Esempio n. 1
def assertCaptions(client, expect):
    """Check whether a response text shows a certain set of captions.

    client: fixture
    expect: set of string

    url = "/"
    (text, status, msgs) = accessUrl(client, url)
    captionsFound = {caption: url for (caption, url) in findCaptions(text)}
    for caption in captionsFound:
        assert caption in expect
    for caption in expect:
        assert caption in captionsFound
    for (caption, url) in captionsFound.items():
        (expNumber, expItem) = expect[caption]
        serverprint(f"CAPTION {caption}: {client.user} CLICKS {url}")
        (text, status, msgs) = accessUrl(client, url)
        if expNumber is None:
            expItem in text
            (n, item) = findMainN(text)[0]
            nX = f"=/={expNumber}" if n != str(expNumber) else E
            iX = f"=/={expItem}" if item != expItem else E
            if iX or nX:
                serverprint(f"CAPTION {caption}: {n}{nX} {item}{iX}")
            assert n == str(expNumber)
            assert item == expItem
Esempio n. 2
def illegalize(clients, url, **kwargs):
    """Append illegal/long arguments to an url and trigger a 400 response.

    clients: dict
        Mapping from users to client fixtures
    kwargs: dict
        Additional parameters to illegalize.
        The url will be expanded by formatting it with the `kwargs` values.

    kwargsx = {k: v + "a" * 200 for (k, v) in kwargs.items()}
    base = url.format(**kwargs)
    basex = url.format(**kwargsx)

    uxs = [
        f"{base}?action=" + "a" * 200,
        f"{base}?" + "a" * 2000,

    passable = {200, 301, 302, 303}
    for (i, ux) in enumerate(uxs):
        expectx = {
            user: 400 if i > 2 or i == 1 and len(kwargsx) else passable
            for user in USERS
            if user in clients
        serverprint(f"LEGAL URL ? ({ux})")
        forall(clients, expectx, assertStatus, ux)
Esempio n. 3
    def getNames(source, val, doString=True, inner=False):
        names = set()
        pureNames = set()
        good = True

        if type(val) is str:
            names = {val} if doString and Names.isName(val) else set()
        elif type(val) is list:
            for v in val:
                if type(v) is str and Names.isName(v):
                elif type(v) is dict:
                    names |= Names.getNames(source, v, doString=False, inner=True)
        elif type(val) is dict:
            for (k, v) in val.items():
                if inner or k != NAMES:
                    if type(k) is str and Names.isName(k):
                    names |= Names.getNames(source, v, doString=False, inner=True)
                    for val in v:
                        if type(val) is not str:
                                f"NAMES in {source}: "
                                f"WARNING: wrong type {type(val)} for {val}"
                            good = False
        if not good:
            serverprint("EXIT because of FATAL ERROR")
        return names if inner else (pureNames, names)
Esempio n. 4
def changedCallFiles(origFile):
    if not os.path.exists(origFile):
        serverprint(f"WARNING: caller file {origFile} not found. Skipping.")
    changes = set()
    removes = set()
    with open(origFile) as of:
        text =
        calls = callRe.findall(text)
        for (att, base, ext) in calls:
            calledPath = f"{base[1:]}{ext}"

            if all(not calledPath.startswith(stampDir)
                   for stampDir in STAMP_DIRS):
            if not os.path.exists(calledPath):
                    f"WARNING: called file {calledPath} not found. Skipping.")
            calledGlob = f"{base[1:]}-[0-9][0-9]*{ext}"
            slug = int(round(os.path.getmtime(calledPath)))
            (calledDir, calledFile) = os.path.split(calledPath)
            calledSlugPath = f"{base[1:]}-{slug}{ext}"
            for slugPath in glob(calledGlob):
                if slugPath != calledSlugPath:
            changes.add((calledPath, calledSlugPath))
    return (text, changes, removes)
Esempio n. 5
def assertFieldValue(source, field, expect):
    """Verify whether a field has a certain expected value.

