Esempio n. 1
 def add_spar(self, surf="top", orientation="vertical", \
                  percent=None, front=None, rear=None, xpos=None, \
                  xsize=0.0, ysize=0.0, \
                  start_station=None, end_station=None, mirror=True, \
     cutpos = contour.Cutpos(percent, front, rear, xpos)
     cutout = contour.Cutout(surf, orientation, cutpos, xsize, ysize)
     if start_station == None:
         start_station = self.stations[0]
     if end_station == None:
         end_station = self.stations[len(self.stations) - 1]
     spar = Stringer(cutout, start_station, end_station, part)
     spar.side = "right"
     if mirror:
         spar = Stringer(cutout, -start_station, -end_station, part)
         spar.side = "left"
Esempio n. 2
    bounds = blend.get_bounds()

    # leading edge diamond (before washout rotate)
    blend.cutout_leading_edge_diamond( 0.200 )

    # sheet whole wing
    #blend.cutout_sweep( side="top", xstart=bounds[0][0], xdist=size*2, ysize=0.0625 )
    #blend.cutout_sweep( side="bottom", xstart=bounds[0][0], xdist=size*2, ysize=0.0625 )

    # sheet trailing eng
    blend.cutout_sweep( side="top", xstart=bounds[1][0]-2.0, xdist=3, ysize=0.0625 )
    blend.cutout_sweep( side="bottom", xstart=bounds[1][0]-2.0, xdist=3, ysize=0.0625 )

    # stringer position tapers with wing (if there is a taper)
    cutpos = contour.Cutpos( percent=0.15 )
    cutout = contour.Cutout( side="top", orientation="tangent", cutpos=cutpos, \
                                 xsize=0.125, ysize=0.125 )
    blend.cutout_stringer( cutout )

    # stringer position fixed relative to nose of rib
    cutpos = contour.Cutpos( front=0.25 )
    cutout = contour.Cutout( side="top", orientation="tangent", cutpos=cutpos, \
                                 xsize=0.125, ysize=0.125 )
    blend.cutout_stringer( cutout )

    # rear stringer (before washout rotate)
    cutpos = contour.Cutpos( percent=0.7 )
    cutout = contour.Cutout( side="top", orientation="tangent", cutpos=cutpos, \
                                 xsize=0.125, ysize=0.125 )
    blend.cutout_stringer( cutout )
    cutout = contour.Cutout( side="bottom", orientation="tangent", \
                                 cutpos=cutpos, \
Esempio n. 3
    def build(self):
        if len(self.stations) < 2:
            print "Must define at least 2 stations to build a wing"

        sweep_y2 = spline.derivative2( )
        taper_y2 = spline.derivative2( )

        # make the base ribs at each defined station
        for index, station in enumerate(self.stations):
            percent = station / self.span

            # generate airfoil
            if not self.tip:
                af = self.root
                af = airfoil.blend(self.root, self.tip, percent)

            # compute placement parameters
            lat_dist = station
            twist = self.twist * percent

            # compute chord
            if self.taper:
                sp_index = spline.binsearch(, lat_dist)
                chord = spline.spline(, taper_y2, sp_index, lat_dist)
                print "Cannot build a wing with no chord defined!"

            print "building station @ " + str(lat_dist) \
                + " chord = " + str(chord)

            # compute sweep offset pos if a sweep function provided
            if self.sweep:
                sw_index = spline.binsearch(, lat_dist)
                sweep_dist = spline.spline(, sweep_y2, sw_index, \
                sweep_dist = 0.0

            # make the rib (cutouts will be handled later)
            label = 'WR' + str(index+1) 
            right_rib = self.make_raw_rib(af, chord, lat_dist, sweep_dist, \
                                              twist, label)
            right_rib.side = "right"
            if percent < 0.001:
                right_rib.nudge = -right_rib.thickness * 0.5
            elif percent > 0.999:
                right_rib.nudge = right_rib.thickness * 0.5

            label = 'WL' + str(index+1)
            left_rib = self.make_raw_rib(af, chord, -lat_dist, sweep_dist, \
                                             twist, label)
            left_rib.side = "left"
            if percent < 0.001:
                left_rib.nudge = right_rib.thickness * 0.5
            elif percent > 0.999:
                left_rib.nudge = -right_rib.thickness * 0.5

