def getTagsGroups(self): """Returns groups of tags that may not be applied at the same time Returns: List of list of strings """ tags = Settings.getTags() return [tags, ["hidden"]]
def completeModifyWindow(self): """ Add the buttons for an update window. -Submit button that validates the form with the update function. -Delete button that asks the user to delete the object with the delete function. """ pan = self.form.addFormPanel() pan.addFormButton("Submit", self.update) pan.addFormButton("Delete", self.delete) registeredTags = Settings.getTags() keys = list(registeredTags.keys()) column = 0 item_no = 0 listOfLambdas = [self.tagClicked(keys[i]) for i in range(len(keys))] for registeredTag, color in registeredTags.items(): if not hasattr(self.mainApp, "parent"): break if column == 0: panTags = self.form.addFormPanel(pady=0) s = ttk.Style(self.mainApp.parent) s.configure(""+color+".TButton", background=color, foreground="black")""+color+".TButton", foreground=[('active', "dark gray")], background=[('active', color)]) btn_tag = panTags.addFormButton(registeredTag, listOfLambdas[item_no], side="left", padx=0, pady=0) btn_tag.configure(style=""+color+".TButton") column += 1 item_no += 1 if column == 4: column = 0 self.showForm()
def insertIp(self, ip): """Insert a new IP in the summary. Also insert its port Args: ip: an IP object to be inserted """ treevw = ttk.Treeview(self.frameTw) treevw.heading("#0", text=ip, anchor='w') treevw.column("#0", anchor='w') tags = Settings.getTags() for tag, color in tags.items(): treevw.tag_configure(tag, background=color) treevw.bind("<Double-Button-1>", self.OnDoubleClick) count = 0 self.treeviews[ip] = treevw ports = Port.fetchObjects({"ip": ip}) for port in ports: if port.proto.strip() != "" and str(port.port).strip() != "": port_text = port.port if port.proto == "udp": port_text = "udp/" + port_text treevw.insert('', 'end', str(port.getId()), text=port_text, tags=list(port.getTags())) count += 1 treevw.configure(height=count) treevw.update_idletasks()
def openModifyWindow(self): """ Creates a tkinter form using Forms classes. This form aims to update or perform actions on multiple different objects common properties like tags. """ top_panel = self.form.addFormPanel() top_panel.addFormButton("Export", self.appliTw.exportSelection) top_panel.addFormButton("Hide", self.appliTw.hideSelection) top_panel.addFormButton("Custom Command", self.appliTw.customCommand) top_panel.addFormButton("Delete", self.appliTw.deleteSelected) panTags = self.form.addFormPanel(grid=True) registeredTags = Settings.getTags() keys = list(registeredTags.keys()) column = 0 listOfLambdas = [self.tagClicked(keys[i]) for i in range(len(keys))] for registeredTag, color in registeredTags.items(): s = ttk.Style(self.mainApp.parent) s.configure("" + color + ".TButton", background=color, foreground="black")"" + color + ".TButton", foreground=[('active', "dark gray")], background=[('active', color)]) btn_tag = panTags.addFormButton(registeredTag, listOfLambdas[column], column=column) btn_tag.configure(style="" + color + ".TButton") column += 1 self.showForm()
def _initContextualsMenus(self): """ Create the contextual menu """ self.contextualMenu = tk.Menu(self.parentFrame, tearoff=0, background='#A8CF4D', foreground='white', activebackground='#A8CF4D', activeforeground='white') self.contextualMenu.add_command( label="Custom command", command=self.customCommand) self.contextualMenu.add_command( label="Export selection", command=self.exportSelection) self.tagsMenu = tk.Menu(self.parentFrame, tearoff=0, background='#A8CF4D', foreground='white', activebackground='#A8CF4D', activeforeground='white') tags = Settings.getTags() listOfLambdas = [self.tagClicked(tag) for tag in list(tags.keys())] for i,val in enumerate(tags): self.tagsMenu.add_command( label=val, command=listOfLambdas[i]) self.contextualMenu.add_command( label="Sort children", command=self.sort) self.contextualMenu.add_command( label="Expand", command=self.expand) self.contextualMenu.add_command( label="Collapse", command=self.collapse) self.contextualMenu.add_command( label="Hide", command=self.hideAndUpdate) self.contextualMenu.add_command( label="Unhide children", command=self.unhide) self.contextualMenu.add_command( label="Close", command=self.closeMenu)
def openInsertWindow(self): """ Creates a tkinter form using Forms classes. This form aims to insert a new Command """ self._initContextualMenu() panel_top = self.form.addFormPanel(grid=True) panel_top.addFormLabel("Name") panel_top.addFormStr("Name", r"\S+", "", None, column=1) panel_top.addFormLabel("Level", row=1) panel_top.addFormCombo("Level", ["network", "domain", "ip", "port", "wave"], "network", row=1, column=1) panel_top.addFormHelper( "lvl wave: will run on each wave once\nlvl network: will run on each NetworkIP once\nlvl domain: will run on each scope domain once\nlvl ip: will run on each ip/hostname once\nlvl port: will run on each port once", row=1, column=2) panel_types = self.form.addFormPanel(grid=True) panel_types.addFormChecklist("Types", Settings.getPentestTypes(), [], row=2, column=1) panel_types.addFormHelper( "This command will be added by default on pentest having a type checked in this list.\nThis list can be modified on settings.", column=2) panel_safe = self.form.addFormPanel(grid=True) panel_safe.addFormLabel("Safe") panel_safe.addFormCheckbox("Safe", "Safe", "False", column=1) panel_safe.addFormHelper( "If checked, this command can be run by an auto scan.", column=2) panel_text = self.form.addFormPanel() panel_text.addFormLabel("Command line options", side="top") panel_text.addFormHelper( """Do not include binary name/path\nDo not include Output file option\nUse variables |wave|, |scope|, |ip|, |port|, |parent_domain|, |outputDir|, |port.service|, |port.product|, |ip.infos.*| |port.infos.*|""", side="right") panel_text.addFormText("Command line options", r"", "", self.menuContextuel, side="top", height=5) panel_bottom = self.form.addFormPanel(grid=True) panel_bottom.addFormLabel("Ports/Services") panel_bottom.addFormStr( "Ports/Services", r"^((.{0})|(\d{1,5}|[^\, ]+)(?:, (\d{1,5}|[^\, ]+))*)$", "", width=50, column=1) panel_bottom.addFormHelper( "Services, ports or port ranges.\nthis list must be separated by a comma, if no protocol is specified, tcp/ will be used.\n Example: ssl/http,https,http/ssl,0-65535,443...", column=2) self._commonWindowForms() self.completeInsertWindow()