    If we pass expect `None` we want to assert that the field is not present at all.

    source: dict | (client: fixture, table: string, eid: string)
        The dictionary of fields and values of a retrieved response.
        If it is a tuple, the dictionary will be retrieved by looking up
        the item specified by `table` and `eid`.
    field: string
        The name of the specific field.
        The expected value for this field.

    if type(source) is tuple:
        (client, table, eid) = source
        info = getItem(client, table, eid)
        fields = info["fields"]
        fields = source

    if expect is None:
        assert field not in fields
        assert field in fields
        value = fields[field]
        if value != expect:
            serverprint(f"FIELDVALUE {field}={value} (=/={expect})")
        assert expect == fields[field]
Esempio n. 6
    def collectActualItems(self, tables=None):
        """Determines which items are "actual".

        Actual items are those types and criteria that are specified in a
        package record that is itself actual.
        A package record is actual if the current data is between its start
        and end days.

        !!! caution
            If only value table needs to be collected that are not
            involved in the concept of "actual", nothing will be done.

        tables: set of string, optional `None`
        if tables is not None and not (tables & ACTUAL_TABLES):

        justNow = now()

        packageActual = {
            G(record, N._id)
            for record in self.mongoCmd(
                {N.startDate: {M_LTE: justNow}, N.endDate: {M_GTE: justNow}},
        for record in self.package.values():
            record[N.actual] = G(record, N._id) in packageActual

        typeActual = set(
                G(record, N.typeContribution) or []
                for (_id, record) in self.package.items()
                if _id in packageActual
        for record in self.typeContribution.values():
            record[N.actual] = G(record, N._id) in typeActual

        criteriaActual = {
            for (_id, record) in self.criteria.items()
            if G(record, N.package) in packageActual
        for record in self.criteria.values():
            record[N.actual] = G(record, N._id) in criteriaActual

        self.typeCriteria = {}
        for (_id, record) in self.criteria.items():
            if _id in criteriaActual:
                for tp in G(record, N.typeContribution) or []:
                    self.typeCriteria.setdefault(tp, set()).add(_id)

        if DEBUG_SYNCH:
            serverprint(f"""UPDATED {", ".join(ACTUAL_TABLES)}""")
Esempio n. 7
    def __init__(self, regime, test=False):
        """## Initialization

        Pick up the connection to MongoDb.

        !!! note

        regime: {"production", "development"}
            See below
        test: boolean
            See below.

        self.regime = regime
        """*string* Whether the app runs in production or in development."""

        self.test = test
        """*boolean* Whether to connect to the test database."""

        database = G(DATABASE, N.test) if test else G(DATABASE, regime)
        self.database = database

        mode = f"""regime = {regime} {"test" if test else E}"""
        if not self.database:
            serverprint(f"""MONGO: no database configured for {mode}""")

        self.client = None
        """*object* The MongoDb client."""

        self.mongo = None
        """*object* The connection to the MongoDb database.

        The connnection exists before the Db singleton is initialized.

        self.collected = {}
        """*dict* For each value table, the time that this worker last collected it.

        In the database there is a table which holds the last time for each value
        table that a worker updated a value in it.

        creator = [
            G(record, N._id)
            for record in self.user.values()
            if G(record, N.eppn) == CREATOR
        if not creator:
            serverprint(f"""DATABASE: no creator user found in {database}.user""")

        self.creatorId = creator[0]
        """*ObjectId* System user.
def test_login(clients, clientPublic):
    for user in sorted(NAMED_USERS) + [E, PUBLIC, f"xxxxxx"]:
        isNamed = user in NAMED_USERS
        expect = 302 if isNamed else 303
        serverprint(f"LOGIN {user}")
        assertStatus(clientPublic, f"/login?eppn={user}", expect)
        serverprint(f"LOGOUT {user}")
        if user in clients:
            assertStatus(clients[user], f"/logout", expect)
Esempio n. 9
def computeWorkflow(regime, test):
    if not regime:
        serverprint("Don't know if this is development or production")
        return 1

    mode = f"""regime = {regime} {"test" if test else E}"""
    serverprint(f"WORKFLOW RESET for {mode}")
    DB = Db(regime, test)
    WF = Workflow(DB)
    return 0
Esempio n. 10
    def identify(self):
        user = self.user
        cl =

        url = "/logout" if user == "public" else f"/login?eppn={user}"
        response = cl.get("/whoami")
        actualUser = response.get_data(as_text=True)
        good = user == actualUser
        if not good:
            serverprint(f"USER={actualUser} (=/={user})")
        assert good
Esempio n. 11
    def mongoClose(self):
        """Close connection with MongoDb.

