Esempio n. 1
 def test_discrete_time_impulse(self, tsystem):
     # discrete time impulse sampled version should match cont time
     dt = 0.1
     t = np.arange(0, 3, dt)
     sys = tsystem.sys
     sysdt = sys.sample(dt, 'impulse')
     np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(impulse_response(sys, t)[1],
                                          impulse_response(sysdt, t)[1])
Esempio n. 2
    def testSimulation(self):
        T = range(100)
        U = np.sin(T)

        # For now, just check calling syntax
        # TODO: add checks on output of simulations
        tout, yout = step_response(self.siso_ss1d)
        tout, yout = step_response(self.siso_ss1d, T)
        tout, yout = impulse_response(self.siso_ss1d, T)
        tout, yout = impulse_response(self.siso_ss1d)
        tout, yout, xout = forced_response(self.siso_ss1d, T, U, 0)
        tout, yout, xout = forced_response(self.siso_ss2d, T, U, 0)
        tout, yout, xout = forced_response(self.siso_ss3d, T, U, 0)
Esempio n. 3
    def testSimulation(self):
        T = range(100)
        U = np.sin(T)

        # For now, just check calling syntax
        # TODO: add checks on output of simulations
        tout, yout = step_response(self.siso_ss1d)
        tout, yout = step_response(self.siso_ss1d, T)
        tout, yout = impulse_response(self.siso_ss1d, T)
        tout, yout = impulse_response(self.siso_ss1d)
        tout, yout, xout = forced_response(self.siso_ss1d, T, U, 0)
        tout, yout, xout = forced_response(self.siso_ss2d, T, U, 0)
        tout, yout, xout = forced_response(self.siso_ss3d, T, U, 0)
Esempio n. 4
    def test_impulse_response_mimo(self, tsystem):
        """"Test impulse response of MIMO systems."""
        sys = tsystem.sys
        t = tsystem.t

        yref = tsystem.yimpulse
        _t, y_00 = impulse_response(sys, T=t, input=0, output=0)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(y_00, yref, decimal=4)
        _t, y_11 = impulse_response(sys, T=t, input=1, output=1)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(y_11, yref, decimal=4)

        yref_notrim = np.zeros((2, len(t)))
        yref_notrim[:1, :] = yref
        _t, yy = impulse_response(sys, T=t, input=0)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(yy[:,0,:], yref_notrim, decimal=4)
Esempio n. 5
    def test_impulse_response_siso(self, tsystem, kwargs):
        """Test impulse response of SISO systems."""
        sys = tsystem.sys
        t = tsystem.t
        yref = tsystem.yimpulse

        out = impulse_response(sys, T=t, **kwargs)
        tout, yout = out[:2]
        assert len(out) == 3 if ('return_x', True) in kwargs.items() else 2
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(tout, t)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(yout, yref, decimal=4)
Esempio n. 6
def impulse(sys, T=None, input=0, output=0, **keywords):
    Impulse response of a linear system
    If the system has multiple inputs or outputs (MIMO), one input and
    one output must be selected for the simulation. The parameters
    `input` and `output` do this. All other inputs are set to 0, all
    other outputs are ignored.
    sys: StateSpace, TransferFunction
        LTI system to simulate

    T: array-like object, optional
        Time vector (argument is autocomputed if not given)

    input: int
        Index of the input that will be used in this simulation.

    output: int
        Index of the output that will be used in this simulation.

        Additional keyword arguments control the solution algorithm for the 
        differential equations. These arguments are passed on to the function
        :func:`lsim`, which in turn passes them on to
        :func:`scipy.integrate.odeint`. See the documentation for
        :func:`scipy.integrate.odeint` for information about these

    yout: array
        Response of the system
    T: array
        Time values of the output
    See Also
    lsim, step, initial

    >>> T, yout = impulse(sys, T) 
    T, yout = timeresp.impulse_response(sys, T, 0, input, output, 
                                   transpose = True, **keywords)
    return yout, T
Esempio n. 7
def impulse(sys, T=None, input=0, output=0, **keywords):
    Impulse response of a linear system
    If the system has multiple inputs or outputs (MIMO), one input and
    one output must be selected for the simulation. The parameters
    `input` and `output` do this. All other inputs are set to 0, all
    other outputs are ignored.
    sys: StateSpace, TransferFunction
        LTI system to simulate

    T: array-like object, optional
        Time vector (argument is autocomputed if not given)

    input: int
        Index of the input that will be used in this simulation.

    output: int
        Index of the output that will be used in this simulation.

        Additional keyword arguments control the solution algorithm for the 
        differential equations. These arguments are passed on to the function
        :func:`lsim`, which in turn passes them on to
        :func:`scipy.integrate.odeint`. See the documentation for
        :func:`scipy.integrate.odeint` for information about these

    yout: array
        Response of the system
    T: array
        Time values of the output
    See Also
    lsim, step, initial

    >>> T, yout = impulse(sys, T) 
    T, yout = timeresp.impulse_response(sys, T, 0, input, output, 
                                   transpose = True, **keywords)
    return yout, T
Esempio n. 8
 def test_impulse_response_warnD(self, tsystem):
     """Test warning about direct feedthrough"""
     with pytest.warns(UserWarning, match="System has direct feedthrough"):
         _ = impulse_response(tsystem.sys, tsystem.t)
Esempio n. 9
const_ref = 5
w = 0.25
sin_ref = lambda x:0.1*np.sin(w*x)

kp = 2;kd =2;ki = 5;ks = 5

G = ctrl.TransferFunction(1,[m,b,k])
#Transfer function is (kds^2+kps+ki)/s
C1 = ctrl.TransferFunction([kd,kp,ki],[1,0])
C2 = ctrl.TransferFunction([kp,ki+ks,kp*w**2,ki*w**2+kp*w**2],[1,0,w**2])

C = C2
open_loop = G*C
closed_loop =*C,1)

t1,y1 = impulse_response(TransferFunction(const_ref,[1,0])*closed_loop,T=50)

sintf = TransferFunction(0.1*w,[1,0,w**2])
t2,y2 = impulse_response(sintf*closed_loop,T=50)

fig, axs = plt.subplots(2)
fig.suptitle('Two Responses')
axs[0].plot(t1, y1)
# axs[0].plot(t1,const_ref*ones(len(t1)))
axs[1].plot(t2, y2)
axs[1].plot(t2, sin_ref(t2))
