Esempio n. 1
 def _fingerprint_URLScan(self,  fuzzableRequest):
     Try to verify if URLScan is installed or not.
     # detect using GET
     # Get the original response
     originalResponse = self._uri_opener.GET( fuzzableRequest.getURL(), cache=True )
     if originalResponse.getCode() != 404:
         # Now add the if header and try again
         headers = fuzzableRequest.getHeaders()
         headers['If'] = createRandAlpha(8)
         if_response = self._uri_opener.GET( fuzzableRequest.getURL(), headers=headers,
                                                             cache=True )
         headers = fuzzableRequest.getHeaders()
         headers['Translate'] = createRandAlpha(8)
         translate_response = self._uri_opener.GET( fuzzableRequest.getURL(), headers=headers, 
                                                                         cache=True )
         headers = fuzzableRequest.getHeaders()
         headers['Lock-Token'] = createRandAlpha(8)
         lock_response = self._uri_opener.GET( fuzzableRequest.getURL(), headers=headers, 
                                                                 cache=True )
         headers = fuzzableRequest.getHeaders()
         headers['Transfer-Encoding'] = createRandAlpha(8)
         transfer_enc_response = self._uri_opener.GET( fuzzableRequest.getURL(), 
                                                                                 cache=True )
         if if_response.getCode() == 404 or translate_response.getCode() == 404 or\
         lock_response.getCode() == 404 or transfer_enc_response.getCode() == 404:
             self._report_finding('URLScan', lock_response)
Esempio n. 2
    def _verifyVuln( self, vuln ):
        This command verifies a vuln. This is really hard work!

        @return : True if vuln can be exploited.
        # The vuln was saved to the kb as:
        # kb.kb.append( self, 'osCommanding', v )
        exploitDc = vuln.getDc()
        # Define a test command:
        rand = createRandAlpha( 8 )
        if vuln['os'] == 'windows':
            command = vuln['separator'] + 'echo ' + rand
            # TODO: Confirm that this works in windows
            rand = rand + '\n\n'
            command = vuln['separator'] + '/bin/echo ' + rand
            rand = rand + '\n'
        # Lets define the result header and footer.
        functionReference = getattr( self._uri_opener , vuln.getMethod() )
        exploitDc[vuln.getVar()] = command
            response = functionReference( vuln.getURL(), str(exploitDc) )
        except w3afException, e:
            om.out.error( str(e) )
            return False
    def _verifyVuln( self, vuln ):
        This command verifies a vuln. This is really hard work!

        @return : True if vuln can be exploited.
        # The vuln was saved to the kb as:
        # kb.kb.append( self, 'osCommanding', v )
        exploitDc = vuln.getDc()
        if exploitDc is None:
            om.out.error('You hitted bug #1948260. Please report how to reproduce it here:')
            bug_URL = ''
            bug_URL += '&group_id=170274&atid=853652'
            om.out.error( bug_URL )
        # Define a test command:
        rand = createRandAlpha( 8 )
        if vuln['os'] == 'windows':
            command = vuln['separator'] + 'echo ' + rand
            # TODO: Confirm that this works in windows
            rand = rand + '\n\n'
            command = vuln['separator'] + '/bin/echo ' + rand
            rand = rand + '\n'
        # Lets define the result header and footer.
        functionReference = getattr( self._urlOpener , vuln.getMethod() )
        exploitDc[vuln.getVar()] = command
            response = functionReference( vuln.getURL(), str(exploitDc) )
        except w3afException, e:
            om.out.error( str(e) )
            return False
Esempio n. 4
    def __init__(self):

        # Create some random strings, which the plugin will use.
        # for the fuzz_with_echo
        self._rnd = createRandAlpha(5)

        # User configured parameters
        self._use_time_delay = True
        self._use_echo = True
Esempio n. 5
    def __init__(self):

        #Create some random strings, which the plugin will use.
        # for the fuzz_with_echo
        self._rnd1 = createRandAlpha(5)
        self._rnd2 = createRandAlpha(5)
        self._rndn = self._rnd1 + self._rnd2
        # And now for the fuzz_with_time_delay
        # The wait time of the unfuzzed request
        self._original_wait_time = 0
        # The wait time of the first test I'm going to perform
        self._wait_time = 4
        # The wait time of the second test I'm going to perform (this one is just to be sure!)
        self._second_wait_time = 9
        # User configured parameters
        self._use_time_delay = True
        self._use_echo = True
Esempio n. 6
 def _get_string_list(self):
     @return: This method returns a list of strings that could overflow a buffer.
     strings = []
     lengths = [65, 257, 513, 1025, 2049]
     ### TODO !! if lengths = [ 65 , 257 , 513 , 1025, 2049, 4097, 8000 ]
     ### then i get a badStatusLine exception from urllib2, is seems to be a internal error.
     ### tested against tomcat 5.5.7
     for i in lengths:
     return strings
Esempio n. 7
 def _fingerprint_SecureIIS(self,  fuzzableRequest):
     Try to verify if SecureIIS is installed or not.
     # And now a final check for SecureIIS
     headers = fuzzableRequest.getHeaders()
     headers['Transfer-Encoding'] = createRandAlpha(1024 + 1)
         lock_response2 = self._uri_opener.GET( fuzzableRequest.getURL(), 
                                                                 headers=headers, cache=True )
     except w3afException, w3:
         om.out.debug('Failed to identify secure IIS, exception: ' + str(w3) )
Esempio n. 8
    def _PUT(self, domain_path):
        Tests PUT method.
        # upload
        url = domain_path.urlJoin(createRandAlpha(5))
        rndContent = createRandAlNum(6)
        put_response = self._urlOpener.PUT(url, data=rndContent)

