def run(self): req = None while True: self.scanner._th_lock.acquire() if self.exit == True or len( self.scanner.pending_requests) == 0: self.scanner._th_lock.release() shutil.rmtree(self.tmp_dir) return req = self.scanner.pending_requests.pop() self.scanner._th_lock.release() cmd_options = self.scanner.get_cmd(req, self.tmp_dir) if cmd_options == False: self.inc_counter() continue cmd = self.scanner.settings['scanner_exe'] + cmd_options exe = CommandExecutor(cmd, True) out, err = exe.execute( self.scanner.settings['process_timeout']) # if err: print "\nError: \n%s\n%s\n%s\n" % (err," ".join(cmd),out) self.inc_counter() self.scanner.scanner_executed(req, out, err, self.tmp_dir, cmd)
def run(self): req = None while True: self.scanner._th_lock.acquire() if self.exit == True or len(self.scanner.pending_requests) == 0: self.scanner._th_lock.release() shutil.rmtree(self.tmp_dir) return req = self.scanner.pending_requests.pop() self.scanner._th_lock.release() cmd_options = self.scanner.get_cmd(req, self.tmp_dir) if cmd_options == False: self.inc_counter() continue cmd = self.scanner.settings['scanner_exe'] + cmd_options exe = CommandExecutor(cmd, True) out, err = exe.execute(self.scanner.settings['process_timeout']) # if err: print "\nError: \n%s\n%s\n%s\n" % (err," ".join(cmd),out) self.inc_counter() self.scanner.scanner_executed(req, out,err, self.tmp_dir, cmd)
def test_command_timeout_with_errors(self, mock_comm): mock_comm.return_value = (None, "error") cmd = ['sleep', '10'] executor = CommandExecutor(cmd, stderr=True) result = executor.execute(1) self.assertEquals("error", result[1])
def execmd(cmd, params=None, timeout=None): """ Execute a shell command Parameters ---------- cmd: string Path to executable or executable name (if in $PATH) params: array_like, optional List of command arguments timeout: int, optional Execution timeout in seconds Returns ------- dict Dictionary with fields: - out str: command output (stdout) - err str: command error or error string if timeout - returncode int: command return code Raises ------ """ if not'^\.?/', cmd): cmd = get_cmd_path(cmd) if not cmd or not os.path.isfile(cmd): raise Exception("Command not found") cmd = [cmd] + params if params else [cmd] exe = CommandExecutor(cmd, stderr=True) out, err = exe.execute(timeout) return {"out": out, "err": err, "returncode": exe.returncode}
def test_command_responds(self, mock_process): mock_process.Popen.side_effect = time.sleep(1) mock_process.Popen().communicate.return_value = ('hurray', 'err') executor = CommandExecutor(['cmd']) result = executor.execute(2) self.assertEqual(result, "hurray")
def check_user_script_syntax(self, probe_cmd, user_script): try: exe = CommandExecutor(probe_cmd + ["-u", user_script, "-v"] , False) out = exe.execute(5) if out: print "\n* USER_SCRIPT error: %s" % out sys.exit(1) stdoutw(". ") except KeyboardInterrupt: print "\nAborted" sys.exit(0)
def check_user_script_syntax(self, probe_cmd, user_script): try: exe = CommandExecutor(probe_cmd + ["-u", user_script, "-v"], False) out = exe.execute(5) if out: print "\n* USER_SCRIPT error: %s" % out sys.exit(1) stdoutw(". ") except KeyboardInterrupt: print "\nAborted" sys.exit(0)
def scanner_executed(self, request, out, err, tmp_dir, cmd): out_file = tmp_dir + "/report" if not os.path.isfile(out_file): return json_file = tmp_dir + "/report.json" cmd = [ self.reporter, "--reporter", "json:outfile=%s" % json_file, out_file ] exe = CommandExecutor(cmd, True) out, err = exe.execute(30) if err: print ">>> error exporting arachni to json: %s %s" % (err, request.url) return if not os.path.isfile(json_file): return with open(json_file, 'r') as fil: jsn = report = [] try: report = json.loads(jsn) except Exception as e: print err issues = report['issues'] for i in issues: ref = i['references']['OWASP'] if i['references'] and 'OWASP' in i[ 'references'] else "N/A" req = "N/A" req = None if 'request' in i: req = i['request'] elif 'variations' in i and len(i['variations']) > 0: req = i['variations'][0]['request'] fields = (i['name'], ref, i['severity'], req['headers_string'] if req else "N/A") descr = "D E T A I L S\n\nName: %s\nReference: %s\nSeverity: %s\n\n\nR E Q U E S T\n\n%s" % fields if req and req['method'] == "post": descr += "%s" % urllib.urlencode(req['body']) self.save_vulnerability(request, i['check']['shortname'], descr)