def openModifyWindow(self): """ Creates a tkinter form using Forms classes. This form aims to update or delete an existing Command """ modelData = self.controller.getData() self._initContextualMenu() settings = self.mainApp.settings settings.reloadSettings() panel_top = self.form.addFormPanel(grid=True) panel_top.addFormLabel("Name", modelData["name"], sticky=tk.NW) panel_top.addFormLabel("Level", modelData["lvl"], row=1, sticky=tk.NW) panel_top_bis = self.form.addFormPanel(grid=True) panel_top_bis.addFormChecklist("Types", Settings.getPentestTypes().keys(), modelData["types"], column=1) panel_safe = self.form.addFormPanel(grid=True) panel_safe.addFormLabel("Safe") panel_safe.addFormCheckbox("Safe", "Safe", modelData["safe"] == "True", column=1) panel_safe.addFormHelper( "If checked, this command can be run by an auto scan.", column=2) panel_text = self.form.addFormPanel() panel_text.addFormLabel("Command line options", side="top") panel_text.addFormHelper( """Do not include binary name/path\nDo not include Output file option\nUse variables |wave|, |scope|, |ip|, |port|, |parent_domain|, |outputDir|, |port.service|, |port.product|, |ip.infos.*| |port.infos.*|""", side="right") panel_text.addFormText("Command line options", r"", modelData["text"], self.menuContextuel, side="left", height=5) panel_bottom = self.form.addFormPanel(grid=True) if modelData["lvl"] == "port": panel_bottom.addFormLabel("Ports/Services", column=0) panel_bottom.addFormStr( "Ports/Services", r"^(\d{1,5}|[^\,]+)(?:,(\d{1,5}|[^\,]+))*$", modelData["ports"], self.popup, width=50, column=1) panel_bottom.addFormHelper( "Services, ports or port ranges.\nthis list must be separated by a comma, if no protocol is specified, tcp/ will be used.\n Example: ssl/http,https,http/ssl,0-65535,443...", column=2) self._commonWindowForms(modelData) self.completeModifyWindow()
def __init__(self, parent, default): """ Open a child dialog of a tkinter application to ask details about the new pentest. Args: parent: the tkinter parent view to use for this window construction. """ = tk.Toplevel(parent), False) self.rvalue = None self.parent = parent mainFrame = ttk.Frame( self.form = FormPanel() form1 = self.form.addFormPanel(grid=True, side=tk.TOP, fill=tk.X) form1.addFormLabel("Database name") form1.addFormStr("Database name", r"^\S+$", default=default.get("name", ""), width=50, column=1) types = list(Settings.getPentestTypes().keys()) if types: form1.addFormLabel("Pentest type", row=1) form1.addFormCombo( "Pentest type", types, default=default.get("type", types[0]), row=1, column=1) form1.addFormLabel("Starting", row=2) form1.addFormDate("startd", parent, default.get("start", datetime.strftime(, "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S")), "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S", row=2, column=1) form1.addFormLabel("Ending", row=3) form1.addFormDate("endd", parent, default.get("end", "31/12/2099 00:00:00"), "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S", row=3, column=1) form2 = self.form.addFormPanel(grid=True, side=tk.TOP, fill=tk.X, pady=5) form2.addFormLabel("Scope", pady=5) form2.addFormText( "Scope", "", default.get("scope", ""), height=5, column=1, sticky=tk.E, pady=5) form2.addFormHelper( "You can declare network ip as IP/MASKSIZE, ips or domains", column=2, sticky=tk.W) form2.addFormLabel("Pentester names", row=1, sticky=tk.E) form2.addFormText( "Pentester names", "", default.get("pentesters", ""), row=1, column=1, sticky=tk.W, height=3, pady=5) form3 = self.form.addFormPanel(side=tk.TOP, fill=tk.X, pady=5) default_settings = [] for key, val in default.get("settings", {}).items(): if val == 1: default_settings.append(key) form3.addFormChecklist("Settings", ["Add domains whose IP are in scope", "Add domains who have a parent domain in scope", "Add all domains found"], default_settings, side=tk.TOP, fill=tk.X, pady=5) form3.addFormButton("Create", self.onOk, side=tk.BOTTOM) self.form.constructView(mainFrame) self.form.setFocusOn("Database name") mainFrame.pack(fill=tk.BOTH, ipadx=10, ipady=10)
def initUI(self): """ initialize all the main windows objects. (Bar Menu, contextual menu, treeview, editing pane) """ self.nbk = ttk.Notebook(self.parent) self.statusbar = StatusBar(self.parent, Settings.getTags(), self) self.statusbar.pack(fill=tk.X) self.nbk.enable_traversal() self.initMainView() self.initCommandsView() self.initScanView() self.initSettingsView() for module in self.modules: module["view"] = ttk.Frame(self.nbk) self.nbk.add(module["view"], text=module["name"],image=module["img"],compound=tk.TOP) self._initMenuBar() self.nbk.pack(fill=tk.BOTH, expand=1)
def checkDomainFit(cls, waveName, domain): """ Check if a found domain belongs to one of the scope of the given wave. Args: waveName: The wave id (name) you want to search for a validating scope domain: The found domain. Returns: boolean """ # Checking settings for domain check. settings = Settings() # get the domain ip so we can search for it in ipv4 range scopes. domainIp = Utils.performLookUp(domain) mongoInstance = MongoCalendar.getInstance() scopesOfWave = mongoInstance.find("scopes", {"wave": waveName}) for scopeOfWave in scopesOfWave: scopeIsANetworkIp = Utils.isNetworkIp(scopeOfWave["scope"]) if scopeIsANetworkIp: if settings.db_settings.get("include_domains_with_ip_in_scope", False): if Ip.checkIpScope(scopeOfWave["scope"], domainIp): return True else: # If scope is domain # check if we include subdomains if settings.db_settings.get("include_all_domains", False): return True else: splitted_domain = domain.split(".") # Assuring to check only if there is a domain before the tld (.com, .fr ... ) topDomainExists = len(splitted_domain) > 2 if topDomainExists: if settings.db_settings.get( "include_domains_with_topdomain_in_scope", False): if splitted_domain[1:] == scopeOfWave[ "scope"].split("."): return True if settings.db_settings.get( "include_domains_with_ip_in_scope", False): inRangeDomainIp = Utils.performLookUp( scopeOfWave["scope"]) if str(inRangeDomainIp) == str(domainIp): return True return False
