def editScopeIPs(hostsInfos): """ Add all the ips and theirs ports found after parsing the file to the scope object in database. Args: hostsInfos: the dictionnary with ips as keys and a list of dictionnary containing ports informations as value. """ # Check if any ip has been found. if hostsInfos is not None: for infos in hostsInfos: tags = [] if infos.get("powned", False): tags.append("P0wned!") infosToAdd = {} OS = infos.get("OS", "") if OS != "": infosToAdd["OS"] = OS creds = infos.get("creds", "") if creds != "": infosToAdd["creds"] = creds powned = infos.get("powned", False) if powned: infosToAdd["powned"] = "True" ip_m = Ip().initialize(str(infos["ip"])) res, iid = ip_m.addInDb() if not res: ip_m = Ip.fetchObject({"_id": iid}) infosToAdd["hostname"] = list( set(ip_m.infos.get("hostname", []) + [infos["hostname"]])) ip_m.notes = "hostname:" + \ infos["hostname"] + "\n"+infos.get("OS", "") ip_m.tags = tags ip_m.update() port_m = Port().initialize(str(infos["ip"]), str(infos["port"]), "tcp", "netbios-ssn") res, iid = port_m.addInDb() if not res: port_m = Port.fetchObject({"_id": iid}) port_m.updateInfos(infosToAdd) port_m.tags = tags port_m.update()
def getIpPortsNmap(nmapFile): """ Read the given nmap .nmap file results and return a dictionnary with ips and a list of their open ports. Args: nmapFile: the path to the .nmap file generated by an nmap scan Returns: notes about inseted ip and ports """ notes = "" countOpen = 0 all_text = lines = all_text.split("\n") if len(lines) <= 3: # print("Not enough lines to be nmap") return None if not lines[0].startswith("# Nmap"): # print("Not starting with # Nmap") return None if "scan initiated" not in lines[0]: # print("Not scan initiated on first line") return None if "# Nmap done at" not in lines[-1]: # print("Not # Nmap done at at the end : "+str(lines[-1])) return None ipCIDR_m = None ipDom_m = None for line in lines: # Search ip in file # match an ip ip = r"^Nmap scan report for (\S+)(?: \(((?:[0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3})\))?$", line) if ip is not None: # regex match lastIp = [, if is not None else "" ] notes_ip = "ip:" + \ str(lastIp[1]) if lastIp[1] != "" and lastIp[1] is not None else "" ipCIDR_m = Ip().initialize(str(lastIp[0]), notes=notes_ip) if lastIp[1].strip() != "" and lastIp[1] is not None: ipDom_m = Ip().initialize(str(lastIp[1]), notes="domain:" + str(lastIp[0])) else: ipDom_m = None if " open " in line: if ipCIDR_m is None: # Probably a gnmap return None notes += line + "\n" # regex to find open ports in gnmap file port_search = r"^(\d+)\/(\S+)\s+open\s+(\S+)(?: +(.+))?$", line) if port_search is not None: port_number = str( proto = str( service = "unknown" if str( == "" else str( product = str( # a port unique key is its protocole/number. countOpen += 1 validIps = [] if ipCIDR_m is not None: ipCIDR_m.addInDb() validIps.append(ipCIDR_m.ip) if ipDom_m is not None: res, iid = ipDom_m.addInDb() if not res: ipDom_m = Ip.fetchObject({"_id": iid}) ipDom_m.updateInfos({ "hostname": list( set( list(ipDom_m.infos.get("hostname", [])) + [str(ipCIDR_m.ip)])) }) validIps.append(ipDom_m.ip) for ipFound in validIps: if ip == "": continue port_o = Port().initialize(ipFound, port_number, proto, service, product) res_insert, iid = port_o.addInDb() if not res_insert: port_o = Port.fetchObject({"_id": iid}) port_o.service = service port_o.update() notes = str(countOpen) + " open ports found\n" + notes return notes