Esempio n. 1
def regulator_with_observer(sys,
    final_poles = []

    if poles is not None:
        final_poles = poles

    if po is not None and ts is not None:
        log_po = np.log(100 / po)
        psi = log_po / np.sqrt(np.pi**2 + log_po**2)
        wn = 4 / psi / ts

        s1 = -psi * wn + 1j * wn * np.sqrt(1 - psi**2)
        s2 = -psi * wn - 1j * wn * np.sqrt(1 - psi**2)


    for p in extra_poles:

    rank = np.linalg.matrix_rank(ct.ctrb(sys.A, sys.B))

    total_poles = len(final_poles)

    if total_poles < rank:
        raise BaseException(
            f"you have {total_poles} but you need {rank} to implement a FSFB")

    k = ct.acker(sys.A, sys.B, final_poles)

    mo = ct.obsv(sys.A, sys.C)
    obs_rank = np.linalg.matrix_rank(mo)

    print("obs_rank=", obs_rank)

    final_poles_obs = 5 * final_poles

    L = ct.acker(sys.A.T, sys.C.T, final_poles_obs)
    L = L.T

    pa = np.concatenate([sys.A, -sys.B * k], axis=1)
    pb = np.concatenate([L * sys.C, sys.A - sys.B * k - L * sys.C], axis=1)

    alc = np.concatenate([pa, pb], axis=0)
    blc = np.concatenate(
        [np.zeros((sys.A.shape[0], 1)),
         np.zeros((sys.A.shape[0], 1))])
    clc = np.concatenate([sys.C, -sys.D * k], axis=1)
    dlc = np.array([[0]])

    return, blc, clc, dlc)
def full_observer(system, poles_o, poles_s, debug=False) -> ObserverResult:
    """implementation of the complete observer for an autonomous system
    :param system : tuple (a, b, c) of system matrices
    :param poles_o: tuple of complex poles/eigenvalues of the observer
    :param poles_s: tuple of complex poles/eigenvalues of the closed
    :param debug: output control for debugging in unittest(False:normal
    output,True: output local variables and normal output)
    :return: dataclass ObserverResult (controller function, feedback matrix, observer_gain, and pre-filter)

    # systemically relevant matrices
    a = system[0]
    b = system[1]
    c = system[2]
    d = system[3]

    # ignore the PendingDeprecationWarning for built-in packet control
    warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=PendingDeprecationWarning)

    ctr_matrix = ctr.ctrb(a, b)  # controllabilty matrix
    assert np.linalg.det(ctr_matrix) != 0, 'this system is not controllable'

    # State feedback
    f_t = ctr.acker(a, b, poles_s)

    # pre-filter
    a1 = a - b * f_t
    v = (-1 * (c * a1**(-1) * b)**(-1))  # pre-filter

    obs_matrix = ctr.obsv(a, c)  # observability matrix
    assert np.linalg.det(obs_matrix) != 0, 'this system is unobservable'

    # calculate observer gain
    l_v = ctr.acker(a.T, c.T, poles_o).T

    # controller function
    # in this case controller function is: -1 * feedback * states + pre-filter * reference output
    # disturbance value ist not considered
    # t = sp.Symbol('t')
    # sys_input = -1 * (f_t * sys_state)[0]
    # input_func = sp.lambdify((sys_state, t), sys_input, modules='numpy')

    # this method returns controller function, feedback matrix, observer gain and pre-filter
    result = ObserverResult(f_t, l_v, v, None)

    # return internal variables for unittest
    if debug:
        c_locals = Container(fetch_locals=True)
        result.debug = c_locals

    return result
 def __init__(self, save_data=True, barriers=True):
     self.number_of_agents = rand.randint(3, 10)
     self.initial_poses = np.array([])
     self.poses = np.array([])
     self.desired_poses = np.zeros((self.number_of_agents, 3))
     self.desired_vels = np.zeros((self.number_of_agents, 3))
     self.crazyflie_objects = {}
     self.time = time.time()
     self.x_state = dict()
     self.vel_prev = dict()
     self.des_vel_prev = dict()
     self.xd = dict()
     self.u = dict()
     self.orientation_real = dict()
     self.pose_real = dict()
     self.dt = 0.03
     self.count = 0
     self.time_record = dict()
     self.x_record = dict()
     self.input_record = dict()
     self.orientation_record = dict()
     self.AA = np.array([[0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1],
                         [0, 0, 0, 0]]) = np.array([[0], [0], [0], [1]])
     self.Kb = np.asarray(
         acker(self.AA,, [-12.2, -12.4, -12.6, -12.8]))
     self.robotarium_simulator_plot = None
     self.barriers = barriers
     self.save_flag = save_data
     solvers.options['show_progress'] = False
Esempio n. 4
def calculate_pp_gains(A, B, C, D, dp):

