryStoreSimulation from a file.

        @type store_file: str
            A file containing the configuration of the grocery store.
        @rtype: None
        self._events = PriorityQueue()
        self._store = GroceryStore(store_file)
Esempio n. 6
    def __init__(self, file_path, text_grid=None):
        If text_grid is None, initialize a new Grid assuming file_path
        contains pathname to a text file with the following format:
        where a dot indicates a navigable Node, a plus indicates a
        non-navigable Node, B indicates the boat, and T the treasure.
        The width of this grid is 7 and height is 5.
        If text_grid is not None, it should be a list of strings
        representing a Grid. One string element of the list represents
        one row of the Grid. For example the grid above, should be
        stored in text_grid as follows:
        ["..+..++", "++.B..+", ".....++", "++.....", ".T....+"]

        @type file_path: str
           - a file pathname. See the above for the file format.
           - it should be ignored if text_grid is not None.
           - the file specified by file_path should exists, so there
             is no need for error handling
           Please call open_grid to open the file
        @type text_grid: List[str]
        @rtype: None
        self.state = "STARTED"
        self.file_path = file_path
        self.text_grid = text_grid
        #set up
        self.path = PriorityQueue(Node.__lt__)
        #set up map using open_grid() function and then splitting it if it is a file path
        if self.text_grid == None:
   = self.open_grid(self.file_path).read().split("\n")
        #set up map if it is a text grid
   = self.text_grid
        #y length of the map
        self.height = len(
        #break up the map into a 2 dimensional list of strings
        for i in range(len(
  [i] = list([i])
        #set width to be the horizontal length of the map
        self.width = len([0][:])
        #find the treasure located in the map
        g = copy.copy(
        for i, x in enumerate(g):
            if "T" in x:
                self.treasure = Node(True, x.index("T"),i)
        #change x and y values  = [list(i) for i in zip(*]
        self.boat = self.set_boat()
        for i,x in enumerate(
            for j in range(len(x)):
      [i][j] = Node([i][j] != "+",i,j)
Esempio n. 7
def test_priority_queue_add_remove_doctest() -> None:
    """Test the doctest provided for PriorityQueue.add and
    pq = PriorityQueue(_shorter)
    assert pq.remove() == 'hat'
    assert pq.remove() == 'fred'
    assert pq.remove() == 'arju'
    assert pq.remove() == 'monalisa'
Esempio n. 8
 def _parcel_lst_generator(self) -> PriorityQueue:
     """ Generates a list of prioritized parcels depending on config."""
     if (self._parcel_priority, self._parcel_order) == ('volume',
         return PriorityQueue(_volume_dec)
     if (self._parcel_priority, self._parcel_order) == ('volume',
         return PriorityQueue(_volume_inc)
     if (self._parcel_priority, self._parcel_order) == ('destination',
         return PriorityQueue(_destination_dec)
     # ['destination', 'non-increasing']
     return PriorityQueue(_destination_inc)
Esempio n. 9
def dijkstra(road_network, s_vid, e_vid):
    Return the exact shortest path from vertex s_vid to vertex e_vid using Dijkstra's algorithm.

    :param road_network: RoadNetwork
    :param s_vid: int
    :param e_vid: int
    :return: Path
    frontier = PriorityQueue()
    frontier.put(s_vid, 0)
    came_from = dict()
    cost_so_far = dict()
    came_from[s_vid] = None
    cost_so_far[s_vid] = 0

    while not frontier.empty():
        current = frontier.get()

        if current == e_vid:

        for neighbor in road_network.get_neighbors(current):
            new_cost = cost_so_far[current] + road_network.get_weight(
                current, neighbor)
            if neighbor not in cost_so_far or new_cost < cost_so_far[neighbor]:
                cost_so_far[neighbor] = new_cost  # relax
                priority = new_cost
                frontier.put(neighbor, priority)
                came_from[neighbor] = current

    return construct_path(road_network, s_vid, e_vid, came_from)
Esempio n. 10
def greedy_bfs(road_network, s_vid, e_vid):
    Return the shortest path from vertex s_vid to vertex e_vid using Greedy-Best-First-Search.

    In Greedy-BFS, the heuristic function is road_network.get_straight_distance().

    :param road_network: RoadNetwork
    :param s_vid: int
    :param e_vid: int
    :return: Path
    frontier = PriorityQueue()
    frontier.put(s_vid, 0)
    came_from = dict()
    came_from[s_vid] = None

    while not frontier.empty():
        current = frontier.get()

        if current == e_vid:

        for neighbor in road_network.get_neighbors(current):
            if neighbor not in came_from:
                priority = road_network.get_straight_distance(neighbor, e_vid)
                frontier.put(neighbor, priority)
                came_from[neighbor] = current

    return construct_path(road_network, s_vid, e_vid, came_from)
Esempio n. 11
def get_shortest_path(road_network, s_vid, e_vid):
    Return the shortest path from vertex s_vid to vertex e_vid using A* algorithm.