        We need this, because before we fork the process to workers,
        all MongoDb connections should be closed.

        client = self.client

        if client:
            self.client = None
            self.mongo = None
            serverprint("""MONGO: connection closed""")
Esempio n. 12
def checkBounds(**kwargs):
    """Aggressive check on the arguments passed in an url and/or request.

    First the total length of the request is counted.
    If it is too much, the request will be aborted.

    Each argument in request.args and `kwargs` must have a name that is allowed
    and its value should have a length under an appropriate limit,
    configured in `web.yaml`. There is always a fallback limit.

    !!! caution "Security"
        Before processing any request arg, whether from a form or from the url,
        use this function to check whether the length is within limits.

        If the length is exceeded, fail with a bad request,
        without giving any useful feedback.
        Because in this case we are dealing with a hacker.

    kwargs: dict
        The key-values that need to be checked.

        If the length of any argument is out of bounds,
        processing is aborted and a bad request response
        is delivered

    default = G(LIMITS, N.default, default=100)
    maxLen = G(LIMITS, N.request, default=default)

    if request.content_length and request.content_length > maxLen:

    n = len(request.args)
    boundN = G(LIMITS, N.keys, default=default)
    if len(kwargs) > boundN:
        serverprint(f"""OUT-OF-BOUNDS: {n} > {boundN} KEYS IN {kwargs}""")
    for (k, v) in chain.from_iterable((kwargs.items(), request.args.items())):
        if k not in LIMITS:
        valN = G(LIMITS, k, default=default)
        if v is not None and len(v) > valN:
            serverprint(f"""OUT-OF-BOUNDS: LENGTH ARG "{k}" > {valN} ({v})""")
Esempio n. 13
    def mongoOpen(self):
        """Open connection with MongoDb.

        Which database we open, depends on `Db.regime` and `Db.test`.

        client = self.client
        mongo = self.mongo
        database = self.database

        if not mongo:
            client = MongoClient()
            mongo = client[database]
            self.client = client
            self.mongo = mongo
            serverprint(f"""MONGO: new connection to {database}""")
Esempio n. 14
def assertReviewDecisions(clients, reviewId, kinds, decisions, expect):
    """Check whether the reviewers can take certain decisions.

    You specify which reviewers take which decisions, and they will
    all be carried out in that order.

    You specifiy the expected outcomes in a dict or a boolean, telling
    whether the taking of the decision is expected to succeed or not.

    clients: dict
        Mapping from users to client fixtures.
    reviewId: dict
        The review ids for the expert and final review
    kinds: list of {expert, final}
        At most one of each, the order is important.
    decisions: list of {Reject, Revise, Accept, Revoke}
        At most one of each, the order is important.
    expect: bool | dict
        Expected outcomes.
        If it is a boolean, that is the expected outcome of all actions by all
        Otherwise the dict is keyed by kind of reviewer.
        The values are booleans or dicts.
        A boolean indicates the expected outcome of all actions for that reviewer.
        A dict specifies per action of that reviewer what the outcome is.

    for kind in kinds:
        rId = G(reviewId, kind)
        expectKind = (
            True if expect is True else False if expect is False else G(expect, kind)
        for decision in decisions:
            decisionStr = G(G(REVIEW_DECISION, decision), kind)
            url = f"/api/task/{decisionStr}/{rId}"
            exp = (
                if expectKind is True
                else False
                if expectKind is False
                else G(expectKind, decision)
            serverprint(f"REVIEW DECISION {decision} by {kind} expects {exp}")
            assertStatus(G(clients, kind), url, exp)
Esempio n. 15
    def getCached(self, method, methodName, methodArgs, table, eid,
        """Helper to wrap caching around a raw Db fetch method.

        Only for methods that fetch single records.

        method: function
            The raw `control.db.Db` method.
        methodName: string
            The name of the raw Db method. Only used to display if cache
            debugging is on.
        methodNameArgs: iterable
            The arguments to pass to the Db method.
        table: string
            The table from which the record is fetched.
        eid: ObjectId
            (Entity) ID of the particular record.
        requireFresh: boolean, optional `False`
            If True, bypass the cache and fetch the item straight from Db and put the
            fetched value in the cache.

