def conn(): h = Connector(TEST_DB_URI) schemas = ["tmp", "temporary", "data_quality", "raw"] create_queries = [f"create schema if not exists {s}" for s in schemas] drop_queries = [f"drop schema if exists {s} cascade" for s in schemas] for c in create_queries: h.execute(c) yield h for d in drop_queries: h.execute(d)
def test_set_medians(conn: Connector, monkeypatch): DQBase.metadata.clear() qc = create_default_quality_check_class( ResultTable(schema_name="data_quality", table_name="t")) qc.__table__.create(conn.engine) instance = qc() conn.execute(""" insert into data_quality.quality_check_t(failed, passed, task_ts) values (10, 200, '2018-09-11T13:00:00'), (3, 22, '2018-09-10T13:00:00'), (11, 110, '2018-09-09T13:00:00'), (55, 476, '2018-09-08T13:00:00'), (77, 309, '2018-07-12T13:00:00') -- should not be taken """) monkeypatch.setattr("contessa.models.datetime", FakedDatetime) instance.set_medians(conn) assert instance.median_30_day_failed == 10.5 assert instance.median_30_day_passed == 155
def test_set_medians(conn: Connector, monkeypatch): DQBase.metadata.clear() qc = create_default_check_class( ResultTable(schema_name="data_quality", table_name="t", model_cls=QualityCheck)) qc.__table__.create(conn.engine) instance = qc() conn.execute(""" insert into data_quality.quality_check_t(attribute, rule_name, rule_type, failed, passed, task_ts, time_filter) values ('a', 'b', 'not_null', 10, 200, '2018-09-11T13:00:00', 'not_set'), ('a', 'b', 'not_null', 3, 22, '2018-09-10T13:00:00', 'not_set'), ('a', 'b', 'not_null', 11, 110, '2018-09-09T13:00:00', 'not_set'), ('a', 'b', 'not_null', 55, 476, '2018-09-08T13:00:00', 'not_set'), ('a', 'b', 'not_null', 77, 309, '2018-07-12T13:00:00', 'not_set') -- should not be taken """) monkeypatch.setattr("contessa.models.datetime", FakedDatetime) instance.set_medians(conn) assert instance.median_30_day_failed == 10.5 assert instance.median_30_day_passed == 155
class TestMigrationsResolverInit(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): """ Init a temporary table with some data. """ sql = [ f"DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS {DATA_QUALITY_SCHEMA} CASCADE;" f"CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS {DATA_QUALITY_SCHEMA};", get_quality_table_creation_script(DATA_QUALITY_SCHEMA, DATA_QUALITY_TABLE_1), get_quality_table_creation_script(DATA_QUALITY_SCHEMA, DATA_QUALITY_TABLE_2), ] self.conn = Connector(TEST_DB_URI) for s in sql: self.conn.execute(s) def tearDown(self): """ Drop all created tables. """ self.conn.execute(f"DROP schema {DATA_QUALITY_SCHEMA} CASCADE;") DQBase.metadata.clear() def test_migration_table_exists_init(self): versions_migrations = {"0.1.4": "0.1.4-hash", "0.1.5": "0.1.5-hash"} m = MigrationsResolver(versions_migrations, "0.1.4", SQLALCHEMY_URL, DATA_QUALITY_SCHEMA) migration_table_exists = m.migrations_table_exists() assert migration_table_exists is False def test_get_current_migration_init(self): versions_migrations = {"0.1.4": "0.1.4-hash", "0.1.5": "0.1.5-hash"} m = MigrationsResolver(versions_migrations, "0.1.4", SQLALCHEMY_URL, DATA_QUALITY_SCHEMA) current = m.get_applied_migration() assert current is None def test_is_on_head_init(self): versions_migrations = {"0.1.4": "0.1.4-hash", "0.1.5": "0.1.5-hash"} m = MigrationsResolver(versions_migrations, "0.1.4", SQLALCHEMY_URL, DATA_QUALITY_SCHEMA) is_on_head = m.is_on_head() is_on_head is False def test_get_migrations_to_head__is_before_init(self): versions_migrations = { "0.1.2": "0.1.2-hash", "0.1.3": "0.1.3-hash", "0.1.4": "0.1.4-hash", "0.1.5": "0.1.5-hash", "0.1.6": "0.1.6-hash", "0.1.7": "0.1.7-hash", } m = MigrationsResolver(versions_migrations, "0.1.7", SQLALCHEMY_URL, DATA_QUALITY_SCHEMA) migrations = m.get_migration_to_head() assert migrations[0] is "upgrade" assert migrations[1] is "0.1.7-hash"
