def add(self, task): try: connection = DB_Manager.getConnection() cursor = connection.cursor() sql = "INSERT INTO task (taskName, taskParameter, taskPath, taskState, userID, assignedNodeId) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" val = (task._taskName, task._taskParameters, task._taskExePath, task._taskState, task._taskUserId, None) # val = ("1111111", "John", "21", 3, '997', None) # val = (hostName, userName) # nodeid is foreign key of assignedNodeId # clientId is foreign key of userID cursor.execute(sql, val) connection.commit() if cursor._last_insert_id: + " task inserted.") return cursor._last_insert_id else: logging.warnings('Task is not added to DB') logging.error('Task is not added to DB') return except Exception as e: logging.exception(e) raise finally: DB_Manager.closeConnection()
def setTaskStatus(self, taskState, taskId): try: connection = DB_Manager.getConnection() cursor = connection.cursor() sql = "UPDATE task SET taskState = " + taskState + " WHERE taskId = " + str( taskId) # sql = "UPDATE task SET taskState = 'PENDING' WHERE taskId = 4" print sql cursor.execute(sql) connection.commit() if cursor.rowcount: print(cursor.rowcount, "record updated.")"1 record updated.") else: print('no record updated') logging.warnings('no record updated') return except Exception as e: logging.exception(e) error_msg = 'Error occured while setTaskStatus into task' logging.error(error_msg) raise finally: DB_Manager.closeConnection()
def getTaskOutcomeByTaskId(self, taskId): try: connection = DB_Manager.getConnection() cursor = connection.cursor() sql = "SELECT * FROM taskresult WHERE taskId = " + str(taskId) cursor.execute(sql) myresult = cursor.fetchall() return myresult except Exception as e: logging.exception(e) error_msg = 'Error occured while getting in getTaskById in task' finally: DB_Manager.closeConnection()
def delete(self, taskResultId): try: connection = DB_Manager.getConnection() cursor = connection.cursor() sql = "DELETE FROM taskresult WHERE resultId=" + str(taskResultId) cursor.execute(sql) connection.commit() print cursor.rowcount, "task deleted." return cursor._last_insert_id except Exception as e: logging.exception(e) logging.exception('Error occured while deleting data in task') raise finally: DB_Manager.closeConnection()
def getTaskStateById(self, taskId): try: connection = DB_Manager.getConnection() cursor = connection.cursor() sql = "SELECT * FROM task WHERE taskId = " + str(taskId) # sql = "SELECT * FROM task WHERE userID='1111113'"; cursor.execute(sql) myresult = cursor.fetchall() return unicodeToStringObj.unicodeToString(myresult[0][4]) except Exception as e: logging.exception(e) error_msg = 'Error occured in getTasksByClientId in coordinator/database/' finally: DB_Manager.closeConnection()
def getTasksByStatus(self, outcome): try: connection = DB_Manager.getConnection() cursor = connection.cursor() sql = "SELECT * FROM task WHERE outcome = " + str(outcome) cursor.execute(sql) myresult = cursor.fetchall() for x in myresult: print(x) except Exception as e: logging.exception(e) error_msg = 'Error occured while getting in getTaskById in task' finally: DB_Manager.closeConnection()
def getAllRecords(self): try: connection = DB_Manager.getConnection() cursor = connection.cursor() sql = "SELECT * FROM taskresult" cursor.execute(sql) myresult = cursor.fetchall() for x in myresult: print(x) except Exception as e: logging.exception('Error!-> Code: {c} && Message, {m}'.format( c=type(e).__name__, m=str(e))) raise Exception(str(e)) finally: DB_Manager.closeConnection()
def getTasksByNodeId(self, assignedNodeId): try: connection = DB_Manager.getConnection() cursor = connection.cursor() sql = "SELECT * FROM task WHERE assignedNodeId = " + str( assignedNodeId) cursor.execute(sql) myresult = cursor.fetchall() for x in myresult: print(x) except Exception as e: logging.exception(e) error_msg = 'Error occured while getting in getTasksByNodeId in task' finally: DB_Manager.closeConnection()
def delete(self, clientId): try: connection = DB_Manager.getConnection() cursor = connection.cursor() sql = "DELETE FROM client WHERE clientId=" + str(clientId) cursor.execute(sql) connection.commit() print cursor.rowcount, " client deleted." return cursor._last_insert_id except Exception as e: # logging.exception(e) # logging.exception('Error occured while deleting data in task') print "Error Occured" return e finally: DB_Manager.closeConnection()
def getAvailableNodes(self): try: connection = DB_Manager.getConnection() cursor = connection.cursor() sql = "SELECT * FROM node WHERE nodeStatus='AVAILABLE'" cursor.execute(sql) myresult = cursor.fetchall() if myresult:'There are more than zero available nodes') return myresult except Exception as e: logging.exception(e) logging.exception('Error occured while adding data into task') raise finally: DB_Manager.closeConnection()
