A1 = np.matrix("1 1; 1 -1; -1 1; -1 -1") A2 = np.matrix("1 0; -1 0; 0 1; 0 -1") b1 = 2*np.ones((m,1)) b2 = np.matrix("5; -3; 4; -2") poly1 = cs.Polyhedron(A1, b1) poly2 = cs.Polyhedron(A2, b2) assert cs.contains(poly1, [1,1]) # TODO distance should be an expression, i.e. norm2(poly1 - poly2) print cs.dist(poly1, poly2) elem = cs.proj(poly1, poly2) assert cs.contains(poly1, elem) assert cs.dist(poly1, elem) < 1e-6 hull = cs.ConvexHull([b1, b2]) print cs.contains(hull, b1) print cs.contains(hull, 0.3*b1 + 0.7*b2) print cs.dist(poly1, 5*hull[0:2] + 2) print cs.dist(poly1, np.matrix("1 5; -1 3")*poly2 + [1,5]) d1 = cs.dist(poly1, np.matrix("1 0; 0 1")*poly2 + [1,5]) d2 = cs.dist(poly2, poly1 - [1,5]) assert abs(d1 - d2) < 1e-6 poly_hull = hull[0:2] + poly1 + poly2 assert cs.dist(poly_hull, poly1) > 0 intersection = cs.intersect(poly_hull, poly1) assert cs.is_empty(intersection) assert not cs.is_empty(poly1)
A1 = np.matrix("1 1; 1 -1; -1 1; -1 -1") A2 = np.matrix("1 0; -1 0; 0 1; 0 -1") b1 = 2 * np.ones((m, 1)) b2 = np.matrix("5; -3; 4; -2") poly1 = cs.Polyhedron(A1, b1) poly2 = cs.Polyhedron(A2, b2) assert cs.contains(poly1, [1, 1]) # TODO distance should be an expression, i.e. norm2(poly1 - poly2) print cs.dist(poly1, poly2) elem = cs.proj(poly1, poly2) assert cs.contains(poly1, elem) assert cs.dist(poly1, elem) < 1e-6 hull = cs.ConvexHull([b1, b2]) print cs.contains(hull, b1) print cs.contains(hull, 0.3 * b1 + 0.7 * b2) print cs.dist(poly1, 5 * hull[0:2] + 2) print cs.dist(poly1, np.matrix("1 5; -1 3") * poly2 + [1, 5]) d1 = cs.dist(poly1, np.matrix("1 0; 0 1") * poly2 + [1, 5]) d2 = cs.dist(poly2, poly1 - [1, 5]) assert abs(d1 - d2) < 1e-6 poly_hull = hull[0:2] + poly1 + poly2 assert cs.dist(poly_hull, poly1) > 0 intersection = cs.intersect(poly_hull, poly1) assert cs.is_empty(intersection) assert not cs.is_empty(poly1)