def __init__(self, dynamics, u_open_loop, t_open_loop): """__init__ Create controller Arguments: dynamics {dynamical system} -- dynamics for the controller u_open_loop {numpy array [Nu,Nt]} -- open loop time series t_open_loop {numpy array [Nt,} -- time vector """ Controller.__init__(self, dynamics) self.u_open_loop = u_open_loop self.t_open_loop = t_open_loop self.m = u_open_loop.shape[1]
def __init__(self, bilinear_dynamics, output, lin_controller_gain): """Create an FBLinController object. Policy is u = (act)^-1 * (aux), where drift and act are components of drift vector and actuation matrix corresponding to highest-order derivatives of each output coordinate and aux is an auxilliary linear controller. Inputs: Bilinear dynamics, fb_lin_dynamics: FBLinDynamics Auxilliary linear controller, linear_controller: LinearController """ Controller.__init__(self, bilinear_dynamics) self.dynamics = bilinear_dynamics self.output = output self.lin_controller_gain = lin_controller_gain self.u_prev = zeros(self.dynamics.m)
def __init__(self, dynamics, nom_controller, pert_noise_var, const_offset=0, umin=None, umax=None): """Create a PDController object. Policy is u = -K_p * e_p - K_d * e_d, where e_p and e_d are propotional and derivative components of error. Inputs: Dynamics, dynamics: Dynamics Nominal controller, controller: Controller """ Controller.__init__(self, dynamics) self.nom_controller = nom_controller self.pert_noise_var = pert_noise_var self.const_offset = const_offset self.umin = umin self.umax = umax
def __init__(self, lifted_linear_dynamics, N, dt, umin, umax, xmin, xmax, Q, R, QN, q_d, const_offset=None, terminal_constraint=False, add_slack=False): """__init__ Create an MPC controller Arguments: lifted_linear_dynamics {LinearLiftedDynamics} -- Lifted linear continuous-time dynamics N {integer} -- MPC prediction horizon, number of timesteps dt {float} -- time step in seconds umin {numpy array [Nu,]} -- minimum control bound umax {numpy array [Nu,]} -- maximum control bound xmin {numpy array [Ns,]} -- minimum state bound xmax {numpy array [Ns,]} -- maximum state bound Q {numpy array [Ns,Ns]} -- state cost matrix R {numpy array [Nu,Nu]} -- control cost matrix QN {numpy array [Ns,]} -- final state cost xr {numpy array [Ns,]} -- reference trajectory """ Controller.__init__(self, lifted_linear_dynamics) self.dynamics_object = lifted_linear_dynamics self.dt = dt if lifted_linear_dynamics.continuous_mdl: Ac = lifted_linear_dynamics.A Bc = lifted_linear_dynamics.B [self.nx,] = Bc.shape lin_model_d = cont2discrete( (Ac, Bc, np.eye(self.nx), np.zeros((, 1))), dt) self._osqp_Ad = sparse.csc_matrix(lin_model_d[0]) self._osqp_Bd = sparse.csc_matrix(lin_model_d[1]) else: self._osqp_Ad = lifted_linear_dynamics.A self._osqp_Bd = lifted_linear_dynamics.B [self.nx,] = self._osqp_Bd.shape self.C = lifted_linear_dynamics.C self.Q = Q self.QN = QN self.R = R self.N = N self.xmin = xmin self.xmax = xmax self.umin = umin self.umax = umax if const_offset is None: self.const_offset = np.zeros( else: self.const_offset = const_offset # Total desired path self.q_d = q_d self.ns = q_d.shape[0] if self.q_d.ndim == 2: # Add copies of the final state in the desired trajectory to enable prediction beyond trajectory horizon: self.q_d = np.hstack([ self.q_d, np.transpose(np.tile(self.q_d[:, -1], (self.N + 1, 1))) ]) self.terminal_constraint = terminal_constraint self.add_slack = add_slack # Initialize OSQP MPC Problem: self.build_objective_() self.build_constraints_() self.prob = osqp.OSQP() self.prob.setup(self._osqp_P, self._osqp_q, self._osqp_A, self._osqp_l, self._osqp_u, warm_start=True, verbose=False) self._osqp_result = None self.comp_time = []
def __init__(self, linear_dynamics, N, dt, umin, umax, xmin, xmax, Q, R, QN, xr, plotMPC=False, plotMPC_filename="", lifting=False, edmd_object=None, name="noname", soft=False, D=None): """Create an MPC Controller object. Sizes: - N: number of timesteps for predictions - Nqd: number of timesteps of the desired trajectory - nx: number of states (original or lifted) - ns: number or original states - nu: number of control inputs Inputs: - initilized linear_dynamics, LinearSystemDynamics object. It takes Ac and Bc from it. - number of timesteps, N, integer - time step, dt, float - minimum control, umin, numpy 1d array [nu,] - maximum control, umax, numpy 1d array [nu,] - minimum state, xmin, numpy 1d array [ns,] - maximum state, xmax, numpy 1d array [ns,] - state cost matrix Q, sparse numpy 2d array [ns,ns]. In practice it is always diagonal. - control cost matrix, R, sparse numpy 2d array [nu,nu]. In practice it is always diagonal. - final state cost matrix, QN, sparse numpy 2d array [ns,ns]. In practice it is always diagonal. - reference state trajectory, xr, numpy 2d array [ns,Nqd] OR numpy 1d array [ns,] (Optional) - flag to plot MPC thoughts, plotMPC=False, boolean - filename to save the previosu plot, plotMPC_filename="", string - flag to use or not lifting, lifting=False, boolean - object to store the eDMD data, edmd_object=Edmd(). It has been initialized. s """ Controller.__init__(self, linear_dynamics) # Load arguments Ac, Bc = linear_dynamics.linear_system() [nx, nu] = Bc.shape ns = xr.shape[0] self.dt = dt self.plotMPC = plotMPC self.plotMPC_filename = plotMPC_filename self.verbose = False self.q_d = xr self.Q = Q self.R = R self.lifting = lifting self.soft = soft = nu self.nx = nx self.ns = ns #Discretize dynamics: self.dt = dt if lifting: self.C = edmd_object.C self.edmd_object = edmd_object else: self.C = sparse.eye(ns) lin_model_d = sp.signal.cont2discrete((Ac, Bc, self.C, zeros((ns, 1))), dt) Ad = sparse.csc_matrix( lin_model_d[0]) #TODO: If bad behavior, delete this Bd = sparse.csc_matrix( lin_model_d[1]) #TODO: If bad behavior, delete this # Total desired path if self.q_d.ndim == 2: self.Nqd = self.q_d.shape[1] xr = self.q_d[:, :N] # Prediction horizon self.N = N x0 = np.zeros(nx) self.run_time = np.zeros([ 0, ]) self.xr = self.q_d[:, :N] Rbd = sparse.kron(sparse.eye(N), R) Qbd = sparse.kron(sparse.eye(N), Q) Bbd = block_diag(Bd, nu).tocoo() # Check Xmin and