def visit(self, node, state):
        currentscope = self.locate_scope(node, state)
        name = getattr(node, 'name', node.__class__.__name__.lower())

        # Don't process custom functions until function call
        if name not in state.functions_declarations:
            # new function call
            newobj = FuncCall(name, node.lineno, node, currentscope, self)
            # Evaluate if vulnerable, if true add trace
            vulntype = newobj.is_vulnerable_for()
            if vulntype:
            # add vuln trace of pending trace (from param)
            if getattr(newobj,'_pending_trace', None):
                newobj.add_vulntrace(trace = newobj._pending_trace)
                newobj._pending_trace = None
            # add function to root scope.
            # Travel other files if include or require
            if type(node) in (phpast.Include, phpast.Require):
                self.parse_include_require(node, state, currentscope)
        return newobj, True

Esempio n. 2
    def visit(self, node, state):
        currscope = self.locate_scope(node, state)
        method_name = getattr(node, 'name', node.__class__.__name__.lower())
        # Get object
        if == '$this':
            object = currscope.get_root_scope()._parent_scope.obj
            object = state.objects[]._obj_def
        method = object.get_method(method_name)
        # clean formal params to avoid false positives
        # keep track of the methods being traveled
        # Start ast travel method Node
        if method._parsed is False:
            method._parsed = True

        # Create funccall (parses the params)            
        newobj = FuncCall(method_name, node.lineno, node, currscope)
        # Add method object to call for easy reference
        newobj._method = method
        # Keep track of what methods are called within this method
        # Set method scope as active code
        method_scope = object.get_method(method_name)._scope
        method_scope._dead_code = False
        # Evaluate all raised methodcalls when all methods have been traveled
        if state.methods_deep[0] is method:
            # 1.We need to link all params and formal params together
            # all traveled methods
            for method0 in state.methods_deep:
                # All method calls in method
                for method_call1 in method0._scope.get_method_calls():
                    # Link
                    for par_index, param in enumerate(method_call1.params):
                        formal_param = method_call1._method.get_formal_param(par_index)
                        formal_param._controlled_by_user = None
                        formal_param.is_root = False
                        formal_param.parents = param.vars
            # 2.Determine vulnerabilities
            for method0 in state.methods_deep:
                for method_call1 in method0._scope.get_method_calls():
                    method_scope = method_call1._method._scope
                    for funccall in method_scope.get_functions():
                        vulntype = funccall.is_vulnerable_for()
                        if vulntype: 
                    # clean formal params to avoid false positives
            # 3.Determine vulnerabilities for current method
            for funccall in method._scope.get_functions():
                vulntype = funccall.is_vulnerable_for()
                if vulntype: 
            # reset method call stack
            state.methods_deep = []
        return newobj, True