        # make the control surface ribs.  Instead of dividing the
        # original base ribs into two parts, we make copies of the
        # base ribs and then trim off the parts we don't want.  This
        # makes a bit of sense considering we need double ribs at the
        # cutout edges.  We do this in one pass per side, stepping
        # through each rib and seeing if it matches a control surface
        # cutout and if it's an inner, outer, or mid rib.
        new_ribs = []
        for rib in self.right_ribs:
            for flap in self.flaps:
                if self.match_station(flap.start_station, flap.start_station, rib.pos[0]):
                    #print "start station = " + str(rib.pos[0])
                    newrib = copy.deepcopy(rib)
                    rib.nudge = rib.thickness * 0.5
                    newrib.nudge = -rib.thickness * 1.0
                    flap.start_bot_str_pos = newrib.trim_front_wedge(flap.pos, flap.angle)
                    newrib.part = "flap"
                    newrib.has_le = False
                elif self.match_station(flap.end_station, flap.end_station, rib.pos[0]):
                    #print "end station = " + str(rib.pos[0])
                    newrib = copy.deepcopy(rib)
                    rib.nudge = -rib.thickness * 0.5
                    newrib.nudge = rib.thickness * 1.0
                    flap.end_bot_str_pos = newrib.trim_front_wedge(flap.pos, flap.angle)
                    newrib.part = "flap"
                    newrib.has_le = False
                elif self.match_station(flap.start_station, flap.end_station, rib.pos[0]):
                    #print "match flap at mid station " + str(rib.pos[0])
                    newrib = copy.deepcopy(rib)
                    newrib.trim_front_wedge(flap.pos, flap.angle)
                    newrib.part = "flap"
                    newrib.has_le = False
                    rib.has_te = False

        for rib in new_ribs:

        new_ribs = []
        for rib in self.left_ribs:
            for flap in self.flaps:
                if self.match_station(flap.start_station, flap.start_station, rib.pos[0]):
                    #print "start station = " + str(rib.pos[0])
                    newrib = copy.deepcopy(rib)
                    rib.nudge = -rib.thickness * 0.5
                    newrib.nudge = rib.thickness * 1.0
                    flap.start_bot_str_pos = newrib.trim_front_wedge(flap.pos, flap.angle)
                    newrib.part = "flap"
                    newrib.has_le = False
                elif self.match_station(flap.end_station, flap.end_station, rib.pos[0]):
                    #print "end station = " + str(rib.pos[0])
                    newrib = copy.deepcopy(rib)
                    rib.nudge = rib.thickness * 0.5
                    newrib.nudge = -rib.thickness * 1.0
                    flap.end_bot_str_pos =  newrib.trim_front_wedge(flap.pos, flap.angle)
                    newrib.part = "flap"
                    newrib.has_le = False
                elif self.match_station(flap.start_station, flap.end_station, rib.pos[0]):
                    #print "left match flap at station " + str(rib.pos[0])
                    newrib = copy.deepcopy(rib)
                    newrib.trim_front_wedge(flap.pos, flap.angle)
                    newrib.part = "flap"
                    newrib.has_le = False
                    rib.has_te = False
                    #rib.contour.trim(surf="top", discard="rear", cutpos=flap.pos)
                    #rib.contour.trim(surf="bottom", discard="rear", cutpos=flap.pos)
        for rib in new_ribs:

        # now place the leading edge bottom stringer for each flap.
        # This is left until now because this can be very dynamic
        # depending on the wing layout and control surface blending.
        for flap in self.flaps:
            if flap.start_bot_str_pos != None and flap.end_bot_str_pos != None \
                    and flap.edge_stringer_size != None:
                xdist = flap.end_station - flap.start_station
                if math.fabs(xdist) > 0.0001:
                    atstation = flap.start_station
                    ydist = flap.end_bot_str_pos - flap.start_bot_str_pos
                    slope = ydist / xdist
                    half_offset = flap.edge_stringer_size[0] * 0.5
                    if flap.side == "left":
                        atstation *= -1.0
                        slope *= -1.0
                    cutpos = contour.Cutpos(xpos=flap.start_bot_str_pos, \
                                                atstation=atstation, \
                    cutout = contour.Cutout(surf="bottom", \
                                                orientation="tangent", \
                                                cutpos=cutpos, \
                                                xsize=flap.edge_stringer_size[0], \
                                                ysize=flap.edge_stringer_size[1] )
                    print "making bottom stringer: " + str(flap.start_station) + " - " + str(flap.end_station)
                    stringer = Stringer( cutout, flap.start_station, flap.end_station, "flap" )
                    stringer.side = flap.side
                    self.stringers.append( stringer )
                print "skipped building a flap bottom stringer"
                print str(flap.start_bot_str_pos)
                print str(flap.end_bot_str_pos)
                print str(flap.edge_stringer_size)

        # do all the cutouts now at the end after we've made and
        # positioned all the ribs for the wing and the control
        # surfaces
        for rib in self.right_ribs:
        for rib in self.left_ribs:

        # a quick pass to update labels on "flap" parts after the
        # cutouts so there is half a chance the label ends up on the
        # part itself
        for rib in self.right_ribs:
            if rib.part == "flap":
        for rib in self.left_ribs:
            if rib.part == "flap":
Esempio n. 4
    def add_flap(self, start_station=None, end_station=None, \
                     pos=None, type="builtup", angle=30.0, \
                     edge_stringer_size=None, \

        if start_station == None:
            start_station = self.stations[0]
        if end_station == None:
            end_station = self.stations[len(self.stations)-1]

        flap = Flap( start_station, end_station, pos, angle, \
                         edge_stringer_size )
        flap.side = "right"
        self.flaps.append( flap )
        if mirror:
            flap = Flap( -start_station, -end_station, pos, angle, \
                             edge_stringer_size )
            flap.side = "left"
            self.flaps.append( flap )

        if flap.edge_stringer_size != None:
            #double_width = flap.edge_stringer_size[0] * 2.0
            half_offset = flap.edge_stringer_size[0] * 0.5
            front_pos = copy.deepcopy(pos)
            topcutout = contour.Cutout( surf="top", orientation="tangent", \
                                            cutpos=front_pos, \
                                            xsize=flap.edge_stringer_size[0], \
                                            ysize=flap.edge_stringer_size[1] )
            stringer = Stringer( topcutout, start_station, end_station, "wing" )
            stringer.side = "right"
            self.stringers.append( stringer )
            if mirror:
                stringer = Stringer( topcutout, -start_station, -end_station, "wing" )
                stringer.side = "left"
                self.stringers.append( stringer )

            botcutout = contour.Cutout( surf="bottom", orientation="tangent", \
                                            cutpos=front_pos, \
                                            xsize=flap.edge_stringer_size[0], \
                                            ysize=flap.edge_stringer_size[1] )
            stringer = Stringer( botcutout, start_station, end_station, "wing" )
            stringer.side = "right"
            self.stringers.append( stringer )
            if mirror:
                stringer = Stringer( botcutout, -start_station, -end_station, "wing" )
                stringer.side = "left"
                self.stringers.append( stringer )

            rear_pos = copy.deepcopy(pos)
            topcutout = contour.Cutout( surf="top", orientation="tangent", \
                                            cutpos=rear_pos, \
                                            xsize=flap.edge_stringer_size[0], \
                                            ysize=flap.edge_stringer_size[1] )
            stringer = Stringer( topcutout, start_station, end_station, "flap" )
            stringer.side = "right"
            self.stringers.append( stringer )
            if mirror:
                stringer = Stringer( topcutout, -start_station, -end_station, "flap" )
                stringer.side = "left"
                self.stringers.append( stringer )
Esempio n. 5
    def build(self):
        if len(self.stations) < 2:
            print "Must define at least 2 stations to build a wing"

        sweep_y2 = spline.derivative2(
        taper_y2 = spline.derivative2(

        # make the base ribs at each defined station
        for index, station in enumerate(self.stations):
            percent = station / self.span

            # generate airfoil
            if not self.tip:
                af = self.root
                af = airfoil.blend(self.root, self.tip, percent)

            # compute placement parameters
            lat_dist = station
            twist = self.twist * percent

            # compute chord
            if self.taper:
                sp_index = spline.binsearch(, lat_dist)
                chord = spline.spline(, taper_y2, sp_index,
                print "Cannot build a wing with no chord defined!"

            print "building station @ " + str(lat_dist) \
                + " chord = " + str(chord)

            # compute sweep offset pos if a sweep function provided
            if self.sweep:
                sw_index = spline.binsearch(, lat_dist)
                sweep_dist = spline.spline(, sweep_y2, sw_index,
                sweep_dist = 0.0

            # make the rib (cutouts will be handled later)
            label = 'WR' + str(index + 1)
            right_rib = self.make_raw_rib(af, chord, lat_dist, sweep_dist,
                                          twist, label)
            right_rib.side = "right"
            if percent < 0.001:
                right_rib.nudge = -right_rib.thickness * 0.5
            elif percent > 0.999:
                right_rib.nudge = right_rib.thickness * 0.5

            label = 'WL' + str(index + 1)
            left_rib = self.make_raw_rib(af, chord, -lat_dist, sweep_dist,
                                         twist, label)
            left_rib.side = "left"
            if percent < 0.001:
                left_rib.nudge = right_rib.thickness * 0.5
            elif percent > 0.999:
                left_rib.nudge = -right_rib.thickness * 0.5

