def __init__(self, params=None): pygame.init() if params is not None: self.SCREEN_HEIGHT, self.SCREEN_WIDTH = int(float(params['display']['height']) * SCALE), \ int(float(params['display']['width']) * SCALE) self.FIELD_LIMITS = int(float(params['field_top_left_x']) * SCALE), \ int(float(params['field_top_left_y']) * SCALE), \ int(float(params['field_bottom_right_x']) * SCALE), \ int(float(params['field_bottom_right_y']) * SCALE) self.FIELD_SIZE = self.FIELD_LIMITS[2] - self.FIELD_LIMITS[ 0], self.FIELD_LIMITS[3] - self.FIELD_LIMITS[1] self.GRID_SIZE = int(float(params['cell']['width']) * SCALE), int( float(params['cell']['height']) * SCALE) # zoom and centering self.offset = 0, 0 self.zoom_factor = 1.0 self._old_screen = self.SCREEN_WIDTH, self.SCREEN_HEIGHT # setup the screen and the box field of play self.initialize_screen() # agents self.agents = pygame.sprite.Group() self.agent_image = pygame.image.load( 'assets/blueagent.bmp').convert_alpha() self.controller = SocialForceController(self) # self.controller = RandomController(self) # time related items self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() self.paused = False self.simulation_timer = Timer(10, self.simulation_update) # create the grid self.setup_grid() # additional options (remove this) self.options = dict(draw_grid=True) # setup objects (waypoints, obstacles) self.waypoints = dict() self.obstacles = [] self._agent_count = 0 # initialize the time self.time_passed = 0
def __init__(self, params=None): pygame.init() if params is not None: self.SCREEN_HEIGHT, self.SCREEN_WIDTH = int(float(params['display']['height']) * SCALE), \ int(float(params['display']['width']) * SCALE) self.FIELD_LIMITS = int(float(params['field_top_left_x']) * SCALE), \ int(float(params['field_top_left_y']) * SCALE), \ int(float(params['field_bottom_right_x']) * SCALE), \ int(float(params['field_bottom_right_y']) * SCALE) self.FIELD_SIZE = self.FIELD_LIMITS[2] - self.FIELD_LIMITS[0], self.FIELD_LIMITS[3] - self.FIELD_LIMITS[1] self.GRID_SIZE = int(float(params['cell']['width']) * SCALE), int(float(params['cell']['height']) * SCALE) # zoom and centering self.offset = 0, 0 self.zoom_factor = 1.0 self._old_screen = self.SCREEN_WIDTH, self.SCREEN_HEIGHT # setup the screen and the box field of play self.initialize_screen() # agents self.agents = pygame.sprite.Group() self.agent_image = pygame.image.load('assets/blueagent.bmp').convert_alpha() self.controller = SocialForceController(self) # self.controller = RandomController(self) # time related items self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() self.paused = False self.simulation_timer = Timer(10, self.simulation_update) # create the grid self.setup_grid() # additional options (remove this) self.options = dict(draw_grid=True) # setup objects (waypoints, obstacles) self.waypoints = dict() self.obstacles = [] self._agent_count = 0 # initialize the time self.time_passed = 0
class Simulation(object): """ The main simulation entry point """ # basic defaults SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT = 700, 700 GRID_SIZE = 20, 20 FIELD_SIZE = 500, 500 FIELD_LIMITS = 0, 0, 600, 600 field_bgcolor = SIM_COLORS['white'] def __init__(self, params=None): pygame.init() if params is not None: self.SCREEN_HEIGHT, self.SCREEN_WIDTH = int(float(params['display']['height']) * SCALE), \ int(float(params['display']['width']) * SCALE) self.FIELD_LIMITS = int(float(params['field_top_left_x']) * SCALE), \ int(float(params['field_top_left_y']) * SCALE), \ int(float(params['field_bottom_right_x']) * SCALE), \ int(float(params['field_bottom_right_y']) * SCALE) self.FIELD_SIZE = self.FIELD_LIMITS[2] - self.FIELD_LIMITS[ 0], self.FIELD_LIMITS[3] - self.FIELD_LIMITS[1] self.GRID_SIZE = int(float(params['cell']['width']) * SCALE), int( float(params['cell']['height']) * SCALE) # zoom and centering self.offset = 0, 0 