def scanner_executed(self, request, out, err, tmp_dir, cmd): out_file = tmp_dir + "/report" if not os.path.isfile(out_file): return json_file = tmp_dir + "/report.json" cmd = [self.reporter, "--reporter", "json:outfile=%s" % json_file, out_file] exe = CommandExecutor(cmd, True) out, err = exe.execute(30) if err: print ">>> error exporting arachni to json: %s %s" % (err, request.url) return if not os.path.isfile(json_file): return with open(json_file,'r') as fil: jsn = report = [] try: report = json.loads(jsn) except Exception as e: print err issues = report['issues'] for i in issues: ref = i['references']['OWASP'] if i['references'] and 'OWASP' in i['references'] else "N/A" req = "N/A" req = None if 'request' in i: req = i['request'] elif 'variations' in i and len(i['variations']) > 0: req = i['variations'][0]['request'] fields = (i['name'], ref, i['severity'], req['headers_string'] if req else "N/A") descr = "D E T A I L S\n\nName: %s\nReference: %s\nSeverity: %s\n\n\nR E Q U E S T\n\n%s" % fields if req and req['method'] == "post": descr += "%s" % urllib.urlencode(req['body']) self.save_vulnerability(request, i['check']['shortname'], descr)
def execmd(self, cmd, params=None, timeout=None): if not'^\.?/', cmd): cmd = get_cmd_path(cmd) if not cmd or not os.path.isfile(cmd): raise Exception("Command not found") cmd = [cmd] + params if params else [cmd] exe = CommandExecutor(cmd, stderr=True) self.scanner._th_lock.acquire() self.scanner._commands.append(exe) self.scanner._th_lock.release() out, err = exe.execute(timeout) ret = {"out": out, "err": err, "returncode": exe.returncode} self.scanner._th_lock.acquire() self.scanner._commands.remove(exe) self.scanner._th_lock.release() return ret
def _send_probe(self, request, errors): probe = None retries = CrawlerThread._PROCESS_RETRIES params = self._set_probe_params(request) while retries: # DEBUG: # print("### INPUT: %s" % repr(Shared.probe_cmd + params)) cmd = CommandExecutor(Shared.probe_cmd + params) jsn = cmd.execute(Shared.options['process_timeout'] + 2) # DEBUG: # print("### OUTPUT: %s" % repr(jsn)) if jsn is None: errors.append(ERROR_PROBEKILLED) sleep(CrawlerThread._PROCESS_RETRIES_INTERVAL) # ... ??? retries -= 1 continue else: probe_array = self._load_probe_json(jsn) if probe_array: probe = Probe(probe_array, request) if probe.status == "ok": break errors.append(probe.errcode) if probe.errcode in (ERROR_CONTENTTYPE, ERROR_PROBE_TO, ERROR_FORCE_STOP): break sleep(CrawlerThread._PROCESS_RETRIES_INTERVAL) retries -= 1 return probe
def send_probe(self, request, errors): url = request.url jsn = None probe = None retries = self.process_retries params = [] cookies = [] if request.method == "POST": params.append("-P") if params.extend(("-D", if len(request.cookies) > 0: for cookie in request.cookies: cookies.append(cookie.get_dict()) with open(self.cookie_file,'w') as fil: fil.write(json.dumps(cookies)) params.extend(("-c", self.cookie_file)) if request.http_auth: params.extend(("-p" ,request.http_auth)) if Shared.options['set_referer'] and request.referer: params.extend(("-r", request.referer)) params.extend(("-i", str(request.db_id))) params.append(url) while retries: #while False: # print cmd_to_str(Shared.probe_cmd + params) # print "" cmd = CommandExecutor(Shared.probe_cmd + params) jsn = cmd.execute(Shared.options['process_timeout'] + 2) if jsn == None: errors.append(ERROR_PROBEKILLED) time.sleep(self.process_retries_interval) # ... ??? retries -= 1 continue # try to decode json also after an exception .. sometimes phantom crashes BUT returns a valid json .. try: if jsn and type(jsn) is not str: jsn = jsn[0] probeArray = self.load_probe_json(jsn) except Exception as e: raise if probeArray: probe = Probe(probeArray, request) if probe.status == "ok": break errors.append(probe.errcode) if probe.errcode in (ERROR_CONTENTTYPE, ERROR_PROBE_TO): break time.sleep(self.process_retries_interval) retries -= 1 return probe
def main(self, args, opts): passw = None format = None out_cookies = True out_logouts = True for o, v in opts: if o == "-h": print self.usage() sys.exit(0) elif o == "-p": passw = v elif o == "-c": out_cookies = False elif o == "-l": out_logouts = False elif o in ("-H", "-J", "-A"): format = o if not passw: print "The password is hidden here BUT it will be passed to phantomjs via commandline ..." try: passw = getpass.getpass() except KeyboardInterrupt: print "\nAbort..." sys.exit(0) jspath = "%s%s%s%s" % (getrealdir(__file__), "login", os.sep, "login.js") cmd = get_phantomjs_cmd() + [jspath, args[0], args[1], passw] if len(args) > 2: cmd.append(args[2]) #print cmd_to_str(cmd) exe = CommandExecutor(cmd, True) out, err = exe.execute(20) if err: print "Unable to login" sys.exit(1) try: ret = json.loads(out) except ValueError as e: print e sys.exit(1) allcookies, logouts = ret cookies = [] if out_cookies: for c in reversed(allcookies): cookie = Cookie(c) if not cookie in cookies: cookies.append(cookie) if not out_logouts: logouts = [] if not format: print "Cookies:" for c in cookies: print " %s=%s" % (, c.value) print "Logout urls:" for u in logouts: print " %s" % u elif format == "-A": for c in cookies: print cmd_to_str([, c.value]) for u in logouts: print cmd_to_str([u]) elif format == "-H": args = [] if len(cookies) > 0: args = [ "-c", ";".join(["%s=%s" % (, c.value) for c in cookies]) ] if len(logouts) > 0: args.extend(["-x", ",".join(logouts)]) if len(args) > 0: print cmd_to_str(args) elif format == "-J": cd = [] for c in cookies: cd.append(c.get_dict()) if out_cookies: print json.dumps(cd)
def main(self, args, opts): passw = None format = None out_cookies = True out_logouts = True for o,v in opts: if o == "-h": print self.usage() sys.exit(0) elif o == "-p": passw = v elif o == "-c": out_cookies = False elif o == "-l": out_logouts = False elif o in ("-H", "-J", "-A"): format = o if not passw: print "The password is hidden here BUT it will be passed to phantomjs via commandline ..." try: passw = getpass.getpass() except KeyboardInterrupt: print "\nAbort..." sys.exit(0) jspath = "%s%s%s%s" % (getrealdir(__file__), "login", os.sep, "login.js") cmd = get_phantomjs_cmd() + [jspath, args[0], args[1], passw] if len(args) > 2: cmd.append(args[2]) #print cmd_to_str(cmd) exe = CommandExecutor(cmd, True) out, err = exe.execute(20) if err: print "Unable to login" sys.exit(1) try: ret = json.loads(out) except ValueError as e: print e sys.exit(1) allcookies, logouts = ret cookies = [] if out_cookies: for c in reversed(allcookies): cookie = Cookie(c) if not cookie in cookies: cookies.append(cookie) if not out_logouts: logouts = [] if not format: print "Cookies:" for c in cookies: print " %s=%s" % (, c.value) print "Logout urls:" for u in logouts: print " %s" % u elif format == "-A": for c in cookies: print cmd_to_str([, c.value]) for u in logouts: print cmd_to_str([u]) elif format == "-H": args = [] if len(cookies) > 0: args = ["-c", ";".join(["%s=%s" % (, c.value) for c in cookies])] if len(logouts) > 0: args.extend(["-x", ",".join(logouts)]) if len(args) > 0: print cmd_to_str(args) elif format == "-J": cd = [] for c in cookies: cd.append(c.get_dict()) if out_cookies: print json.dumps(cd)