    If s_vid-->e_vid is unreachable, return None.

    :param road_network: RoadNetwork
    :param s_vid: int
    :param e_vid: int
    :return: Path
    frontier = PriorityQueue()
    frontier.put(s_vid, 0)
    came_from = dict()
    cost_so_far = dict()
    came_from[s_vid] = None
    cost_so_far[s_vid] = 0

    while not frontier.empty():
        current = frontier.get()
        # Take a look at the number of lines of code:) date: 2016/12/13 23:12
        if current == e_vid:

        for neighbor in road_network.get_neighbors(current):
            new_cost = cost_so_far[current] + road_network.get_weight(
                current, neighbor)
            if neighbor not in cost_so_far or new_cost < cost_so_far[neighbor]:
                cost_so_far[neighbor] = new_cost
                priority = new_cost + road_network.get_straight_distance(
                    neighbor, e_vid)
                frontier.put(neighbor, priority)
                came_from[neighbor] = current

    return construct_path(road_network, s_vid, e_vid, came_from)
Esempio n. 12
def single_source_dijkstra(road_network, start):
    Compute the shortest paths from a vertex, whose id is start, to all other vertices using Dijkstra's algorithm.

    :param road_network: RoadNetwork
    :param start: int
    :return: dict[int, int]
        the "came from" array
    import time
    start_time = time.clock()

    frontier = PriorityQueue()
    frontier.put(start, 0)
    came_from = dict()
    cost_so_far = dict()
    came_from[start] = None
    cost_so_far[start] = 0

    while not frontier.empty():
        current = frontier.get()
        for neighbor in road_network.get_neighbors(current):
            new_cost = cost_so_far[current] + road_network.get_weight(
                current, neighbor)
            if neighbor not in cost_so_far or new_cost < cost_so_far[neighbor]:
                cost_so_far[neighbor] = new_cost  # relax
                priority = new_cost
                frontier.put(neighbor, priority)
                came_from[neighbor] = current

    print("Elapsed time is %f seconds." % (time.clock() - start_time))

    return came_from
Esempio n. 13
    def _update_active_rides_fast(self, time: datetime) -> None:
        """Update this simulation's list of active rides for the given time.

        -   see Task 5 of the assignment handout
        event = PriorityQueue.remove()
Esempio n. 14
def load_query():
    Load taxi queries from file.

    :return: PriorityQueue[(int, Query)]
    :rtype: [dict[int, Query], PriorityQueue]
    from datetime import datetime
    import time

    print("Loading queries and create query queue (will take about 20 sec)...")
    start_time = time.clock()

    query_set = dict()
    query_queue = PriorityQueue()
    start_time_tuple = datetime.strptime('00:00:00', '%H:%M:%S')
    identifier = 0

    i = 0
    file_list = os.listdir("./data/queries")
    for file_name in file_list:
        i += 1
        print("Loading the %d-th file..." % i)
        cur_file = open("./data/queries/" + file_name)
        for line in cur_file:
            [time_str, ori_lat, ori_lon, des_lat, des_lon] = line.split(',')
            time_tuple = datetime.strptime(time_str, '%H:%M:%S')
            timestamp = (time_tuple - start_time_tuple).seconds + 1

            if timestamp < SIM_START_TIME or timestamp > SIM_END_TIME:

            ori_lat = float(ori_lat)
            ori_lon = float(ori_lon)
            des_lat = float(des_lat)
            des_lon = float(des_lon)
            origin = Location(ori_lat, ori_lon)
            destination = Location(des_lat, des_lon)

            query = Query(identifier, timestamp, origin, destination)
            query_set[identifier] = query
            query_queue.put(query, timestamp)

            identifier += 1
    print("Done. Elapsed time is %f seconds" % (time.clock() - start_time))
    return [query_set, query_queue]
Esempio n. 15
 def __init__(self):
     """Initialize a Simulation.
     @type self: Simulation
     @rtype: None
     self._events = PriorityQueue()
     self._dispatcher = Dispatcher()
     self._monitor = Monitor()
Esempio n. 16
    def __init__(self):
        """Initialize a Dispatcher.

        @type self: Dispatcher
        @rtype: None
        self.driver_list = []
        self.rider_queue = PriorityQueue()
Esempio n. 17
class GroceryStoreSimulation:
    """A Grocery Store simulation.
    This is the class which is responsible for setting up and running a

    def __init__(self, store_file):
        """Initialize a GroceryStoreSimulation from a file.

        @type store_file: str
            A file containing the configuration of the grocery store.
        @rtype: None
        self._events = PriorityQueue()
        self._store = GroceryStore(store_file)

    def run(self, event_file):
        """Run the simulation on the events stored in <event_file>.

