Esempio n. 1
    def angular_correlation(self, tarray):
        r"""The 2-point angular correlation function.

        This will tabulate across the range [0, pi] on the first run,
        and will subsequently interpolate all calls.

        tarray : array_like
            The angular seperations (in radians) to calculate at.

        acf : array_like

        if not self._cf_int:
            from scipy.special import lpn

            def cf(theta):
                nmax = 10000
                nmin = 1
                larr = np.arange(nmin, nmax + 1).astype(np.float64)
                pl = lpn(nmax, np.cos(theta))[0][nmin:]

                return ((2 * larr + 1.0) * pl * self.angular_ps(larr)).sum() / (
                    4 * np.pi

            tarr = np.linspace(0, np.pi, 1000)
            cfarr = cf(tarr)
            self._cf_int = cs.Interpolater(tarr, cfarr)

        return self._cf_int(tarray)
Esempio n. 2
    def _load_cache(self, fname):

        if not exists(fname):
            raise Exception("Cache file does not exist.")

        a = np.loadtxt(fname)
        ra = a[:, 0]
        vv0 = a[:, 1]
        vv2 = a[:, 2]
        vv4 = a[:, 3]
        if not self._vv_only:
            if a.shape[1] != 7:
                raise Exception("Cache file has wrong number of columns.")
            dd0 = a[:, 4]
            dv0 = a[:, 5]
            dv2 = a[:, 6]

        self._vv0i = cs.Interpolater(ra, vv0)
        self._vv2i = cs.Interpolater(ra, vv2)
        self._vv4i = cs.Interpolater(ra, vv4)

        if not self._vv_only:
            self._dd0i = cs.Interpolater(ra, dd0)
            self._dv0i = cs.Interpolater(ra, dv0)
            self._dv2i = cs.Interpolater(ra, dv2)

        self._cached = True
Esempio n. 3
    def _load_cache(self, fname):

        if not exists(fname):
            raise Exception("Cache file does not exist.")

        # TODO: Python 3 workaround numpy issue
        a = np.loadtxt(native_str(fname))
        ra = a[:, 0]
        vv0 = a[:, 1]
        vv2 = a[:, 2]
        vv4 = a[:, 3]
        if not self._vv_only:
            if (a.shape[1] != 7):
                raise Exception("Cache file has wrong number of columns.")
            dd0 = a[:, 4]
            dv0 = a[:, 5]
            dv2 = a[:, 6]

        self._vv0i = cs.Interpolater(ra, vv0)
        self._vv2i = cs.Interpolater(ra, vv2)
        self._vv4i = cs.Interpolater(ra, vv4)

        if not self._vv_only:
            self._dd0i = cs.Interpolater(ra, dd0)
            self._dv0i = cs.Interpolater(ra, dv0)
            self._dv2i = cs.Interpolater(ra, dv2)

        self._cached = True
Esempio n. 4
def fraunhofer_cylinder(antenna_func, width, res=1.0):
    """Calculate the Fraunhofer diffraction pattern for a feed illuminating a
    cylinder (in 1D).

    antenna_func : function(sintheta) -> amplitude
        Function describing the antenna amplitude pattern as a function of sin(angle).
    width : scalar
        Cylinder width in wavelengths.
    res : scalar, optional
        Resolution boost factor (default is 1.0)

    beam : function(sintheta) -> amplitude
        The beam pattern, normalised to have unit maximum.
    res = int(res * 16)
    num = 512
    hnum = 512 // 2 - 1

    ua = -1.0 * np.linspace(-1.0, 1.0, num, endpoint=False)[::-1]

    ax = antenna_func(2 * ua / (1 + ua ** 2))

    axe = np.zeros(res * num)

    axe[: (hnum + 2)] = ax[hnum:]
    axe[-hnum:] = ax[:hnum]

    fx = np.fft.fft(axe).real

    kx = 2 * np.fft.fftfreq(res * num, ua[1] - ua[0]) / width

    fx = np.fft.fftshift(fx) / fx.max()
    kx = np.fft.fftshift(kx)

    # Trim to the value within the valid range of sin(theta) =< 1, plus a little bit so
    # the edges are well defined
    fx = fx[np.abs(kx) < 1.1]
    kx = kx[np.abs(kx) < 1.1]

    return cubicspline.Interpolater(kx, fx)
Esempio n. 5
    def gen_cache(self, fname=None, rmin=1e-3, rmax=1e4, rnum=1000):
        r"""Generate the cache.

