Esempio n. 1
def carry_prev(inst, **kw):
    Analogue of carry_next() but looks at the previous contract. Useful when not trading the nearest contract but one further one. Typically you'd do this for instruments where the near contract has deathly skew - e.g. Eurodollar or VIX.
    current_contract = inst.roll_progression().to_frame().set_index('contract', append=True).swaplevel()
    prev_contract = inst.roll_progression().apply(inst.next_contract, months=inst.trade_only,
                            reverse=True).to_frame().set_index('contract', append=True).swaplevel()
    current_prices = inst.contracts(active_only=True).join(current_contract, how='inner')['close'].reset_index('contract')
    prev_prices = inst.contracts(active_only=True).join(prev_contract, how='inner')['close'].reset_index('contract')
    # Replace zeros with nan
    prev_prices[prev_prices == 0] = np.nan

    current_prices['contract'] = current_prices['contract'].apply(_get_month)
    prev_prices['contract'] = prev_prices['contract'].apply(_get_month)
    td = current_prices['contract'] - prev_prices['contract']
    td.loc[td <= 0] = td.loc[td <= 0] + 12
    td = td / 12
    # Apply a 5 day mean to prices to stabilise signal
    carry = prev_prices['close'] - current_prices['close']
    carry = carry.rolling(window=5).mean() / td
    f = norm_forecast(carry).ffill(limit=3)
    if f.sum() == 0:
        print( + ' carry is zero')
    return f.interpolate().rolling(window=90).mean().rename('carry')
Esempio n. 2
def carry_spot(inst, **kw):
    Calculates the carry between the current future price and the underlying spot price.
    f = - inst.market_price().reset_index('contract', drop=True)
    f = f * 365 / inst.time_to_expiry()
    return norm_forecast(f.ewm(90).mean()).rename('carry_spot')
Esempio n. 3
def carry_spot(inst, **kw):
    Calculates the carry between the current future price and the underlying spot price.
    f = - inst.market_price().reset_index('contract', drop=True)
    f = f * 365 / inst.time_to_expiry()
    return norm_forecast(f.ewm(90).mean()).rename('carry_spot')
Esempio n. 4
def carry_prev(inst, **kw):
    Analogue of carry_next() but looks at the previous contract. Useful when not trading the nearest contract but one further one. Typically you'd do this for instruments where the near contract has deathly skew - e.g. Eurodollar or VIX.
    current_contract = inst.roll_progression().to_frame().set_index('contract', append=True).swaplevel()
    prev_contract = inst.roll_progression().apply(inst.next_contract, months=inst.trade_only,
                            reverse=True).to_frame().set_index('contract', append=True).swaplevel()
    current_prices = inst.contracts(active_only=True).join(current_contract, how='inner')['close'].reset_index('contract')
    prev_prices = inst.contracts(active_only=True).join(prev_contract, how='inner')['close'].reset_index('contract')
    # Replace zeros with nan
    prev_prices[prev_prices == 0] = np.nan

    current_prices['contract'] = current_prices['contract'].apply(_get_month)
    prev_prices['contract'] = prev_prices['contract'].apply(_get_month)
    td = current_prices['contract'] - prev_prices['contract']
    td.loc[td <= 0] = td.loc[td <= 0] + 12
    td = td / 12
    # Apply a 5 day mean to prices to stabilise signal
    carry = prev_prices['close'] - current_prices['close']
    carry = carry.rolling(window=5).mean() / td
    f = norm_forecast(carry).ffill(limit=3)
    if f.sum() == 0:
        print( + ' carry is zero')
    return f.interpolate().rolling(window=90).mean().rename('carry')
Esempio n. 5
def open_close(inst, **kw):
    Read this one in a book, and it was easy to test. Consistently unprofitable in its current form.
    #yesterdays open-close, divided by std deviation of returns
    a = inst.rp().to_frame().set_index('contract', append=True).swaplevel().join(inst.contracts(), how='inner')
    f = ((a['close']-a['open'])/inst.return_volatility).dropna().reset_index('contract', drop=True)
    return norm_forecast(f).rename('open_close')
Esempio n. 6
def open_close(inst, **kw):
    Read this one in a book, and it was easy to test. Consistently unprofitable in its current form.
    #yesterdays open-close, divided by std deviation of returns
    a = inst.rp().to_frame().set_index('contract', append=True).swaplevel().join(inst.contracts(), how='inner')
    f = ((a['close']-a['open'])/inst.return_volatility).dropna().reset_index('contract', drop=True)
    return norm_forecast(f).rename('open_close')
Esempio n. 7
def breakout(inst, **kw):
    Returns a DataFrame of breakout forecasts based on Rob Carver's work here:
    prices = inst.panama_prices(**kw)
    lookbacks = [40, 80, 160, 320]
    res = map(partial(breakout_fn, prices), lookbacks)
    res = pd.DataFrame(list(res)).transpose()
    res.columns = pd.Series(lookbacks).map(lambda x: "brk%d" % x)
    return norm_forecast(res)
Esempio n. 8
def breakout(inst, **kw):
    Returns a DataFrame of breakout forecasts based on Rob Carver's work here:
    prices = inst.panama_prices(**kw)
    lookbacks = [40, 80, 160, 320]
    res = map(partial(breakout_fn, prices), lookbacks)
    res = pd.DataFrame(list(res)).transpose()
    res.columns = pd.Series(lookbacks).map(lambda x: "brk%d" % x)
    return norm_forecast(res)
Esempio n. 9
def ewmac(inst, **kw):
    Exponentially weighted moving average crossover.
    Returns a DataFrame with four different periods.
    d = norm_vol(inst.panama_prices(**kw))
    columns = [8, 16, 32, 64]
    f = map(partial(pickleable_ewmac, d), columns)
    f = pd.DataFrame(list(f)).transpose()
    f.columns = pd.Series(columns).map(lambda x: "ewmac"+str(x))
    return norm_forecast(f)
Esempio n. 10
def ewmac(inst, **kw):
    Exponentially weighted moving average crossover.
    Returns a DataFrame with four different periods.
    d = norm_vol(inst.panama_prices(**kw))
    columns = [8, 16, 32, 64]
    f = map(partial(pickleable_ewmac, d), columns)
    f = pd.DataFrame(list(f)).transpose()
    f.columns = pd.Series(columns).map(lambda x: "ewmac"+str(x))
    return norm_forecast(f)
Esempio n. 11
def carry_next(inst, debug=False, **kw):
    Calculates the carry between the current future price and the next contract we are going to roll to.
    #    If not trading nearest contract,  Nearer contract price minus current contract price, divided by the time difference
    #    If trading nearest contract, Current contract price minus next contract price, divided by the time difference