self.zoom_factor = 1.0 self._old_screen = self.SCREEN_WIDTH, self.SCREEN_HEIGHT # setup the screen and the box field of play self.initialize_screen() # agents self.agents = pygame.sprite.Group() self.agent_image = pygame.image.load( 'assets/blueagent.bmp').convert_alpha() self.controller = SocialForceController(self) # self.controller = RandomController(self) # time related items self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() self.paused = False self.simulation_timer = Timer(10, self.simulation_update) # create the grid self.setup_grid() # additional options (remove this) self.options = dict(draw_grid=True) # setup objects (waypoints, obstacles) self.waypoints = dict() self.obstacles = [] self._agent_count = 0 # initialize the time self.time_passed = 0 def initialize_screen(self): self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode( (self.SCREEN_WIDTH, self.SCREEN_HEIGHT), HWSURFACE | DOUBLEBUF | RESIZABLE, 32) self.field_rect_outer = Rect( self.FIELD_LIMITS[0], self.FIELD_LIMITS[1], int(self.FIELD_SIZE[0] * self.zoom_factor), int(self.FIELD_SIZE[1] * self.zoom_factor)) self.field_box = Box(surface=self.screen, rect=self.field_rect_outer, background_color=self.field_bgcolor) self.field_rect = self.field_box.get_internal_rect() def setup_grid(self): self.grid_nrows = self.FIELD_SIZE[1] / int( self.GRID_SIZE[0] * self.zoom_factor) self.grid_ncols = self.FIELD_SIZE[0] / int( self.GRID_SIZE[1] * self.zoom_factor) def get_agent_neighbors(self, agent, dist_range): neighbors = [] for other in self.agents: if not == dist = agent.position.get_distance(other.position) if dist <= dist_range: neighbors.append(other) return neighbors def draw_grid(self): for y in range(self.grid_nrows + 1): pygame.draw.line( self.screen, SIM_COLORS['light gray'], (self.field_rect.left, + y * int(self.GRID_SIZE[1] * self.zoom_factor) - 1), (self.field_rect.right - 1, + y * int(self.GRID_SIZE[1] * self.zoom_factor) - 1)) for x in range(self.grid_ncols + 1): pygame.draw.line( self.screen, SIM_COLORS['light gray'], (self.field_rect.left + x * int(self.GRID_SIZE[0] * self.zoom_factor) - 1,, (self.field_rect.left + x * int(self.GRID_SIZE[0] * self.zoom_factor) - 1, self.field_rect.bottom - 1)) def xy2coord(self, pos): """ Convert a (x, y) pair to a (nrow, ncol) coordinate """ x, y = (pos[0] - self.field_rect.left, pos[1] - return int(y) / self.GRID_SIZE[1], int(x) / self.GRID_SIZE[0] def coord2xy_mid(self, coord): """ Convert a (nrow, ncol) coordinate to a (x, y) pair, where x,y is the middle of the square at the coord """ nrow, ncol = coord return (self.field_rect.left + ncol * self.GRID_SIZE[0] + self.GRID_SIZE[0] / 2, + nrow * self.GRID_SIZE[1] + self.GRID_SIZE[1] / 2) def draw_background(self): pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, SIM_COLORS['light gray'], [0, 0, self.SCREEN_WIDTH, self.SCREEN_HEIGHT]) def draw(self): self.draw_background() self.field_box.draw() if self.options['draw_grid']: self.draw_grid() for waypoint in self.waypoints: self.waypoints[waypoint].draw() for obstacle in self.obstacles: obstacle.draw() for agent in self.agents: agent.draw() def demo_populate_scene(self): # agents self.agents.add( Agent(agent_id=0, screen=self.screen, game=self, agent_image=self.agent_image, field=self.field_rect, init_position=(3, 1), init_direction=(1, 1), max_speed=1.8, waypoints=[self.waypoints['stop'], self.waypoints['start']])) self.agents.add( Agent(agent_id=1, screen=self.screen, game=self, agent_image=self.agent_image, field=self.field_rect, init_position=(3, 5), init_direction=(1, 1), max_speed=1.8, waypoints=[self.waypoints['start'], self.waypoints['stop']])) self.agents.add( Agent(agent_id=2, screen=self.screen, game=self, agent_image=self.agent_image, field=self.field_rect, init_position=(2, 2), init_direction=(1, 1), max_speed=1.14, waypoints=[self.waypoints['start'], self.waypoints['stop']])) def