def __init__(self, appli, parentFrame): """ Args: appli: a reference to the main Application object. parentFrame: the parent tkinter window object. """ ttk.Treeview.__init__(self, parentFrame) self.appli = appli self.parentFrame = parentFrame self._detached = [] # Temporary detached objects (filtered objects) self._moved = [] # Objects that were moved to be repositioned later self._hidden = [] # Hidden objects reference self.views = {} # Dict of views stored in this treeview. self.contextualMenu = None self.tag_configure('OOS', background="grey") tags = Settings.getTags() for tag, color in tags.items(): self.tag_configure(tag, background=color)
def __init__(self, parent): """ Initialise the application Args: parent: The main tk window. """ # Lexic: # view frame : the frame in the tab that will hold forms. # Tree view : the tree on the left of the window. # frame tree view : a frame around the tree view (useful to attach a scrollbar to a treeview) # canvas : a canvas object (useful to attach a scrollbar to a frame) # paned : a Paned widget is used to separate two other widgets and display a one over the other if desired # Used to separate the treeview frame and view frame. self.parent = parent # parent tkinter window # already read notifications from previous notification reading iteration self.old_notifs = [] self.notifications_timers = None tk.Tk.report_callback_exception = self.show_error self.setStyle() # HISTORY : Main view and command where historically in the same view; # This results in lots of widget here with a confusing naming style ttk.Frame.__init__(self, parent) #### core components (Tab menu on the left objects)#### self.settings = Settings() self.settingViewFrame = None self.scanManager = None # Loaded when clicking on it if linux only self.scanViewFrame = None self.main_tab_img = ImageTk.PhotoImage("tab_main.png")) self.commands_tab_img = ImageTk.PhotoImage("tab_commands.png")) self.scan_tab_img = ImageTk.PhotoImage("tab_scan.png")) self.settings_tab_img = ImageTk.PhotoImage("tab_settings.png")) self.initModules() #### MAIN VIEW #### self.openedViewFrameId = None self.mainPageFrame = None self.paned = None self.canvasMain = None self.viewframe = None self.frameTw = None self.treevw = None self.myscrollbarMain = None #### COMMAND VIEW #### self.commandsPageFrame = None self.commandPaned = None self.commandsFrameTw = None self.canvas = None self.commandsViewFrame = None self.myscrollbarCommand = None self.commandsTreevw = None #### SEARCH BAR #### # boolean set to true when the main tree view is displaying search results self.searchMode = False self.searchBar = None # the search bar component self.btnHelp = None # help button on the right of the search bar = None # the ? image self.helpFrame = None # the floating help frame poping when the button is pressed # Connect to database and choose database to open abandon = False mongoInstance = MongoCalendar.getInstance() while not mongoInstance.isUserConnected() and not abandon: abandon = self.promptForConnection() is None if not abandon: mongoInstance.attach(self) self.initUI() # Will trigger promptForCalendarOpen when tab will be opened else: self.onClosing() try: parent.destroy() except tk.TclError: pass
class Appli(ttk.Frame): """ Main tkinter graphical application object. """ def __init__(self, parent): """ Initialise the application Args: parent: The main tk window. """ # Lexic: # view frame : the frame in the tab that will hold forms. # Tree view : the tree on the left of the window. # frame tree view : a frame around the tree view (useful to attach a scrollbar to a treeview) # canvas : a canvas object (useful to attach a scrollbar to a frame) # paned : a Paned widget is used to separate two other widgets and display a one over the other if desired # Used to separate the treeview frame and view frame. self.parent = parent # parent tkinter window # already read notifications from previous notification reading iteration self.old_notifs = [] self.notifications_timers = None tk.Tk.report_callback_exception = self.show_error self.setStyle() # HISTORY : Main view and command where historically in the same view; # This results in lots of widget here with a confusing naming style ttk.Frame.__init__(self, parent) #### core components (Tab menu on the left objects)#### self.settings = Settings() self.settingViewFrame = None self.scanManager = None # Loaded when clicking on it if linux only self.scanViewFrame = None self.main_tab_img = ImageTk.PhotoImage("tab_main.png")) self.commands_tab_img = ImageTk.PhotoImage("tab_commands.png")) self.scan_tab_img = ImageTk.PhotoImage("tab_scan.png")) self.settings_tab_img = ImageTk.PhotoImage("tab_settings.png")) self.initModules() #### MAIN VIEW #### self.openedViewFrameId = None self.mainPageFrame = None self.paned = None self.canvasMain = None self.viewframe = None self.frameTw = None self.treevw = None self.myscrollbarMain = None #### COMMAND VIEW #### self.commandsPageFrame = None self.commandPaned = None self.commandsFrameTw = None self.canvas = None self.commandsViewFrame = None self.myscrollbarCommand = None self.commandsTreevw = None #### SEARCH BAR #### # boolean set to true when the main tree view is displaying search results self.searchMode = False self.searchBar = None # the search bar component self.btnHelp = None # help button on the right of the search bar = None # the ? image self.helpFrame = None # the floating help frame poping when the button is pressed # Connect to database and choose database to open abandon = False mongoInstance = MongoCalendar.getInstance() while not mongoInstance.isUserConnected() and not abandon: abandon = self.promptForConnection() is None if not abandon: mongoInstance.attach(self) self.initUI() # Will trigger promptForCalendarOpen when tab will be opened else: self.onClosing() try: parent.destroy() except tk.TclError: pass def initModules(self): discovered_plugins = { name: importlib.import_module(name) for finder, name, ispkg in iter_namespace(core.Components.Modules) } self.modules = [] for name, module in discovered_plugins.items(): module_class = getattr(module, name.split(".")