        Return a dictionary containing statistics of the simulation,
        according to the specifications in the assignment handout.

        @type self: GroceryStoreSimulation
        @type event_file: str
            A filename referring to a raw list of events.
            Precondition: the event file is a valid list of events.
        @rtype: dict[str, object]
        # Initialize statistics
        stats = {
            'num_customers': 0,
            'total_time': 0,
            'max_wait': -1

        initial_events = create_event_list(event_file)
        for item in initial_events:
        while self._events.is_empty() == False:
            processEvent= self._events.remove()
            #change the stats acrroding to the eventbeing popped out from list
                if waitTime > stats['max_wait']:
                    stats['max_wait'] = waitTime
            if(self._events.is_empty() and processEvent.status=="Finish"):
                for event in newEvents:

        return stats
Esempio n. 18
    def __init__(self, store_file):
        """Initialize a GroceryStoreSimulation from a file.

        @type store_file: str
            A file containing the configuration of the grocery store.
        @rtype: None
        self._events = PriorityQueue()
        self._store = GroceryStore(store_file)
Esempio n. 19
    def search_path(self):
        frontier = PriorityQueue()
        frontier.put(self.start_node, 0)
        came_from = {}
        cost_so_far = {}
        visited_site = {}
        came_from[self.start_node] = None
        cost_so_far[self.start_node] = 0

        self.real_end_node = None

        s_t = time.clock()

        while not frontier.empty():
            if time.clock() - s_t > 60:
                print("search path time out.")
                return []

            current = frontier.get()  # type: Node
            cur_site = (current.xid, current.yid)

            if current.xid == self.target_xid and current.yid == self.target_yid:
                self.real_end_node = current

            # inspect five (include itself) neighbors
            neighbors = self._get_neighbors(current)
            for nb in neighbors:
                new_cost = cost_so_far[current] + self._get_cost(current, nb)
                next_site = (nb.xid, nb.yid)
                if nb not in cost_so_far or new_cost < cost_so_far[nb]:
                    if next_site == cur_site and next_site in visited_site:
                        cost_so_far[nb] = new_cost + 2
                        cost_so_far[nb] = new_cost
                    visited_site[next_site] = (nb.hour, nb.step)
                    priority = cost_so_far[nb] + self.heuristic(
                        nb, self.end_node)
                    frontier.put(nb, priority)
                    came_from[nb] = current

        if self.real_end_node is None:
            return []

        path = [self.real_end_node]
        now = self.real_end_node
        while came_from[now] is not None:
            now = came_from[now]

        return path
Esempio n. 20
def _generate_queue(_parcel_priority: str, _parcel_order: str,
                    parcels: List[Parcel]) -> PriorityQueue:
    """Return a PriorityQueue that follows the given <_parcel_priority> and
    given <_parcel_order>.
    q = 'Nothing Assigned'

    if _parcel_priority == "volume":
        if _parcel_order == "non-decreasing":
            q = PriorityQueue(_volume_non_decreasing)
        elif _parcel_order == "non-increasing":
            q = PriorityQueue(_volume_non_increasing)
    elif _parcel_priority == "destination":
        if _parcel_order == "non-decreasing":
            q = PriorityQueue(_destination_non_decreasing)
        elif _parcel_order == "non-increasing":
            q = PriorityQueue(_destination_non_increasing)
    for parcel in parcels:
    return q
Esempio n. 21
def test_priority_truck_non_decreasing_destination() -> None:
    """Test the doctest provided for PriorityQueue.add and
    t1 = Truck(1, 25, 'York')
    t2 = Truck(2, 10, 'York')
    t3 = Truck(3, 8, 'York')
    t4 = Truck(4, 20, 'York')
    t5 = Truck(5, 15, 'York')
    t6 = Truck(6, 15, 'York')
    t7 = Truck(7, 20, 'York')
    p1 = Parcel(1, 15, 'York', 'Toronto')
    trucks = [t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7]

    et = _capable_trucks(p1, trucks)
    assert len(et) == 5
    pq = PriorityQueue(_less_truck_space)
    for t in et:
    truck = pq.remove()
    assert == 5
Esempio n. 22
def test_priority_queue_is_empty_doctest() -> None:
    """Test the doctest provided for PriorityQueue.is_empty"""
    pq = PriorityQueue(str.__lt__)
    assert pq.is_empty() is True

    assert pq.is_empty() is False
Esempio n. 23
class Simulation:
    """A simulation.

    This is the class which is responsible for setting up and running a

    The API is given to you: your main task is to implement the two methods
    according to their docstrings.

    Of course, you may add whatever private attributes and methods you want.
    But because you should not change the interface, you may not add any public
    attributes or methods.