class TestMigrationsResolver(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): """ Init a temporary table with some data. """ sql = [ f"DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS {DATA_QUALITY_SCHEMA} CASCADE;" f"CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS {DATA_QUALITY_SCHEMA};", get_quality_table_creation_script(DATA_QUALITY_SCHEMA, DATA_QUALITY_TABLE_1), get_quality_table_creation_script(DATA_QUALITY_SCHEMA, DATA_QUALITY_TABLE_2), f""" create table {DATA_QUALITY_SCHEMA}.{MIGRATION_TABLE} ( version_num varchar(32) not null constraint alembic_version_pkc primary key ); INSERT INTO {DATA_QUALITY_SCHEMA}.{MIGRATION_TABLE} (version_num) VALUES ('0.1.4-hash'); """, ] self.conn = Connector(TEST_DB_URI) for s in sql: self.conn.execute(s) def tearDown(self): """ Drop all created tables. """ # self.conn.execute(f"DROP schema data_quality_test CASCADE;") DQBase.metadata.clear() def test_schema_exists(self): versions_migrations = {"0.1.4": "0.1.4-hash", "0.1.5": "0.1.5-hash"} m = MigrationsResolver(versions_migrations, "0.1.4", SQLALCHEMY_URL, DATA_QUALITY_SCHEMA) schema_exists = m.schema_exists() assert schema_exists m = MigrationsResolver(versions_migrations, "0.1.4", SQLALCHEMY_URL, "not_existing_schema") schema_exists = m.schema_exists() assert schema_exists is False def test_migration_table_exists(self): versions_migrations = {"0.1.4": "0.1.4-hash", "0.1.5": "0.1.5-hash"} m = MigrationsResolver(versions_migrations, "0.1.4", SQLALCHEMY_URL, DATA_QUALITY_SCHEMA) migration_table_exists = m.migrations_table_exists() assert migration_table_exists def test_get_current_migration(self): versions_migrations = {"0.1.4": "0.1.4-hash", "0.1.5": "0.1.5-hash"} m = MigrationsResolver(versions_migrations, "0.1.4", SQLALCHEMY_URL, DATA_QUALITY_SCHEMA) current = m.get_applied_migration() assert current == "0.1.4-hash" def test_is_on_head(self): versions_migrations = {"0.1.4": "0.1.4-hash", "0.1.5": "0.1.5-hash"} m = MigrationsResolver(versions_migrations, "0.1.4", SQLALCHEMY_URL, DATA_QUALITY_SCHEMA) is_on_head = m.is_on_head() assert is_on_head def test_is_on_head_no_on_head(self): versions_migrations = {"0.1.4": "0.1.4-hash", "0.1.5": "0.1.5-hash"} m = MigrationsResolver(versions_migrations, "0.1.5", SQLALCHEMY_URL, DATA_QUALITY_SCHEMA) is_on_head = m.is_on_head() assert is_on_head is False def test_is_on_head_with_fallback(self): versions_migrations = {"0.1.4": "0.1.4-hash", "0.1.6": "0.1.6-hash"} m = MigrationsResolver(versions_migrations, "0.1.5", SQLALCHEMY_URL, DATA_QUALITY_SCHEMA) is_on_head = m.is_on_head() assert is_on_head def test_get_migrations_to_head__already_on_head(self): versions_migrations = {"0.1.4": "0.1.4-hash", "0.1.5": "0.1.5-hash"} m = MigrationsResolver(versions_migrations, "0.1.4", SQLALCHEMY_URL, DATA_QUALITY_SCHEMA) migrations = m.get_migration_to_head() assert migrations is None def test_get_migrations_to_head__package_greather_than_map_max(self): versions_migrations = {"0.1.4": "0.1.4-hash", "0.1.5": "0.1.5-hash"} m = MigrationsResolver(versions_migrations, "0.1.6", SQLALCHEMY_URL, DATA_QUALITY_SCHEMA) migrations = m.get_migration_to_head() assert migrations[0] is "upgrade" assert migrations[1] is "0.1.5-hash" def test_get_migrations_to_head__is_down_from_head(self): versions_migrations = { "0.1.2": "0.1.2-hash", "0.1.3": "0.1.3-hash", "0.1.4": "0.1.4-hash", "0.1.5": "0.1.5-hash", "0.1.6": "0.1.6-hash", "0.1.7": "0.1.7-hash", } m = MigrationsResolver(versions_migrations, "0.1.7", SQLALCHEMY_URL, DATA_QUALITY_SCHEMA) migrations = m.get_migration_to_head() assert migrations[0] is "upgrade" assert migrations[1] is "0.1.7-hash" def