Esempio n. 1
def simple_search(req, paths, container_id=None):
    searchquery = req.args.get("query")
    readable_searchquery = searchquery
    if searchquery is None:
        raise ValueError("searchquery param missing!")
    return search("simple", FullMatch(searchquery), readable_searchquery,
                  paths, req, container_id)
Esempio n. 2
def test_parse_combined():
    searchquery = u"((fulltext=münchen) OR (title=münchen)) AND ((NOT (full=Strauß)) OR (year > 2000))"
    st = parser.parse_string(searchquery)
    left = Or(FulltextMatch(u"münchen"), AttributeMatch(u"title", u"münchen"))
    right = Or(Not(FullMatch(u"Strauß")),
               AttributeCompare(u"year", ">", u"2000"))
    assert isinstance(st, And)
    assert st.left == left
    assert st.right == right
Esempio n. 3
def test_parse_not():
    st = parser.parse_string(u'not(full=torpedo)')
    assert st == Not(FullMatch(u"torpedo"))
Esempio n. 4
def test_parse_plain_and():
    st = parser.parse_string(u'full=haus and full=ofit')
    assert st == And(FullMatch(u"haus"), FullMatch(u"ofit"))
Esempio n. 5
def test_parse_plain_or():
    st = parser.parse_string(u'full=haus or full=ofit')
    assert st == Or(FullMatch(u"haus"), FullMatch(u"ofit"))
Esempio n. 6
def test_parse_full_unicode_quoted():
    text = u'"Öffentliche schöne Häuser in München"'
    st = parser.parse_string(u'full=' + text)
    assert st == FullMatch(text.strip('"'))
Esempio n. 7
def test_parse_unicode():
    text = u"πλανήτης\uEEEE"
    st = parser.parse_string(u"full=" + text)
    assert st == FullMatch(text)
Esempio n. 8
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    :copyright: (c) 2015 by the mediaTUM authors
    :license: GPL3, see COPYING for details

from pytest import fixture, raises
from import parser, language
from import Or, And, Not, FullMatch, FulltextMatch, AttributeMatch, AttributeCompare, TypeMatch, SchemaMatch
from parcon import ParseException

    (u"full = München", FullMatch(u"München")),
    (u"fulltext = München", FulltextMatch(u"München")),
    (u"city = München", AttributeMatch(u"city", u"München")),
    (u"city eq München", AttributeCompare(u"city", u"eq", u"München")),
    (u"city eq \"München\"", AttributeCompare(u"city", u"eq", u"München")),
    (u"year < 2014", AttributeCompare(u"year", u"<", u"2014")),
    (u"year <= 2014", AttributeCompare(u"year", u"<=", u"2014")),
    (u"year > 2014", AttributeCompare(u"year", u">", u"2014")),
    (u"year <= 2014", AttributeCompare(u"year", u"<=", u"2014")),
    (u"objtype = document", TypeMatch(u"document")),
    (u"schema = buch", SchemaMatch(u"buch"))
def simple_query(request):
    return request.param

def test_parse_maybe_quoted_bare():
    assert language.maybe_quoted.parse_string(u"München") == u"München"