def delexicaliseReferenceNumber(sent, turn):
    """Based on the belief state, we can find reference number that
    during data gathering was created randomly."""
    domains = [
        'restaurant', 'hotel', 'attraction', 'train', 'taxi', 'hospital'
    ]  # , 'police']
    if turn['metadata']:
        for domain in domains:
            if turn['metadata'][domain]['book']['booked']:
                for slot in turn['metadata'][domain]['book']['booked'][0]:
                    if slot == 'reference':
                        val = '[' + domain + '_' + slot + ']'
                        val = '[' + domain + '_' + slot + ']'
                    key = normalize(
                    sent = (' ' + sent + ' ').replace(' ' + key + ' ',
                                                      ' ' + val + ' ')

                    # try reference with hashtag
                    key = normalize(
                        "#" +
                    sent = (' ' + sent + ' ').replace(' ' + key + ' ',
                                                      ' ' + val + ' ')

                    # try reference with ref#
                    key = normalize(
                        "ref#" +
                    sent = (' ' + sent + ' ').replace(' ' + key + ' ',
                                                      ' ' + val + ' ')
    return sent
Esempio n. 2
def queryResult(domain, turn):
    """Returns the list of entities for a given domain
    based on the annotation of the belief state"""
    # query the db
    sql_query = "select * from {}".format(domain)

    flag = True
    #print turn['metadata'][domain]['semi']
    for key, val in turn['metadata'][domain]['semi'].items():
        if val == "" or val == "dont care" or val == 'not mentioned' or val == "don't care" or val == "dontcare" or val == "do n't care":
            if flag:
                sql_query += " where "
                val2 = val.replace("'", "''")
                val2 = normalize(val2)
                val2 = val2.replace("'", "''")
                # change query for trains
                if key == 'leaveAt':
                    sql_query += r" " + key + " > " + r"'" + val2 + r"'"
                elif key == 'arriveBy':
                    sql_query += r" " + key + " < " + r"'" + val2 + r"'"
                    sql_query += r" " + key + "=" + r"'" + val2 + r"'"
                flag = False
                val2 = val.replace("'", "''")
                val2 = normalize(val2)
                val2 = val2.replace("'", "''")
                if key == 'leaveAt':
                    sql_query += r" and " + key + " > " + r"'" + val2 + r"'"
                elif key == 'arriveBy':
                    sql_query += r" and " + key + " < " + r"'" + val2 + r"'"
                    sql_query += r" and " + key + "=" + r"'" + val2 + r"'"

    #try:  # "select * from attraction  where name = 'queens college'"
    #print sql_query
    #print domain
    num_entities = len(dbs[domain].execute(sql_query).fetchall())

    return num_entities
Esempio n. 3
def queryResultVenues(domain, turn, real_belief=False):
    # query the db
    sql_query = "select * from {}".format(domain)

    flag = True
    if real_belief == True:
        items = turn.items()
    elif real_belief=='tracking':
        for slot in turn[domain]:
            key = slot[0].split("-")[1]
            val = slot[0].split("-")[2]
            if key == "price range":
                key = "pricerange"
            elif key == "leave at":
                key = "leaveAt"
            elif key == "arrive by":
                key = "arriveBy"
            if val == "do n't care":
                if flag:
                    sql_query += " where "
                    val2 = val.replace("'", "''")
                    val2 = normalize(val2)
                    if key == 'leaveAt':
                        sql_query += key + " > " + r"'" + val2 + r"'"
                    elif key == 'arriveBy':
                        sql_query += key + " < " + r"'" + val2 + r"'"
                        sql_query += r" " + key + "=" + r"'" + val2 + r"'"
                    flag = False
                    val2 = val.replace("'", "''")
                    val2 = normalize(val2)
                    if key == 'leaveAt':
                        sql_query += r" and " + key + " > " + r"'" + val2 + r"'"
                    elif key == 'arriveBy':
                        sql_query += r" and " + key + " < " + r"'" + val2 + r"'"
                        sql_query += r" and " + key + "=" + r"'" + val2 + r"'"

            try:  # "select * from attraction  where name = 'queens college'"
                return dbs[domain].execute(sql_query).fetchall()
                return []  # TODO test it
        items = turn['metadata'][domain]['semi'].items()