test_get_migrations_to_head__is_down_from_head_with_fallback(self): versions_migrations = { "0.1.2": "0.1.2-hash", "0.1.3": "0.1.3-hash", "0.1.4": "0.1.4-hash", "0.1.5": "0.1.5-hash", "0.1.8": "0.1.8-hash", "0.1.9": "0.1.9-hash", } m = MigrationsResolver(versions_migrations, "0.1.7", SQLALCHEMY_URL, DATA_QUALITY_SCHEMA) migrations = m.get_migration_to_head() assert migrations[0] is "upgrade" assert migrations[1] is "0.1.5-hash" def test_get_migrations_to_head__is_up_from_head(self): versions_migrations = { "0.1.2": "0.1.2-hash", "0.1.3": "0.1.3-hash", "0.1.4": "0.1.4-hash", "0.1.5": "0.1.5-hash", "0.1.6": "0.1.6-hash", "0.1.7": "0.1.7-hash", } m = MigrationsResolver(versions_migrations, "0.1.2", SQLALCHEMY_URL, DATA_QUALITY_SCHEMA) migrations = m.get_migration_to_head() assert migrations[0] is "downgrade" assert migrations[1] is "0.1.2-hash" def test_get_migrations_to_head__is_up_from_head_with_fallback(self): versions_migrations = { "0.1.1": "0.1.1-hash", "0.1.3": "0.1.3-hash", "0.1.4": "0.1.4-hash", "0.1.5": "0.1.5-hash", "0.1.6": "0.1.6-hash", "0.1.7": "0.1.7-hash", } m = MigrationsResolver(versions_migrations, "0.1.2", SQLALCHEMY_URL, DATA_QUALITY_SCHEMA) migrations = m.get_migration_to_head() assert migrations[0] is "downgrade" assert migrations[1] is "0.1.1-hash"
class TestDataQualityOperator(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): """ Init a temporary table with some data. """ self.table_name = "booking_all_v2" self.ts_nodash = ("-", "").replace( ":", "")) self.tmp_table_name = f"{self.table_name}_{self.ts_nodash}" = sql = [ "DROP SCHEMA if exists tmp CASCADE;", "DROP SCHEMA if exists data_quality CASCADE;", "CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS tmp;", "CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS data_quality;", "CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS hello;", f""" CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tmp.{self.table_name}( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, src text, dst text, price int, turnover_after_refunds double precision, initial_price double precision, created_at timestamptz ) """, f""" CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tmp.{self.tmp_table_name}( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, src text, dst text, price int, turnover_after_refunds double precision, initial_price double precision, created_at timestamptz ) """, f""" INSERT INTO tmp.{self.tmp_table_name} (src, dst, price, turnover_after_refunds, initial_price, created_at) VALUES ('BTS', NULL, 1, 100, 11, '2018-09-12T11:50:00'), -- this is older than 30 days. -- not in stats when time_filter = `created_at` (NULL, 'PEK', 33, 1.1, 13, '2018-01-12T15:50:00'), ('VIE', 'JFK', 4, 5.5, 23.4, '2018-09-11T11:50:00'), ('VIE', 'VIE', 4, 0.0, 0.0, '2018-09-11T11:50:00') """, f""" INSERT INTO tmp.{self.table_name} (src, dst, price, turnover_after_refunds, initial_price, created_at) VALUES ('BTS', NULL, 1, 100, 11, '2018-09-12T13:00:00'), -- this is older than 30 days. -- not in stats when time_filter = `created_at` (NULL, 'PEK', 33, 1.1, 13, '2018-01-12T13:00:00'), ('VIE', 'JFK', 4, 5.5, 23.4, '2018-09-11T13:00:00'), ('VIE', 'VIE', 4, 0.0, 0.0, '2018-09-11T13:00:00') """, ] self.conn = Connector(TEST_DB_URI) for s in sql: self.conn.execute(s) self.contessa_runner = ContessaRunner(TEST_DB_URI) def tearDown(self): """ Drop all created tables. """ self.conn.execute(f"DROP schema tmp CASCADE;") self.conn.execute(f"DROP schema data_quality CASCADE;") self.conn.execute(f"DROP schema hello CASCADE;") DQBase.metadata.clear() @mock.patch("contessa.executor.datetime", FakedDatetime) def test_execute_tmp(self): sql = """ SELECT CASE WHEN src = 'BTS' and dst is null THEN false ELSE true END as res from {{ table_fullname }} """ rules = [ { "name": "not_null_name", "type": "not_null", "column": "dst", "time_filter": "created_at", }, { "name": "gt_name", "type": "gt", "column": "price", "value": 10, "time_filter": "created_at", }, { "name": "sql_name", "type": "sql", "sql": sql, "column": "src_dst", "description": "test sql rule", }, { "name": "not_name", "type": "not", "column": "src", "value": "dst" }, ] check_table={ "schema_name": "tmp", "table_name": self.tmp_table_name }, result_table={ "schema_name": "data_quality", "table_name": self.table_name }, raw_rules=rules, context={"task_ts":}, ) rows = self.conn.get_records(f""" SELECT * from data_quality.quality_check_{self.table_name} order by created_at """).fetchall() self.assertEqual(len(rows), 4) notnull_rule = rows[0] self.assertEqual(notnull_rule["failed"], 1) self.assertEqual(notnull_rule["passed"], 2) self.assertEqual(notnull_rule["attribute"], "dst") self.assertEqual(notnull_rule["task_ts"].timestamp(), gt_rule = rows[1] self.assertEqual(gt_rule["failed"], 3) self.assertEqual(gt_rule["passed"], 0) self.assertEqual(gt_rule["attribute"], "price") sql_rule = rows[2] self.assertEqual(sql_rule["failed"], 1) self.assertEqual(sql_rule["passed"], 3) self.assertEqual(sql_rule["attribute"], "src_dst") not_column_rule = rows[3] self.assertEqual(not_column_rule["failed"], 1) self.assertEqual(not_column_rule["passed"], 3) self.assertEqual(not_column_rule["attribute"], "src") @mock.patch("contessa.executor.datetime", FakedDatetime) def test_execute_dst(self): sql = """ SELECT CASE WHEN src = 'BTS' AND dst is null THEN false ELSE true END as res FROM {{ table_fullname }} WHERE created_at BETWEEN timestamptz '{{task_ts}}' - INTERVAL '1 hour' AND timestamptz '{{task_ts}}' + INTERVAL '1 hour' """ rules = [ { "name": "not_null_name", "type": "not_null", "column": "dst", "time_filter": "created_at", }, { "name": "sql_name", "type": "sql", "sql": sql, "column": "src_dst", "description": "test sql rule", }, ] check_table={ "schema_name": "tmp", "table_name": self.tmp_table_name }, result_table={ "schema_name": "data_quality", "table_name": self.table_name }, raw_rules=rules, context={"task_ts":}, ) rows = self.conn.get_records(f""" SELECT * from data_quality.quality_check_{self.table_name} order by created_at """).fetchall() self.assertEqual(len(rows), 2) notnull_rule = rows[0] self.assertEqual(notnull_rule["failed"], 1) self.assertEqual(notnull_rule["passed"], 2) self.assertEqual(notnull_rule["attribute"], "dst") self.assertEqual(notnull_rule["task_ts"].timestamp(), sql_rule = rows[1] self.assertEqual(sql_rule["failed"], 1) self.assertEqual(sql_rule["passed"], 0) self.assertEqual(sql_rule["attribute"], "src_dst") def test_different_schema(self): rules = [{ "name": "not_nul_name", "type": "not_null", "column": "dst", "time_filter": "created_at", }] check_table={ "schema_name": "tmp", "table_name": self.tmp_table_name }, result_table={ "schema_name": "hello", "table_name": "abcde" }, raw_rules=rules, context={"task_ts":}, ) rows = self.conn.get_records(f""" SELECT 1 from hello.quality_check_abcde """).fetchall() self.assertEqual(len(rows), 1)
class TestConsistencyChecker(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): """ Init a temporary table with some data. """ self.left_table_name = "raw_booking" self.right_table_name = "booking" self.result_table_name = "booking" self.ts_nodash = ("-", "").replace(":", "") ) = sql = [ "DROP SCHEMA if exists tmp CASCADE;", "DROP SCHEMA if exists data_quality CASCADE;", "CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS tmp;", "CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS data_quality;", "CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS hello;", f""" CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tmp.