            Whatever the underlying fetch method returns or would return.
        cache = self.cache

        key = eid if type(eid) is str else str(eid)

        if not requireFresh:
            if table in cache:
                if key in cache[table]:
                    if DEBUG_CACHE:
                        serverprint(f"""CACHE HIT {methodName}({key})""")
                    return cache[table][key]

        result = method(*methodArgs)
        cache.setdefault(table, {})[key] = result
        return result
Esempio n. 16
    def mongoCmd(self, label, table, command, *args, **kwargs):
        """Wrapper around calls to MongoDb.

        All commands fired at the NongoDb go through this wrapper.
        It will spit out debug information if mongo debugging is True.

        label: string
            A key to be mentioned in debug messages.
            Very convenient to put here the name of the method that calls mongoCmd.
        table: string
            The table in MongoDB that is targeted by the command.
            If the table does not exists, no command will be fired.
        command: string
            The Mongo command to execute.
            The command must be listed in the mongo.yaml config file.
        *args: iterable
            Additional arguments will be passed straight to the Mongo command.

            Whatever the the MongoDb returns.

        mongo = self.mongo

        method = getattr(mongo[table], command, None) if command in M_COMMANDS else None
        warning = """!UNDEFINED""" if method is None else E
        if DEBUG_MONGO:
            argRep = args[0] if args and args[0] and command in SHOW_ARGS else E
            kwargRep = COMMA.join(f"{k}={v}" for (k, v) in kwargs.items())
                f"""MONGO<<{label}>>.{table}.{command}{warning}({argRep} {kwargRep})"""
        if method:
            return method(*args, **kwargs)
        return None
Esempio n. 17
 def showReferences(cls):
     reference = cls.reference
     serverprint("""\nREFERENCE FIELD DEPENDENCIES""")
     for (dep, tables) in sorted(reference.items()):
         for (table, fields) in tables.items():
             serverprint(f"""\t{table:<20}: {", ".join(fields)}""")
Esempio n. 18
def main():
    args = sys.argv[1:]
    unstamp = args and args[0] == "un"
    texts = {}
    mapFile = {}
    changes = {}
    changed = set()
    removes = set()
    for callFile in CALL_FILES:
        (base, ext) = os.path.splitext(callFile)
        origFile = f"{base}Base{ext}"
        if unstamp:
            label = "RESTORE"
            serverprint(f"STAMP: {label} {callFile}")
            copyfile(origFile, callFile)

        mapFile[origFile] = callFile
        (text, theseChanges, theseRemoves) = changedCallFiles(origFile)
        texts[origFile] = text
        for (fileFrom, fileTo) in theseChanges:
            changes.setdefault(origFile, set()).add((fileFrom, fileTo))
        removes |= theseRemoves

    for fileRem in sorted(removes):
        serverprint(f"STAMP: REMOVE {fileRem}")
    for (origFile, changedFiles) in changes.items():
        callText = texts[origFile]
        for (fileFrom, fileTo) in changedFiles:
            if fileFrom in changed:
            if not os.path.exists(fileTo):
                serverprint(f"STAMP: COPY {fileFrom} => {fileTo}")
                copyfile(fileFrom, fileTo)

            callText = callText.replace(fileFrom, fileTo)

        callFile = mapFile[origFile]
        origCallText = None
        if os.path.exists(callFile):
            with open(callFile) as cf:
                origCallText =
        if origCallText is None or origCallText != callText:
            label = "WRITE" if origCallText is None else "REWRITE"
            serverprint(f"STAMP: {label} {callFile}")
            with open(callFile, "w") as cf:
Esempio n. 19
    def collect(self):
        """Collect the contents of the value tables.

        Value tables have content that is needed almost all the time.
        All value tables will be completely cached within Db.

        !!! note
            This is meant to run at start up, before the workers start.
            After that, this worker will not execute it again.
            See also `recollect`.

        !!! warning
            We must take other workers into account. They need a signal
            to recollect. See `recollect`.
            We store the time that this worker has collected each table
            in attribute `collected`.

        !!! caution
            If you change the MongoDb from without, an you forget to
            put an appropriate time stamp, the app will not see it untill it
            is restarted.
            See for example how `root.makeUserRoot` handles this.