def modifyNodeStatus(self, nodeId, nodeStatus): try: connection = DB_Manager.getConnection() cursor = connection.cursor() sql = "UPDATE node SET nodeStatus = " + str( nodeStatus) + " WHERE nodeId = " + str(nodeId) cursor.execute(sql) connection.commit() if cursor.rowcount:"1 node modified.") return cursor.rowcount except Exception as e: logging.exception(e) logging.exception('Error occured while adding data into task') raise finally: DB_Manager.closeConnection()
def getAllNodes(self): try: connection = DB_Manager.getConnection() cursor = connection.cursor() sql = "SELECT * FROM node" cursor.execute(sql) myresult = cursor.fetchall() if myresult:'There are some nodes') return myresult except Exception as e: logging.exception(e) logging.exception('Error occured while fetching all the nodes: ' + e.message) raise finally: DB_Manager.closeConnection()
def delete(self, nodeId): try: connection = DB_Manager.getConnection() cursor = connection.cursor() # sql = "DELETE FROM node WHERE nodeId = "+ str(nodeId) sql = "DELETE FROM node" cursor.execute(sql) connection.commit() if cursor.rowcount: print(cursor.rowcount, "record deleted.") else: print "OOPS !No record deleted---------" except Exception as e: logging.exception(e) logging.exception('Error occured while adding data into task') finally: DB_Manager.closeConnection()
def getNodeStatusByNodeId(self, nodeId): try: connection = DB_Manager.getConnection() cursor = connection.cursor() sql = "SELECT * FROM node WHERE nodeId = " + str(nodeId) cursor.execute(sql) myresult = cursor.fetchall() if myresult:'Node status has found successfully') return unicodeToStringObj.unicodeToString(myresult[0][3]) except Exception as e: logging.exception(e) logging.exception('Error occured while adding data into task') raise finally: DB_Manager.closeConnection()
def getClients(self): try: connection = DB_Manager.getConnection() print connection cursor = connection.cursor() sql = "SELECT * FROM client" cursor.execute(sql) myresult = cursor.fetchall() for x in myresult: print(x) except Exception as e: logging.exception(e) logging.exception('Error occured while getting Clients in task') finally: DB_Manager.closeConnection() # getClients("a")
def getAlltasks(self): try: connection = DB_Manager.getConnection() cursor = connection.cursor() sql = "SELECT * FROM task" cursor.execute(sql) myresult = cursor.fetchall() if myresult: return myresult else: return 0 except Exception as e: error_msg = 'Error occured while getting getAllRecords in task' logging.exception(str(error_msg) + ": " + str(e.message)) raise finally: DB_Manager.closeConnection()
def modify(self, hostName, userName, clientId): try: connection = DB_Manager.getConnection() cursor = connection.cursor() sql = "UPDATE client SET hostName = " + hostName + ", userName = "******" WHERE clientId = " + str( clientId) # sql = "UPDATE client SET userName='******' WHERE " + str(clientIdd) # "UPDATE node SET nodeStatus='hell' WHERE nodeId =382" # sql = "UPDATE task SET taskState = 'PENDING' WHERE taskId = 5" cursor.execute(sql) connection.commit() print(cursor.rowcount, "client modified.") except Exception as e: logging.exception(e) logging.exception('Error occured while modifying data into task') finally: DB_Manager.closeConnection()
def getTasksByStatus(self, taskState): try: connection = DB_Manager.getConnection() cursor = connection.cursor() sql = "SELECT * FROM task WHERE taskState = " + str(taskState) cursor.execute(sql) myresult = cursor.fetchall() if myresult: 'Task according to the status has fetched sucessfully') return myresult except Exception as e: logging.exception(e) error_msg = 'Error occured while getting in getTaskById in task' raise finally: DB_Manager.closeConnection()
def getTasksByClientId(self, userID): try: connection = DB_Manager.getConnection() cursor = connection.cursor() sql = "SELECT * FROM task WHERE userID = " + str(userID) # sql = "SELECT * FROM task WHERE userID='1111113'"; print sql cursor.execute(sql) myresult = cursor.fetchall() if myresult: for x in myresult: print(x) else: print "no result found for the given clientId" except Exception as e: logging.exception(e) error_msg = 'Error occured while getting in getTasksByClientId in task' finally: DB_Manager.closeConnection()
def updateTaskState(self, taskId, taskState): try: connection = DB_Manager.getConnection() cursor = connection.cursor() sql = "UPDATE task SET taskState = " + str( taskState) + " WHERE taskId = " + str(taskId) cursor.execute(sql) connection.commit() if cursor.rowcount: print(cursor.rowcount, "task modified.") return cursor.rowcount else: print "Task State is not modified." return "Task State is not modified." except Exception as e: logging.exception(e) error_msg = 'Error occured while getting in getTaskById in task' finally: DB_Manager.closeConnection()
