def consistencyCheck(ref_csv, outputBshellFile=None, outPutResolutionFile=None): try: ref_imgs, _ = read_imgs_masks(ref_csv) except: ref_imgs = read_imgs(ref_csv) if isfile(outputBshellFile) and isfile(outPutResolutionFile): ref_bvals = read_bvals(outputBshellFile) ref_res = np.load(outPutResolutionFile) else: ref_bshell_img = ref_imgs[0] print(f'Using {ref_bshell_img} to determine b-shells') inPrefix = abspath(ref_bshell_img).split('.nii')[0] ref_bvals = findBShells(inPrefix + '.bval', outputBshellFile) ref_res = load(ref_bshell_img).header['pixdim'][1:4], ref_res) print('b-shells are', ref_bvals) print('\nSite', ref_csv, '\n') print('Checking consistency of b-shells among subjects') check_bshells(ref_imgs, ref_bvals) print('spatial resolution is', ref_res) print('Checking consistency of spatial resolution among subjects') check_resolution(ref_imgs, ref_res)
def separateAllBshells(ref_csv, ref_bvals_file, ncpu=4, outPrefix=None): ref_bvals = read_bvals(ref_bvals_file) try: imgs, masks = read_imgs_masks(ref_csv) except: imgs = read_imgs(ref_csv) masks = None pool = Pool(int(ncpu)) for imgPath in imgs: pool.apply_async(separateBshells, kwds={ 'imgPath': imgPath, 'ref_bvals': ref_bvals }, error_callback=RAISE) pool.close() pool.join() if outPrefix: outPrefix = abspath(outPrefix) else: return for bval in ref_bvals: f = open(f'{outPrefix}_b{int(bval)}.csv', 'w') if masks: for imgPath, maskPath in zip(imgs, masks): inPrefix = abspath(imgPath).split('.nii')[0] bPrefix = inPrefix + f'_b{int(bval)}' f.write(f'{bPrefix}.nii.gz,{maskPath}\n') else: for imgPath in imgs: inPrefix = abspath(imgPath).split('.nii')[0] bPrefix = inPrefix + f'_b{int(bval)}' f.write(f'{bPrefix}.nii.gz\n') f.close()
def joinAllBshells(tar_csv, ref_bvals_file, separatedPrefix=None, ncpu=4): ref_bvals = read_bvals(ref_bvals_file) if tar_csv: try: imgs, _ = read_imgs_masks(tar_csv) except: imgs = read_imgs(tar_csv) pool = Pool(int(ncpu)) for imgPath in imgs: pool.apply_async(joinBshells, kwds=({ 'imgPath': imgPath, 'ref_bvals': ref_bvals, 'sep_prefix': separatedPrefix }), error_callback=RAISE) pool.close() pool.join()
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='''Warps diffusion measures (FA, MD, GFA) to template space and then to MNI space. Finally, calculates mean FA over IITmean_FA_skeleton.nii.gz''') parser.add_argument('-i', '--input', type=str, required=True, help='a .txt/.csv file having one column for FA imgs, ' 'or two columns for (img,mask) pair, the latter list is what you used in/obtained from ' 'See pnlbwh/dMRIharmonization documentation for more details') parser.add_argument('-s', '--site', type= str, required=True, help='site name for locating template FA and mask in tempalte directory') parser.add_argument('-t', '--template', type=str, required=True, help='template directory where Mean_{site}_FA.nii.gz and {site}_Mask.nii.gz is located') parser.add_argument('--bshell_b', required=True, help='bvalue of the bshell') parser.add_argument('--ncpu', help='number of cpus to use', default= '4') args = parser.parse_args() imgList=abspath(args.input) templatePath=abspath(args.template) bshell_b= int(args.bshell_b) N_proc= int(args.ncpu) # read FA image list try: imgs, _ = read_imgs_masks(imgList) print('imgs,masks list is provided. FA images are assumed to be directoryOfImg/dti/ImgPrefix_FA.nii.gz, make sure they are there') faImgs= [] for imgPath in imgs: directory = dirname(imgPath) prefix = basename(imgPath).split('.nii')[0] faImg= pjoin(directory, 'dti', prefix+ '_FA.nii.gz') if not isfile(faImg): raise FileNotFoundError(f'{faImg} not found. Did you run \"--create --debug\" and \"--process --debug\" before?') faImgs.append(faImg) except: faImgs= read_imgs(imgList) print('FA image list is provided.') # register and obtain *_InMNI_FA.nii.gz mniFAimgs= sub2tmp2mni(templatePath, siteName, faImgs, bshell_b, N_proc) # save statistics for future statFile= os.path.join(self.templatePath, 'meanFAstat.txt') f= open(statFile,'a') stdout= sys.stdout sys.stdout= f print('%c'),'\n') print('b-shell', bshell_b, '\n') # pass *_InMNI_FA.nii.gz list to analyzeStat site_means= analyzeStat(mniFAimgs) print(f'{siteName} site: ') printStat(site_means, mniFAimgs) f.close() sys.stdout= stdout # print statistics on console print('') with open(statFile) as f: print( print('\nThe statistics are also saved in ', statFile)
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='''Warps diffusion measures (FA, MD, GFA) to template space and then to MNI space. Finally, calculates mean FA over IITmean_FA_skeleton.nii.gz''' ) parser.add_argument( '-i', '--input', type=str, required=True, help= 'a .txt/.csv file that you used in/obtained from having two columns for (img,mask) pair. ' 'See documentation for more details') parser.add_argument( '-s', '--site', type=str, required=True, help='site name for locating template FA and mask in template directory' ) parser.add_argument( '-t', '--template', type=str, required=True, help= 'template directory where Mean_{site}_FA.nii.gz and {site}_Mask.nii.gz is located' ) parser.add_argument('--ncpu', help='number of cpus to use', default='4') args = parser.parse_args() imgList = abspath(args.input) siteName = templatePath = abspath(args.template) N_proc = int(args.ncpu) # read FA image list try: imgs, _ = read_imgs_masks(imgList) print( '(Img,Mask) list is provided. FA images are assumed to be directoryOfImg/dti/ImgPrefix_FA.nii.gz, make sure they are there\n' ) faImgs = [] for imgPath in imgs: directory = dirname(imgPath) prefix = basename(imgPath).split('.nii')[0] faImg = pjoin(directory, 'dti', prefix + '_FA.nii.gz') if not isfile(faImg): raise FileNotFoundError( f'{faImg} not found. Did you run \"--create --debug\" and \"--process --debug\" before?' ) faImgs.append(faImg) except: faImgs = read_imgs(imgList) print('FA image list is provided.') # register and obtain *_InMNI_FA.nii.gz mniFAimgs = sub2tmp2mni(templatePath, siteName, faImgs, N_proc) # target harmonized if imgList.endswith('.modified.harmonized'): header = siteName + '_after' # reference elif imgList.endswith('.modified'): header = siteName # target unprocessed else: header = siteName + '_before' # FIXME user FA image list will use the header {siteName+'_before'}, which is not correct all the time # as shown in the above block: # reference should use {siteName} while harmonized target should use {siteName+'_after'} # impact of this discrepancy is minor since we deprecated use of FA image list outPrefix = pjoin(templatePath, header) print('\n\nComputing statistics\n\n') print(f'{siteName} site: ') site_means = analyzeStat(mniFAimgs) generate_csv(faImgs, site_means, outPrefix) # save statistics for future statFile = pjoin(templatePath, 'meanFAstat.csv') with open(statFile, 'a') as f: f.write('%m/%d/%y %H:%M') + ',mean meanFA,std meanFA\n') f.write(f'{header},{np.mean(site_means)},{np.std(site_means)}\n') # print an empty line so future results, if appended, are visually separate f.write('\n') # print statistics on console print('\n\nPrinting statistics\n\n') with open(statFile) as f: print( # generate demonstrative plots ebar = harm_plot([site_means], [header], outPrefix) print( f'\nDetailed statistics, summary results, and demonstrative plots are saved in:\n\n{outPrefix}_stat.csv' f'\n{statFile}\n{ebar}\n')