[-1]) module_obj = module_class(self.parent, self.settings) self.modules.append({"name": module_obj.tabName, "object":module_obj, "view":None, "img":ImageTk.PhotoImage(}) def show_error(self, *args): """Callback for tk.Tk.report_callback_exception. Open a window to display exception with some actions possible Args: args: 3 args are required for tk.Tk.report_callback_exception event to be given to traceback.format_exception(args[0], args[1], args[2]) Raises: If an exception occurs in this handler thread, will print it and exit with exit code 1 """ try: err = traceback.format_exception(args[0], args[1], args[2]) dialog = ChildDialogException(self, 'Exception occured', err) try: self.wait_window( except tk.TclError: sys.exit(1) except Exception as e: print(e) sys.exit(1) def promptForConnection(self): """Close current database connection and open connection form for the user Returns: The number of pollenisator database found, 0 if the connection failed.""" mongoInstance = MongoCalendar.getInstance() mongoInstance.reinitConnection() connectDialog = ChildDialogConnect(self.parent) self.wait_window( return connectDialog.rvalue def getCentralizedFiles(self): """Download from SFTP server all files of current database in local directory """ fs = FileStorage() fs.getResults() fs.close() tkinter.messagebox.showinfo( "Centralization completed", "Files were download in results/") def submitIssue(self): """Open git issues in browser""" import webbrowser webbrowser.open_new_tab("") def removeFiles(self, calendarName): """Open git issues in browser Args: calendarName: database name to be removed. """ fs = FileStorage() fs.rmDbResults(calendarName.strip()) fs.rmDbProofs(calendarName.strip()) fs.close() tkinter.messagebox.showinfo( "Deleting tool", "Files were removed on sftp for "+str(calendarName)) def readNotifications(self): """ Read notifications from database every 0.5 or so second. Notifications are used to exchange informations between applications. """ mongoInstance = MongoCalendar.getInstance() for old_notif in self.old_notifs: mongoInstance.deleteFromDb("pollenisator", "notifications", {"_id": old_notif}) self.old_notifs = [] try: notifications = mongoInstance.findInDb("pollenisator", "notifications", {"$or":[{"db":str(mongoInstance.calendarName)}, {"db":"pollenisator"}]}) for notification in notifications: # print("Notification received "+str(notification["db"])+"/"+str(notification["collection"])+" iid="+str(notification["iid"])+" action="+str(notification["action"])) self.old_notifs.append(notification["_id"]) if notification["db"] == "pollenisator": if notification["collection"] == "workers": self.scanManager.notify(notification["iid"], notification["action"]) elif "commands" in notification["collection"]: self.commandsTreevw.notify(notification["db"], notification["collection"], notification["iid"], notification["action"], notification.get("parent", "")) else: self.treevw.notify(notification["db"], notification["collection"], notification["iid"], notification["action"], notification.get("parent", "")) for module in self.modules: if callable(getattr(module["object"], "notify", None)): module["object"].notify(notification["db"], notification["collection"], notification["iid"], notification["action"], notification.get("parent", "")) except Exception as e: print(str(e)) self.notifications_timers = threading.Timer( 0.5, self.readNotifications) self.notifications_timers.start() def onClosing(self): """ Close the application properly. """ mongoInstance = MongoCalendar.getInstance() mongoInstance.dettach(self) if self.scanManager is not None: self.scanManager.stop() print("Stopping notifications...") if self.notifications_timers is not None: self.notifications_timers.cancel() if self.scanManager is not None: self.scanManager.monitor.stopWorkersTimer() print("Stopping application...") self.quit() def _initMenuBar(self): """ Create the bar menu on top of the screen. """ menubar = tk.Menu(self.parent, tearoff=0, bd=0, background='#73B723', foreground='white', activebackground='#73B723', activeforeground='white') self.parent.config(menu=menubar) self.parent.bind('<F5>', self.refreshView) self.parent.bind('<Control-o>', self.promptCalendarName) fileMenu = tk.Menu(menubar, tearoff=0, background='#73B723', foreground='white', activebackground='#73B723', activeforeground='white') fileMenu.add_command(label="New", command=self.selectNewCalendar) fileMenu.add_command(label="Open (Ctrl+o)", command=self.promptCalendarName) fileMenu.add_command(label="Connect to server", command=self.promptForConnection) fileMenu.add_command(label="Copy", command=self.wrapCopyDb) fileMenu.add_command(label="Delete a database", command=self.deleteACalendar) fileMenu.add_command(label="Export database", command=self.exportCalendar) fileMenu.add_command(label="Import database", command=self.importCalendar) fileMenu.add_command(label="Export commands", command=self.exportCommands) fileMenu.add_command(label="Import commands", command=self.importCommands) fileMenu.add_command(label="Exit", command=self.onExit) fileMenu2 = tk.Menu(menubar, tearoff=0, background='#73B723', foreground='white', activebackground='#73B723', activeforeground='white') fileMenu2.add_command(label="Reset unfinished tools", command=self.resetUnfinishedTools) fileMenu2.add_command(label="Refresh (F5)", command=self.refreshView) fileMenu2.add_command(label="Get centralized files", command=self.getCentralizedFiles) fileMenu3 = tk.Menu(menubar, tearoff=0, background='#73B723', foreground='white', activebackground='#73B723', activeforeground='white') fileMenu3.add_command(label="Submit a bug or feature", command=self.submitIssue) menubar.add_cascade(label="File", menu=fileMenu) menubar.add_cascade(label="Scans", menu=fileMenu2) menubar.add_cascade(label="Help", menu=fileMenu3) def setStyle(self, _event=None): """ Set the pollenisator window widget style using ttk.Style Args: _event: not used but mandatory """ style = ttk.Style(self.parent) style.theme_use("clam") try: style.element_create('', "from", 'default') except TclError: pass # ALready exists style.configure("Treeview.Heading", background="#73B723", foreground="white", relief="flat")'Treeview.Heading', background=[('active', '#73B723')]) style.configure("TLabelframe", background="white", labeloutside=False, bordercolor="#73B723") style.configure('TLabelframe.Label', background="#73B723", foreground="white", font=('Sans', '10', 'bold')) style.configure("TProgressbar", background="#73D723", foreground="#73D723", troughcolor="white", darkcolor="#73D723", lightcolor="#73D723") style.configure("Important.TFrame", background="#73B723") style.configure("TFrame", background="white") style.configure("Important.TLabel", background="#73B723", foreground="white") style.configure("TLabel", background="white") style.configure("TCombobox", background="white") style.configure("TCheckbutton", background="white", font=('Sans', '10', 'bold')) style.configure("TButton", background="#73B723", foreground="white", font=('Sans', '10', 'bold'), borderwidth=1) style.configure("TNotebook", background="#73B723", foreground="white", font=( 'Sans', '10', 'bold'), tabposition='wn', borderwidth=0, width=100) style.configure("TNotebook.Tab", background="#73B723", borderwidth=0, foreground="white", font=('Sans', '10', 'bold'), padding=20, bordercolor="#73B723")'TNotebook.Tab', background=[('active', '#73C723'), ("selected", '#73D723')], foreground=[("active", "white")], font=[("active", ( 'Sans', '10', 'bold'))], padding=[('active', 20)])'TButton', background=[('active', '#73D723')]) # FIX tkinter tag_configure not showing colors'Treeview', foreground=Appli.fixedMap('foreground', style), background=Appli.fixedMap('background', style)) # Removed dashed line style.layout("TNotebook.Tab", [('', {'children':[('Notebook.padding', {'side': 'top', 'children': [('Notebook.label', { 'side': 'top', 'sticky': ''})], 'sticky': 'nswe'})], 'sticky': 'nswe'})]) @staticmethod def fixedMap(option, style): """ Fix color tag in treeview not appearing under some linux distros Args: option: the string option you want to affect on treeview ("background" for example) strle: the style object of ttk """ # Fix for setting text colour for Tkinter 8.6.9 # From: # FIX tkinter tag_configure not showing colors # Returns the style map for 'option' with any styles starting with # ('!disabled', '!selected', ...) filtered out. # returns an empty list for missing options, so this # should be future-safe. return [elm for elm in'Treeview', query_opt=option) if elm[:2] != ('!disabled', '!selected')] def initMainView(self): """ Fill the main view tab menu """ self.mainPageFrame = ttk.Frame(self.nbk) searchFrame = ttk.Frame(self.mainPageFrame) lblSearch = ttk.Label(searchFrame, text="Filter bar:") lblSearch.pack(side="left", fill=tk.NONE) self.searchBar = AutocompleteEntry(self.settings, searchFrame) #self.searchBar = ttk.Entry(searchFrame, width=108) self.searchBar.bind('<Return>', self.newSearch) self.searchBar.bind('<KP_Enter>', self.newSearch) self.searchBar.bind('<Control-a>', self.searchbarSelectAll) # searchBar.bind("<Button-3>", self.do_popup) self.searchBar.pack(side="left", fill="x", expand=True) btnSearchBar = ttk.Button(searchFrame, text="Search", command=self.newSearch) btnSearchBar.pack(side="left", fill="x") btnReset = ttk.Button(searchFrame, text="Reset",command=self.resetButtonClicked) btnReset.pack(side="left", fill="x") self.btnHelp = ttk.Button(searchFrame) = tk.PhotoImage(file=Utils.getHelpIconPath()) self.helpFrame = None self.btnHelp.config(, command=self.showSearchHelp) self.btnHelp.pack(side="left") searchFrame.pack(side="top", fill="x") #PANED PART self.paned = tk.PanedWindow(self.mainPageFrame, height=800) #RIGHT PANE : Canvas + frame self.canvasMain = tk.Canvas(self.paned, bg="white") self.viewframe = ttk.Frame(self.canvasMain) #LEFT PANE : Treeview self.frameTw = ttk.Frame(self.paned) self.treevw = CalendarTreeview(self, self.frameTw) self.treevw.initUI() scbVSel = ttk.Scrollbar(self.frameTw, orient=tk.VERTICAL, command=self.treevw.yview) self.treevw.configure(yscrollcommand=scbVSel.set) self.treevw.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=tk.NSEW) scbVSel.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=tk.NS) self.paned.add(self.frameTw) self.myscrollbarMain = tk.Scrollbar(self.paned, orient="vertical", command=self.canvasMain.yview) self.myscrollbarMain.pack(side="right", fill=tk.BOTH) self.canvasMain.bind('<Enter>', self.boundToMousewheelMain) self.canvasMain.bind('<Leave>', self.unboundToMousewheelMain) self.canvasMain.pack(side="left") self.canvasMain.bind('<Configure>', self.resizeCanvasMainFrame) self.canvas_main_frame = self.canvasMain.create_window((0, 0), window=self.viewframe, anchor='nw') self.viewframe.bind("<Configure>", self.scrollFrameMainFunc) self.canvasMain.configure(yscrollcommand=self.myscrollbarMain.set) self.paned.add(self.canvasMain) self.paned.pack(fill=tk.BOTH, expand=1) self.frameTw.rowconfigure(0, weight=1) # Weight 1 sur un layout grid, sans ça le composant ne changera pas de taille en cas de resize self.frameTw.