Esempio n. 1
def grav(lat, p=0):
    r"""Calculates acceleration due to gravity as a function of latitude and as
    a function of pressure in the ocean.

    lat : array_like
          latitude in decimal degrees north [-90...+90]
    p : number or array_like. Default p = 0
        pressure [dbar]

    g : array_like
        gravity [m s :sup:`2`]

    See Also

    In the ocean z is negative.

    >>> import gsw
    >>> lat = [-90, -60, -30, 0]
    >>> p = 0
    >>> gsw.grav(lat, p)
    array([ 9.83218621,  9.81917886,  9.79324926,  9.780327  ])
    >>> gsw.grav(45)

    .. [1] IOC, SCOR and IAPSO, 2010: The international thermodynamic equation
    of seawater -  2010: Calculation and use of thermodynamic properties.
    Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, Manuals and Guides No. 56,
    UNESCO (English), 196 pp.

    .. [2] Moritz (2000) Goedetic reference system 1980. J. Geodesy, 74,

    .. [3] Saunders, P.M., and N.P. Fofonoff (1976) Conversion of pressure to
    depth in the ocean. Deep-Sea Res.,pp. 109 - 111.

    2011-03-29. Trevor McDougall & Paul Barker

    X = np.sin(lat * DEG2RAD)
    sin2 = X ** 2
    gs = 9.780327 * (1.0 + (5.2792e-3 + (2.32e-5 * sin2)) * sin2)
    z = z_from_p(p, lat)
    # z is the height corresponding to p.
    grav = gs * (1 - gamma * z)

    return grav
Esempio n. 2
def distance(lon, lat, p=0):
    r"""Calculates the distance in met res between successive points in the
    vectors lon and lat, computed using the Haversine formula on a spherical
    earth of radius 6,371 km, being the radius of a sphere having the same
    volume as Earth.  For a spherical Earth of radius 6,371,000 m, one nautical
    mile is 1,853.2488 m, thus one degree of latitude is 111,194.93 m.

    Haversine formula:
        R = earth's radius (mean radius = 6,371 km)

    .. math::
        a = \sin^2(\delta \text{lat}/2) +
            \cos(\text{lat}_1) \cos(\text{lat}_2) \sin^2(\delta \text{lon}/2)

        c = 2 \times \text{atan2}(\sqrt{a}, \sqrt{(1-a)})

        d = R \times c

    lon : array_like
          decimal degrees east [0..+360] or [-180 ... +180]
    lat : array_like
          latitude in decimal degrees north [-90..+90]
    p : number or array_like. Default p = 0
        pressure [dbar]

    dist: array_like
          distance between points on a spherical Earth at pressure (p) [m]

    See Also

    z is height and is negative in the oceanographic.

    Distances are probably good to better than 1\% of the "true" distance on
    the ellipsoidal earth.

    >>> import gsw
    >>> lon = [159, 220]
    >>> lat = [-35, 35]
    >>> gsw.distance(lon, lat)
    array([[ 10030974.652916]])
    >>> p = [200, 1000]
    >>> gsw.distance(lon, lat, p)
    array([[ 10030661.63878009]])
    >>> p = [[200], [1000]]
    >>> gsw.distance(lon, lat, p)
    array([[ 10030661.63878009],
           [ 10029412.58776001]])

    .. [1]

    2000-11-06. Rich Pawlowicz
    2011-04-04. Paul Barker and Trevor McDougall
    # FIXME? The argument handling seems much too complicated.
    # Maybe we can come up with some simple specifications of
    # what argument combinations are permitted, and handle everything
    # with broadcasting. - EF

    # FIXME: Eric what do you think? This assume p(stations, depth)
    lon, lat, = np.atleast_2d(lon), np.atleast_2d(lat)

    if (lon.size == 1) & (lat.size == 1):
        raise ValueError('more than one point is needed to compute distance')
    elif lon.ndim != lat.ndim:
        raise ValueError('lon, lat must have the same dimension')

    lon, lat, p = np.broadcast_arrays(lon, lat, p)

    dlon = np.diff(lon * DEG2RAD)
    dlat = np.diff(lat * DEG2RAD)

    a = ((np.sin(dlat / 2)) ** 2 + np.cos(lat[:, :-1] * DEG2RAD) *
           np.cos(lat[:, 1:] * DEG2RAD) * (np.sin(dlon / 2)) ** 2)

    angles = 2 * np.arctan2(np.sqrt(a), np.sqrt(1 - a))

    p_mid = 0.5 * (p[:, 0:-1] + p[:, 0:-1])
    lat_mid = 0.5 * (lat[:, :-1] + lat[:, 1:])

    z = z_from_p(p_mid, lat_mid)

    distance = (earth_radius + z) * angles

    return distance