simulation_update(self): for agent in self.agents: agent.update(0.1) self.controller.drive_single_step(agent, delta_time=0.1) agent.draw() self.draw() def _process_events(self): for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: self.quit() elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_SPACE: self.paused = not self.paused elif event.key == pygame.K_g: if pygame.key.get_mods() & pygame.KMOD_CTRL: self.options[ 'draw_grid'] = not self.options['draw_grid'] elif event.key == pygame.K_PLUS or event.key == pygame.K_EQUALS: #self.zoom_factor += 0.1 self.initialize_screen() self.setup_grid() elif event.key == pygame.K_MINUS: #self.zoom_factor -= 0.1 self.initialize_screen() self.setup_grid() elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and event.button == 1: pass elif event.type == VIDEORESIZE: self._old_screen = self.SCREEN_WIDTH, self.SCREEN_HEIGHT self.SCREEN_WIDTH, self.SCREEN_HEIGHT = event.dict['size'] self.offset = self.SCREEN_WIDTH - self._old_screen[ 0], self.SCREEN_HEIGHT - self._old_screen[1] #self.FIELD_LIMITS = self.FIELD_LIMITS[0]+self.offset[0], self.FIELD_LIMITS[1]+self.offset[1], \ # self.FIELD_LIMITS[2], self.FIELD_LIMITS[3] #fx = (self.SCREEN_WIDTH / 2) - (self.FIELD_SIZE[0] / 2) #fy = (self.SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2) - (self.FIELD_SIZE[1] / 2) #self.FIELD_LIMITS = fx, fy, self.FIELD_LIMITS[2], self.FIELD_LIMITS[3] self.initialize_screen() self.setup_grid() _total_time = 0 def run(self): # initialize modules pygame.init() while True: self.time_passed = self.clock.tick() # self._total_time += self.time_passed # if self._total_time < 1000: # continue # handle any events self._process_events() if not self.paused: self.simulation_timer.update(self.time_passed) # update the game surface pygame.display.flip() def add_agents(self, agent_dict): for agent in agent_dict: dx, dy = float(agent['dx']), float(agent['dy']) x, y = float(agent['x']), float(agent['y']) num = int(agent['n']) a_type = int(agent['type']) # spawn an agent in a random direction and position(within dx, dy) direction = (randint(-1, 1), randint(-1, 1)) position = random_position(x, y, dx, dy) waypoints = [awp['id'] for awp in agent['addwaypoint']] rd = 0.3 for _ in xrange(num): self.agents.add( Agent(agent_id=self._agent_count, atype=a_type, screen=self.screen, game=self, agent_image=self.agent_image, field=self.field_rect, init_position=position, init_direction=direction, max_speed=normalvariate(1.34, 0.26), radius=rd, waypoints=[self.waypoints[wp] for wp in waypoints])) self._agent_count += 1 # we are done here # TODO - move the velocity stuff to a neat function # TODO - find a suitable fatness distribution def add_waypoints(self, waypoint_dict): for waypoint in waypoint_dict: w_id = waypoint['id'] radius = float(waypoint['radius']) wtype = waypoint['type'] x, y = float(waypoint['x']), float(waypoint['y']) self.waypoints.update({ w_id: Waypoint(screen=self.screen, wid=w_id, wtype=wtype, position=(x, y), radius=radius) }) def add_obstacles(self, obstacle_dict): for obstacle in obstacle_dict: o_id = obstacle['id'] p1 = float(obstacle['p1']) p2 = float(obstacle['p2']) p3 = float(obstacle['p3']) p4 = float(obstacle['p4']) o_type = obstacle['type'].title() self.obstacles.append( Obstacle(screen=self.screen, oid=o_id, otype=o_type, params=(p1, p2, p3, p4))) def quit(self): sys.exit()