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) # Weight 1 sur un layout grid, sans ça le composant ne changera pas de taille en cas de resize self.nbk.add(self.mainPageFrame, text="Main View ", image=self.main_tab_img, compound=tk.TOP, sticky='nsew') def searchbarSelectAll(self, _event): """ Callback to select all the text in searchbar Args: _event: not used but mandatory """ self.searchBar.select_range(0, 'end') self.searchBar.icursor('end') return "break" def boundToMousewheel(self, _event): """Called when the **command canvas** is on focus. Bind the command scrollbar button on linux to the command canvas Args: _event: not used but mandatory """ self.canvas.bind_all("<Button-4>", self._onMousewheelCommand) self.canvas.bind_all("<Button-5>", self._onMousewheelCommand) def unboundToMousewheel(self, _event): """Called when the **command canvas** is unfocused. Unbind the command scrollbar button on linux to the command canvas Args: _event: not used but mandatory""" self.canvas.unbind_all("<Button-4>") self.canvas.unbind_all("<Button-5>") def boundToMousewheelMain(self, _event): """Called when the **main view canvas** is focused. Bind the main view scrollbar button on linux to the main view canvas Args: _event: not used but mandatory""" self.canvas.bind_all("<Button-4>", self._onMousewheelMain) self.canvas.bind_all("<Button-5>", self._onMousewheelMain) def unboundToMousewheelMain(self, _event): """Called when the **main view canvas** is unfocused. Unbind the main view scrollbar button on linux to the main view canvas Args: _event: not used but mandatory""" self.canvasMain.unbind_all("<Button-4>") self.canvasMain.unbind_all("<Button-5>") def _onMousewheelMain(self, event): """Called when a scroll occurs. boundToMousewheelMain must be called first. Performs the scroll on the main canvas. Args: event: Holds info on scroll within and event.num""" if event.num == 5 or == -120: count = 1 if event.num == 4 or == 120: count = -1 self.canvasMain.yview_scroll(count, "units") def _onMousewheelCommand(self, event): """Called when a scroll occurs. boundToMousewheel must be called first. Performs the scroll on the command canvas. Args: event: Holds info on scroll within and event.num""" if event.num == 5 or == -120: count = 1 if event.num == 4 or == 120: count = -1 self.canvas.yview_scroll(count, "units") def scrollFrameMainFunc(self, _event): """make the main canvas scrollable""" self.canvasMain.configure(scrollregion=self.canvasMain.bbox("all"), width=20, height=200) def scrollFrameFunc(self, _event): """make the command canvas scrollable""" self.canvas.configure(scrollregion=self.canvas.bbox("all"), width=20, height=200) def initCommandsView(self): """Populate the command tab menu view frame with cool widgets""" self.commandsPageFrame = ttk.Frame(self.nbk) self.commandPaned = tk.PanedWindow(self.commandsPageFrame, height=800) self.commandsFrameTw = ttk.Frame(self.commandPaned) self.canvas = tk.Canvas(self.commandPaned, bg="white") self.commandsFrameTw.pack(expand=True) self.commandsViewFrame = ttk.Frame(self.canvas) self.myscrollbarCommand = tk.Scrollbar(self.commandPaned, orient="vertical", command=self.canvas.yview) self.myscrollbarCommand.pack(side="right", fill=tk.BOTH) self.canvas.bind('<Enter>', self.boundToMousewheel) self.canvas.bind('<Leave>', self.unboundToMousewheel) self.canvas.bind('<Configure>', self.resizeCanvasFrame) self.canvas.pack(side="left", fill="both", expand=True) self.canvas_frame = self.canvas.create_window((0, 0), window=self.commandsViewFrame, anchor='nw') self.commandsViewFrame.bind("<Configure>", self.scrollFrameFunc) self.canvas.configure(yscrollcommand=self.myscrollbarCommand.set) self.commandsTreevw = CommandsTreeview(self, self.commandsFrameTw) scbVSel = ttk.Scrollbar(self.commandsFrameTw, orient=tk.VERTICAL, command=self.commandsTreevw.yview) self.commandsTreevw.configure(yscrollcommand=scbVSel.set) self.commandsTreevw.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=tk.NSEW) scbVSel.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=tk.NS) self.commandPaned.add(self.commandsFrameTw) self.commandPaned.add(self.canvas) self.commandPaned.pack(fill=tk.BOTH, expand=1) self.commandsFrameTw.rowconfigure(0, weight=1) # Weight 1 sur un layout grid, sans ça le composant ne changera pas de taille en cas de resize self.commandsFrameTw.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) # Weight 1 sur un layout grid, sans ça le composant ne changera pas de taille en cas de resize self.nbk.bind("<<NotebookTabChanged>>", self.tabSwitch) self.nbk.add(self.commandsPageFrame, text="Commands", image=self.commands_tab_img, compound=tk.TOP) def resizeCanvasFrame(self, event): canvas_width = event.width self.canvas.itemconfig(self.canvas_frame, width=canvas_width) def resizeCanvasMainFrame(self, event): canvas_width = event.width self.canvasMain.itemconfig(self.canvas_main_frame, width=canvas_width) def showSearchHelp(self, _event=None): """Called when the searchbar help button is clicked. Display a floating help window with examples Args: _event: not used but mandatory """ if self.helpFrame is None: x, y = self.btnHelp.winfo_rootx(), self.btnHelp.winfo_rooty() self.helpFrame = FloatingHelpWindow(410, 400, x-380, y+40, self) else: self.helpFrame.destroy() self.helpFrame = None def tabSwitch(self, event): """Called when the user click on the tab menu to switch tab. Add a behaviour before the tab switches. Args: event : hold informations to identify which tab was clicked. """ tabName =, "text").strip() self.searchBar.quit() if tabName == "Commands": self.commandsTreevw.initUI() mongoInstance = MongoCalendar.getInstance() if not mongoInstance.hasACalendarOpen(): opened = self.promptCalendarName() if opened is None: return if tabName == "Scan": if mongoInstance.calendarName is not None: if mongoInstance.calendarName != "": if != 'nt': # Disable on windows # if self.scanManager is None: # self.scanManager = ScanManager(mongoInstance.calendarName, self.settings) self.scanManager.initUI(self.scanViewFrame) else: lbl = ttk.Label(self.scanViewFrame, text="Disabled on windows because celery does not support it.") lbl.pack() elif tabName == "Settings": self.settings.reloadUI() else: for module in self.modules: if tabName.strip().lower() == module["name"].strip().lower(): module["object"].open() event.widget.winfo_children()[event.widget.index("current")].update() def initSettingsView(self): """Add the settings view frame to the notebook