    # pole placement via ackermann's formula
    K = ctl.acker(A, B, dp)

    # calculate Nu, Nx matrices for including reference input
    Nu, Nx = getInputMatrices(A, B, C, D)

    return K, Nu, Nx
def gen_chain_of_integrators():
    """Defines a chain of integrator for xyz: position, velocity, acceleration and jerk.
       Dynamics of the form: xd = Ax + bu

    A : ndarray
    b : ndarray
    Kb : ndarray

    # Define chain of integrator dynamics and controller gains.
    A = np.array([[0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0, 0]])
    b = np.array([[0], [0], [0], [1]])
    Kb = np.array(acker(
        A, b,
        [-12.2, -12.4, -12.6, -12.8]))  # Generate gains using pole placement.
    return A, b, Kb
Esempio n. 6
def regulator(sys, poles=None, po=None, ts=None, extra_poles=[], ck=[]):
    final_poles = []

    if poles is not None:
        final_poles = poles

    if po is not None and ts is not None:
        log_po = np.log(100 / po)
        psi = log_po / np.sqrt(np.pi**2 + log_po**2)
        wn = 4 / psi / ts

        s1 = -psi * wn + 1j * wn * np.sqrt(1 - psi**2)
        s2 = -psi * wn - 1j * wn * np.sqrt(1 - psi**2)


    for p in extra_poles:

    rank = np.linalg.matrix_rank(ct.ctrb(sys.A, sys.B))

    total_poles = len(final_poles)

    if total_poles < rank:
        raise BaseException(
            f"you have {total_poles} but you need {rank} to implement a FSFB")

    kk = ct.acker(sys.A, sys.B, final_poles)

    ak = sys.A - sys.B * kk
    bk = np.zeros((sys.A.shape[0], 1))
    default = np.zeros((1, sys.A.shape[0]))
    default[0] = 1
    ck2 = np.array(ck) if ck else default
    dk = np.array([[0]])

    return, bk, ck2, dk)
zeta = 0.707
tr = 2.1
wn = 2.2 / tr

# -- PID -- #
kp = wn**2 * m - k
kd = 2.0 * zeta * wn * m - b
ki = 3.7

# -- FULL STATE -- #
A = np.matrix([[0.0, 1.0], [-k / m, -b / m]])
B = np.matrix([[0.0], [1.0 / m]])
C = np.matrix([[1.0, 0.0]])
cl_poles = list(np.roots([1, 2 * wn * zeta, wn**2]))

K = ctrl.acker(A, B, cl_poles)
kr = -1.0 /, -, K)), B)).item(0)

    A1 = np.concatenate((A, -C), 0)
    A1 = np.concatenate((A1, np.zeros((A1.shape[0], C.shape[0]))), 1)
    B1 = np.concatenate((B, np.zeros((C.shape[0], B.shape[1]))), 0)

    int_pole = -8.0

    K = ctrl.acker(A1, B1, cl_poles)
    ki = K.take([-1]).item(0)
    K = K.take(range(0, K.shape[1] - 1))
Esempio n. 8
A1 = np.matrix([[0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [0.0, -1.0 * P.b / P.m / (P.ell**2), 0.0],
                [-1.0, 0.0, 0.0]])

B1 = np.matrix([[0.0], [3.0 / P.m / (P.ell**2)], [0.0]])

# gain calculation
wn = 2.2 / tr  # natural frequency
des_char_poly = np.convolve([1, 2 * zeta * wn, wn**2],
des_poles = np.roots(des_char_poly)

# Compute the gains if the system is controllable
if np.linalg.matrix_rank(cnt.ctrb(A1, B1)) != 3:
    print("The system is not controllable")
    K1 = cnt.acker(A1, B1, des_poles)
    K = np.matrix([K1.item(0), K1.item(1)])
    ki = K1.item(2)

# observer design
des_obsv_char_poly = [1, 2 * zeta_obs * wn_obs, wn_obs**2]
des_obsv_poles = np.roots(des_obsv_char_poly)

# Compute the gains if the system is controllable
if np.linalg.matrix_rank(cnt.ctrb(A.T, C.T)) != 2:
    print("The system is not observerable")
    L = cnt.acker(A.T, C.T, des_obsv_poles).T

print('K: ', K)
print('ki: ', ki)
Esempio n. 9
th_alpha0 = th_wn**2

integrator_pole_long = -10.0  #-10.0

# Desired Poles
des_char_poly_long = np.convolve([1, th_alpha1, th_alpha0],
des_poles_long = np.roots(des_char_poly_long)
print 'des_poles_long'
print des_poles_long