def add(self, nodeObj): try: connection = DB_Manager.getConnection() cursor = connection.cursor() sql = "INSERT INTO node (nodeIp, nodePort, nodeStatus) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)" val = (nodeObj._ip, nodeObj._port, nodeObj._status) # val = ("", 3000, 1) # val = ("", 5000, 1) cursor.execute(sql, val) connection.commit() if cursor.rowcount:'1 node inserted.') return cursor._last_insert_id else: logging.warning("No record inserted.") return 'No record inserted.' except Exception as e: logging.exception(e) logging.exception('Error occured while adding data into node') finally: DB_Manager.closeConnection()
def assignNode(self, taskState, assignedNodeId, taskId): try: connection = DB_Manager.getConnection() cursor = connection.cursor() # sql = "UPDATE task SET taskState = 'PENDING' WHERE taskId = 5" # sql = "UPDATE task SET taskState = ? , assignedNodeId = ? WHERE taskId = ?" sql = "UPDATE task SET taskState = " + taskState + ", assignedNodeId = " + str( assignedNodeId) + " WHERE taskId = " + str(taskId) print sql cursor.execute(sql) connection.commit() if cursor.rowcount: print(cursor.rowcount, "taskResult modified.") else: print "No record Modified of Task Result" except Exception as e: logging.exception(e) error_msg = 'Error occured while assigning in assignNode in task' finally: DB_Manager.closeConnection()
def modify(self, taskName, taskParameter, taskPath, taskState, userID, assignedNodeId, taskId): try: connection = DB_Manager.getConnection() cursor = connection.cursor() # assignedNodeId is foreign key sql = "UPDATE task SET taskName = " + taskName + ", taskParameter = " + taskParameter + ", taskPath = " + taskPath + ", taskState = " + str( taskState) + ", userID = " + str( userID) + ", assignedNodeId = " + str( assignedNodeId) + " WHERE taskId = " + str(taskId) # sql = "UPDATE task SET taskName ='helll', taskParameter = '111', taskPath = '1111' , taskState = 1 , userID = 1111113, assignedNodeId = 3 WHERE taskId = 4" # sql = "UPDATE client SET hostName = " + hostName + ", userName = "******" WHERE clientId = " + str(clientId) cursor.execute(sql) connection.commit() print(cursor.rowcount, "task modified.") except Exception as e: logging.exception(e) error_msg = 'Error occured while modifying data into task' finally: DB_Manager.closeConnection()
def add(self, clientObj): try: connection = DB_Manager.getConnection() cursor = connection.cursor() sql = "INSERT INTO client (hostName, userName) VALUES (%s, %s)" val = (clientObj._hostName, clientObj._userName) # val = ("111111111", "John") cursor.execute(sql, val) connection.commit() if cursor._last_insert_id: +" client inserted") print str(cursor.rowcount) +" client inserted" return cursor._last_insert_id else: logging.warning('Task is not added') return except Exception as e: logging.exception(e) logging.exception('Error occured while adding data into task') raise finally: DB_Manager.closeConnection()
def updateAssignedNode(self, taskId, assignedNodeID): try: connection = DB_Manager.getConnection() cursor = connection.cursor() sql = "UPDATE task SET assignedNodeId = " + str( assignedNodeID) + " WHERE taskId = " + str(taskId) cursor.execute(sql) connection.commit() if cursor.rowcount: print('assignedNodeId of a task is modified.')'assignedNodeId of a task is modified.') else: print 'No record Modified of Task' logging.error('No record Modified of Task') return cursor.rowcount except Exception as e: logging.exception(e) error_msg = 'Error occured while assigning in assignNode in task' logging.error(error_msg) raise finally: DB_Manager.closeConnection()
def add(self, taskResult): try: connection = DB_Manager.getConnection() cursor = connection.cursor() sql = "INSERT INTO taskresult (taskId, Outcome, ErrorCode, ErrorMsg, ResultBuffer) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" val = (taskResult._taskId, taskResult._status, taskResult._errorCode, taskResult._errorMessage, taskResult._resultBuffer) # val = (8, 2, 404, "400", "MEDIUMBLOB") cursor.execute(sql, val) connection.commit() if cursor.rowcount: logging.log(cursor.rowcount, "record inserted.") return cursor._last_insert_id else: logging.error('No task result inserted') return except Exception as e: logging.exception(e) raise finally: DB_Manager.closeConnection()
import logging from coordinator.database.DBManager import DB_Manager DB_Manager = DB_Manager() class clientRepository: def add(self, clientObj): try: connection = DB_Manager.getConnection() cursor = connection.cursor() sql = "INSERT INTO client (hostName, userName) VALUES (%s, %s)" val = (clientObj._hostName, clientObj._userName) # val = ("111111111", "John") cursor.execute(sql, val) connection.commit() if cursor._last_insert_id: +" client inserted") print str(cursor.rowcount) +" client inserted" return cursor._last_insert_id else: logging.warning('Task is not added') return except Exception as e: logging.exception(e) logging.exception('Error occured while adding data into task') raise finally: