Esempio n. 1
	def setCommand( self, command, timeOutPeriod = None, searchPaths = None ):
		"""Set the shell command"""
		check_for_list_of_paths( command, "The shell command must be a list of strings or paths." )
		if timeOutPeriod != None:
			check_for_nonnegative_int( timeOutPeriod, 'invalid timeout period, valid periods are [0..inf] or None for no timeout' )
		if searchPaths is None:
			searchPaths = []
		check_for_list_of_paths( searchPaths, "The search paths need to be a list of strings." )
		self.__command = command
		self.__timeOutPeriod = timeOutPeriod
		self.__searchPaths = searchPaths
Esempio n. 2
	def registerReturnCode( self, code ):
		check_for_nonnegative_int( code, "The return code of the build script has to be a non-negative integer number!" )
		if self.__returnCode is None:
			# only if there was no previous error:
			self.__returnCode = code
			msg = 'return code {0} registered'.format( code )
			if self.__returnCode == 0:
				self.message( self, msg )
				self.error( self, msg )
			self.debug( self, 'return code {0} registered - ignored because return code already set to {1}.'
						.format( code, self.getReturnCode() ) )
Esempio n. 3
	def preFlightCheck( self ):
		level = mApp().getSettings().get( Settings.ScriptLogLevel, True )
		check_for_nonnegative_int( level, 'The debug level must be a non-negative integer!' )
		if level > 0:
			mApp().debug( self, 'debug level is {0}'.format( level ) )
Esempio n. 4
	def _logDebugN( self, mapp, mobject, level , msg ):
		check_for_nonnegative_int( level, "The debug level needs to be an integer of zero or more" )
		verbosity = self.__getLevel( mapp )
		if verbosity >= level:
			self._logDebug( mapp, mobject, msg )
Esempio n. 5
	def __getLevel( mapp ):
		verbosity = mapp.getSettings().get( Settings.ScriptLogLevel )
		check_for_nonnegative_int( verbosity, "The debug level needs to be an integer of zero or more" )
		return verbosity