# Controllability Matrix
if np.linalg.matrix_rank(cnt.ctrb(A1_long, B1_long)) != 3:
    print("The longitudinal system is not controllable")
    K1_long = cnt.acker(A1_long, B1_long, des_poles_long)
    K_long = K1_long[0, 0:2]
    ki_long = K1_long[0, 2]
    print('K1_long: ', K1_long)
    print('K_long: ', K_long)
    print('ki_long: ', ki_long)

############ Lateral ##########################

A_lat = np.matrix(
    [[0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
     [l1 * F_eq / (m1 * (l1**2) + m2 * (l2**2) + Jz), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]])

B_lat = np.matrix([[0.0], [0.0], [1.0 / Jx], [0.0]])
Esempio n. 10
# gain calculation
wn = 2.2 / tr  # natural frequency

#des_char_poly = np.convolve(
#    [1, 2*zeta*wn, wn**2],
#    np.poly(integrator_pole))
#des_poles = np.roots(des_char_poly)
des_char_poly = np.array([1., 2. * zeta * wn_obs, wn_obs**2.])
des_poles_poly = np.roots(des_char_poly)
des_poles = np.concatenate((des_poles_poly, integrator_pole * np.ones(1)))

# Compute the gains if the system is controllable
if np.linalg.matrix_rank(cnt.ctrb(A1, B1)) != 3:
    print("The system is not controllable")
    K1 = cnt.acker(A1, B1, des_poles)
    K = np.array([K1.item(0), K1.item(1)])
    ki = K1.item(2)

# observer design
# Augmented Matrices
A2 = np.concatenate((np.concatenate((A, B), axis=1), np.zeros((1, 3))), axis=0)
B2 = np.concatenate((B, np.zeros((1, 1))), axis=0)
C2 = np.concatenate((C, np.zeros((1, 1))), axis=1)

#des_obsv_char_poly = np.convolve(
#    [1, 2*zeta*wn_obs, wn_obs**2],
#    np.poly(dist_obsv_pole))
#des_obsv_poles = np.roots(des_obsv_char_poly)
des_char_est = np.array([1., 2. * zeta * wn_obs, wn_obs**2.])
des_poles_est = np.roots(des_char_est)
def get_observer(A,C,poles):
    return np.matrix.transpose(L_tr)
Esempio n. 12
# S**2 + alpha1*S + alpha0
h_alpha1 = 2.0*h_zeta*h_wn
h_alpha0 = h_wn**2

# Desired Poles
des_char_poly_lat = np.convolve([1,z_alpha1,z_alpha0],[1,th_alpha1,th_alpha0])
des_char_poly_lon = [1,h_alpha1,h_alpha0]
des_poles_lat = np.roots(des_char_poly_lat)
des_poles_lon = np.roots(des_char_poly_lon)

# Latitudinal Controllability Matrix
if np.linalg.matrix_rank(cnt.ctrb(A_lat,B_lat))!=4:
	print("The Latitudinal system is not controllable")
	K_lat = cnt.acker(A_lat,B_lat,des_poles_lat)
	kr_lat = -1.0/(C_lat*np.linalg.inv(A_lat-B_lat*K_lat)*B_lat)

# Longitudinal Controllability Matrix
if np.linalg.matrix_rank(cnt.ctrb(A_lon,B_lon))!=2:
	print("The Longitudinal system is not controllable")
	K_lon = cnt.acker(A_lon,B_lon,des_poles_lon)
	kr_lon = -1.0/(C_lon*np.linalg.inv(A_lon-B_lon*K_lon)*B_lon)

print('K_lat: ', K_lat)
print('kr_lat: ', kr_lat)
print('K_lon: ', K_lon)
print('kr_lon: ', kr_lon)

Esempio n. 13
    # init ploting handles
    Cfplt = dict()
    cfs = dict()
    CfCoord = dict()
    for i in range(N):
        Cfplt[i] = Shpere3D(p0[i][0, :], ax)
        CfCoord[i] = Coord3D(ax, p0[i][0, :])
        cfs[i] = CF(p0[i][0, :], i)

    # pole placement for CLF and CBF
    AA = np.array([[0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0, 0]])
    bb = np.array([[0], [0], [0], [1]])
    Kb = np.asarray(acker(AA, bb, [-12.2, -12.4, -12.6, -12.8]))

