Esempio n. 1
 def do_do(self, line):
     Do will translate and execute the openspeak statement for the paused test.
     do <OpenSpeak statement>
     if testthread:
         from core import openspeak
         ospk = openspeak.OpenSpeak()
             translated_code = ospk.interpret(text=line)
         except (AttributeError, SyntaxError), e:
             print 'Dynamic params are not allowed in single statement translations'
Esempio n. 2
    def do_interpret(self,line):
        interpret will translate the single line openspeak statement to equivalent python script.

        teston> interpret ASSERT result EQUALS main.TRUE ONPASS "Ping executed successfully" ONFAIL "Ping failed"
        utilities.assert_equals(expect=main.TRUE,actual=result,onpass="******",onfail="Ping failed")

        from core import openspeak
        ospk = openspeak.OpenSpeak()
        try :
            translated_code = ospk.interpret(text=line)
            print translated_code
        except AttributeError as e:
            print 'Dynamic params are not allowed in single statement translations'
Esempio n. 3
    def do_compile(self,line):
        compile will translate the openspeak (.ospk) file into TestON test script (python).
        It will receive the openspeak file path as input and will generate
        equivalent test-script file in the same directory.

        teston>compile /home/openflow/TestON/PoxTest.ospk

        Auto-generated test-script file is /home/openflow/TestON/
        from core import openspeak
        openspeak = openspeak.OpenSpeak()
        openspeakfile = line
        if os.path.exists(openspeakfile) :
            print "Auto-generated test-script file is "+ re.sub("ospk","py",openspeakfile,0)
            print 'There is no such file : '+line