widget and initialize its UI.""" self.settingViewFrame = ttk.Frame(self.nbk) self.settings.initUI(self.settingViewFrame) self.settingViewFrame.pack(fill=tk.BOTH, expand=1) self.nbk.add(self.settingViewFrame, text=" Settings ", image=self.settings_tab_img, compound=tk.TOP) def initScanView(self): """Add the scan view frame to the notebook widget. This does not initialize it as it needs a database to be opened.""" self.scanViewFrame = ttk.Frame(self.nbk) self.nbk.add(self.scanViewFrame, text=" Scan ", image=self.scan_tab_img, compound=tk.TOP) def initUI(self): """ initialize all the main windows objects. (Bar Menu, contextual menu, treeview, editing pane) """ self.nbk = ttk.Notebook(self.parent) self.statusbar = StatusBar(self.parent, Settings.getTags(), self) self.statusbar.pack(fill=tk.X) self.nbk.enable_traversal() self.initMainView() self.initCommandsView() self.initScanView() self.initSettingsView() for module in self.modules: module["view"] = ttk.Frame(self.nbk) self.nbk.add(module["view"], text=module["name"],image=module["img"],compound=tk.TOP) self._initMenuBar() self.nbk.pack(fill=tk.BOTH, expand=1) def newSearch(self, _event=None): """Called when the searchbar is validated (click on search button or enter key pressed). Perform a filter on the main treeview. Args: _event: not used but mandatory""" filterStr = self.searchBar.get() self.settings.reloadSettings() success = self.treevw.filterTreeview(filterStr, self.settings) self.searchMode = (success and filterStr.strip() != "") if success: histo_filters = self.settings.local_settings.get("histo_filters", []) if filterStr.strip() != "": histo_filters.insert(0, filterStr) if len(histo_filters) > 10: histo_filters = histo_filters[:10] self.settings.local_settings["histo_filters"] = histo_filters self.settings.saveLocalSettings() if self.helpFrame is not None: self.helpFrame.destroy() self.helpFrame = None def statusbarClicked(self, name): """Called when a button in the statusbar tag is clicked. filter the treeview to match the status bar tag clicked and enforce select of main view Args: name: not used but mandatory""" # get the index of the mouse click self.searchMode = True self.treevw.filterTreeview("\""+name+"\" in tags") def resetButtonClicked(self): """ Called when the reset button of the status bar is clicked. """ self.searchMode = False self.searchBar.reset() self.treevw.unfilter() def refreshView(self, _event=None): """ Reload the currently opened tab Args: _event: not used but mandatory """ setViewOn = None nbkOpenedTab =, "text").strip() activeTw = None if nbkOpenedTab == "Main View": activeTw = self.treevw elif nbkOpenedTab == "Commands": activeTw = self.commandsTreevw elif nbkOpenedTab == "Scan": self.scanManager.initUI(self.scanViewFrame) elif nbkOpenedTab == "Settings": self.settings.reloadUI() else: for module in self.modules: if nbkOpenedTab.strip().lower() == module["name"].strip().lower(): module["object"].open() if activeTw is not None: if len(activeTw.selection()) == 1: setViewOn = activeTw.selection()[0] activeTw.refresh() if setViewOn is not None: try: activeTw.see(setViewOn) activeTw.focus(setViewOn) activeTw.selection_set(setViewOn) activeTw.openModifyWindowOf(setViewOn) except tk.TclError: pass def resetUnfinishedTools(self): """ Reset all running tools to a ready state. """ mongoInstance = MongoCalendar.getInstance() if mongoInstance.hasACalendarOpen(): Utils.resetUnfinishedTools() self.statusbar.reset() self.treevw.load() def exportCalendar(self): """ Dump a pentest database to an archive file gunzip. """ mongoInstance = MongoCalendar.getInstance() dialog = ChildDialogCombo(self, mongoInstance.listCalendars()[::-1], "Choose a database to dump:") self.wait_window( if isinstance(dialog.rvalue, str): mongoInstance.dumpDb(dialog.rvalue) def exportCommands(self): """ Dump pollenisator from database to an archive file gunzip. """ mongoInstance = MongoCalendar.getInstance() mongoInstance.dumpDb("pollenisator", "commands") mongoInstance.dumpDb("pollenisator", "group_commands") tkinter.messagebox.showinfo( "Export pollenisator database", "Export completed in exports/pollenisator_commands.gzip and exports/pollenisator_group_commands.gzip") def importCalendar(self, name=None): """ Import a calendar archive file gunzip to database. Args: name: The filename of the gunzip database exported previously """ mongoInstance = MongoCalendar.getInstance() filename = "" if name is None: f = tkinter.filedialog.askopenfilename(defaultextension=".gzip") if f is None: # asksaveasfile return `None` if dialog closed with "cancel". return filename = str(f) else: filename = name mongoInstance.importDatabase(filename) def importCommands(self, name=None): """ Import a pollenisator archive file gunzip to database. Args: name: The filename of the gunzip command table exported previously Returns: None if name is None and filedialog is closed True if commands successfully are imported False otherwise. """ filename = "" if name is None: f = tkinter.filedialog.askopenfilename(defaultextension=".gzip") if f is None: # asksaveasfile return `None` if dialog closed with "cancel". return filename = str(f) else: filename = name try: mongoInstance = MongoCalendar.getInstance() mongoInstance.importCommands(filename) self.commandsTreevw.refresh() except IOError: tkinter.messagebox.showerror( "Import commands", "Import failed. "+str(filename)+" was not found or is not a file.") return False tkinter.messagebox.showinfo( "Import commands", "Import of "+filename+" completed") return True def onExit(self): """ Exit the application """ self.onClosing() def promptCalendarName(self, _event=None): """ Ask a user to select an pentest database including a New database option. Args: _event: Not used but mandatory Returns: None if no database were selected datababase name otherwise """ mongoInstance = MongoCalendar.getInstance() calendars = mongoInstance.listCalendars() if calendars is None: calendars = [] dialog = ChildDialogCombo(self, ["New database"]+calendars[::-1], "Please select a database") self.wait_window( if