    # Bezier Interpolation
    Cout = dict()
    T = 4.0  #time to complete, also scaling factor
    for i in range(N - 1):
        Cout[i] = BezierInterp(T, p0[i], p1[i])
    Cout[4] = BezierInterp(T, pc[0], pc[1])

    # start auto mode program
    CBF_on = 1
    tk = 0
    dt = 0.02
    t_total = 35
    phat = dict()  #nominal state from interpolation
    uhat = dict()  #nominal control
Esempio n. 14
                   0.0, -3 * P.m1 * P.g / 4 / (.25 * P.m1 + P.m2),
                   -P.b / (.25 * P.m1 + P.m2), 0.0
                   3 * (P.m1 + P.m2) * P.g / 2 / (.25 * P.m1 + P.m2) / P.ell,
                   3 * P.b / 2 / (.25 * P.m1 + P.m2) / P.ell, 0.0

B = np.matrix([[0.0], [0.0], [1 / (.25 * P.m1 + P.m2)],
               [-3.0 / 2 / (.25 * P.m1 + P.m2) / P.ell]])

C = np.matrix([[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0]])

# gain calculation
wn_th = 2.2 / tr_theta  # natural frequency for angle
wn_z = 2.2 / tr_z  # natural frequency for position
des_char_poly = np.convolve([1, 2 * zeta_z * wn_z, wn_z**2],
                            [1, 2 * zeta_th * wn_th, wn_th**2])
des_poles = np.roots(des_char_poly)

# Compute the gains if the system is controllable
if np.linalg.matrix_rank(cnt.ctrb(A, B)) != 4:
    print("The system is not controllable")
    K = cnt.acker(A, B, des_poles)
    kr = -1.0 / (C[0] * np.linalg.inv(A - B * K) * B)

print('K: ', K)
print('kr: ', kr)
Esempio n. 15
# Augmented Longitudinal Parameters
A1 = np.matrix([[0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [-1.0, 0.0, 0.0]])

B1 = np.matrix([[0], [1 / ( + 2 *], [0.0]])

# gain calculation
des_char_poly = np.convolve([1, 2 * zeta_h * wn_h, wn_h**2],
des_poles = np.roots(des_char_poly)

# Compute the gains if the system is controllable
if np.linalg.matrix_rank(cnt.ctrb(A1, B1)) != 3:
    print("The longitudinal system is not controllable")
    K1 = cnt.acker(A1, B1, des_poles)
    K = np.matrix([K1.item(0), K1.item(1)])
    ki = K1.item(2)

# ----------------------------------------- OBSERVER GAINS -----------------------------------------
# compute longitudinal observer gains
des_obs_char_poly = [1, 2 * zeta_h * wn_h_obs, wn_h_obs**2]
des_obs_poles = np.roots(des_obs_char_poly)

# Compute the gains if the system is observable
if np.linalg.matrix_rank(cnt.ctrb(A.T, C.T)) != 2:
    print("The longitudinal observer system is not observable")
    # place_poles returns an object with various properties.  The gains are accessed through .gain_matrix
    # .T transposes the matrix
    L = signal.place_poles(A.T, C.T, des_obs_poles).gain_matrix.T
Esempio n. 16
C_lon = np.matrix([
	[1.0, 0.0]

A1_lon = np.concatenate((
	np.concatenate((A_lon, np.zeros((2,1))), 1),
	np.concatenate((-C_lon, np.zeros((1,1))), 1)), 0)
B1_lon = np.concatenate((B_lon, np.zeros((1,1))))

i_pole_lon = -1*wn_th
cl_poles_lon = list(np.roots([1,2*zeta_lon*wn_th,wn_th**2])) + [i_pole_lon]

K1_lon = ctrl.acker(A1_lon, B1_lon, cl_poles_lon)
K_lon = K1_lon[0,:2]
ki_lon = K1_lon[0,2]
#kr_lon = -1.0 / (C_lon * (np.linalg.inv(A_lon - B_lon*K_lon) * B_lon)).item(0)

# Lateral
c = l1*Feq / (m1*l1**2 + m2*l2**2 + Jz)
A_lat = np.matrix([
	[0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0],
	[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0],
	[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
	[c  , 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
B_lat = np.matrix([
Esempio n. 17
C_lat = np.array([[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
                  [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0]])

wn_h = 2.2/tr_h  # natural frequency for angle
des_char_poly_long = [1, 2*zeta_h*wn_h, wn_h**2]
des_poles_long = np.roots(des_char_poly_long)

# Compute the gains if the system is controllable
if np.linalg.matrix_rank(cnt.ctrb(A_long, B_long)) != 2:
    print('The system is not controllable')