        Calculate a table of the integrals required for the
        correlation functions, and save them to a named file (if

        fname : filename, optional
            The file to save the cache into. If not set, the cache is
            generated but not saved.
        rmin : scalar
            The minimum r-value at which to generate the integrals (in
            h^{-1} Mpc)
        rmax : scalar
            The maximum r-value at which to generate the integrals (in
            h^{-1} Mpc)
        rnum : integer
            The number of points to generate (using a log spacing).
        ra = np.logspace(np.log10(rmin), np.log10(rmax), rnum)

        vv0 = _integrate(ra, 0, self.ps_vv)
        vv2 = _integrate(ra, 2, self.ps_vv)
        vv4 = _integrate(ra, 4, self.ps_vv)

        if not self._vv_only:
            dd0 = _integrate(ra, 0, self.ps_dd)
            dv0 = _integrate(ra, 0, self.ps_dv)
            dv2 = _integrate(ra, 2, self.ps_dv)

        # TODO: Python 3 workaround numpy issue
        fname = native_str(fname)
        if fname and not exists(fname):
            if self._vv_only:
                np.savetxt(fname, np.dstack([ra, vv0, vv2, vv4])[0])
                           np.dstack([ra, vv0, vv2, vv4, dd0, dv0, dv2])[0])

        self._cached = True

        self._vv0i = cs.Interpolater(ra, vv0)
        self._vv2i = cs.Interpolater(ra, vv2)
        self._vv4i = cs.Interpolater(ra, vv4)

        if not self._vv_only:
            self._dd0i = cs.Interpolater(ra, dd0)
            self._dv0i = cs.Interpolater(ra, dv0)
            self._dv2i = cs.Interpolater(ra, dv2)
Esempio n. 6
def inhomogeneous_process_approx(t, rate):
    r"""Create a realisation of an inhomogenous (i.e. variable rate)
    Poisson process.

    Uses an approximate method (but fast) based on generating a
    Cumulative Distribution Function from a set of samples, and the
    inverting this to generate the random deviates. The total number
    of events is calculated by drawing it from a Poisson distribution.

    t : scalar
        The time length to realise. The events generated are between time 0 and `t`.

    rate : function
        A function which returns the event rate at a given time.

    events : ndarry
        An array containing the times of the events.

    # Work out average number of events in interval, and then draw the
    # actual number from a Poisson distribution
    av = quad(rate, 0.0, t)[0]
    total = np.random.poisson(av)

    # Sample from the rate function, and calculate the cumulative
    # distribution function
    ts = np.linspace(0.0, t, 10000)
    rs = rate(ts)

    cumr = np.zeros_like(ts)
    cumr[1:] = cumtrapz(ts, rs)
    cumr /= cumr[-1]

    # Interpolate to generate the inverse CDF and use this to generate
    # the random deviates.
    csint = cs.Interpolater(cumr, ts)

    return csint(np.random.rand(total))
Esempio n. 7
def inverse_approx(f, x1, x2):
    r"""Generate the inverse function on the interval x1 to x2.

    Periodically sample a function and use interpolation to construct
    its inverse. Function must be monotonic on the given interval.

    f : callable
        The function to invert, must accept a single argument.
    x1, x2 : scalar
        The lower and upper bounds of the interval on which to
        construct the inverse.

    inv : cubicspline.Interpolater
        A callable function holding the inverse.

    xa = np.linspace(x1, x2, 1000)
    fa = f(xa)

    return cs.Interpolater(fa, xa)
Esempio n. 8
def interpolater(x, y, log=False):
    if log:
        return cubicspline.LogInterpolater(np.dstack((x, y))[0])
        return cubicspline.Interpolater(np.dstack((x, y))[0])