Xmax if xmin.shape[ 0] == ns and xmin.ndim == 1: # it is a single vector we tile it x_min_flat = np.kron(np.ones(N), xmin) x_max_flat = np.kron(np.ones(N), xmax) elif xmin.shape[0] == ns * N: # if it is a long vector it is ok x_min_flat = xmin x_max_flat = xmax elif xmin.shape[0] == ns and xmin.shape[ 1] == N: # if it is a block we flatten it x_min_flat = np.reshape(xmin, (N * ns, ), order='F') x_max_flat = np.reshape(xmax, (N * ns, ), order='F') else: raise ValueError('xmin has wrong dimensions. xmin shape={}'.format( xmin.shape)) self.x_min_flat = x_min_flat self.x_max_flat = x_max_flat # Check Umin and Umax if umin.shape[0] == nu and umin.ndim == 1: u_min_flat = np.kron(np.ones(N), umin) u_max_flat = np.kron(np.ones(N), umax) elif umin.shape[0] == nu * N: u_min_flat = umin u_max_flat = umax elif umin.shape[0] == nu and umin.shape[1] == N: u_min_flat = np.reshape(umin, (N * nu, ), order='F') u_max_flat = np.reshape(umax, (N * nu, ), order='F') else: raise ValueError('umin has wrong dimensions. Umin shape={}'.format( umin.shape)) self.u_min_flat = u_min_flat self.u_max_flat = u_max_flat #! GET a & b # Write B: diag_AkB = Bd data_list = row_list = Bbd.row col_list = Bbd.col B = sparse.coo_matrix for i in range(N): if i < N - 1: AkB_bd_temp = block_diag(diag_AkB, N - i) else: AkB_bd_temp = diag_AkB.tocoo() data_list = np.hstack([data_list,]) row_list = np.hstack([ row_list, AkB_bd_temp.row + np.full( (AkB_bd_temp.row.shape[0], ), nx * i) ]) col_list = np.hstack([col_list, AkB_bd_temp.col]) diag_AkB = B = sparse.coo_matrix((data_list, (row_list, col_list)), shape=(N * nx, N * nu)) a = Ad.copy() Ak = Ad.copy() for i in range(N - 1): Ak = a = sparse.vstack([a, Ak]) self.a = a self.B = B # check_ab = True # if check_ab: # x0 = np.linspace(-5,40,nx) # x00 = np.linspace(-5,40,nx) # # Store data Init # nsim = N # xst = np.zeros((nx,nsim)) # ust = np.zeros((nu,nsim)) # # Simulate in closed loop # for i in range(nsim): # # Fake pd controller # ctrl = np.zeros(nu,) #np.random.rand(nu,) # x0 = + # # Store Data # xst[:,i] = x0 # ust[:,i] = ctrl # x_dense = np.reshape(a @ x00 + B @ (ust.flatten('F')),(N,nx)).T # plt.figure() # plt.subplot(2,1,1) # for i in range(nx): # plt.plot(range(nsim),xst[i,:],'d',label="sim "+str(i)) # plt.plot(range(nsim),x_dense[i,:],'d',label="ax+bu "+str(i)) # plt.xlabel('Time(s)') # plt.grid() # plt.legend() # plt.subplot(2,1,2) # for i in range(nu): # plt.plot(range(nsim),ust[i,:],label=str(i)) # plt.xlabel('Time(s)') # plt.grid() # plt.legend() # plt.savefig("AB_check_for_"+name+".png",bbox_inches='tight') # plt.close() # Cast MPC problem to a QP: x = (x(0),x(1),...,x(N),u(0),...,u(N-1)) if (self.lifting): # Compute Block Diagonal elements self.Cbd = sparse.kron(sparse.eye(N), self.C) CQCbd = self.Cbd.T @ Qbd @ self.Cbd self.CtQ = self.C.T @ Q Cbd = self.Cbd P = Rbd + B.T @ CQCbd @ B self.BTQbda = B.T @ CQCbd @ a Aineq_x = Cbd @ B xrQB = B.T @ np.reshape(, (N * nx, ), order='F') l = np.hstack([x_min_flat - Cbd @ a @ x0, u_min_flat]) u = np.hstack([x_max_flat - Cbd @ a @ x0, u_max_flat]) else: # - quadratic objective P = Rbd + B.T @ Qbd @ B self.BTQbda = B.T @ Qbd @ a xrQB = B.T @ np.reshape(, (N * nx, ), order='F') Aineq_x = B l = np.hstack([x_min_flat - a @ x0, u_min_flat]) u = np.hstack([x_max_flat - a @ x0, u_max_flat]) x0aQb = self.BTQbda @ x0 self.Cbda = Cbd @ a self.BQxr = self.B.T @ np.reshape(, (N * nx, ), order='F') q = x0aQb - xrQB Aineq_u = sparse.eye(N * nu) A = sparse.vstack([Aineq_x, Aineq_u]).tocsc() if soft: Pdelta = sparse.kron(sparse.eye(N), D) P = sparse.block_diag([P, Pdelta]) qdelta = np.zeros(N * ns) q = np.hstack([q, qdelta]) Adelta = sparse.csc_matrix( np.vstack([np.eye(N * ns), np.zeros((N * nu, N * ns))])) A = sparse.hstack([A, Adelta]) # plot_matrices = True # if plot_matrices: # #! Visualize Matrices # fig = plt.figure() # fig.suptitle("QP Matrices to solve MP in dense form. N={}, nx={}, nu={}".format(N,nx,nu),fontsize=20) # plt.subplot(2,4,1,xlabel="Ns*(N+1)", ylabel="Ns*(N+1)") # plt.imshow(a.toarray(), interpolation='nearest', cmap=cm.Greys_r) # plt.title("a in $x=ax_0+bu$") # plt.subplot(2,4,2,xlabel="Ns*(N+1)", ylabel="Nu*N") # plt.imshow(B.toarray(), interpolation='nearest', cmap=cm.Greys_r) # plt.title("b in $x=ax_0+bu$") # plt.subplot(2,4,3,xlabel="ns*(N+1) + ns*(N+1) + nu*N", ylabel="Ns*(N+1)+Nu*N") # plt.imshow(A.toarray(), interpolation='nearest', cmap=cm.Greys_r) # plt.title("A total in $l\\leq Ax \\geq u$") # plt.subplot(2,4,4) # plt.imshow(P.toarray(), interpolation='nearest', cmap=cm.Greys_r) # plt.title("P in $J=u^TPu+q^Tu$") # plt.subplot(2,4,5) # plt.imshow(Qbd.toarray(), interpolation='nearest', cmap=cm.Greys_r) # plt.title("Qbd") # #! Visualize Vectors # plt.subplot(2,4,6) # plt.plot(l) # plt.title('l in $l\\leq Ax \\geq u$') # plt.grid() # plt.subplot(2,4,7) # plt.plot(u) # plt.title("l in $l\\leq Ax \\geq u$") # plt.grid() # plt.subplot(2,4,8) # plt.plot(q) # plt.title("q in $J=u^TPu+q^Tu$") # plt.grid() # plt.tight_layout() # plt.savefig("MPC_matrices_for_"+name+".png",bbox_inches='tight') # plt.close() self.osqp_size = P.shape[0] # Create an OSQP object self.prob = osqp.OSQP() # Setup workspace self.prob.setup(P=P.tocsc(), q=q, A=A, l=l, u=u, warm_start=True, verbose=self.verbose) if self.plotMPC: # Figure to plot MPC thoughts self.fig, self.axs = plt.subplots(self.ns + if nx == 4: ylabels = [ '$x$', '$\\theta$', '$\\dot{x}$', '$\\dot{\\theta}$' ] else: ylabels = [str(i) for i in range(nx)] for ii in range(self.ns): self.axs[ii].set(xlabel='Time(s)', ylabel=ylabels[ii]) self.axs[ii].grid() for ii in range(self.ns, self.ns + self.axs[ii].set(xlabel='Time(s)', ylabel='u') self.axs[ii].grid()