    This is the entry point into your program, and in particular is used for
    auto-testing purposes. This makes it ESSENTIAL that you do not change the
    interface in any way!

    # === Private Attributes ===
    # @type _events: PriorityQueue[Event]
    #     A sequence of events arranged in priority determined by the event
    #     sorting order.
    # @type _dispatcher: Dispatcher
    #     The dispatcher associated with the simulation.

    def __init__(self):
        """Initialize a Simulation.

        @type self: Simulation
        @rtype: None
        self._events = PriorityQueue()
        self._dispatcher = Dispatcher()
        self._monitor = Monitor()

    def run(self, initial_events):
        """Run the simulation on the list of events in <initial_events>.

        Return a dictionary containing statistics of the simulation,
        according to the specifications in the assignment handout.

        @type self: Simulation
        @type initial_events: list[Event]
            An initial list of events.
        @rtype: dict[str, object]

        # Add all initial events to the event queue.
        for item in initial_events:
        # Until there are no more events, remove an event
        # from the event queue and do it. Add any returned
        # events to the event queue.
        while not (self._events.is_empty()):
            temp_event = self._events.remove()
            event_list =, self._monitor)
            for event in event_list:

Esempio n. 24
class GroceryStoreSimulation:
    """A Grocery Store simulation.

    This is the class which is responsible for setting up and running a
    simulation. The interface is given to you: your main task is to implement
    the two methods according to their docstrings.

    Of course, you may add whatever private attributes you want to this class.
    Because you should not change the interface in any way, you may not add
    any public attributes.

    === Private Attributes ===
    _events: A sequence of events arranged in priority determined by the event
             sorting order.
    _store: The store being simulated.
    _events: PriorityQueue
    _store: GroceryStore

    def __init__(self, store_file: TextIO) -> None:
        """Initialize a GroceryStoreSimulation using configuration <store_file>.
        self._events = PriorityQueue()
        self._store = GroceryStore(store_file)

    def run(self, file: TextIO) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        """Run the simulation on the events stored in <initial_events>.

        Return a dictionary containing statistics of the simulation,
        according to the specifications in the assignment handout.
        # Initialize statistics
        stats = {
            'num_customers': 0,
            'total_time': 0,
            'max_wait': -1
        max_waits = dict()
        initial_event_list = create_event_list(file)

        for event in initial_event_list:
            if isinstance(event, CustomerArrival):
                stats['num_customers'] += 1
                max_waits[event.customer] = event.timestamp

        while not self._events.is_empty():
            event = self._events.remove()
            if isinstance(event, CheckoutCompleted):
                max_waits[event.customer] = event.timestamp -   \
            spawns =
            for spawn in spawns:
            stats['total_time'] = event.timestamp

        stats['max_wait'] = max_waits[max(max_waits, key=max_waits.get)]
        return stats
def __init__(self):
"""Initialize a Simulation.
@type self: Simulation
@rtype: None
self._events = PriorityQueue()
self._dispatcher = Dispatcher()
self._monitor = Monitor()
def run(self, initial_events):
"""Run the simulation on the list of events in <initial_events>.
Return a dictionary containing statistics of the simulation,
according to the specifications in the assignment handout.
@type self: Simulation
@type initial_events: list[Event]
An initial list of events.
@rtype: dict[str, object]
# Add all initial events to the event queue.
for event in initial_events:
while self._events.is_empty() is False:
executed_event = self._events.remove()
result_events =,
# this warning can be ignored
if result_events is not None:
for result_event in result_events:
# Until there are no more events, remove an event
# from the event queue and do it. Add any returned
# events to the event queue.
if __name__ == "__main__":
events = create_event_list("events.txt")
sim = Simulation()
final_stats =
Esempio n. 26
class Simulation:
    """A simulation.

    This is the class that is responsible for setting up and running a

    The API is given to you: your main task is to implement the run
    method below according to its docstring.

    Of course, you may add whatever private attributes and methods you want.
    But because you should not change the interface, you may not add any public
    attributes or methods.

    This is the entry point into your program, and in particular is used for
    auto-testing purposes. This makes it ESSENTIAL that you do not change the
    interface in any way!

    # === Private Attributes ===
    _events: PriorityQueue
    #     A sequence of events arranged in priority determined by the event
    #     sorting order.
    _dispatcher: Dispatcher
    #     The dispatcher associated with the simulation.
    _monitor: Monitor
    #     The monitor associated with the simulation.

    def __init__(self) -> None:
        """Initialize a Simulation.

        self._events = PriorityQueue()
        self._dispatcher = Dispatcher()
        self._monitor = Monitor()

    def run(self, initial_events: List[Event]) -> Dict[str, float]:
        """Run the simulation on the list of events in <initial_events>.

        Return a dictionary containing statistics of the simulation,
        according to the specifications in the assignment handout.

        initial_events: An initial list of events.