class Simulation(object): """ The main simulation entry point """ # basic defaults SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT = 700, 700 GRID_SIZE = 20, 20 FIELD_SIZE = 500, 500 FIELD_LIMITS = 0, 0, 600, 600 field_bgcolor = SIM_COLORS['white'] def __init__(self, params=None): pygame.init() if params is not None: self.SCREEN_HEIGHT, self.SCREEN_WIDTH = int(float(params['display']['height']) * SCALE), \ int(float(params['display']['width']) * SCALE) self.FIELD_LIMITS = int(float(params['field_top_left_x']) * SCALE), \ int(float(params['field_top_left_y']) * SCALE), \ int(float(params['field_bottom_right_x']) * SCALE), \ int(float(params['field_bottom_right_y']) * SCALE) self.FIELD_SIZE = self.FIELD_LIMITS[2] - self.FIELD_LIMITS[0], self.FIELD_LIMITS[3] - self.FIELD_LIMITS[1] self.GRID_SIZE = int(float(params['cell']['width']) * SCALE), int(float(params['cell']['height']) * SCALE) # zoom and centering self.offset = 0, 0 self.zoom_factor = 1.0 self._old_screen = self.SCREEN_WIDTH, self.SCREEN_HEIGHT # setup the screen and the box field of play self.initialize_screen() # agents self.agents = pygame.sprite.Group() self.agent_image = pygame.image.load('assets/blueagent.bmp').convert_alpha() self.controller = SocialForceController(self) # self.controller = RandomController(self) # time related items self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() self.paused = False self.simulation_timer = Timer(10, self.simulation_update) # create the grid self.setup_grid() # additional options (remove this) self.options = dict(draw_grid=True) # setup objects (waypoints, obstacles) self.waypoints = dict() self.obstacles = [] self._agent_count = 0 # initialize the time self.time_passed = 0 def initialize_screen(self): self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode((self.SCREEN_WIDTH, self.SCREEN_HEIGHT), HWSURFACE | DOUBLEBUF | RESIZABLE, 32) self.field_rect_outer = Rect(self.FIELD_LIMITS[0], self.FIELD_LIMITS[1], int(self.FIELD_SIZE[0]*self.zoom_factor), int(self.FIELD_SIZE[1]*self.zoom_factor)) self.field_box = Box(surface=self.screen, rect=self.field_rect_outer, background_color=self.field_bgcolor ) self.field_rect = self.field_box.get_internal_rect() def setup_grid(self): self.grid_nrows = self.FIELD_SIZE[1] / int(self.GRID_SIZE[0]*self.zoom_factor) self.grid_ncols = self.FIELD_SIZE[0] / int(self.GRID_SIZE[1]*self.zoom_factor) def get_agent_neighbors(self, agent, dist_range): neighbors = [] for other in self.agents: if not == dist = agent.position.get_distance(other.position) if dist <= dist_range: neighbors.append(other) return neighbors def draw_grid(self): for y in range(self.grid_nrows + 1): pygame.draw.line( self.screen, SIM_COLORS['light gray'], (self.field_rect.left, + y * int(self.GRID_SIZE[1]*self.zoom_factor) - 1), (self.field_rect.right - 1, + y * int(self.GRID_SIZE[1]*self.zoom_factor) - 1)) for x in range(self.grid_ncols + 1): pygame.draw.line( self.screen, SIM_COLORS['light gray'], (self.field_rect.left + x * int(self.GRID_SIZE[0]*self.zoom_factor) - 1,, (self.field_rect.left + x * int(self.GRID_SIZE[0]*self.zoom_factor) - 1, self.field_rect.bottom - 1)) def xy2coord(self, pos): """ Convert a (x, y) pair to a (nrow, ncol) coordinate """ x, y = (pos[0] - self.field_rect.left, pos[1] - return int(y) / self.GRID_SIZE[1], int(x) / self.GRID_SIZE[0] def coord2xy_mid(self, coord): """ Convert a (nrow, ncol) coordinate to a (x, y) pair, where x,y is the middle of the square at the coord """ nrow, ncol = coord return ( self.field_rect.left + ncol * self.GRID_SIZE[0] + self.GRID_SIZE[0] / 2, + nrow * self.GRID_SIZE[1] + self.GRID_SIZE[1] / 2) def draw_background(self): pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, SIM_COLORS['light gray'], [0, 0, self.SCREEN_WIDTH, self.SCREEN_HEIGHT]) def draw(self): self.draw_background() self.field_box.draw() if self.options['draw_grid']: self.draw_grid() for waypoint in self.waypoints: self.waypoints[waypoint].draw() for obstacle in self.obstacles: obstacle.draw() for agent in self.agents: agent.draw() def demo_populate_scene(self): # agents self.agents.add( Agent( agent_id = 0, screen = self.screen, game = self, agent_image = self.agent_image, field = self.field_rect, init_position = ( 3, 1), init_direction = (1, 1), max_speed = 1.8, waypoints = [self.waypoints['stop'], self.waypoints['start']] ) ) self.agents.add( Agent( agent_id = 