        !!! warning
            This is a complicated app.
            Some tables have records that specify whether other records are "actual".
            After collecting a value table, the "actual" items will be recomputed.

        collected = self.collected

        for valueTable in VALUE_TABLES:
            collected[valueTable] = now()

        if DEBUG_SYNCH:
            serverprint(f"""COLLECTED {COMMA.join(sorted(VALUE_TABLES))}""")
Esempio n. 20
def assertStatus(client, url, expect):
    """Get data and see whether that went right or wrong.

    client: function
    url: string(url)
        The url to retrieve from the server
    expect: boolean | int | set of int
        If boolean: Whether it is expected to be successful
        If int: status code should be exactly this
        If set of int: status code should be contained in this

        response = client.get(url)
        code = response.status_code
    except Exception as e:
        serverprint(f"APPLICATION ERROR: {e}")
        code = 4000

    if type(expect) is set:
        good = code in expect
        if not good:
            serverprint(f"STATUS {url} => {code} (not in {expect})")
        assert good
    elif type(expect) is int:
        good = code == expect
        if not good:
            serverprint(f"STATUS {url} => {code} (=/= {expect})")
        assert good
        codes = {200, 302} if expect else {400, 303}
        good = code in codes
        if not good:
            serverprint(f"STATUS {url} => {code} (not in {codes})")
        assert good
Esempio n. 21
def main():
    regime = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) > 1 else None
    test = sys.argv[2] == "test" if len(sys.argv) > 2 else False
    if not regime:
        serverprint("Don't know if this is development or production")
        return 1

    database = DATABASE["test"] if test else DATABASE.get(regime, None)
    if database is None:
        mode = f"""regime = {regime} {"test" if test else E}"""
        serverprint(f"""ERROR: No database configured for {mode}\n"""
                    """See base.yaml""")
        return 1
    eppn = ROOT[database]

    only = len(sys.argv) > 3 and sys.argv[3] == "--only"

    unique = "unique " if only else E
    serverprint(f"RESETTING {eppn} as {unique}root in {database}")
    makeUserRoot(database, eppn, only=only)
    return 0
Esempio n. 22
    def getUser(self, eppn, email=None, mayCreate=False):
        """Find a user in the database.

        This is called to get extra information for an authenticated user
        from the database.
        The resulting data will be stored in the `user` attribute of Auth.

        !!! caution
            Even if the user can be found, the attribute `mayLogin`
            might be false, in which case it will be prevented to log in that user.

        !!! tip
            When assigning reviewers, office users may select people who are not yet
            known to the contrib tool by specifying their email address.
            When such users log in for the first time, their `eppn` and other
            attributes become known, and are merged into a record in the user table.

        eppn: string
            The unique identifier of a user as assigned by the DARIAH identity provider.
        email: string, optional `None`
            New users may not have an eppn, but might already be present in the
            user table by their email.
            If so, the email address can be used to look up the user.
        mayCreate: boolean, optional `False`
            If a user cannot be found, they will be created if this flag is `True`.
            This is relevant for situation where a new user has been authenticated
            by the identity provider.

            Whether a user was authenticated and logged in.
            The attributes retrieved from the database will be merged into
            the `user` attribute.
            If no user was logged in, the `user` attribute will be filled with
            info that says that the current user is the public and nothing more.

        user = self.user
        db = self.db
        authority = self.authority
        authId = self.authId

        userFound = [
            for record in db.user.values()
            if (
                G(record, N.authority) == authority
                and (
                    (eppn is not None and G(record, N.eppn) == eppn)
                    or (
                        eppn is None
                        and email is not None
                        and G(record, N.eppn) is None
                        and G(record, == email
        if len(userFound) > 1:
            if DEBUG_AUTH:
                serverprint(f"LOGIN: multiple matches in user DB: {eppn} / {email}")
            return False

        if len(userFound) == 1:
            if not G(userFound[0], N.mayLogin, default=True):
                if DEBUG_AUTH:
                    serverprint(f"LOGIN: existing user may not login: {eppn} / {email}")
                return False

        user.update({N.eppn: eppn, N.authority: authority})
        if email:
            user[] = email

        if len(userFound) == 0:
            if mayCreate:
                if DEBUG_AUTH:
                    serverprint(f"LOGIN: new user: {eppn} / {email}")
                if DEBUG_AUTH:
                    serverprint(f"LOGIN: may not create new user: {eppn} / {email}")
                return False
            if DEBUG_AUTH:
                serverprint(f"LOGIN: existing user: {eppn} / {email}")

        # new users do not have yet group information
        group = user[] if in user else authId
        if not in user:
            user[] = group

        groupRep = G(G(db.permissionGroup, group), N.rep)
        result = groupRep != UNAUTH
        if DEBUG_AUTH:
            if result:
                serverprint(f"LOGIN: user authenticated: {eppn} / {email}")
                serverprint(f"LOGIN: user not authenticated: {eppn} / {email}")
        return result
Esempio n. 23
    def recollect(self, table=None):
        """Collect the contents of the value tables if they have changed.