{self.left_table_name}( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, src text, dst text, price int, turnover_after_refunds double precision, initial_price double precision, created_at timestamptz ) """, f""" CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS hello.{self.right_table_name}( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, src text, dst text, price int, turnover_after_refunds double precision, initial_price double precision, created_at timestamptz ) """, f""" INSERT INTO tmp.{self.left_table_name} (src, dst, price, turnover_after_refunds, initial_price, created_at) VALUES ('BTS', NULL, 1, 100, 11, '2018-09-12T11:50:00'), (NULL, 'PEK', 33, 1.1, 13, '2018-01-12T15:50:00'), ('VIE', 'JFK', 4, 5.5, 23.4, '2018-09-11T11:50:00'), ('VIE', 'VIE', 4, 0.0, 0.0, '2018-09-11T11:50:00') """, f""" INSERT INTO hello.{self.right_table_name} (src, dst, price, turnover_after_refunds, initial_price, created_at) VALUES ('BTS', NULL, 1, 100, 11, '2018-09-12T11:50:00'), (NULL, 'PEK', 33, 1.1, 13, '2018-01-12T15:50:00'), ('VIE', 'JFK', 4, 5.5, 23.4, '2018-09-11T11:50:00') """, ] self.conn = Connector(TEST_DB_URI) for s in sql: self.conn.execute(s) self.consistency_checker = ConsistencyChecker(TEST_DB_URI) def tearDown(self): """ Drop all created tables. """ self.conn.execute(f"DROP schema tmp CASCADE;") self.conn.execute(f"DROP schema data_quality CASCADE;") self.conn.execute(f"DROP schema hello CASCADE;") DQBase.metadata.clear() @mock.patch("contessa.executor.datetime", FakedDatetime) def test_execute_consistency_false(self): self.consistency_checker.COUNT, left_check_table={"schema_name": "tmp", "table_name": self.left_table_name}, right_check_table={ "schema_name": "hello", "table_name": self.right_table_name, }, result_table={ "schema_name": "data_quality", "table_name": self.result_table_name, }, context={"task_ts":}, ) rows = self.conn.get_records( f""" SELECT * from data_quality.consistency_check_{self.result_table_name} order by created_at """ ) self.assertEqual(rows.fetchone()["status"], "invalid") @mock.patch("contessa.executor.datetime", FakedDatetime) def test_execute_consistency_true(self): # add missing record to the right table self.conn.execute( f""" INSERT INTO hello.{self.right_table_name} (src, dst, price, turnover_after_refunds, initial_price, created_at) VALUES ('VIE', 'VIE', 4, 0.0, 0.0, '2018-09-11T11:50:00') """ ) self.consistency_checker.COUNT, left_check_table={"schema_name": "tmp", "table_name": self.left_table_name}, right_check_table={ "schema_name": "hello", "table_name": self.right_table_name, }, result_table={ "schema_name": "data_quality", "table_name": self.result_table_name, }, context={"task_ts":}, ) rows = self.conn.get_records( f""" SELECT * from data_quality.consistency_check_{self.result_table_name} order by created_at """ ) self.assertEqual(rows.fetchone()["status"], "valid") @mock.patch("contessa.executor.datetime", FakedDatetime) def test_execute_consistency_diff(self): """ Test scenario where table diff is done on tables with different column order.""" self.inconsistent_colums_left = "user" self.inconsistent_colums_right = "user_inconsistent" self.conn = Connector(TEST_DB_URI) self.consistency_checker = ConsistencyChecker(TEST_DB_URI) sql = [ f""" CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tmp.{self.inconsistent_colums_left}( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, name text ) """, f""" CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tmp.{self.inconsistent_colums_right}( name text, id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY ) """, f""" INSERT INTO tmp.{self.inconsistent_colums_left} VALUES (1, 'John Doe') """, f""" INSERT INTO tmp.{self.inconsistent_colums_right} VALUES ('John Doe', 1) """, ] for s in sql: self.conn.execute(s) self.consistency_checker.DIFF, left_check_table={ "schema_name": "tmp", "table_name": self.inconsistent_colums_left, }, right_check_table={ "schema_name": "tmp", "table_name": self.inconsistent_colums_right, }, result_table={ "schema_name": "data_quality", "table_name": self.result_table_name, }, context={"task_ts":}, ) rows = self.conn.get_records( f""" SELECT * from data_quality.consistency_check_{self.result_table_name} order by created_at """ ) self.assertEqual(rows.fetchone()["status"], "valid") @mock.patch("contessa.executor.datetime", FakedDatetime) def test_execute_consistency_sqls(self): result = self.consistency_checker.DIFF, left_check_table={"schema_name": "tmp", "table_name": self.left_table_name}, right_check_table={ "schema_name": "hello", "table_name": self.right_table_name, }, left_custom_sql="SELECT 16349;", right_custom_sql="SELECT 16349;", context={"task_ts":}, ) self.assertEqual("valid", result.status) result = self.consistency_checker.DIFF, left_check_table={"schema_name": "tmp", "table_name": self.left_table_name}, right_check_table={ "schema_name": "hello", "table_name": self.right_table_name, }, left_custom_sql="SELECT 42;", right_custom_sql="SELECT 16349;", context={"task_ts":}, ) self.assertEqual("invalid", result.status)
class TestReturnResults(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): """ Init a temporary table with some data. """ self.left_table_name = "raw_booking" self.right_table_name = "booking" self.ts_nodash = ("-", "").replace( ":", "")) = sql = [ "DROP SCHEMA if exists tmp CASCADE;", "CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS tmp;", "CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS hello;", f""" CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tmp.{self.left_table_name}( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, src text, dst text, price int, turnover_after_refunds double precision, initial_price double precision, created_at timestamptz ) """, f""" CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS hello.{self.right_table_name}( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, src text, dst text, price int, turnover_after_refunds double precision, initial_price double precision, created_at timestamptz ) """, f""" INSERT INTO tmp.{self.left_table_name} (src, dst, price, turnover_after_refunds, initial_price, created_at) VALUES ('BTS', NULL, 1, 100, 11, '2018-09-12T11:50:00'), (NULL, 'PEK', 33, 1.1, 13, '2018-01-12T15:50:00'), ('VIE', 'JFK', 4, 5.5, 23.4, '2018-09-11T11:50:00'), ('VIE', 'VIE', 4, 0.0, 0.0, '2018-09-11T11:50:00') """, f""" INSERT INTO hello.{self.right_table_name} (src, dst, price, turnover_after_refunds, initial_price, created_at) VALUES ('BTS', NULL, 1, 100, 11, '2018-09-12T11:50:00'), (NULL, 'PEK', 33, 1.1, 13, '2018-01-12T15:50:00'), ('VIE', 'JFK', 4, 5.5, 23.4, '2018-09-11T11:50:00') """, ] self.conn = Connector(TEST_DB_URI) for s in sql: self.conn.execute(s) self.consistency_checker = ConsistencyChecker(TEST_DB_URI) def tearDown(self): """ Drop all created tables. """ self.conn.execute(f"DROP schema tmp CASCADE;") self.conn.execute(f"DROP schema hello CASCADE;") DQBase.metadata.clear() @mock.patch("contessa.executor.datetime", FakedDatetime) def test_execute_consistency(self): result = self.consistency_checker.COUNT, left_check_table={ "schema_name": "tmp", "table_name": self.left_table_name }, right_check_table={ "schema_name": "hello", "table_name": self.right_table_name, }, context={"task_ts":}, ) self.assertEqual(result.status, "invalid") self.assertEqual(result.context["left_table_name"], "tmp.raw_booking") self.assertEqual(result.context["right_table_name"], "")