Esempio n. 1
    def forward_step(self,
                     step_input: ModelIO,
                     src_mask: Tensor = None) -> ModelIO:

        unit_input = F.relu(self._embedding(step_input.x))
        h, c = step_input.h, step_input.c

        if len(unit_input.shape) == 2:
            unit_input = unit_input.unsqueeze(0)

        if len(h.shape) == 2:
            h = h.unsqueeze(0)

        hidden = (h, c)

        if src_mask is not None:
            unit_input, attn = self.compute_attention(unit_input,
                                                      h, src_mask)

        _, state = self._unit(unit_input, hidden)
        y = self._out(state[0][-1])

        step_result = ModelIO({"y": y, "h": state[0], "c": state[1]})
        if src_mask is not None:
            step_result.set_attribute("attn", attn)

        return step_result
Esempio n. 2
    def forward_step(self,
                     step_input: ModelIO,
                     src_mask: Tensor = None) -> ModelIO:

        h = step_input.h
        h = h.unsqueeze(0) if len(h.shape) == 2 else h
        unit_input = F.relu(self._embedding(step_input.x))
        unit_input = unit_input.unsqueeze(0) if len(
            unit_input.shape) == 2 else unit_input
        if src_mask is not None:
            unit_input, attn = self.compute_attention(unit_input,
                                                      h, src_mask)

        # print("unit_input", unit_input.shape)
        # print("attn", attn.shape)

        _, state = self._unit(unit_input, h)
        y = self._out(state[-1])

        step_result = ModelIO({"y": y, "h": state})
        if src_mask is not None:
            step_result.set_attribute("attn", attn)

        return step_result
Esempio n. 3
    def _get_step_inputs(self, dec_inputs: ModelIO) -> ModelIO:

        if hasattr(dec_inputs, 'h'):
            h = dec_inputs.h
        elif hasattr(dec_inputs, 'enc_hidden'):
            h = dec_inputs.enc_hidden
            h = dec_inputs.enc_outputs[-1]
            # log.error(f"I don't have any hidden state to use for the step from {dec_inputs}.")
            # raise SystemError

        batch_size = h.shape[0]

        if hasattr(dec_inputs, 'x'):
            # Not the first step. Use outputs from previous step instead
            x = dec_inputs.x
        elif hasattr(dec_inputs, 'transform'):
            # Use the transformation token from the input
            x = dec_inputs.transform[1:-1]  # strip <sos> and <eos> tokens
                f"I don't have any input to use for the step from {dec_inputs}."
            raise SystemError

        dec_step_input = ModelIO({"x": x, "h": h})

        if hasattr(dec_inputs, 'enc_outputs'):
            dec_step_input.set_attribute('enc_outputs', dec_inputs.enc_outputs)

        return dec_step_input
Esempio n. 4
    def forward_expression(self, expressions):

        representations = []
        sources = []

        # Compute forward pass on each sub-expression
        for term in expressions:
            if isinstance(term, str):
                enc_input = ModelIO({"source": term.source})
                enc_output = self._encoder(enc_input)

        # Perform arithmetic operation on representations
        buffer = {"enc_hidden": None, "enc_outputs": None}
        should_operate = False
        for r in representations:
            if isinstance(r, str):
                should_operate = torch.add if r == "+" else torch.subtract
                if not should_operate:
                    for key in buffer:
                            buffer[key] = getattr(r, key)
                            buffer[key] = None
                    for key in buffer:
                            buffer[key] = should_operate(
                                buffer[key], getattr(r, key))
                            buffer[key] = None

                    should_operate = False

        dec_inputs = ModelIO({
            "source": sources[0],
            "transform": expressions[0].annotation

        for key in buffer:
            if buffer[key] is not None:
                dec_inputs.set_attribute(key, buffer[key])

        dec_output = self._decoder(dec_inputs, tf_ratio=0.0)
        return dec_output.dec_outputs
Esempio n. 5
    def forward(self, dec_input: ModelIO, tf_ratio: float) -> ModelIO:
    Computes the forward pass of the decoder.

      - dec_input: wrapper object for the various inputs to the decoder. This
          allows for variadic parameters to account for various units' different
          input requirements (i.e., LSTMs require a `cell`)
      - tf_ratio (float in range [0.0, 1.0]): chance that teacher_forcing is
          used for a given batch. If tf_ratio is not `None`, a `target` must
          be present in `dec_input`.

        seq_len, batch_size, _ = dec_input.enc_outputs.shape

        teacher_forcing = random.random() < tf_ratio
        if teacher_forcing and not hasattr(dec_input, 'target'):
            log.error("You must provide a 'target' to use teacher forcing.")
            raise SystemError

        # Okay so we still need this, but should we be padding
        # the outputs or something when not using teacher forcing?
        if hasattr(dec_input, 'target'):
            gen_len =[0]
            gen_len = self.max_length

        # Get input to decoder unit
        dec_step_input = self._get_step_inputs(dec_input)

        # Skeletons for the decoder outputs
        has_finished = torch.zeros(batch_size, dtype=torch.bool).to(avd)
        dec_outputs = torch.zeros(gen_len, batch_size, self.vocab_size).to(avd)
        dec_outputs[:, :, self.PAD_IDX] = 1.0
        dec_hiddens = torch.zeros(gen_len, batch_size,

        # Attention
        if self.attention_type is not None:
            attention = torch.zeros(gen_len, batch_size, seq_len).to(avd)
            src_mask = create_mask(dec_input.source, self._src_vocab)
            src_mask = None

        for i in range(gen_len):

            # Get forward_step pass
            step_result = self.forward_step(dec_step_input, src_mask)
            step_prediction = step_result.y.argmax(dim=1)

            # Update results
            dec_outputs[i] = step_result.y
            dec_hiddens[i] = step_result.h[-1]
            if self.attention_type is not None:
                attention[i] = step_result.attn

            # Check if we're done
            has_finished[step_prediction == self.EOS_IDX] = True
            if all(has_finished):
                # Otherwise, iterate x, h and repeat
                x =[i] if teacher_forcing else step_prediction

                # A little hacky, but we want to use every value from the step result
                # For the next step EXCEPT x, which should come from either the target
                # or the step_prediction.
                step_result.set_attribute('x', x)
                step_result.set_attribute('enc_outputs', dec_input.enc_outputs)
                dec_step_input = self._get_step_inputs(step_result)

        output = ModelIO({
            "dec_outputs": dec_outputs,
            "dec_hiddens": dec_hiddens

        if self.attention_type is not None:
            output.set_attribute("attention", attention)

        return output