        For each value table it will be checked if they have been
        collected (by another worker) after this worker has started and if so,
        those tables and those tables only will be recollected.

        !!! caution
            Although the initial `collect` is done before workers start
            (`gunicorn --preload`), individual workers will end up with their
            own copy of the value table cache.
            So when we need to recollect values for our cache, we must notify
            in some way that other workers also have to recollect this table.

        ### Global recollection

        Whenever we recollect a value table, we insert the time of recollection
        in a record in the MongoDb.

        Somewhere at the start of each request, these records will be checked,
        and if needed, recollections will be done before the request processing.

        There is a table `collect`, with records having fields `table` and
        `dateCollected`. After each (re)collect of a table, the `dateCollected` of
        the appropriate record will be set to the current time.

        !!! note "recollect()"
            A `recollect()` without arguments should be done at the start of each

        !!! note "recollect(table)"
            A `recollect(table)` should be done whenever this worker has changed
            something in that value table.

        table: string, optional `None`
            A recollect() without arguments collects *all* value tables that need
            collecting based on the times of change as recorded in the `collect`

            A recollect of a single table means that this worker has made a change.
            After the recollect, a timestamp will go into the `collect` table,
            so that other workers can pick it up.

            If table is `True`, all timestamps in the `collect` table will be set
            to now, so that each worker will refresh its value cache.

        collected = self.collected

        if table is None:
            affected = set()
            for valueTable in VALUE_TABLES:
                record = self.mongoCmd(
                    N.recollect, N.collect, N.find_one, {RECOLLECT_NAME: valueTable}
                lastChangedGlobally = G(record, RECOLLECT_DATE)
                lastChangedHere = G(collected, valueTable)
                if lastChangedGlobally and (
                    not lastChangedHere or lastChangedHere < lastChangedGlobally
                    collected[valueTable] = now()
        elif table is True:
            affected = set()
            for valueTable in VALUE_TABLES:
                collected[valueTable] = now()
            collected[table] = now()
            affected = {table}
        if affected:
            justNow = now()
            for aTable in affected:
                    {RECOLLECT_NAME: aTable},
                    {M_SET: {RECOLLECT_DATE: justNow}},


        if affected:
            if DEBUG_SYNCH:
                serverprint(f"""COLLECTED {COMMA.join(sorted(affected))}""")
Esempio n. 24
    def checkLogin(self):
        """Checks for a currently logged in user and sets `user` accordingly.

        This happens after a login action and is meant to adapt the `user` attribute
        to a newly logged-in user.

        Whether an authenticated user has just logged in.

        db = self.db
        user = self.user
        isDevel = self.isDevel
        unauthUser = self.unauthUser

