Esempio n. 1
    def trajBuilder_LinearReg(sys):

        #Doesn't do anything?
        xdes = []

        def linSysBuilder(istate, fstate):
            if 'cons' in sys:
                 xdes) = theControl.regulatorConstrained(fstate, sys.cons)
                (ctrl, xdes) = theControl.regulator(fstate)

            if theControl.K.shape[1] == 2 * istate.size:
                istate = np.pad(istate.flatten(), (0, istate.size),
                                    (theControl.K.shape[1], 1))

            csim = simController(solver, ctrl)
            csim.initialize(tspan=sys.tspan, x0=istate)

            return csim

        # Doesn't do anything?
        def detectArrival(t, x):
            errNorm = np.linalg.norm(x - xdes) - sys.rtol
            if errNorm < 0:
                errNorm = 0

            isterminal = True
            direction = 0

            return (errNorm, isterminal, direction)

        # Doesn't do anything?
        opts = structure(event=detectArrival)

        ceom = linear().systemDynamics(sys.A, sys.B)
        solver = sys.solver(ceom, sys.dt, opts)

        theControl = linear()
        if 'K' in sys:
        elif 'Q' in sys:

        theBuilder = linSysBuilder

        return theBuilder
Esempio n. 2
    def trajBuilder_LinearTracker(sys):

        xdes = []

        def linSysBuilder(istate, desTraj):
            ctrl = theControl.tracker(desTraj.x, desTraj.u, desTraj.statedep)

            if theControl.K.shape[1] == 2 * istate.x.size:
                istate.x = np.pad(istate.x.flatten(), (0, istate.x.size),
                                      (theControl.K.shape[1], 1))

            csim = simController(solver, ctrl)

            csim.initialize(tspan=desTraj.tspan, x0=istate.x)

            return csim

        def detectArrival(t, x):
            errNorm = np.linalg.norm(x - xdes) - sys.rtol
            if errNorm < 0:
                errNorm = 0

            isterminal = True
            direction = 0

            return (errNorm, isterminal, direction)

        opts = structure(event=detectArrival)

        ceom = linear().systemDynamics(sys.A, sys.B)
        #ceom = simController.linearControlSys(A, B)
        solver = sys.solver(ceom, sys.dt, opts)

        theControl = linear()
        if 'K' in sys:
        elif 'Q' in sys:

        theBuilder = linSysBuilder

        return theBuilder
Esempio n. 3
from niODERK4 import niODERK4
import trajectory.Path

import pdb

A = np.zeros((4, 4))
A[0, 1] = 1
A[2, 3] = 1

B = np.zeros((4, 2))
B[1, 0] = 1
B[3, 1] = 1

Q = np.eye(4)

linctrl = linear(np.zeros((4, 1)), np.zeros((2, 1)))
linctrl.setByCARE(A, B, Q)

leom = linear.systemDynamics(A, B)

pathgen = linepath.linepath()

ts = structure()
ts.Th = 0.5
ts.Td = 0.2
ts.vec2state = lambda x: x

cfS = structure(dt=0.05,
                controller=timepoints(pathgen, linctrl, ts))
Esempio n. 4
import linepath
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from structures import structure
from niODERK4 import niODERK4
import trajectory.Path

from controller.SynthTracker.FixedHorizons import fixedHorizons
from trajSynth.mpcTrivial import mpcTrivial

#set up the system for simulation

A = np.zeros((2, 2))
B = np.eye(2)
Q = np.eye(2)

linctrl = linear(np.array([[0], [0]]), np.array([[0], [0]]))
linctrl.setByCARE(A, B, Q)

leom = linear.systemDynamics(A, B)

#set up the MPC

#define MPC paramaters
parms = structure()
parms.Ts = .01
parms.x0 = np.array([[0], [0]])
parms.Td = 1
tSynth = mpcTrivial(parms)

ts = structure()
Esempio n. 5
tsys.dt = 0.05
tsys.solver = niODERK4
tsys.tspan = [0, 40]

metaBuilder = structure()
metaBuilder.regulator = naive.trajBuilder_LinearReg
metaBuilder.tracker = naive.trajBuilder_LinearTracker

tMaker = naive(tsys, metaBuilder)

#--[1.3] Define the trajectory tracking builder.
csys = structure()
csys.dt = 0.05
csys.odeMethod = niODERK4
csys.controller = linear(np.zeros((12, 1)), 0 * uEq)
csys.Q = (1e8) * np.diag([8, 8, 14, 2, 2, 1, 15, 15, 20, 3, 3, 2
                          ])  # Can be weaker than the tsys.Q
#csys.Q  = np.diag([200, 300, 400, 100, 10, 10, 20, 20, 10, 10, 10, 10])
csys.controller.setByCARE(A, B, csys.Q)

tTracker = csys.controller.structBuilder(linDyn, csys)

#--[1.4] Pack together into control system.
cSim = linQuadCopter(linDyn, tMaker, tTracker)

#==[2] Simulate the control system.
simType = 'curve3'
Esempio n. 6
[P, L, K] = care(sys.A, sys.B, Q)
sys.K = -K
L = L.reshape((2, 1))
sys.cons.sat.min = -5
sys.cons.sat.max = 5

#--[1.2] Instantiate the trajectory synthesizer.
metaBuilder = structure(regulator=naive.trajBuilder_LinearReg,

tMaker = naive(theSystem=sys, metaBuilder=metaBuilder)

#==[2] Configure and instantiate the trajectory tracking builder.
actA = np.array([[0, 1], [0.35, 0.05]])
actB = np.array([[0], [1]])
ceom = linear().systemDynamics(actA, actB)

theController = linear()
cfs = structure(dt=0.05, odeMethod=niODERK4, controller=theController)

tTracker = theController.structBuilder(ceom, cfs)

#%==[3] Pack together into a controlSystem object and simulate.
cSim = controlSystem(ceom, tMaker, tTracker)

istate = structure(x=np.array([3, 0]).reshape((2, 1)))
sol = cSim.goto(np.array([0.3, 0]).reshape((2, 1)))

#==[3.1] Plot outcomes
Esempio n. 7
istate = np.array([[0], [0]])
#cons.sat.min = -5
#cons.sat.max =  5

#==[2] Specify the trajectory to track.
ra = 1
rw = 1.5
rsig = lambda t: np.array([[ra * np.sin(rw * t)], [(ra * rw) * np.cos(rw * t)]]
xacc = lambda t: -(ra * rw * rw) * np.sin(rw * t)
sFF = 1
uFF = lambda t: sFF * bg * (xacc(t))
stateDep = False

#==[3] Trajectory Tracker
theController = linear()
#ceom = simController.linearControlSys(A, B)
ceom = theController.systemDynamics(A, B)
solver = solver(ceom, dt)
#theController = controller.linear()
ctrl = theController.tracker(rsig, uFF, stateDep)
csim = simController(solver, ctrl)
#csim.initialize(tspan, istate)
sol = csim.simulate(tspan, istate)

#%==[4] Plot outcomes.
plt.plot(sol.t, sol.x[0, :], 'b', sol.t, sol.x[1, :], 'g-')

#  hold on;