        # Add all initial events to the event queue.
        for event in initial_events:
        # Until there are no more events, remove an event
        # from the event queue and do it. Add any returned
        # events to the event queue.
        while not self._events.is_empty():
            new = self._events.remove()
            future =, self._monitor)
            for i in future:

Esempio n. 27
class Simulation:
    """A simulation.
    This is the class which is responsible for setting up and running a
    The API is given to you: your main task is to implement the run
    method below according to its docstring.
    Of course, you may add whatever private attributes and methods you want.
    But because you should not change the interface, you may not add any public
    attributes or methods.
    This is the entry point into your program, and in particular is used for
    auto-testing purposes. This makes it ESSENTIAL that you do not change the
    interface in any way!

    # === Private Attributes ===
    # @type _events: PriorityQueue[Event]
    #     A sequence of events arranged in priority determined by the event
    #     sorting order.
    # @type _dispatcher: Dispatcher
    #     The dispatcher associated with the simulation.

    def __init__(self):
        """Initialize a Simulation.
        @type self: Simulation
        @rtype: None
        self._events = PriorityQueue()
        self._dispatcher = Dispatcher()
        self._monitor = Monitor()

    def run(self, initial_events):
        """Run the simulation on the list of events in <initial_events>.
        Return a dictionary containing statistics of the simulation,
        according to the specifications in the assignment handout.
        @type self: Simulation
        @type initial_events: list[Event]
            An initial list of events.
        @rtype: dict[str, object]
        # TODO
        #Adding the events to the queue, UNSURE ABOUT THIS ???!??
        for event in initial_events:
        while not self._events.is_empty():
            currentEvent = self._events.remove()
            additionalEvents =,self._monitor)
            if additionalEvents != []:
                for event in additionalEvents:
        # Add all initial events to the event queue.

        # Until there are no more events, remove an event
        # from the event queue and do it. Add any returned
        # events to the event queue.

Esempio n. 28
    def run(self):

        print("The simulation system is running...")
        start_time = time.clock()

        waiting_queries = PriorityQueue()

        for timestamp in range(SIM_START_TIME, SIM_END_TIME + 1):
            print("Time: %d" % timestamp)
            # Catch the queries to be processed in this timestamp. The queries consists of two parts:
            # 1. queries that happened in this timestamp
            # 2. queries that stranded in previous timestamps
            while not self.query_queue.empty():
                new_query = self.query_queue.get()
                if new_query.timestamp == timestamp:
                    waiting_queries.put(new_query, new_query.timestamp)
                    self.query_queue.put(new_query, new_query.timestamp)
            while not self.dispatcher.failed_queries.empty():
                old_query = self.dispatcher.failed_queries.get()
                waiting_queries.put(old_query, old_query.timestamp)

            # Process the queries.
            while not waiting_queries.empty():
                query = waiting_queries.get()
                if query.status == CANCELLED:
                    self.dispatcher.dispatch_taxi(timestamp, query, self.db,

            # Update the status of all the queries
            for query in self.query_set.values():
                if query.timestamp <= timestamp and query.status == WAITING:

            # All the taxis drive according to their schedule.
            for taxi in self.taxi_set.values():
      , self.road_network, self.dispatcher,
                           self.query_set, self.db)

        print("The simulation is end. Elapsed time is %f." %
              (time.clock() - start_time))
Esempio n. 29
def test_priority_queue_non_increasing_destination() -> None:
    """Test the doctest provided for PriorityQueue.add and
    p1 = Parcel(1, 25, 'York', 'a')
    p2 = Parcel(2, 10, 'York', 'aa')
    p3 = Parcel(3, 8, 'York', 'aaa')
    p4 = Parcel(4, 20, 'York', 'a')
    p5 = Parcel(5, 15, 'York', 'aaaa')
    p6 = Parcel(6, 15, 'York', 'aa')
    p7 = Parcel(7, 20, 'York', 'aaaaaa')
    parcels = [p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7]
    pq = PriorityQueue(_smaller_city)
    for parcel in parcels:
    assert pq.remove().id == 7
    assert pq.remove().id == 5
    assert pq.remove().id == 3
    assert pq.remove().id == 2
    assert pq.remove().id == 6
    assert pq.remove().id == 1
    assert pq.remove().id == 4
Esempio n. 30
def test_priority_queue_non_decreasing_volume() -> None:
    """Test the doctest provided for PriorityQueue.add and
    p1 = Parcel(1, 25, 'York', 'Toronto')
    p2 = Parcel(2, 10, 'York', 'London')
    p3 = Parcel(3, 8, 'York', 'London')
    p4 = Parcel(4, 20, 'York', 'Toronto')
    p5 = Parcel(5, 15, 'York', 'Toronto')
    p6 = Parcel(6, 15, 'York', 'Hamilton')
    p7 = Parcel(7, 20, 'York', 'London')
    parcels = [p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7]
    pq = PriorityQueue(_smaller_volume)
    for parcel in parcels:
    assert pq.remove().volume == 8
    assert pq.remove().volume == 10
    assert pq.remove().volume == 15
    assert pq.remove().volume == 15
    assert pq.remove().volume == 20
    assert pq.remove().volume == 20
    assert pq.remove().volume == 25
Esempio n. 31
    def search_path_greedy_best_first(self):
        frontier = PriorityQueue()
        frontier.put(self.start_node, 0)
        came_from = dict()
        came_from[self.start_node] = None