        contentLength = request.content_length
        if contentLength is not None and contentLength > LIMIT_JSON:
        authEnv = (
                k[4:].lower(): utf8FromLatin1(v)
                for (k, v) in request.environ.items()
                if k.startswith("""AJP_""")
            if TRANSPORT_ATTRIBUTES == N.ajp
            else {k.lower(): utf8FromLatin1(v) for (k, v) in request.headers}
            if TRANSPORT_ATTRIBUTES == N.http
            else {k.lower(): utf8FromLatin1(v) for (k, v) in request.environ.items()}
        if DEBUG_AUTH:
            serverprint("LOGIN: auth environment/headers")
            for (k, v) in authEnv.items():
                serverprint(f"LOGIN: ATTRIBUTE {k} = {v}")
        if isDevel:
            if DEBUG_AUTH:
                serverprint("LOGIN: start authentication in development mode")
            eppn = G(request.args, N.eppn)
            email = None
            if eppn is None:
                email = G(request.args, or E
                if AT in email:
                    eppn = email.split(AT, maxsplit=1)[0]
                    if eppn:
                        if DEBUG_AUTH:
                                f"LOGIN: authentication succeeded: {eppn} / {email}"
                        return self.getUser(eppn, email=email, mayCreate=True)
                if DEBUG_AUTH:
                    serverprint("LOGIN: authentication failed: no eppn, no email")
                return False
            result = self.getUser(eppn, mayCreate=False)
            if DEBUG_AUTH:
                if result:
                    serverprint("LOGIN: authentication successful")
                    serverprint("LOGIN: authentication failed")
            return result
            if DEBUG_AUTH:
                serverprint("LOGIN: start authentication with shibboleth")
            authenticated = G(authEnv, SHIB_KEY)
            if authenticated:
                eppn = G(authEnv, N.eppn)
                email = G(authEnv, N.mail)
                isUser = self.getUser(eppn, email=email, mayCreate=True)
                if DEBUG_AUTH:
                    serverprint("""LOGIN: shibboleth session found:""")
                    serverprint(f"""LOGIN: eppn   = "{eppn}" """)
                    serverprint(f"""LOGIN: email  = "{email}" """)
                    serverprint(f"""LOGIN: isUser = "******" """)
                if not isUser:
                    # the user is refused because the database says (s)he may not login
                    if DEBUG_AUTH:
                        serverprint("LOGIN: authentication failed")
                    return False

                # process the attributes provided by the identity server
                # they may have been changed after the last login
                attributes = {
                    toolKey: G(authEnv, envKey, default=E)
                    for (envKey, toolKey) in ATTRIBUTES.items()
                    if envKey in authEnv
                dirty = False
                for (att, val) in attributes.items():
                    currentVal = G(user, att)
                    if currentVal != val:
                        user[att] = val
                        dirty = True
                if dirty:
                    if DEBUG_AUTH:
                        serverprint(f"LOGIN: user data updated for {eppn}/{email}")
                if DEBUG_AUTH:
                    serverprint("LOGIN: authentication successful")
                return True

            if DEBUG_AUTH:
                serverprint("LOGIN: No shibboleth session found:")
                serverprint("LOGIN: authentication failed")
            return False
Esempio n. 25
def test_identity(clients):
    for (user, cl) in clients.items():
        response = cl.get("/whoami")
        actualUser = response.get_data(as_text=True)
        serverprint(f"{user} says: I am {actualUser}")
        assert user == actualUser
Esempio n. 26
def factory(regime, test, **kwargs):
    if regime not in {"production", "development"}:
        serverprint(f"REGIME: illegal value: {regime}")
    serverprint(f"REGIME: {regime}")
    return appFactory(regime, test == "test", DEBUG, **kwargs)
Esempio n. 27
def main():
    methodNames = Names.getMethods()
    allPureNames = set()
    allNames = set()

    with os.scandir(CONFIG_DIR) as sd:
        files = tuple( for e in sd if e.is_file() and
    for configFile in files:
        section = os.path.splitext(configFile)[0]
        className = cap1(section)
        classObj = globals()[className]
        setattr(Config, section, classObj)

        with open(f"""{CONFIG_DIR}/{section}{CONFIG_EXT}""") as fh:
            settings = yaml.load(fh, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)

        for (subsection, subsettings) in settings.items():
            if subsection != NAMES:
                setattr(classObj, subsection, subsettings)

        (pureNames, names) = Names.addNames(configFile, settings)
        allPureNames |= pureNames
        allNames |= names

    N = Names
    C = Config
    CT = C.tables

    masters = {}
    for (master, details) in CT.details.items():
        for detail in details:
            masters.setdefault(detail, set()).add(master)
    setattr(CT, "masters", masters)

    with os.scandir(TABLE_DIR) as sd:
        files = tuple( for e in sd if e.is_file() and
    for tableFile in files:
        with open(f"""{TABLE_DIR}/{tableFile}""") as fh:
            settings = yaml.load(fh, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)
        (pureNames, names) = Names.addNames(configFile, settings)
        allPureNames |= pureNames
        allNames |= names

    spuriousNames = allPureNames & allNames
    if spuriousNames:
        serverprint(f"NAMES: {len(spuriousNames)} spurious names")
        serverprint(", ".join(sorted(spuriousNames)))
        if not TERSE:
            serverprint("NAMES: No spurious names")