    flag = True
    for key, val in items:
        if val == "" or val == "dontcare" or val == 'not mentioned' or val == "don't care" or val == "dont care" or val == "do n't care":
            if flag:
                sql_query += " where "
                val2 = val.replace("'", "''")
                val2 = normalize(val2)
                if key == 'leaveAt':
                    sql_query += r" " + key + " > " + r"'" + val2 + r"'"
                elif key == 'arriveBy':
                    sql_query += r" " +key + " < " + r"'" + val2 + r"'"
                    sql_query += r" " + key + "=" + r"'" + val2 + r"'"
                flag = False
                val2 = val.replace("'", "''")
                val2 = normalize(val2)
                if key == 'leaveAt':
                    sql_query += r" and " + key + " > " + r"'" + val2 + r"'"
                elif key == 'arriveBy':
                    sql_query += r" and " + key + " < " + r"'" + val2 + r"'"
                    sql_query += r" and " + key + "=" + r"'" + val2 + r"'"

    try:  # "select * from attraction  where name = 'queens college'"
        return dbs[domain].execute(sql_query).fetchall()
        return []  # TODO test it
Esempio n. 4
def createDelexData(dialogue):
    """Main function of the script - loads delexical dictionary,
    goes through each dialogue and does:
    1) data normalization
    2) delexicalization
    3) addition of database pointer
    4) saves the delexicalized data

    # create dictionary of delexicalied values that then we will search against, order matters here!
    dic = delexicalize.prepareSlotValuesIndependent()
    delex_data = {}

    # fin1 = open('data/multi-woz/data.json', 'r')
    # data = json.load(fin1)

    # dialogue = data[dialogue_name]
    dial = dialogue['cur']
    idx_acts = 1

    for idx, turn in enumerate(dial['log']):
        # print(idx)
        # print(turn)
        # normalization, split and delexicalization of the sentence
        sent = normalize(turn['text'])

        words = sent.split()
        sent = delexicalize.delexicalise(' '.join(words), dic)

        # parsing reference number GIVEN belief state
        sent = delexicaliseReferenceNumber(sent, turn)

        # changes to numbers only here
        digitpat = re.compile('\d+')
        sent = re.sub(digitpat, '[value_count]', sent)
        # print(sent)

        # delexicalized sentence added to the dialogue
        dial['log'][idx]['text'] = sent

        if idx % 2 == 1:  # if it's a system turn
            # add database pointer
            pointer_vector, db_results, num_entities = addDBPointer(turn)
            # add booking pointer
            pointer_vector = addBookingPointer(dial, turn, pointer_vector)

            # print pointer_vector
            dial['log'][idx - 1]['db_pointer'] = pointer_vector.tolist()

        idx_acts += 1
    dial = get_dial(dial)

    if dial:
        dialogue = {}
        dialogue['usr'] = []
        dialogue['sys'] = []
        dialogue['db'] = []
        dialogue['bs'] = []
        for turn in dial:
            # print(turn)

    delex_data['cur'] = dialogue

    return delex_data
def createDelexData():
    """Main function of the script - loads delexical dictionary,
    goes through each dialogue and does:
    1) data normalization
    2) delexicalization
    3) addition of database pointer
    4) saves the delexicalized data
    # download the data

    # create dictionary of delexicalied values that then we will search against, order matters here!
    dic = delexicalize.prepareSlotValuesIndependent()
    delex_data = {}

    fin1 = open('data/multi-woz/data.json', 'r')
    data = json.load(fin1)

    fin2 = open('data/multi-woz/dialogue_acts.json', 'r')
    data2 = json.load(fin2)

    for dialogue_name in tqdm(data):
        dialogue = data[dialogue_name]
        # print dialogue_name

        idx_acts = 1

        for idx, turn in enumerate(dialogue['log']):
            # normalization, split and delexicalization of the sentence
            sent = normalize(turn['text'])

            words = sent.split()
            sent = delexicalize.delexicalise(' '.join(words), dic)

            # parsing reference number GIVEN belief state
            sent = delexicaliseReferenceNumber(sent, turn)

            # changes to numbers only here
            digitpat = re.compile('\d+')
            sent = re.sub(digitpat, '[value_count]', sent)

            # delexicalized sentence added to the dialogue
            dialogue['log'][idx]['text'] = sent

            if idx % 2 == 1:  # if it's a system turn
                # add database pointer
                pointer_vector = addDBPointer(turn)
                # add booking pointer
                pointer_vector = addBookingPointer(dialogue, turn,

                # print pointer_vector
                dialogue['log'][idx -
                                1]['db_pointer'] = pointer_vector.tolist()

            # FIXING delexicalization:
            dialogue = fixDelex(dialogue_name, dialogue, data2, idx, idx_acts)
            idx_acts += 1

        delex_data[dialogue_name] = dialogue

    with open('data/multi-woz/delex.json', 'w') as outfile:
        json.dump(delex_data, outfile)

    return delex_data
Esempio n. 6
def prepareSlotValuesIndependent():
    domains = ['restaurant', 'hotel', 'attraction', 'train', 'taxi', 'hospital', 'police']
    requestables = ['phone', 'address', 'postcode', 'reference', 'id']
    dic = []
    dic_area = []
    dic_food = []
    dic_price = []