        self.real_end_node = None

        s_t = time.clock()

        while not frontier.empty():
            if time.clock() - s_t > 60:
                print("search path time out.")
                return []

            current = frontier.get()  # type: Node

            if current.xid == self.target_xid and current.yid == self.target_yid:
                self.real_end_node = current

            # inspect five (include itself) neighbors
            neighbors = self._get_neighbors(current)
            for nb in neighbors:
                if nb not in came_from:
                    priority = self.heuristic(nb, self.end_node)
                    frontier.put(nb, priority)
                    came_from[nb] = current

        if self.real_end_node is None:
            return []

        path = [self.real_end_node]
        now = self.real_end_node
        while came_from[now] is not None:
            now = came_from[now]

        return path
Esempio n. 32
    def schedule(self, parcels, trucks, verbose=False):
        """ Schedule parcels greedily

        <trucks> are mutated. Do not reuse <trucks> for another

        === Local Variables ===

        type queue: PriorityQueue
            Queue of parcels.
        type unused_parcel: [Parcel]
            If the parcel does not fit any truck, the parcel is appended to
        type one_parcel: Parcel
            An element of <parcels> or <queue>
        type trucks_with_space: [Truck]
            List of trucks with space
        queue = PriorityQueue(self._greater_priority)
        unused_parcel = []
        for one_parcel in parcels:

        while queue.is_empty() is False:
            one_parcel = queue.remove()

            trucks_with_space = []
            for one_truck in trucks:
                if one_truck.get_unused_space() >= one_parcel.get_volume():

            trucks_with_destination = []
            for one_truck in trucks_with_space:
                if one_truck.city_in_route(one_parcel.get_destination()):

            # if there is at least 1 suitable truck with the destination,
            # trucks without the destination will not be considered.
            if len(trucks_with_destination) > 0:
                trucks_with_space = trucks_with_destination

            if len(trucks_with_space) > 0:
                self._choose_load_truck(trucks_with_space, one_parcel, verbose)
                if verbose:
                    print("Parcel #{} was not loaded.".format(
        return unused_parcel
class TestPriorityQueue(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        self.queue = PriorityQueue(Helper.shorter)

    def test_pq_add(self):
        actual = self.queue._queue
        expected = ['monalisa', 'arju', 'fred', 'hat']
        msg = "We expected {}, but found {}".format(str(expected), str(actual))
        self.assertEqual(actual, expected, msg)

    def test_pq_remove(self):
        pq = self.queue._queue
        actual = self.queue.remove()
        expected = 'hat'
        msg = "Applied remove() to {}, expected {}, actual {}".format(pq, expected, actual)
        self.assertEqual(actual, expected, msg)
Esempio n. 34
class GroceryStoreSimulation:
    """A Grocery Store simulation.

    This is the class which is responsible for setting up and running a
    The API is given to you: your main task is to implement the two methods
    according to their docstrings.

    Of course, you may add whatever private attributes and methods you want.
    But because you should not change the interface, you may not add any public
    attributes or methods.

    This is the entry point into your program, and in particular is used for
    auto testing purposes. This makes it ESSENTIAL that you do not change the
    interface in any way!
    # === Private Attributes ===
    # @type _events: PriorityQueue[Event]
    #     A sequence of events arranged in priority determined by the event
    #     sorting order.
    # @type _store: GroceryStore
    #     The grocery store associated with the simulation.

    def __init__(self, store_file):
        """Initialize a GroceryStoreSimulation from a file.

        @type store_file: str
            A file containing the configuration of the grocery store.
        @rtype: None
        self._events = PriorityQueue()
        self._store = GroceryStore(store_file)

    def run(self, event_file):
        """Run the simulation on the events stored in <event_file>.

        Return a dictionary containing statistics of the simulation,
        according to the specifications in the assignment handout.