    NAME_RE = re.compile(r"""\bN\.[A-Za-z0-9_]+""")

    usedNames = set()

    for (top, subdirs, files) in os.walk(SERVER_PATH):
        for f in files:
            if not f.endswith(".py"):
            path = f"{top}/{f}"
            with open(path) as pf:
                text =
                usedNames |= {name[2:] for name in set(NAME_RE.findall(text))}

    unusedNames = allPureNames - usedNames
    if unusedNames:
        serverprint(f"NAMES: {len(unusedNames)} unused names")
        serverprint(", ".join(sorted(unusedNames)))
        if not TERSE:
            serverprint("NAMES: No unused names")

    undefNames = usedNames - allPureNames - allNames - methodNames
    if undefNames:
        serverprint(f"NAMES: {len(undefNames)} undefined names")
        serverprint(", ".join(sorted(undefNames)))
        if not TERSE:
            serverprint("NAMES: No undefined names")

    if not TERSE:
        serverprint(f"NAMES: {len(allPureNames | allNames):>4} defined in yaml files")
        serverprint(f"NAMES: {len(usedNames):>4} used in python code")

    if undefNames:
        serverprint("EXIT because of FATAL ERROR")

    tables = set()

    MAIN_TABLE = CT.userTables[0]
    USER_TABLES = set(CT.userTables)
    USER_ENTRY_TABLES = set(CT.userEntryTables)
    VALUE_TABLES = set(CT.valueTables)
    SYSTEM_TABLES = set(CT.systemTables)
    SCALAR_TYPES = CT.scalarTypes
    SCALAR_TYPE_SET = set(chain.from_iterable(SCALAR_TYPES.values()))
    PROV_SPECS = CT.prov
    VALUE_SPECS = CT.value
    CASCADE = CT.cascade

    sortedTables = (
        + sorted(USER_TABLES - {MAIN_TABLE})
        + sorted(tables - USER_TABLES - {MAIN_TABLE})

    reference = {}
    cascade = {}

    for table in tables:
        specs = {}
        tableFile = f"""{TABLE_DIR}/{table}{CONFIG_EXT}"""
        if os.path.exists(tableFile):
            with open(tableFile) as fh:
                specs.update(yaml.load(fh, Loader=yaml.FullLoader))

        for (field, fieldSpecs) in specs.items():
            fieldType = G(fieldSpecs, N.type)
            if fieldType and fieldType not in SCALAR_TYPE_SET:
                cascaded = set(G(CASCADE, fieldType, default=[]))
                if table in cascaded:
                    cascade.setdefault(fieldType, {}).setdefault(table, set()).add(field)
                    reference.setdefault(fieldType, {}).setdefault(table, set()).add(field)
        setattr(Tables, table, specs)

        Names.addNames(table, specs)

    constrainedPre = {}
    for table in VALUE_TABLES:
        fieldSpecs = getattr(Tables, table, {})
        for (field, fieldSpec) in fieldSpecs.items():
            tp = G(fieldSpec, N.type)
            if tp in VALUE_TABLES and tp == field:
                constrainedPre[table] = field

    constrained = {}
    for table in tables:
        fieldSpecs = getattr(Tables, table, {})
        fields = set(fieldSpecs)
        for (ctable, mfield) in constrainedPre.items():
            if ctable in fields and mfield in fields:
                ctp = G(fieldSpecs[ctable], N.type)
                if ctp == ctable:
                    constrained[ctable] = mfield

    setattr(Tables, ALL, tables)
    setattr(Tables, N.sorted, sortedTables)
    setattr(Tables, N.reference, reference)
    setattr(Tables, N.cascade, cascade)
    setattr(Tables, N.constrained, constrained)

    CF = C.workflow

    TASKS = CF.tasks

    taskFields = {}

    for taskInfo in TASKS.values():
        if G(taskInfo, N.operator) == N.set:
            table = G(taskInfo, N.table)
            taskFields.setdefault(table, set()).add(G(taskInfo, N.field))
            dateField = G(taskInfo,
            if dateField:

    setattr(Workflow, N.taskFields, taskFields)
Esempio n. 28
 def showNames(cls):
     for (k, v) in sorted(cls.__dict__.items()):
         if callable(getattr(cls, k)):
             serverprint(f"""\t{k:<20} = {v}""")