    # A just turn K matrix into a numpy array
    K_long = (cnt.acker(A_long, B_long, des_poles_long)).A
    kr_long = -1.0/(C_long @ np.linalg.inv(A_long - B_long@K_long) @ B_long)

print('K_long: ', K_long)
print('kr_long: ', kr_long)

wn_th = 2.2/tr_th  # natural frequency for angle
wn_z = 2.2/tr_z  # natural frequency for position
des_char_poly_lat = np.convolve([1, 2*zeta_z*wn_z, wn_z**2],
                            [1, 2*zeta_th*wn_th, wn_th**2])
des_poles_lat = np.roots(des_char_poly_lat)

# Compute the gains if the system is controllable
if np.linalg.matrix_rank(cnt.ctrb(A_lat, B_lat)) != 4:
Esempio n. 18

A = np.matrix('[2 -3; 1 3]')
B = np.matrix('[1;-1]')
C = np.matrix('[1 0]')
D = 0

A2 = np.matrix('[0 1; -2 -3]')
B2 = np.matrix('[0;-1]')
C2 = np.matrix('[1 0]')
D2 = 0

sys =, B, C, D)
tf = control.ss2tf(sys)
poles = control.pole(sys)
acker_k = control.acker(A, B, ["-1", "-1"])

sys_stabil =, B2, C2, D2)

Acl = A - B * acker_k

sys2 =, B, C, D)
pid_ss = pid.create_tf()
sys3 = control.series(sys2, pid_ss)
sys4 =, 1, -1)

while True:
    value = socket.recv_pyobj()
    sys_step =[0], [0, 1])
    sys_command = control.series(sys_step, sys4)
    T, yout = control.step_response(sys_command)
def state_feedback(system: tuple,
                   poles_o: list,
                   sys_state: sp.Matrix,
                   eqrt: list,
                   debug=False) -> StateFeedbackResult:
    :param system : tuple (a, b, c, d) of system matrices
    :param poles_o: tuple of closed-loop poles of the system
    :param sys_state: states of nonlinear system
    :param eqrt: equilibrium points of the system
    :param yr: reference output
    :param debug: output control for debugging in unittest(False:normal
    output,True: output local variables and normal output)
    :return: dataclass StateFeedbackResult (controller function, feedback matrix and pre-filter)

    # ignore the PendingDeprecationWarning for built-in packet control
    warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=PendingDeprecationWarning)

    # system matrices
    a = system[0]
    b = system[1]
    c = system[2]
    d = system[3]

    ctr_matrix = ctr.ctrb(a, b)  # controllabilty matrix
    assert np.linalg.det(ctr_matrix) != 0, 'this system is not controllable'

    # full state feedback
    f_t = ctr.acker(a, b, poles_o)

    # pre-filter
    a1 = a - b * f_t
    v = -1 * (c * a1**(-1) * b)**(-1)  # pre-filter
    '''Since the controller, which is designed on the basis of a linearized system, 
    is a small signal model, the states have to be converted from the large signal model 
    to the small signal model. i.e. the equilibrium points of the original non-linear system must 
    be subtracted from the returned states. 

    x' = x - x0 
    x: states of nonlinear system (large signal model)
    x0: equilibrium points
    x': states of controller (small signal model)

    And for the same reason, the equilibrium position of the 
    input must be added to controller function.

    t = sp.Symbol('t')

    # convert states to small signal model
    small_state = sys_state - sp.Matrix(
        [eqrt[i][1] for i in range(len(sys_state))])

    # creat controller function
    # in this case controller function is: -1 * feedback * states + pre-filter * reference output
    # disturbance value ist not considered
    sys_input = -1 * (f_t *
                      small_state)[0] + v[0] * yr + eqrt[len(sys_state)][1]
    input_func = sp.lambdify((sys_state, t), sys_input, modules='numpy')

    # this method returns controller function, feedback matrix and pre-filter
    result = StateFeedbackResult(input_func, f_t, v, None)

    # return internal variables for unittest
    if debug:
        c_locals = Container(fetch_locals=True)
        result.debug = c_locals

    return result
Esempio n. 20
    while (s < 1) or (sum(fflag) < N):
        cfs[i].send_cmd_diff(0, 0, 0, thrust_hover[i])
        t =
        s = min((t - t0).to_sec() / t_wp, 1.0)
        for i in range(N):
            fflag[i] = cfs[i].gotoT(pc[0][0, :], s)
    print 'Initialization Done! Experiment Starts!'