        @type self: GroceryStoreSimulation
        @type event_file: str
            A filename referring to a raw list of events.
            Precondition: the event file is a valid list of events.
        @rtype: dict[str, int]
        # Initialize statistics
        stats = {
            'num_customers': 0,
            'total_time': 0,
            'max_wait': -1

        initial_events = create_event_list(event_file)

        for i in range(len(initial_events)):
            if type(initial_events[i]) == JoinLine:
                stats['num_customers'] += 1


        while not self._events.is_empty():
            event = self._events.remove()
            spawned_events =
            stats['total_time'] = event.timestamp
            # Calculate max_wait
            if type(event) == FinishCheckOut:
                end_time = event.timestamp
                customer_name =
                for u in range(len(initial_events)):
                    if type(initial_events[u]) == JoinLine:
                        temp = initial_events[u]
                        if customer_name ==
                            start_time = temp.timestamp
                            waited_time = end_time - start_time
                            if waited_time > stats['max_wait']:
                                stats['max_wait'] = waited_time

            if spawned_events is not None:
                for j in range(len(spawned_events)):
        return stats
Esempio n. 35
class Dispatcher:
    """A dispatcher fulfills requests from riders and drivers for a
    ride-sharing service.

    When a rider requests a driver, the dispatcher assigns a driver to the
    rider. If no driver is available, the rider is placed on a waiting
    list for the next available driver. A rider that has not yet been
    picked up by a driver may cancel their request.

    When a driver requests a rider, the dispatcher assigns a rider from
    the waiting list to the driver. If there is no rider on the waiting list
    the dispatcher does nothing. Once a driver requests a rider, the driver
    is registered with the dispatcher, and will be used to fulfill future
    rider requests.

    def __init__(self):
        """Initialize a Dispatcher.

        @type self: Dispatcher
        @rtype: None
        self.driver_list = []
        self.rider_queue = PriorityQueue()

    def __str__(self):
        """Return a string representation.

        @type self: Dispatcher
        @rtype: str
        print("Drivers: ",end="")

    def request_driver(self, rider):
        """Return a driver for the rider, or None if no driver is available.

        Add the rider to the waiting list if there is no available driver.

        @type self: Dispatcher
        @type rider: Rider
        @rtype: Driver | None
        if len(self.driver_list) == 0:
            return None
            shortest_time = self.driver_list[0]
            for name in self.driver_list:
                if name.get_travel_time(rider.destination) < shortest_time.get_travel_time(rider.destination):
                    if name.is_idle:
                        shortest_time = name
        return shortest_time

    def request_rider(self, driver):
        """Return a rider for the driver, or None if no rider is available.

        If this is a new driver, register the driver for future rider requests.

        @type self: Dispatcher
        @type driver: Driver
        @rtype: Rider | None
        if not self.rider_queue.is_empty():
            return self.rider_queue.remove()
            return None

    def cancel_ride(self, rider):
        """Cancel the ride for rider.

        @type self: Dispatcher
        @type rider: Rider
        @rtype: None
        if self.rider_queue.__contains__(rider):
            rider.status = CANCELLED
Esempio n. 36
class GroceryStoreSimulation:
    """A Grocery Store simulation.

    This is the class which is responsible
        for setting up and running a simulation.
    The API is given to you: your main task is to implement the two methods
    according to their docstrings.

    Of course, you may add whatever private attributes and methods you want.
    But because you should not change the interface, you may not add any public
    attributes or methods.

    This is the entry point into your program, and in particular is used for
    autotesting purposes. This makes it ESSENTIAL that you do not change the
    interface in any way!
    # === Private Attributes ===
    # @type _events: PriorityQueue[Event]
    #     A sequence of events arranged in priority determined by the event
    #     sorting order.
    # @type _store: GroceryStore
    #     The grocery store associated with the simulation.
    def __init__(self, store_file):
        """Initialize a GroceryStoreSimulation from a file.

        @type store_file: str
            A file containing the configuration of the grocery store.
        @rtype: None
        self._events = PriorityQueue()
        self._store = GroceryStore(store_file)

    def run(self, event_file):
        """Run the simulation on the events stored in <event_file>.

        Return a dictionary containing statistics of the simulation,
        according to the specifications in the assignment handout.

        @type self: GroceryStoreSimulation
        @type event_file: str
            A filename referring to a raw list of events.
            Precondition: the event file is a valid list of events.
        @rtype: dict[str, object]
        # Initialize statistics
        stats = {
            'num_customers': 0,
            'total_time': 0,
            'max_wait': -1

        initial_events = create_event_list(event_file)

        # TODO: Process all of the events, collecting statistics along the way.

        for event in initial_events:

        while not self._events.is_empty():
            current_event = self._events.remove()
            new_events =
            stats['total_time'] = current_event.timestamp
            # collects the total time

            if new_events is None:
            elif len(new_events) > 0:
                for x in new_events:

        # find out how many Customers have checked out
        #   through store's finished_customers dict
        stats['num_customers'] = len(self._store.finished_customers)

        # find out max_wait from store's finished_customers
        for customer in self._store.finished_customers:
            if self._store.finished_customers[customer].get_wait_time() > \
                stats['max_wait'] = self._store.finished_customers[

        return stats
class GroceryStoreSimulation:
    """A Grocery Store simulation.