dialog.rvalue is None: return None if isinstance(dialog.rvalue, str): if dialog.rvalue == "New database": self.selectNewCalendar() else: self.openCalendar(dialog.rvalue) return dialog.rvalue def deleteACalendar(self): """ Ask a user a calendar name then delete it. """ mongoInstance = MongoCalendar.getInstance() dialog = ChildDialogCombo( self, mongoInstance.listCalendars()[::-1], "Choose a database to delete:") self.wait_window( if isinstance(dialog.rvalue, str): calendarName = dialog.rvalue ret = tkinter.messagebox.askokcancel( "Delete tools on server", "Do you also want to delete resulting tool files on server sftp ?") if ret: self.removeFiles(calendarName) ret = tkinter.messagebox.askokcancel( "The document will be deleted", "You are going to delete permanently the database \""+calendarName+"\". Are you sure ?") if ret: mongoInstance.doDeleteCalendar(calendarName) self.treevw.deleteState(calendarName) def newCalendar(self, calendarName): """ Register the given calendar name into database and opens it. Args: calendarName: The pentest database name to register in database. """ succeed = False if calendarName is not None: mongoInstance = MongoCalendar.getInstance() succeed = mongoInstance.registerCalendar(calendarName, True, True) return succeed def selectNewCalendar(self): """ Ask a user for a new calendar name. Then creates it. """ validCalendar = False default = {} while not validCalendar: dialog = ChildDialogNewCalendar(self.parent, default) self.wait_window( if isinstance(dialog.rvalue, dict): default = dialog.rvalue dbName = dialog.rvalue["name"] pentest_type = dialog.rvalue["type"] start_date = dialog.rvalue["start"] end_date = dialog.rvalue["end"] scope = dialog.rvalue["scope"] settings = dialog.rvalue["settings"] pentesters = dialog.rvalue["pentesters"] validCalendar = self.newCalendar(dbName) if validCalendar: self.openCalendar(dbName) dialog = ChildDialogInfo( self.parent, "New database created", "Database setup ...") self.prepareCalendar(dbName, pentest_type, start_date, end_date, scope, settings, pentesters) dialog.destroy() else: return def prepareCalendar(self, dbName, pentest_type, start_date, end_date, scope, settings, pentesters): """ Initiate a pentest database with wizard info Args: dbName: the database name pentest_type: a pentest type choosen from settings pentest_types. Used to select commands that will be launched by default start_date: a begining date and time for the pentest end_date: ending date and time for the pentest scope: a list of scope valid string (IP, network IP or host name) settings: a dict of settings with keys: * "Add domains whose IP are in scope": if 1, will do a dns lookup on new domains and check if found IP is in scope * "Add domains who have a parent domain in scope": if 1, will add a new domain if a parent domain is in scope * "Add all domains found": Unsafe. if 1, all new domains found by tools will be considered in scope. """ commands = Command.getList({"$or":[{"types":{"$elemMatch":{"$eq":pentest_type}}}, {"types":{"$elemMatch":{"$eq":"Commun"}}}]}) if not commands: commandslist = Command.getList() if not commandslist: dialog = ChildDialogQuestion(self.parent, "No command found", "There is no registered command in the database. Would you like to import the default set?") self.parent.wait_window( if dialog.rvalue != "Yes": return default = os.path.join(Utils.getMainDir(), "exports/pollenisator_commands.gzip") res = self.importCommands(default) if res: default = os.path.join(Utils.getMainDir(), "exports/pollenisator_group_commands.gzip") res = self.importCommands(default) commands = Command.getList({"$or":[{"types":{"$elemMatch":{"$eq":pentest_type}}}, {"types":{"$elemMatch":{"$eq":"Commun"}}}]}) #Duplicate commands in local database allcommands = Command.fetchObjects({}) for command in allcommands: command.indb = MongoCalendar.getInstance().calendarName command.addInDb() Wave().initialize(dbName, commands).addInDb() Interval().initialize(dbName, start_date, end_date).addInDb() values = {"wave":dbName, "Scopes":scope, "Settings":False} ScopeController(Scope()).doInsert(values) self.settings.reloadSettings() self.settings.db_settings["pentest_type"] = pentest_type self.settings.db_settings["include_domains_with_ip_in_scope"] = settings['Add domains whose IP are in scope'] == 1 self.settings.db_settings["include_domains_with_topdomain_in_scope"] = settings["Add domains who have a parent domain in scope"] == 1 self.settings.db_settings["include_all_domains"] = settings["Add all domains found"] == 1 self.settings.db_settings["pentesters"] = list(map(lambda x: x.strip(), pentesters.split("\n"))) def openCalendar(self, filename=""): """ Open the given database name. Loads it in treeview. Args: filename: the pentest database name to load in application. If "" is given (default), will refresh the already opened database if there is one. """ print("Start monitoring") calendarName = None mongoInstance = MongoCalendar.getInstance() if filename == "" and mongoInstance.hasACalendarOpen(): calendarName = mongoInstance.calendarName elif filename != "": calendarName = filename.split(".")[0].split("/")[-1] if calendarName is not None: if self.scanManager is not None: self.scanManager.stop() if self.notifications_timers is not None: self.notifications_timers.cancel() self.notifications_timers = None mongoInstance.connectToDb(calendarName) for widget in self.viewframe.winfo_children(): widget.destroy() for module in self.modules: module["object"].initUI(module["view"], self.nbk, self.treevw) self.statusbar.reset() self.treevw.refresh() if != "nt": # On windows celery 4.X is not managed self.scanManager = ScanManager(self.nbk, self.treevw, mongoInstance.calendarName, self.settings) self.notifications_timers = threading.Timer( 0.5, self.readNotifications) self.notifications_timers.start() def wrapCopyDb(self, _event=None): """ Call default copy database from a callback event. Args: _event: not used but mandatory """ mongoInstance = MongoCalendar.getInstance() mongoInstance.copyDb()