        # check if uploaded
        res = self._urlOpener.GET(url, useCache=True)
        if res.getBody() == rndContent:
            v = vuln.vuln()
            v.setName("Insecure DAV configuration")
            msg = 'File upload with HTTP PUT method was found at resource: "' + domain_path + '".'
            msg += ' A test file was uploaded to: "' + res.getURL() + '".'
            kb.kb.append(self, "dav", v)

        # Report some common errors
        elif put_response.getCode() == 500:
            i =
            i.setName("DAV incorrect configuration")
            msg = "DAV seems to be incorrectly configured. The web server answered with a 500"
            msg += " error code. In most cases, this means that the DAV extension failed in"
            msg += ' some way. This error was found at: "' + put_response.getURL() + '".'
            kb.kb.append(self, "dav", i)

        # Report some common errors
        elif put_response.getCode() == 403:
            i =
            i.setName("DAV insufficient privileges")
            msg = "DAV seems to be correctly configured and allowing you to use the PUT method"
            msg += " but the directory does not have the correct permissions that would allow"
            msg += ' the web server to write to it. This error was found at: "'
            msg += put_response.getURL() + '".'
            kb.kb.append(self, "dav", i)
Esempio n. 9
    def _verifyVuln( self, vuln_obj ):
        This command verifies a vuln. This is really hard work! :P

        @return : True if vuln can be exploited.
        # Create the shell
        filename = createRandAlpha( 7 )
        extension = vuln_obj.getURL().getExtension()
        # I get a list of tuples with file_content and extension to use
        shell_list = shell_handler.get_webshells( extension )
        for file_content, real_extension in shell_list:
            if extension == '':
                extension = real_extension
            om.out.debug('Uploading shell with extension: "'+extension+'".' )
            # Upload the shell
            url_to_upload = vuln_obj.getURL().urlJoin( filename + '.' + extension )
            om.out.debug('Uploading file: ' + url_to_upload )
            self._urlOpener.PUT( url_to_upload, data=file_content )
            # Verify if I can execute commands
            # All w3af shells, when invoked with a blank command, return a 
            # specific value in the response:
            # shell_handler.SHELL_IDENTIFIER
            exploit_url = url_object( url_to_upload + '?cmd=' )
            response = self._urlOpener.GET( exploit_url )
            if shell_handler.SHELL_IDENTIFIER in response.getBody():
                msg = 'The uploaded shell returned the SHELL_IDENTIFIER: "'
                msg += shell_handler.SHELL_IDENTIFIER + '".'
                om.out.debug( msg )
                self._exploit_url = exploit_url
                return True
                msg = 'The uploaded shell with extension: "' + extension
                msg += '" DIDN\'T returned what we expected, it returned: ' + response.getBody()
                om.out.debug( msg )
                extension = ''
Esempio n. 10
    def getDrameStrings(self, kind):
        Gets a list of strings to test against the web app.
        @return: A list with all drame strings to test. Example: [ '\'','\'\'']
        drame_strings = []

        if kind == "reject":
        elif kind == "error":
            drame_strings.append("' or '1'=PLOOP")
        elif kind == "injection":
            drame_strings.append("' or '1'='1")
            #drame_strings.append("' or '1'='1' #")
        return drame_strings
Esempio n. 11
 def audit(self, freq ):
     Searches for file upload vulns using a POST to author.dll.
     @param freq: A fuzzableRequest
     # Set some value
     domain_path = urlParser.getDomainPath( freq.getURL() )
     # Start
     if self._stop_on_first and kb.kb.getData('frontpage', 'frontpage'):
         # Nothing to do, I have found vuln(s) and I should stop on first
         msg = 'Not verifying if I can upload files to: "' + domain_path + '" using author.dll'
         msg += '. Because I already found one vulnerability.'
         # I haven't found any vulns yet, OR i'm trying to find every
         # directory where I can write a file.
         if domain_path not in self._already_tested:
             om.out.debug( 'frontpage plugin is testing: ' + freq.getURL() )
             self._already_tested.add( domain_path )
             # Find a file that doesn't exist
             found404 = False
             for i in xrange(3):
                 randFile = createRandAlpha( 5 ) + '.html'
                 randPathFile = urlParser.urlJoin(domain_path,  randFile)
                 res = self._urlOpener.GET( randPathFile )
                 if is_404( res ):
                     found404 = True
             if found404:
                 upload_id = self._upload_file( domain_path,  randFile )
                 self._verify_upload( domain_path,  randFile,  upload_id )
                 msg = 'frontpage plugin failed to find a 404 page. This is mostly because of an'
                 msg += ' error in 404 page detection.'
Esempio n. 12
                        filename = reference.getFileName()
                        if filename:
                            new_reference = reference.copy()
                            new_reference.setFileName( createRandAlpha(3) + filename )
                            check_response = self._urlOpener.GET( new_reference, useCache=True,
                                                                  headers= headers)
                            resp_body = resp.getBody()
                            check_resp_body = check_response.getBody()

                            if relative_distance_ge(resp_body,
                                                    check_resp_body, IS_EQUAL_RATIO):
                                # If they are equal, then they are both a 404 (or something invalid)
                                #om.out.debug( reference + ' was broken!')
                                # The URL was possibly_broken, but after testing we found out that
                                # it was not, so not we use it!