def __init__(self, linear_dynamics, N, dt, umin, umax, xmin, xmax, Q, R, QN, xr, plotMPC=False, plotMPC_filename="", lifting=False, edmd_object=None, name="noname", soft=False, D=None): """__init__ [summary] Arguments: linear_dynamics {dynamical sytem} -- it contains the A and B matrices in continous time N {integer} -- number of timesteps dt {float} -- time step in seconds umin {numpy array [Nu,]} -- minimum control bound umax {numpy array [Nu,]} -- maximum control bound xmin {numpy array [Ns,]} -- minimum state bound xmax {numpy array [Ns,]} -- maximum state bound Q {numpy array [Ns,Ns]} -- state cost matrix R {numpy array [Nu,Nu]} -- control cost matrix QN {numpy array [Ns,]} -- final state cost xr {numpy array [Ns,]} -- reference trajectory Keyword Arguments: plotMPC {bool} -- flag to plot results (default: {False}) plotMPC_filename {str} -- plotting filename (default: {""}) lifting {bool} -- flag to use state lifting (default: {False}) edmd_object {edmd object} -- lifting object. It contains projection matrix and lifting function (default: {Edmd()}) name {str} -- name for all saved files (default: {"noname"}) soft {bool} -- flag to enable soft constraints (default: {False}) D {[type]} -- cost matrix for the soft variables (default: {None}) """ Controller.__init__(self, linear_dynamics) # Load arguments Ac, Bc = linear_dynamics.linear_system() [nx, nu] = Bc.shape ns = xr.shape[0] #Discretize dynamics: self.dt = dt if lifting: self.C = edmd_object.C self.edmd_object = edmd_object else: self.C = sparse.eye(ns) lin_model_d = cont2discrete((Ac, Bc, self.C, zeros((ns, 1))), dt) Ad = sparse.csc_matrix( lin_model_d[0]) #TODO: If bad behavior, delete this Bd = sparse.csc_matrix( lin_model_d[1]) #TODO: If bad behavior, delete this self.plotMPC = plotMPC self.plotMPC_filename = plotMPC_filename self.q_d = xr self.Q = Q self.R = R self.lifting = lifting = nu self.nx = nx self.ns = ns self.soft = soft self.comp_time = [] # Total desired path if self.q_d.ndim == 2: self.Nqd = self.q_d.shape[1] xr = self.q_d[:, :N] # Prediction horizon self.N = N x0 = np.zeros(nx) self.run_time = np.zeros([ 0, ]) Rbd = sparse.kron(sparse.eye(N), R) Qbd = sparse.kron(sparse.eye(N), Q) Bbd = block_diag(Bd, nu).tocoo() # Check Xmin and Xmax if xmin.shape[ 0] == ns and xmin.ndim == 1: # it is a single vector we tile it x_min_flat = np.kron(np.ones(N), xmin) x_max_flat = np.kron(np.ones(N), xmax) elif xmin.shape[0] == ns * N: # if it is a long vector it is ok x_min_flat = xmin x_max_flat = xmax elif xmin.shape[0] == ns and xmin.shape[ 1] == N: # if it is a block we flatten it x_min_flat = np.reshape(xmin, (N * ns, ), order='F') x_max_flat = np.reshape(xmax, (N * ns, ), order='F') else: raise ValueError('xmin has wrong dimensions. xmin shape={}'.format( xmin.shape)) self.x_min_flat = x_min_flat self.x_max_flat = x_max_flat # Check Umin and Umax if umin.shape[0] == nu and umin.ndim == 1: u_min_flat = np.kron(np.ones(N), umin) u_max_flat = np.kron(np.ones(N), umax) elif umin.shape[0] == nu * N: u_min_flat = umin u_max_flat = umax elif umin.shape[0] == nu and umin.shape[1] == N: u_min_flat = np.reshape(umin, (N * nu, ), order='F') u_max_flat = np.reshape(umax, (N * nu, ), order='F') else: raise ValueError('umin has wrong dimensions. Umin shape={}'.format( umin.shape)) self.u_min_flat = u_min_flat self.u_max_flat = u_max_flat #! GET a & b # Write B: diag_AkB = Bd data_list = row_list = Bbd.row col_list = Bbd.col B = sparse.coo_matrix for i in range(N): if i < N - 1: AkB_bd_temp = block_diag(diag_AkB, N - i) else: AkB_bd_temp = diag_AkB.tocoo() data_list = np.hstack([data_list,]) row_list = np.hstack([ row_list, AkB_bd_temp.row + np.full( (AkB_bd_temp.row.shape[0], ), nx * i) ]) col_list = np.hstack([col_list, AkB_bd_temp.col]) diag_AkB = B = sparse.coo_matrix((data_list, (row_list, col_list)), shape=(N * nx, N * nu)) a = Ad.copy() Ak = Ad.copy() for i in range(N - 1): Ak = a = sparse.vstack([a, Ak]) self.a = a self.B = B check_ab = False if check_ab: x0 = np.linspace(-5, 40, nx) x00 = np.linspace(-5, 40, nx) # Store data Init nsim = N xst = np.zeros((nx, nsim)) ust = np.zeros((nu, nsim)) # Simulate in closed loop for i in range(nsim): # Fake pd controller ctrl = np.zeros(nu, ) #np.random.rand(nu,) x0 = + # Store Data xst[:, i] = x0 ust[:, i] = ctrl x_dense = np.reshape(a @ x00 + B @ (ust.flatten('F')), (N, nx)).T plt.figure() plt.subplot(2, 1, 1) for i in range(nx): plt.plot(range(nsim), xst[i, :], 'd', label="sim " + str(i)) plt.plot(range(nsim), x_dense[i, :], 'd', label="ax+bu " + str(i)) plt.xlabel('Time(s)') plt.grid() plt.legend() plt.subplot(2, 1, 2) for i in range(nu): plt.plot(range(nsim), ust[i, :], label=str(i)) plt.xlabel('Time(s)') plt.grid() plt.legend() plt.savefig("AB_check_for_" + name + ".pdf", bbox_inches='tight', format='pdf', dpi=2400) plt.close() # Cast MPC problem to a QP: x = (x(0),x(1),...,x(N),u(0),...,u(N-1)) # Compute Block Diagonal elements self.Cbd = sparse.kron(sparse.eye(N), self.C) CQCbd = self.Cbd.T @ Qbd @ self.Cbd self.CtQ = self.C.T @ Q Cbd = self.Cbd P = Rbd + B.T @ CQCbd @ B self.BTQbda = B.T @ CQCbd @ a Aineq_x = Cbd @ B xrQB = B.T @ np.reshape(, (N * nx, ), order='F') l = np.hstack([x_min_flat - Cbd @ a @ x0, u_min_flat]) u = np.hstack([x_max_flat - Cbd @ a @ x0, u_max_flat]) x0aQb = self.BTQbda @ x0 q = x0aQb - xrQB Aineq_u = sparse.eye(N * nu) A = sparse.vstack([Aineq_x, Aineq_u]).tocsc() if soft: Pdelta = sparse.kron(sparse.eye(N), D) P = sparse.block_diag([P, Pdelta]) qdelta = np.zeros(N * ns) q = np.hstack([q, qdelta]) Adelta = sparse.csc_matrix( np.vstack([np.eye(N * ns), np.zeros((N * nu, N * ns))])) A = sparse.hstack([A, Adelta]) plot_matrices = False if plot_matrices: #! Visualize Matrices fig = plt.figure() fig.suptitle( "QP Matrices to solve MP in dense form. N={}, nx={}, nu={}". format(N, nx, nu), fontsize=20) plt.subplot(2, 4, 1, xlabel="Ns*(N+1)", ylabel="Ns*(N+1)") plt.imshow(a.toarray(), interpolation='nearest', cmap=cm.Greys_r) plt.title("a in $x=ax_0+bu$") plt.subplot(2, 4, 2, xlabel="Ns*(N+1)", ylabel="Nu*N") plt.imshow(B.toarray(), interpolation='nearest', cmap=cm.Greys_r) plt.title("b in $x=ax_0+bu$") plt.subplot(2, 4, 3, xlabel="ns*(N+1) + ns*(N+1) + nu*N", ylabel="Ns*(N+1)+Nu*N") plt.imshow(A.toarray(), interpolation='nearest', cmap=cm.Greys_r) plt.title("A total in $l\\leq Ax \\geq u$") plt.subplot(2, 4, 4) plt.imshow(P.toarray(), interpolation='nearest', cmap=cm.Greys_r) plt.title("P in $J=u^TPu+q^Tu$") plt.subplot(2, 4, 5) plt.imshow(Qbd.toarray(), interpolation='nearest', cmap=cm.Greys_r) plt.title("Qbd") #! Visualize