    #-------------------------Actual control experiment--------------------#

    # pole placement for CLF and CBF
    AA = np.array([[0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0]])
    bb = np.array([[0], [0], [1]])
    Kb = np.asarray(acker(AA, bb, [-8.2, -8.4, -8.6]))

    # start auto mode program
    print 'Auto mode: differential flatness'
    CBF_on = 0
    Cout = dict()  # Bezier Control points
    tk = 0
    dt = 0.02
    t_total = sum(Tf) + 1
    phat = dict()  #nominal state from interpolation
    uhat = dict()  #nominal control
    x = dict()  #actual states
    xd = dict()  #derivative of x
    for i in range(N):
        x[i] = pc[0][0:-1, :]
        xd[i] = np.zeros((3, 3))
Esempio n. 21
        cfs[i].send_cmd_diff(0, 0, 0, thrust_hover[i])
        t =
        s = min((t - t0).to_sec() / t_wp, 1.0)
        for i in range(N):
            fflag[i] = cfs[i].gotoT(pc[0][0, :], s)
    print 'Initialization Done! Experiment Starts!'

    #-------------------------Actual control experiment--------------------#

    # pole placement for CLF and CBF
    AA = np.array([[0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0]])
    bb = np.array([[0], [0], [1]])
    #Kb=np.asarray(acker(AA,bb,[-6.6,-6.8,-7.0])) # works, err 0.2
    Kb = np.asarray(acker(AA, bb, [-6.6, -6.8, -7.0]))  # works, err 0.2
    #Kb=np.asarray(acker(AA,bb,[-12.2,-6.4,-2.6]))  # works when kbz set to 0
    Kb[0, 2] = Kb[0, 2] * 1.0

    # start auto mode program
    print 'Auto mode: differential flatness'
    CBF_on = 0
    Cout = dict()  # Bezier Control points
    tk = 0
    dt = 0.02
    t_total = sum(Tf) + 1
    phat = dict()  #nominal state from interpolation
    uhat = dict()  #nominal control
    x = dict()  #actual states
    xnext = dict()  #actual states
Esempio n. 22
ax0.plot(t, ref, color="k", label='desired')
ax0.set_title("Step response of close loop system", fontsize='small')
ax0.legend(loc='lower right', shadow=True, fontsize='small')
ax0.set_xlabel("time {s}")
ax0.set_ylabel("Height {m}")
ax0t.set_ylabel("Velocity {m/s}")


#desired controller poles  p1= -3, p2, -4
dcp = np.array([-3.0, -3.0])
K = ctl.acker(A, B, dcp)
print("Controller gains: {},{}".format(K.item(0, 0), K.item(0, 1)))

# The system with full state feedback is modified as
#      x'(t) = (A-BK)x + B(Nu + KNx)*r

Nx = np.matrix([[0.0], [1.0]])
Nu = 0.0

#**************** ADDED LQR Controller
# Define performance index weights for Vertical Dynamics
Qx1 = np.diag([10, 100])
Qu1a = np.diag([1])
(K, X, E) = ctl.lqr(A, B, Qx1, Qu1a)
K = np.matrix(K)
Esempio n. 23
th_alpha0 = th_wn**2

# Desired Poles
des_char_poly_lat = np.convolve(
    np.convolve([1, s_alpha1, s_alpha0], [1, p_alpha1, p_alpha0]),
des_char_poly_lon = np.convolve([1, th_alpha1, th_alpha0],
des_poles_lat = np.roots(des_char_poly_lat)
des_poles_lon = np.roots(des_char_poly_lon)

# Latitudinal Controllability Matrix
if np.linalg.matrix_rank(cnt.ctrb(A1_lat, B1_lat)) != 5:
    print("The Latitudinal system is not controllable")
    K1_lat = cnt.acker(A1_lat, B1_lat, des_poles_lat)
    K_lat = K1_lat[0, 0:4]
    ki_lat = K1_lat[0, 4]

# Longitudinal Controllability Matrix
if np.linalg.matrix_rank(cnt.ctrb(A1_lon, B1_lon)) != 3:
    print("The Longitudinal system is not controllable")
    K1_lon = cnt.acker(A1_lon, B1_lon, des_poles_lon)
    K_lon = K1_lon[0, 0:2]
    ki_lon = K1_lon[0, 2]

    alpha = 0.2
    l1 = 0.85 * (1 + 2 * alpha * np.random.rand() - alpha
Esempio n. 24
des_poles = np.array([-5 + 0.1j, -5 - 0.1j])
polesI = np.append(des_poles, -5)
if np.linalg.matrix_rank(cnt.ctrb(A1, B1)) != 3:
    print('The system is not controllable.')
    K1 =, B1, polesI)
    K = np.array([K1.item(0), K1.item(1)])
    ki2 = K1.item(2)