    # read databases
    for domain in domains:
            fin = open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), os.pardir, 'db', domain + '_db.json'))
            db_json = json.load(fin)

            for ent in db_json:
                for key, val in ent.items():
                    if val == '?' or val == 'free':
                    elif key == 'address':
                        dic.append((normalize(val), '[' + domain + '_' + 'address' + ']'))
                        if "road" in val:
                            val = val.replace("road", "rd")
                            dic.append((normalize(val), '[' + domain + '_' + 'address' + ']'))
                        elif "rd" in val:
                            val = val.replace("rd", "road")
                            dic.append((normalize(val), '[' + domain + '_' + 'address' + ']'))
                        elif "st" in val:
                            val = val.replace("st", "street")
                            dic.append((normalize(val), '[' + domain + '_' + 'address' + ']'))
                        elif "street" in val:
                            val = val.replace("street", "st")
                            dic.append((normalize(val), '[' + domain + '_' + 'address' + ']'))
                    elif key == 'name':
                        dic.append((normalize(val), '[' + domain + '_' + 'name' + ']'))
                        if "b & b" in val:
                            val = val.replace("b & b", "bed and breakfast")
                            dic.append((normalize(val), '[' + domain + '_' + 'name' + ']'))
                        elif "bed and breakfast" in val:
                            val = val.replace("bed and breakfast", "b & b")
                            dic.append((normalize(val), '[' + domain + '_' + 'name' + ']'))
                        elif "hotel" in val and 'gonville' not in val:
                            val = val.replace("hotel", "")
                            dic.append((normalize(val), '[' + domain + '_' + 'name' + ']'))
                        elif "restaurant" in val:
                            val = val.replace("restaurant", "")
                            dic.append((normalize(val), '[' + domain + '_' + 'name' + ']'))
                    elif key == 'postcode':
                        dic.append((normalize(val), '[' + domain + '_' + 'postcode' + ']'))
                    elif key == 'phone':
                        dic.append((val, '[' + domain + '_' + 'phone' + ']'))
                    elif key == 'trainID':
                        dic.append((normalize(val), '[' + domain + '_' + 'id' + ']'))
                    elif key == 'department':
                        dic.append((normalize(val), '[' + domain + '_' + 'department' + ']'))

                    # NORMAL DELEX
                    elif key == 'area':
                        dic_area.append((normalize(val), '[' + 'value' + '_' + 'area' + ']'))
                    elif key == 'food':
                        dic_food.append((normalize(val), '[' + 'value' + '_' + 'food' + ']'))
                    elif key == 'pricerange':
                        dic_price.append((normalize(val), '[' + 'value' + '_' + 'pricerange' + ']'))
                    # TODO car type?

        if domain == 'hospital':
            dic.append((normalize('Hills Rd'), '[' + domain + '_' + 'address' + ']'))
            dic.append((normalize('Hills Road'), '[' + domain + '_' + 'address' + ']'))
            dic.append((normalize('CB20QQ'), '[' + domain + '_' + 'postcode' + ']'))
            dic.append(('01223245151', '[' + domain + '_' + 'phone' + ']'))
            dic.append(('1223245151', '[' + domain + '_' + 'phone' + ']'))
            dic.append(('0122324515', '[' + domain + '_' + 'phone' + ']'))
            dic.append((normalize('Addenbrookes Hospital'), '[' + domain + '_' + 'name' + ']'))

        elif domain == 'police':
            dic.append((normalize('Parkside'), '[' + domain + '_' + 'address' + ']'))
            dic.append((normalize('CB11JG'), '[' + domain + '_' + 'postcode' + ']'))
            dic.append(('01223358966', '[' + domain + '_' + 'phone' + ']'))
            dic.append(('1223358966', '[' + domain + '_' + 'phone' + ']'))
            dic.append((normalize('Parkside Police Station'), '[' + domain + '_' + 'name' + ']'))

    # add at the end places from trains
    fin = open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), os.path.pardir, 'db', 'train_db.json'), 'r')
    db_json = json.load(fin)

    for ent in db_json:
        for key, val in ent.items():
            if key == 'departure' or key == 'destination':
                dic.append((normalize(val), '[' + 'value' + '_' + 'place' + ']'))

    # add specific values:
    for key in ['monday', 'tuesday', 'wednesday', 'thursday', 'friday', 'saturday', 'sunday']:
        dic.append((normalize(key), '[' + 'value' + '_' + 'day' + ']'))

    # more general values add at the end

    return dic