Vectors plt.subplot(2, 4, 6) plt.plot(l) plt.title('l in $l\\leq Ax \\geq u$') plt.grid() plt.subplot(2, 4, 7) plt.plot(u) plt.title("l in $l\\leq Ax \\geq u$") plt.grid() plt.subplot(2, 4, 8) plt.plot(q) plt.title("q in $J=u^TPu+q^Tu$") plt.grid() plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig("MPC_matrices_for_" + name + ".pdf", bbox_inches='tight', format='pdf', dpi=2400) plt.close() # Create an OSQP object self.prob = osqp.OSQP() # Setup workspace self.prob.setup(P=P.tocsc(), q=q, A=A, l=l, u=u, warm_start=True, verbose=False) if self.plotMPC: # Figure to plot MPC thoughts self.fig, self.axs = plt.subplots(self.ns + if nx == 4: ylabels = [ '$x$', '$\\theta$', '$\\dot{x}$', '$\\dot{\\theta}$' ] else: ylabels = [str(i) for i in range(nx)] for ii in range(self.ns): self.axs[ii].set(xlabel='Time(s)', ylabel=ylabels[ii]) self.axs[ii].grid() for ii in range(self.ns, self.ns + self.axs[ii].set(xlabel='Time(s)', ylabel='u') self.axs[ii].grid()
def __init__(self, dynamics, N, dt, umin, umax, xmin, xmax, Q, R, QN, xr, solver_settings, const_offset=None, terminal_constraint=False, add_slack=False, q_slack=1e3): """ Initialize the nonlinear mpc class. :param dynamics: (AffindeDynamics) dynamics object describing system dynamics :param N: (int) Prediction horizon in number of timesteps :param dt: (float) Time interval between time steps :param umin: (np.array) Actuation lower bounds :param umax: (np.array) Actuation upper bounds :param xmin: (np.array) State lower bounds :param xmax: (np.array) State upper bounds :param Q: (sparse.csc_matrix) State deviation penalty matrix :param R: (sparse.csc_matrix) Actuation penalty matrix :param QN: (sparse.csc_matrix) Terminal state deviation penalty matrix :param xr: (np.array) Desired state, setpoint :param const_offset: (np.array) Constant offset of the control inputs :param terminal_constraint: (boolean) Constrain terminal state to be xr :param add_slack: (boolean) Add slack variables to state constraints :param q_slack: (float) Penalty value of slack terms q||s||^2, where s are the slack variables """ Controller.__init__(self, dynamics) self.dynamics_object = dynamics self.nx = self.dynamics_object.n = self.dynamics_object.m self.dt = dt if type(self.dynamics_object) == BilinearLiftedDynamics: self.C = self.dynamics_object.C else: self.C = np.eye(self.nx) self.dynamics_object.lift = lambda x, t: x self.Q = Q self.QN = QN self.R = R self.N = N self.xmin = xmin self.xmax = xmax self.umin = umin self.umax = umax if const_offset is None: self.const_offset = np.zeros((, 1)) else: self.const_offset = const_offset assert xr.ndim == 1, 'Desired trajectory not supported' self.xr = xr self.ns = xr.shape[0] self.terminal_constraint = terminal_constraint self.add_slack = add_slack self.Q_slack = q_slack * sparse.eye(self.ns * (self.N)) self.solver_settings = solver_settings self.embed_pkg_str = 'nmpc_' + str(self.nx) + '_' + str( + '_' + str(self.N) self.prep_time = [] self.qp_time = [] self.comp_time = [] self.x_iter = [] self.u_iter = []