    current_contract = inst.roll_progression().to_frame().set_index(
        'contract', append=True).swaplevel()
    next_contract = inst.roll_progression().apply(

    current_prices = inst.contracts(active_only=True).join(
        current_contract, how='inner')['close'].reset_index('contract')

    next_prices = inst.contracts(active_only=True).join(
        next_contract, how='inner')['close'].reset_index('contract')

    #Replace zeros with nan
    next_prices[next_prices == 0] = np.nan

    # Apply a ffill for low volume contracts
    # next_prices.ffill(inplace=True)

    current_prices['contract'] = current_prices['contract'].apply(_get_month)
    next_prices['contract'] = next_prices['contract'].apply(_get_month)
    td = next_prices['contract'] - current_prices['contract']
    td.loc[td <= 0] = td.loc[td <= 0] + 12
    td = td / 12
    # Apply a 5 day mean to prices to stabilise signal
    carry = (current_prices['close'] - next_prices['close'])

    carry = carry.rolling(window=5).mean() / td

    f = norm_forecast(carry).ffill(limit=3)

    # if f.isnull().values.any():
    #     print(, "has some missing carry values")

    if f.sum() == 0:
        print( + ' carry is zero')
    if debug == True:
        return f.rename('carry_next'), current_prices, next_prices, td
    # return f.mean().rename('carry_next')
    return f.interpolate().rolling(window=90).mean().rename('carry_next')
Esempio n. 12
def carry_next(inst, debug=False, **kw):
    Calculates the carry between the current future price and the next contract we are going to roll to.
    #    If not trading nearest contract,  Nearer contract price minus current contract price, divided by the time difference
    #    If trading nearest contract, Current contract price minus next contract price, divided by the time difference

    current_contract = inst.roll_progression().to_frame().set_index('contract', append=True).swaplevel()
    next_contract = inst.roll_progression().apply(inst.next_contract, months=inst.trade_only).to_frame().set_index('contract', append=True).swaplevel()

    current_prices = inst.contracts(active_only=True).join(current_contract, how='inner')['close'].reset_index('contract')

    next_prices = inst.contracts(active_only=True).join(next_contract, how='inner')['close'].reset_index('contract')

    #Replace zeros with nan
    next_prices[next_prices==0] = np.nan

    # Apply a ffill for low volume contracts
    # next_prices.ffill(inplace=True)

    current_prices['contract'] = current_prices['contract'].apply(_get_month)
    next_prices['contract'] = next_prices['contract'].apply(_get_month)
    td = next_prices['contract'] - current_prices['contract']
    td.loc[td<=0] = td.loc[td<=0] + 12
    td = td/12
    # Apply a 5 day mean to prices to stabilise signal
    carry = (current_prices['close'] - next_prices['close'])

    carry = carry.rolling(window=5).mean()/td

    f = norm_forecast(carry).ffill(limit=3)

    # if f.isnull().values.any():
    #     print(, "has some missing carry values")

    if f.sum() == 0:
        print(  + ' carry is zero')
    if debug==True:
        return f.rename('carry_next'), current_prices, next_prices, td
    # return f.mean().rename('carry_next')
    return f.interpolate().rolling(window=90).mean().rename('carry_next')