# observer calculation
obsv_poles = 10 * des_poles

# compute gains if the system is observable
if np.linalg.matrix_rank(cnt.ctrb(A.T, C.T)) != 2:
    print('The system is not observable.')
    L = cnt.acker(A.T, C.T, obsv_poles).T

print('K: ', K)
print('ki2: ', ki2)
print('L^T: ', L.T)

# ----------------------------------------------

# simulation parameters
t_start = 0.0
t_end = 40.0
Ts = 0.01
t_plot = 0.1
sigma = 0.05
def reduced_observer(system, poles_o, poles_s, x0, tt, debug=False):
    :param system: tuple (A, B, C) of system matrices
    :param poles_o: tuple of complex poles/eigenvalues of the
                    observer dynamics
    :param poles_s: tuple of complex poles/eigenvalues of the
                    closed system
    :param x0: initial condition
    :param tt: vector for the time axis
    :param debug: output control for debugging in unittest
                  (False:normal output,True: output local variables
                  and normal output)
    :return yy: output of the system
    :return xx: states of the system
    :return tt: time of the simulation

    # renumber the matrices to construct the matrices
    # in the form of the reduced observer
    a, b, c, d = ob_func.transformation(system, debug=False)

    # row rank of the output matrix
    rank = np.linalg.matrix_rank(c[0])

    # submatrices of the system matrix A
    # and the input matrix
    a_11 = a[0:rank, 0:rank]

    a_12 = a[0:rank, rank:a.shape[1]]
    a_21 = a[rank:a.shape[1], 0:rank]
    a_22 = a[rank:a.shape[1], rank:a.shape[1]]
    b_1 = b[0:rank, :]
    b_2 = b[rank:b.shape[0], :]

    # construct the observability matrix
    # q_1 = a_12
    # q_2 = a_12 * a_22
    # q = np.vstack([q_1, q_2])

    obs_matrix = ctr.obsv(a_22, a_12)  # observability matrix
    rank_q = np.linalg.matrix_rank(obs_matrix)
    assert np.linalg.det(obs_matrix) != 0, 'this system is unobservable'

    # ignore the PendingDeprecationWarning for built-in packet control
    warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=PendingDeprecationWarning)

    # state feedback
    f_t = ctr.acker(a, b, poles_s)
    c_ = c - d * f_t
    f_1 = f_t[:, 0:1]
    f_2 = f_t[:, 1:]
    l_ = ctr.acker(a_22.T, a_12.T, poles_o).T

    # State representation of the entire system
    # Original system and observer error system,
    # Dimension: 4 x 4)
    sys = ob_func.state_space_func(a, a_11, a_12, a_21, a_22, b, b_1, b_2, c_,
                                   l_, f_1, f_2)

    # simulation for the proper movement
    yy, tt, xx = ctr.matlab.initial(sys, tt, x0, return_x=True)
    result = yy, xx, tt, sys

    # return internal variables for unittest
    if debug:
        c_locals = Container(fetch_locals=True)
        return result, c_locals

    return result
Esempio n. 26
# Longitudinal Parameters
Alon = np.matrix([[0.0, 1.0], [0.0, 0.0]])

Blon = np.matrix([[0], [1 / ( + 2 *]])

Clon = np.matrix([[1.0, 0.0]])

# gain calculation
des_char_poly = [1, 2 * zeta_h * wn_h, wn_h**2]
des_poles = np.roots(des_char_poly)

# Compute the gains if the system is controllable
if np.linalg.matrix_rank(cnt.ctrb(Alon, Blon)) != 2:
    print("The system is not controllable")
    K_lon = cnt.acker(Alon, Blon, des_poles)
    kr_lon = -1.0 / (Clon[0] * np.linalg.inv(Alon - Blon * K_lon) * Blon)

# Lateral parameters

# State Space Equations
# xdot = A*x + B*u
# y = C*x
Fe = P.m * P.g
Alat = np.matrix(
    [[0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0],
     [0.0, -Fe / ( + 2 *, / ( + 2 *, 0.0],
     [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]])

Blat = np.matrix([[0.0], [0.0], [0.0], [1 / (P.Jc + 2 * * P.d**2)]])
Esempio n. 27
#  tuning parameters
tr = 0.4
zeta = 0.707

# State Space Equations
# xdot = A*x + B*u
# y = C*x
A = np.array([[0.0, 1.0], [0.0, -1.0 * P.b / P.m / (P.ell**2)]])

B = np.array([[0.0], [3.0 / P.m / (P.ell**2)]])

