Esempio n. 1
def main(args):

    # No image or uri provided, print help
    if len(args.image) == 0:

    image = args.image.pop(0)

    # Step 1: Generate container tree object from Docker URI
    tree = ContainerFileTree(image)

    # Step 2: Create a webroot to serve from
    webroot = args.output
    if args.output is None:
        webroot = get_tmpdir('containertree-')

    if not os.path.exists(webroot):

    bot.debug('Webroot: %s' % webroot)

    # Copy the template to the webroot
    template = get_template(args.template)
    shutil.copyfile(template, "%s/index.html" % webroot)

    # If the user wants to print to terminal, we don't save
    filename = None
    if args.printout == None:
        filename = '%s/data.json' % webroot

    # Export data.json
    bot.debug('Exporting data for d3 visualization')
    data = tree.export_tree(filename)

    # Does the user want to view the tree?
    if args.view:
        # Generate the data.json
        serve_template(webroot, 9779)

    # Does the user want to print output?
    elif args.printout != None:
        if args.printout == "data.json":
        elif args.printout == "index.html":
            template = read_file(template)

    return webroot
Esempio n. 2
import tempfile

# Path to database of container-api
database = ""
print('Selecting container from %s...' %database)
containers = requests.get(database).json()
entry = containers[0]

# Google Container Diff Structure
print('Generating tree!')
tree = ContainerFileTree(entry['url'])
# ContainerTree<38008>

# Create temporary directory and copy file there
from containertree.utils import get_template
from containertree.server import serve_template
import shutil
import tempfile

# Copy the file to the webroot
webroot = tempfile.mkdtemp()
print('Webroot: %s' %webroot)
template = get_template('tree')
shutil.copyfile(template, "%s/index.html" %webroot)

# Generate the data.json
print('Exporting data for d3 visualization')
tree.export_tree(filename='%s/data.json' %webroot)
Esempio n. 3
database = ""
print('Selecting container from %s...' %database)
containers = requests.get(database).json()
container1 = containers[0]
container2 = containers[1]

# Google Container Diff Structure
print('Generating files tree!')
tree = ContainerFileTree(container1['url'])

# ContainerTree<56386>

# Create temporary directory and copy file there
from containertree.utils import get_template
from containertree.server import serve_template
import shutil
import tempfile

# Copy the file to the webroot
webroot = tempfile.mkdtemp()
print('Webroot: %s' %webroot)
template = get_template('files_tree')
shutil.copyfile(template, "%s/index.html" %webroot)

# Generate the data.json
print('Exporting data for d3 visualization')
tree.export_tree(filename='%s/data.json' %webroot)
serve_template(webroot, 9779)
Esempio n. 4
# Now we can generate a little matrix of similarity scores!
print('Calculating (non optimized) score matrix!')
for container1 in containers:
    score_row = []
    for container2 in containers:
        tags = [container1, container2]
        result = tree.similarity_score(tags)

# Create temporary directory and copy file there
from containertree.utils import get_template
from containertree.server import serve_template
import shutil
import tempfile

# Copy the file to the webroot
webroot = tempfile.mkdtemp()
print('Webroot: %s' % webroot)
template = get_template('heatmap')
shutil.copyfile(template, "%s/index.html" % webroot)

# Generate the data.json
print('Exporting data for d3 visualization')
data = {"data": score_matrix, "X": containers, "Y": containers}
with open('%s/data.json' % webroot, 'w') as filey:

serve_template(webroot, port=9779)