def test_command_timeout_with_results(self): cmd = ['tail', '-f', os.path.realpath(__file__)] executor = CommandExecutor(cmd, stderr=True) result = executor.execute(1) self.assertIn("result", result[0])
def send_probe(self, request, errors): url = request.url jsn = None probe = None retries = self.process_retries params = [] cookies = [] if request.method == "POST": params.append("-P") if params.extend(("-D", if len(request.cookies) > 0: for cookie in request.cookies: c = cookie.get_dict() if not c['domain']: purl = urlsplit(request.url) c['domain'] = purl.netloc.split(":")[0] cookies.append(c) with open(self.cookie_file, 'w') as fil: fil.write(json.dumps(cookies)) params.extend(("-c", self.cookie_file)) if request.http_auth: params.extend(("-p", request.http_auth)) if Shared.options['set_referer'] and request.referer: params.extend(("-r", request.referer)) params.extend(("-i", str(request.db_id))) params.extend(("-J", self.out_file)) params.append(url) while retries: #while False: # print cmd_to_str(Shared.probe_cmd + params) # print "" jsn = None cmd = CommandExecutor(Shared.probe_cmd + params, True) out, err = cmd.execute(Shared.options['process_timeout'] + 10) if os.path.isfile(self.out_file): with open(self.out_file, "r") as f: jsn = os.unlink(self.out_file) if err or not jsn: errors.append(ERROR_PROBEKILLED) if not jsn: break # try to decode json also after an exception .. sometimes phantom crashes BUT returns a valid json .. try: if jsn and type(jsn) is not str: jsn = jsn[0] probeArray = self.load_probe_json(jsn) except Exception as e: raise if probeArray: probe = Probe(probeArray, request) if probe.status == "ok": break errors.append(probe.errcode) if probe.errcode in (ERROR_CONTENTTYPE, ERROR_PROBE_TO): break time.sleep(self.process_retries_interval) retries -= 1 return probe
def send_probe(self, request, errors): url = request.url jsn = None probe = None retries = self.process_retries params = [] cookies = [] if request.method == "POST": params.append("-P") if params.extend(("-D", if len(request.cookies) > 0: for cookie in request.cookies: cookies.append(cookie.get_dict()) with open(self.cookie_file, 'w') as fil: fil.write(json.dumps(cookies)) params.extend(("-c", self.cookie_file)) if request.http_auth: params.extend(("-p", request.http_auth)) if Shared.options['set_referer'] and request.referer: params.extend(("-r", request.referer)) params.append(url) while retries: #while False: # print cmd_to_str(Shared.probe_cmd + params) # print "" cmd = CommandExecutor(Shared.probe_cmd + params) jsn = cmd.execute(Shared.options['process_timeout'] + 2) if jsn == None: errors.append(ERROR_PROBEKILLED) time.sleep(self.process_retries_interval) # ... ??? retries -= 1 continue # try to decode json also after an exception .. sometimes phantom crashes BUT returns a valid json .. try: if jsn and type(jsn) is not str: jsn = jsn[0] probeArray = self.load_probe_json(jsn) except Exception as e: raise if probeArray: probe = Probe(probeArray, request) if probe.status == "ok": break errors.append(probe.errcode) if probe.errcode in (ERROR_CONTENTTYPE, ERROR_PROBE_TO): break time.sleep(self.process_retries_interval) retries -= 1 return probe
class CrawlerThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.thread_uuid = uuid.uuid4() self.process_retries = 2 self.process_retries_interval = 0.5 self.status = THSTAT_RUNNING self.exit = False self.pause = False self.cookie_file = "%s%shtcap_cookiefile-%s.json" % ( tempfile.gettempdir(), os.sep, self.thread_uuid) self.out_file = "%s%shtcap_output-%s.json" % (tempfile.gettempdir(), os.sep, self.thread_uuid) self.cmd = None def run(self): self.crawl() def wait_request(self): request = None Shared.th_condition.acquire() while True: if self.exit == True: Shared.th_condition.notifyAll() Shared.th_condition.release() raise ThreadExitRequestException("exit request received") if Shared.requests_index >= len(Shared.requests): self.status = THSTAT_WAITING Shared.th_condition.wait( ) # The wait method releases the lock, blocks the current thread until another thread calls notify continue request = Shared.requests[Shared.requests_index] Shared.requests_index += 1 break Shared.th_condition.release() self.status = THSTAT_RUNNING return request def load_probe_json(self, jsn): jsn = jsn.strip() if not jsn: jsn = "[" if jsn[-1] != "]": jsn += '{"status":"ok", "partialcontent":true}]' try: return json.loads(jsn) except Exception: print "-- JSON DECODE ERROR %s" % jsn raise def send_probe(self, request, errors): url = request.url jsn = None probe = None retries = self.process_retries params = [] cookies = [] if request.method == "POST": params.append("-P") if params.extend(("-D", if len(request.cookies) > 0: for cookie in request.cookies: c = cookie.get_dict() if not c['domain']: purl = urlsplit(request.url) c['domain'] = purl.netloc.split(":")[0] cookies.append(c) with open(self.cookie_file, 'w') as fil: fil.write(json.dumps(cookies)) params.extend(("-c", self.cookie_file)) if request.http_auth: params.extend(("-p", request.http_auth)) if Shared.options['set_referer'] and request.referer: params.extend(("-r", request.referer)) params.extend(("-i", str(request.db_id))) params.extend(("-J", self.out_file)) params.append(url) while retries: #while False: # print cmd_to_str(Shared.probe_cmd + params) # print "" jsn = None self.cmd = CommandExecutor(Shared.probe_cmd + params, True) out, err = self.cmd.execute(Shared.options['process_timeout'] + 10) if os.path.isfile(self.out_file): with open(self.out_file, "r") as f: jsn = os.unlink(self.out_file) if err or not jsn: errors.append(ERROR_PROBEKILLED) if not jsn: break # try to decode json also after an exception .. sometimes phantom crashes BUT returns a valid json .. try: if jsn and type(jsn) is not str: jsn = jsn[0] probeArray = self.load_probe_json(jsn) except Exception as e: raise if probeArray: probe = Probe(probeArray, request) if probe.status == "ok": break errors.append(probe.errcode) if probe.errcode in (ERROR_CONTENTTYPE, ERROR_PROBE_TO): break time.sleep(self.process_retries_interval) retries -= 1 return probe def wait_pause(self): while True: Shared.th_condition.acquire() paused = self.pause Shared.th_condition.release() if not paused: break time.sleep(0.5) def crawl(self): while True: url = None cookies = [] requests = [] requests_to_crawl = [] redirects = 0 errors = [] try: request = self.wait_request() except ThreadExitRequestException: if os.path.exists(self.cookie_file): os.remove(self.cookie_file) return except Exception as e: print "-->" + str(e) continue url = request.url purl = urlsplit(url) probe = None probe = self.send_probe(request, errors) if probe: if probe.status == "ok" or probe.errcode == ERROR_PROBE_TO: requests = probe.requests if probe.html: request.html = probe.html if len(probe.user_output) > 0: request.user_output = probe.user_output else: errors.append(ERROR_PROBEFAILURE) # get urls with python to continue crawling if Shared.options['use_urllib_onerror'] == False: continue try: hr = HttpGet(request, Shared.options['process_timeout'], self.process_retries, Shared.options['useragent'], Shared.options['proxy'], Shared.options['extra_headers']) requests = hr.get_requests() except Exception as e: errors.append(str(e)) # set out_of_scope, apply user-supplied filters to urls (ie group_qs) adjust_requests(requests) Shared.main_condition.acquire() res = CrawlResult(request, requests, errors, probe.page_hash if probe else "") Shared.crawl_results.append(res) Shared.main_condition.notify() Shared.main_condition.release() self.wait_pause()