        # at the ends of each control surface we need a full length
        # rib to cap off the space, so we need to create copies of the
        # ribs at these points.
        self.right_ribs = self.make_new_ribs_for_flaps(self.right_ribs,
        self.left_ribs = self.make_new_ribs_for_flaps(self.left_ribs, 'left')

        for rib in self.right_ribs:
            rib_pos = rib.pos[0] - rib.nudge
            for flap in self.flaps:
                if self.match_station(flap.start_station, flap.end_station,
                    if rib.part == "flap":
                        if rib.type == "inner":
                            pos = rib.trim_front_wedge(flap.pos, flap.angle)
                            flap.start_bot_str_pos = pos
                            print "flap start bot = " + str(pos)
                        elif rib.type == "outer":
                            pos = rib.trim_front_wedge(flap.pos, flap.angle)
                            flap.end_bot_str_pos = pos
                            print "flap end bot = " + str(pos)
                        elif rib.type == "inner-shared":
                            #pos = rib.find_flap_bottom_front(flap.pos, flap.angle)
                            pos = rib.trim_front_wedge(flap.pos, flap.angle)
                            flap.start_bot_str_pos = pos
                            print "flap start bot = " + str(pos)
                        elif rib.type == "outer-shared":
                            pos = rib.find_flap_bottom_front(
                                flap.pos, flap.angle)
                            flap.end_bot_str_pos = pos
                            print "flap end bot = " + str(pos)
                            # add cut lines
                            rib.add_wedge_cut_lines(flap.pos, flap.angle)
                        print "skipping rear trim"
                        # rib.trim_rear(flap.pos)

        for rib in self.left_ribs:
            rib_pos = rib.pos[0] - rib.nudge
            for flap in self.flaps:
                if self.match_station(flap.start_station, flap.end_station,
                    if rib.part == "flap":
                        if rib.type == "inner":
                            pos = rib.trim_front_wedge(flap.pos, flap.angle)
                            flap.start_bot_str_pos = pos
                            print "flap start bot = " + str(pos)
                        elif rib.type == "outer":
                            pos = rib.trim_front_wedge(flap.pos, flap.angle)
                            flap.end_bot_str_pos = pos
                            print "flap end bot = " + str(pos)
                        elif rib.type == "inner-shared":
                            pos = rib.find_flap_bottom_front(
                                flap.pos, flap.angle)
                            pos = rib.trim_front_wedge(flap.pos, flap.angle)
                            flap.start_bot_str_pos = pos
                            print "flap start bot = " + str(pos)
                        elif rib.type == "outer-shared":
                            pos = rib.find_flap_bottom_front(
                                flap.pos, flap.angle)
                            flap.end_bot_str_pos = pos
                            print "flap end bot = " + str(pos)
                            # add cut lines
                            rib.add_wedge_cut_lines(flap.pos, flap.angle)
                        print "skipping rear trim"
                        # rib.trim_rear(flap.pos)

        # now place the leading edge bottom stringer for each flap.
        # This is left until now because this can be very dynamic
        # depending on the wing layout and control surface blending.
        for flap in self.flaps:
            if flap.start_bot_str_pos != None and flap.end_bot_str_pos != None \
                    and flap.edge_stringer_size != None:
                xdist = flap.end_station - flap.start_station
                if math.fabs(xdist) > 0.0001:
                    atstation = flap.start_station
                    ydist = flap.end_bot_str_pos - flap.start_bot_str_pos
                    slope = ydist / xdist
                    half_offset = flap.edge_stringer_size[0] * 0.5
                    if flap.side == "left":
                        atstation *= -1.0
                        slope *= -1.0
                    cutpos = contour.Cutpos(xpos=flap.start_bot_str_pos, \
                                                atstation=atstation, \
                    cutout = contour.Cutout(surf="bottom", \
                                                orientation="tangent", \
                                                cutpos=cutpos, \
                                                xsize=flap.edge_stringer_size[0], \
                                                ysize=flap.edge_stringer_size[1] )
                    print "making bottom stringer: " + str(
                        flap.start_station) + " - " + str(flap.end_station)
                    stringer = Stringer(cutout, flap.start_station,
                                        flap.end_station, "flap")
                    stringer.side = flap.side
                print "skipped building a flap bottom stringer"
                print str(flap.start_bot_str_pos)
                print str(flap.end_bot_str_pos)
                print str(flap.edge_stringer_size)

        # do all the cutouts now at the end after we've made and
        # positioned all the ribs for the wing and the control
        # surfaces
        for rib in self.right_ribs:
        for rib in self.left_ribs:

        # a quick pass to update labels on "flap" parts after the
        # cutouts so there is half a chance the label ends up on the
        # part itself
        for rib in self.right_ribs:
            if rib.part == "flap":
        for rib in self.left_ribs:
            if rib.part == "flap":