1, screen = self.screen, game = self, agent_image = self.agent_image, field = self.field_rect, init_position = ( 3, 5), init_direction = (1, 1), max_speed = 1.8, waypoints = [self.waypoints['start'], self.waypoints['stop']] ) ) self.agents.add( Agent( agent_id = 2, screen = self.screen, game = self, agent_image = self.agent_image, field = self.field_rect, init_position = ( 2, 2), init_direction = (1, 1), max_speed = 1.14, waypoints = [self.waypoints['start'], self.waypoints['stop']] ) ) def simulation_update(self): for agent in self.agents: agent.update(0.1) self.controller.drive_single_step(agent, delta_time=0.1) agent.draw() self.draw() def _process_events(self): for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: self.quit() elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_SPACE: self.paused = not self.paused elif event.key == pygame.K_g: if pygame.key.get_mods() & pygame.KMOD_CTRL: self.options['draw_grid'] = not self.options['draw_grid'] elif event.key == pygame.K_PLUS or event.key == pygame.K_EQUALS: #self.zoom_factor += 0.1 self.initialize_screen() self.setup_grid() elif event.key == pygame.K_MINUS: #self.zoom_factor -= 0.1 self.initialize_screen() self.setup_grid() elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN and event.button == 1: pass elif event.type == VIDEORESIZE: self._old_screen = self.SCREEN_WIDTH, self.SCREEN_HEIGHT self.SCREEN_WIDTH, self.SCREEN_HEIGHT = event.dict['size'] self.offset = self.SCREEN_WIDTH - self._old_screen[0], self.SCREEN_HEIGHT - self._old_screen[1] #self.FIELD_LIMITS = self.FIELD_LIMITS[0]+self.offset[0], self.FIELD_LIMITS[1]+self.offset[1], \ # self.FIELD_LIMITS[2], self.FIELD_LIMITS[3] #fx = (self.SCREEN_WIDTH / 2) - (self.FIELD_SIZE[0] / 2) #fy = (self.SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2) - (self.FIELD_SIZE[1] / 2) #self.FIELD_LIMITS = fx, fy, self.FIELD_LIMITS[2], self.FIELD_LIMITS[3] self.initialize_screen() self.setup_grid() _total_time = 0 def run(self): # initialize modules pygame.init() while True: self.time_passed = self.clock.tick() # self._total_time += self.time_passed # if self._total_time < 1000: # continue # handle any events self._process_events() if not self.paused: self.simulation_timer.update(self.time_passed) # update the game surface pygame.display.flip() def add_agents(self, agent_dict): for agent in agent_dict: dx, dy = float(agent['dx']), float(agent['dy']) x, y = float(agent['x']), float(agent['y']) num = int(agent['n']) a_type = int(agent['type']) # spawn an agent in a random direction and position(within dx, dy) direction = (randint(-1, 1), randint(-1, 1)) position = random_position(x, y, dx, dy) waypoints = [awp['id'] for awp in agent['addwaypoint']] rd = 0.3 for _ in xrange(num): self.agents.add(Agent( agent_id = self._agent_count, atype = a_type, screen = self.screen, game = self, agent_image = self.agent_image, field = self.field_rect, init_position = position, init_direction = direction, max_speed = normalvariate(1.34, 0.26), radius = rd, waypoints = [self.waypoints[wp] for wp in waypoints] )) self._agent_count += 1 # we are done here # TODO - move the velocity stuff to a neat function # TODO - find a suitable fatness distribution def add_waypoints(self, waypoint_dict): for waypoint in waypoint_dict: w_id = waypoint['id'] radius = float(waypoint['radius']) wtype = waypoint['type'] x, y = float(waypoint['x']), float(waypoint['y']) self.waypoints.update({w_id : Waypoint(screen=self.screen, wid=w_id, wtype=wtype, position=(x, y), radius=radius)}) def add_obstacles(self, obstacle_dict): for obstacle in obstacle_dict: o_id = obstacle['id'] p1 = float(obstacle['p1']) p2 = float(obstacle['p2']) p3 = float(obstacle['p3']) p4 = float(obstacle['p4']) o_type = obstacle['type'].title() self.obstacles.append(Obstacle(screen=self.screen, oid=o_id, otype=o_type, params=(p1, p2, p3, p4))) def quit(self): sys.exit()