def bodyCompact(self, **kwargs): critId = self.critId critRecord = self.critRecord perm = self.perm critData = critRecord.record actual = G(critData, N.actual, default=False) msg = E if actual else G(MESSAGES, N.legacyCriterion) critKey = f"""{N.criteria}/{critId}/help""" (infoShow, infoHide, infoBody) = H.detailx( (, N.dismiss), critRecord.wrapHelp(), critKey, openAtts=dict(cls="button small", title="Explanation and scoring guide"), closeAtts=dict(cls="button small", title="Hide criteria explanation"), ) score = H.div(self.field(N.score).wrap(asEdit=G(perm, N.isEdit))) evidence = H.div(self.field(N.evidence).wrap(asEdit=G(perm, N.isEdit))) entry = H.div([ H.div(H.he(msg), cls="heavy") if msg else E, infoShow, infoHide, infoBody, score, evidence, ], ) return entry
def presentScore(score, eid, derivation=True): """Presents the result of a score computation. It shows the overall score, but it can also expand a derivation of the overall score. Parameters ---------- score: dict Quantities relevant to the score and its derivation eid: ObjectId Id of the assessment of which the score has been taken. Only used to give the score presentation a unique identifier on the interface, so that the derivation can be collapsed and expanded in the presence of other score presentations. derivation: boolean, optional `True` If `False`, the derivation will be suppressed. """ overall = G(score, N.overall, default=0) relevantScore = G(score, N.relevantScore, default=0) relevantMax = G(score, N.relevantMax, default=0) relevantN = G(score, N.relevantN, default=0) allMax = G(score, N.allMax, default=0) allN = G(score, N.allN, default=0) irrelevantN = allN - relevantN fullScore = H.span( f"Score {overall}%", title="overall score of this assessment", cls="ass-score", ) if not derivation: return fullScore scoreMaterial = H.div( [ H.div( [ H.p(f"""This assessment scores {relevantScore} points."""), H.p(f"""For this type of contribution there is a total of {allMax} points, divided over {allN} criteria. """), (H.p(f"""However, {irrelevantN} rule{" is " if irrelevantN == 1 else "s are"} not applicable to this contribution, which leaves the total amount to {relevantMax} points, divided over {relevantN} criteria. """) if irrelevantN else E), H.p(f"""The total score is expressed as a percentage: the fraction of {relevantScore} scored points with respect to {relevantMax} scorable points: {overall}%. """), ], cls="ass-score-deriv", ), ], cls="ass-score-box", ) scoreWidget = H.detailx( (N.calc, N.dismiss), scoreMaterial, f"""{N.assessment}/{eid}/scorebox""", openAtts=dict(cls="button small", title="Show derivation"), closeAtts=dict(cls="button small", title="Hide derivation"), ) return (fullScore, *scoreWidget)
def wrap( self, inner=True, wrapMethod=None, expanded=1, withProv=True, hideMasters=False, showTable=None, showEid=None, extraCls=E, ): """Wrap the record into HTML. A record can be displayed in several states: expanded | effect --- | --- `-1` | only a title with a control to get the full details `0` | full details, no control to collapse/expand `1` | full details, with a control to collapse to the title !!! note When a record in state `1` or `-1` is sent to the client, only the material that is displayed is sent. When the user clicks on the expand/collapse control, the other part is fetched from the server *at that very moment*. So collapsing/expanding can be used to refresh the view on a record if things have happened. !!! caution The triggering of the fetch actions for expanded/collapsed material is done by the Javascript in `index.js`. A single function does it all, and it is sensitive to the exact attributes of the summary and the detail. If you tamper with this code, you might end up with an infinite loop of expanding and collapsing. !!! hint Pay extra attension to the attribute `fat`! When it is present, it is an indication that the expanded material is already on the client, and that it does not have to be fetched. !!! note There are several ways to customise the effect of `wrap` for specific tables. Start with writing a derived class for that table with `Record` as base class. * write an alternative for `Record.body`, e.g. `control.cust.review_record.ReviewR.bodyCompact`, and initialize the `Record` with `(bodyMethod='compact')`. Just specify the part of the name after `body` as string starting with a lower case. * override `Record.body`. This app does not do this currently. * use a custom `wrap` function, by defining it in your derived class, e.g. `control.cust.score_record.ScoreR.wrapHelp`. Use it by calling `Record.wrap(wrapMethod=scoreObj.wrapHelp)`. Parameters ---------- inner: boolean, optional `True` Whether to add the CSS class `inner` to the outer `<div>` of the result. wrapMethod: function, optional `None` The method to compose the result out of all its components. Typically defined in a derived class. If passed, this function will be called to deliver the result. Otherwise, `wrap` does the composition itself. expanded: {-1, 0, 1} Whether to expand the record. See the table above. withProv: boolean, optional `True` Include a display of the provenance fields. hideMasters: boolean, optional `False` Whether to hide the master fields. If they are not hidden, they will be presented as hyperlinks to the master record. extraCls: string, optional `''` An extra class to add to the outer `<div>`. Returns ------- string(html) """ table = self.table eid = self.eid record = self.record provSpecs = self.prov valid = self.valid withDetails = self.withDetails withRefresh = table in REFRESH_TABLES func = getattr(self, wrapMethod, None) if wrapMethod else None if func: return func() bodyMethod = self.bodyMethod urlExtra = f"""?method={bodyMethod}""" if bodyMethod else E fetchUrl = f"""/api/{table}/{N.item}/{eid}""" itemKey = f"""{table}/{G(record, N._id)}""" theTitle = self.title() if expanded == -1: return H.details( theTitle, H.div(ELLIPS), itemKey, fetchurl=fetchUrl, urlextra=urlExtra, urltitle=E, ) bodyFunc = (getattr(self, f"""{N.body}{cap1(bodyMethod)}""", self.body) if bodyMethod else self.body) myMasters = G(MASTERS, table, default=[]) deleteButton = self.deleteButton() innerCls = " inner" if inner else E warningCls = E if valid else " warning " provenance = (H.div( H.detailx( (N.prov, N.dismiss), H.div([self.field(field).wrap() for field in provSpecs], cls="prov"), f"""{table}/{G(record, N._id)}/{N.prov}""", openAtts=dict( cls="button small", title="Provenance and editors of this record", ), closeAtts=dict(cls="button small", title="Hide provenance"), cls="prov", ), cls="provx", ) if withProv else E) main = H.div( [ deleteButton, H.div( H.join( bodyFunc(myMasters=myMasters, hideMasters=hideMasters)), cls=f"{table.lower()}", ), *provenance, ], cls=f"record{innerCls} {extraCls} {warningCls}", ) rButton = H.iconr(itemKey, "#main", msg=table) if withRefresh else E details = (self.DetailsClass(self).wrap( showTable=showTable, showEid=showEid) if withDetails else E) return (H.details( rButton + theTitle, H.div(main + details), itemKey, fetchurl=fetchUrl, urlextra=urlExtra, urltitle="""/title""", fat=ONE, forceopen=ONE, open=True, ) if expanded == 1 else H.div(main + details))