Esempio n. 1
def is_valid_template_file(filename, file_path):
    """Check if it's a valid template file"""
    data = None
    ext = os.path.splitext(filename)[1]
    if ext.lower() in settings.OTHER_SCAN_FILE_EXTENSIONS:
        data = utils.unicode_safe_file_read(file_path)
    return data
Esempio n. 2
def view_file():
    """View File"""
    context = {"contents": "not_found"}
    path = request.form["path"]
    scan_hash = request.form["scan_hash"]
    if utils.sha2_match_regex(scan_hash):
        res = Results.query.filter(Results.scan_hash == scan_hash).first()
        if res:
            _, extension = os.path.splitext(path.lower())
            if ((extension in settings.SCAN_FILES_EXTENSION)
                    and (not utils.is_attack_pattern(path))):
                path = os.path.join(settings.UPLOAD_FOLDER, path)
                if os.path.isfile(path):
                    contents = utils.unicode_safe_file_read(path)
                    context = {"contents": contents}
    return jsonify(**context)
Esempio n. 3
def is_valid_node(filename, file_path):
    """Make sure file is a Valid Node.js File"""
    # Files to be Scanned
    scan_file_extensions = settings.SCAN_FILES_EXTENSION
    # Files that doesn't needs to be scanned
    ignore_files = ["jquery.min.js", "bootstrap.js", "bootstrap-tour.js",
                    "raphael-min.js", "tinymce.min.js", "tinymce.js",
                    "codemirror-compressed.js", "codemirror.js"]
    ext = os.path.splitext(filename)[1]

    is_js_file = bool(ext.lower() in scan_file_extensions)
    ignore_file = bool(filename.lower() not in ignore_files)
    is_node_www = bool(file_path.lower().endswith("bin/www"))
    valid = (is_js_file or is_node_www) and ignore_file
    if valid:
        data = utils.unicode_safe_file_read(file_path)
        if"require\(('|\")(.+?)('|\")\)|module\.exports {0,5}= {0,5}", data):
            # Possible Node.js Source Code
            return data
    return None