C = np.array([[1.0, 0.0]])

# gain calculation
wn = 2.2 / tr  # natural frequency
des_char_poly = [1, 2 * zeta * wn, wn**2]
des_poles = np.roots(des_char_poly)

# Compute the gains if the system is controllable
if np.linalg.matrix_rank(cnt.ctrb(A, B)) != 2:
    print("The system is not controllable")

    #.A just turns K matrix into a numpy array
    K = (cnt.acker(A, B, des_poles)).A
    kr = -1.0 / (C @ np.linalg.inv(A - B @ K) @ B)

print('K: ', K)
print('kr: ', kr)
Esempio n. 28
wn_th = 2.2 / tr_theta  # natural frequency for angle
wn_z = 2.2 / tr_z  # natural frequency for latral
wn_h = 2.2 / tr_h  # natural frequency for longitudinal


des_char_poly_z = np.convolve(
    np.convolve([1, 2 * zeta_z * wn_z, wn_z**2],
                [1, 2 * zeta_th * wn_th, wn_th**2]), [1, integrator_pole_z])
des_poles_z = np.roots(des_char_poly_z)

# Compute the gains if the system is controllable for latral
if np.linalg.matrix_rank(cnt.ctrb(A_z, B_z)) != 4:
    print("The system is not controllable")
    K1_z = cnt.acker(A_z_1, B_z_1, des_poles_z)
    K_z = np.matrix([K1_z.item(0), K1_z.item(1), K1_z.item(2), K1_z.item(3)])
    ki_z = K1_z.item(4)

print('K_z: ', K_z)
print('ki_z: ', ki_z)

des_char_poly_h = np.convolve(
    [1, 2 * zeta_h * wn_h, wn_h**2],
    [1, integrator_pole_h])  #np.poly(integrator_pole_h))
des_poles_h = np.roots(des_char_poly_h)

# Compute the gains if the system is controllable
if np.linalg.matrix_rank(cnt.ctrb(A_h, B_h)) != 2:
    print("The system is not controllable")
Esempio n. 29
# gain calculation
wn_th = 2.2 / tr_theta  # natural frequency for angle
wn_z = 2.2 / tr_z  # natural frequency for latral
wn_h = 2.2 / tr_h  # natural frequency for longitudinal


des_char_poly_z = np.convolve([1, 2 * zeta_z * wn_z, wn_z**2],
                              [1, 2 * zeta_th * wn_th, wn_th**2])
des_poles_z = np.roots(des_char_poly_z)

# Compute the gains if the system is controllable for latral
if np.linalg.matrix_rank(cnt.ctrb(A_z, B_z)) != 4:
    print("The system is not controllable")
    K_z = cnt.acker(A_z, B_z, des_poles_z)
    Cr_z = np.array([[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]])
    kr_z = -1.0 / (Cr_z * np.linalg.inv(A_z - B_z @ K_z) @ B_z)

print('K_z: ', K_z)
print('kr_z: ', kr_z)

des_char_poly_h = [1, 2 * zeta_h * wn_h, wn_h**2]
des_poles_h = np.roots(des_char_poly_h)

# Compute the gains if the system is controllable
if np.linalg.matrix_rank(cnt.ctrb(A_h, B_h)) != 2:
    print("The system is not controllable")
    K_h = cnt.acker(A_h, B_h, des_poles_h)
# full state
# ------------------------------ #

d_0 = (1.0 / 3 * m2 * l**2 + m1 * z0**2)
a_0 = (-m1 * g) / d_0
b_0 = l / d_0
A = np.matrix([[0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1], [0, -g, 0, 0], [a_0, 0, 0, 0]])
B = np.matrix([[0], [0], [0], [b_0]])
C = np.matrix([[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0]])
Cr = C[0, :]

Cab = ctrl.ctrb(A, B)
cl_poles = list(np.roots([1, 2 * zeta_z * wn_z, wn_z**2])) + list(
    np.roots([1, 2 * zeta_th * wn_th, wn_th**2]))

K = ctrl.acker(A, B, cl_poles)
kr = -1.0 /, -, K)), B)).item(0)

# ------------------------------ #
# full state with integrator
# ------------------------------ #

    A1 = np.concatenate((A, -Cr), 0)
    A1 = np.concatenate((A1, np.zeros((A1.shape[0], Cr.shape[0]))), 1)
    B1 = np.concatenate((B, np.zeros((Cr.shape[0], B.shape[1]))), 0)

    int_pole = -4.0 * wn_th