    This is the class which is responsible for setting up and running a
    simulation. The interface is given to you: your main task is to implement
    the two methods according to their docstrings.

    Of course, you may add whatever private attributes you want to this class.
    Because you should not change the interface in any way, you may not add
    any public attributes.

    === Private Attributes ===
    _events: A sequence of events arranged in priority determined by the event
             sorting order.
    _store: The store being simulated.
    _events: PriorityQueue
    _store: GroceryStore

    def __init__(self, store_file: TextIO) -> None:
        """Initialize a GroceryStoreSimulation using configuration <store_file>.
        self._events = PriorityQueue()
        self._store = GroceryStore(store_file)

    def run(self, file: TextIO) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        """Run the simulation on the events stored in <initial_events>.

        Return a dictionary containing statistics of the simulation,
        according to the specifications in the assignment handout.
        # This initializes statistics.
        stats = {'num_customers': 0, 'total_time': 0, 'max_wait': -1}

        # This fills self._events from file.
        event_list = create_event_list(file)

        while len(event_list) != 0:

        # This keeps track of customer start and end times. This is used to
        # calculate the maximum wait time.
        customers = {}

        while not self._events.is_empty():
            event = self._events.remove()

            # This checks to see the event type.
            if isinstance(event, CustomerArrival):
                # This checks to see if the customer is in the customers
                # dictionary since the "max_wait" calculation is based on the
                # customer arriving at the wait area.
                if event.customer not in customers:
                    customers[event.customer] = [event.timestamp, -1]
                    stats['num_customers'] += 1
            elif isinstance(event, CheckoutCompleted):
                customers[event.customer][1] = event.timestamp

            new_events =

            # This adds the new events.
            while not len(new_events) == 0:

            stats['total_time'] = event.timestamp

        #  This calculates the maximum wait time.
        for key in customers:
            wait_time = customers[key][1] - customers[key][0]

            if wait_time > stats['max_wait']:
                stats['max_wait'] = wait_time

        return stats
 def __init__(self, store_file: TextIO) -> None:
     """Initialize a GroceryStoreSimulation using configuration <store_file>.
     self._events = PriorityQueue()
     self._store = GroceryStore(store_file)
Esempio n. 39
class GroceryStoreSimulation:
    """A Grocery Store simulation.

    This is the class which is responsible for setting up and running a
    The API is given to you: your main task is to implement the two methods
    according to their docstrings.

    Of course, you may add whatever private attributes and methods you want.
    But because you should not change the interface, you may not add any public
    attributes or methods.

    This is the entry point into your program, and in particular is used for
    autotesting purposes. This makes it ESSENTIAL that you do not change the
    interface in any way!
    # === Private Attributes ===
    # @type _events: PriorityQueue[Event]
    #     A sequence of events arranged in priority determined by the event
    #     sorting order.
    # @type _store: GroceryStore
    #     The grocery store associated with the simulation.
    def __init__(self, store_file):
        """Initialize a GroceryStoreSimulation from a file.

        @type store_file: str
            A file containing the configuration of the grocery store.
        @rtype: None
        self._events = PriorityQueue()
        self._store = GroceryStore(store_file)

    def run(self, event_file):
        """Run the simulation on the events stored in <event_file>.

        Return a dictionary containing statistics of the simulation,
        according to the specifications in the assignment handout.

        @type self: GroceryStoreSimulation
        @type event_file: str
            A filename referring to a raw list of events.
            Precondition: the event file is a valid list of events.
        @type initial_events: list[event]
        @rtype: dict[str, object]
        # Initialize statistics
        stats = {
            'num_customers': 0, #check
            'total_time': 0,
            'max_wait': -1

        initial_events = create_event_list(event_file)

        #counted number of customers from file directly

        # TODO: Process all of the events, collecting statistics along the way.

        #first, add event from initial_events to pq then sort using sort method
        for index in range (len(initial_events)):

        #second, pass sorted events which is inside PQ to store

        while not self._events.is_empty():

            #trigger the do function which checks if new events spawn in the store
            #new events are returned
            #setup simulation clock, advance clock to first event

            current_event = self._events.remove()
            #when there is only one event left, equate the time
            if self._events.is_empty():
                stats['total_time'] = current_event.timestamp

            #the event is triggered
            returned_tuple =

            if returned_tuple[1] == 'int':
                stats['max_wait'] = returned_tuple[0]
            elif returned_tuple[1] == 'one event':
            elif returned_tuple[1] == 'event list':
                for item in returned_tuple[0]:

        return stats

    def handle_new_event(self, item):