Esempio n. 1
def get_psth_peaks_simple(t,
    """Extract peaks from PSTH, simpler, faster, more robust method. Find contiguous ranges of
    baseline-exceeding points. Within each range, find the biggest value. If that value
    exceeds thresh, designate that as a peak. Slice out that baseline-exceeding range of data,
    and run argfwhm on it, with outer kwarg - ie search from the outer edges in when looking
    for FWHM. If baseline is so high that it exceeds FWHM for that peak, discard the peak.
    t is passed only so that it can be conveniently returned for plotting"""
    baseline = medianx * np.median(psth)
    thresh = baseline + minthresh  # peak detection threshold
    # indices of all baseline-exceeding points in psth:
    baselineis, = np.where(
        psth >= (baseline + EPS))  # add EPS because baseline is often 0

    # find only those local peaks above baseline that are separated from each
    # other by at least one point below baseline:
    # indices into baselineis of breaks in baselineis, marking borders of contiguous ranges:
    splitis = np.where(np.diff(baselineis) > 1)[0] + 1
    if len(splitis) == 0:
        splitbaselineis = [
        ]  # this will cause nothing to happen in the for loop below
        # list of arrays of indices, representing contiguous ranges of baseline-exceeding psth:
        splitbaselineis = np.array_split(baselineis, splitis)
    peakis, lis, ris = [], [], []
    print("n%d" % nid, end='')
    for baselineis in splitbaselineis:  # for each contiguous baseline-exceeding range of points
        localpsth = psth[
            baselineis]  # slice that range of points out of the psth
        peakii = localpsth.argmax()
        if localpsth[
                peakii] < thresh:  # peak in this range of points doesn't exceed thresh
            continue  # skip to next range
        try:  # get left and right FWHM indices:
            lii, rii = argfwhm(localpsth,
        except ValueError:  # peaki has no FWHM
            continue  # skip to next range
        if (rii - lii) > widthmaxpoints:  # peak is too wide
            continue  # skip to next range
        offset = baselineis[0]
        peakis.append(offset + peakii)
        lis.append(offset + lii)
        ris.append(offset + rii)
        print('.', end='')  # printed dot indicates a found peak
    peakis = np.asarray(peakis)
    lis = np.asarray(lis)
    ris = np.asarray(ris)

    return t, psth, thresh, baseline, peakis, lis, ris
Esempio n. 2
def get_psth_peaks_simple(t, psth, nid, widthmaxpoints, minthresh=3, medianx=2,
    """Extract peaks from PSTH, simpler, faster, more robust method. Find contiguous ranges of
    baseline-exceeding points. Within each range, find the biggest value. If that value
    exceeds thresh, designate that as a peak. Slice out that baseline-exceeding range of data,
    and run argfwhm on it, with outer kwarg - ie search from the outer edges in when looking
    for FWHM. If baseline is so high that it exceeds FWHM for that peak, discard the peak.
    t is passed only so that it can be conveniently returned for plotting"""
    baseline = medianx * np.median(psth)
    thresh = baseline + minthresh # peak detection threshold
    # indices of all baseline-exceeding points in psth:
    baselineis, = np.where(psth >= (baseline+EPS)) # add EPS because baseline is often 0
    # find only those local peaks above baseline that are separated from each
    # other by at least one point below baseline:
    # indices into baselineis of breaks in baselineis, marking borders of contiguous ranges:
    splitis = np.where(np.diff(baselineis) > 1)[0] + 1
    if len(splitis) == 0:
        splitbaselineis = [] # this will cause nothing to happen in the for loop below
        # list of arrays of indices, representing contiguous ranges of baseline-exceeding psth:
        splitbaselineis = np.array_split(baselineis, splitis)
    peakis, lis, ris = [], [], []
    print("n%d" % nid, end='')
    for baselineis in splitbaselineis: # for each contiguous baseline-exceeding range of points
        localpsth = psth[baselineis] # slice that range of points out of the psth
        peakii = localpsth.argmax()
        if localpsth[peakii] < thresh: # peak in this range of points doesn't exceed thresh
            continue # skip to next range
        try: # get left and right FWHM indices:
            lii, rii = argfwhm(localpsth, peakii, fraction=fwfraction, method='outer')
        except ValueError: # peaki has no FWHM
            continue # skip to next range
        if (rii - lii) > widthmaxpoints: # peak is too wide
            continue # skip to next range
        offset = baselineis[0]
        peakis.append(offset + peakii)
        lis.append(offset + lii)
        ris.append(offset + rii)
        print('.', end='') # printed dot indicates a found peak
    peakis = np.asarray(peakis)
    lis = np.asarray(lis)
    ris = np.asarray(ris)

    return t, psth, thresh, baseline, peakis, lis, ris
Esempio n. 3
        extii = abs(extis - aligni).argmin() # extremum closest to aligni
        exti1 = extis[extii] # index of extremum closest to aligni, assume main extremum

        # find index of extremum to the right of the one closest to aligni. If the one
        # closest to aligni is already the rightmost, make that one the secondary, and the one
        # to its left the primary:
            exti2 = extis[extii+1]
        except IndexError:
            exti2 = exti1 # make old primary the new secondary
            # set new primary to be the one to the left, hopefully without another IndexError:
            exti1 = extis[extii-1]
            nswaps += 1
        # 0.75 seems to give max fwhm2 bimodality, but 0.5 gives best overall clusterability
        # in fwhm2 vs aai space
        li1, ri1 = argfwhm(wave, exti1, fraction=0.5)
        li2, ri2 = argfwhm(wave, exti2, fraction=0.5)
        fwhm1 = (ri1 - li1) * newtres
        fwhm2 = (ri2 - li2) * newtres
        #ti1, ti2 = wave.argmax(), wave.argmin() # previously used biggest peaks for ipi
        ipi = (exti2 - exti1) * newtres # interval between primary and secondary peaks
        duration2 = (ri2 - li1) * newtres # start of primary to end of secondary peak
        ext1medt, ext2medt = (li1 + ri1)/2, (li2 + ri2)/2
        ext1width, ext2width = ri1 - li1, ri2 - li2
        # new measure of peak temporal asymmetry: time between mode and median, normalized
        # by peak width:
        ai1 = (exti1 - ext1medt) / ext1width
        ai2 = (exti2 - ext2medt) / ext2width
        #ext1wave, ext2wave = wave[li1:ri1], wave[li2:ri2]
        #ext1mean, ext2mean = ext1wave.mean(), ext2wave.mean()
        #ext1med, ext2med = np.median(ext1wave), np.median(ext2wave)
        extii = abs(extis - aligni).argmin() # extremum closest to aligni
        exti1 = extis[extii] # index of extremum closest to aligni, assume main extremum

        # find index of extremum to the right of the one closest to aligni. If the one
        # closest to aligni is already the rightmost, make that one the secondary, and the one
        # to its left the primary:
            exti2 = extis[extii+1]
        except IndexError:
            exti2 = exti1 # make old primary the new secondary
            # set new primary to be the one to the left, hopefully without another IndexError:
            exti1 = extis[extii-1]
            nswaps += 1
        # 0.75 seems to give max fwhm2 bimodality, but 0.5 gives best overall clusterability
        # in fwhm2 vs aai space
        li1, ri1 = argfwhm(wave, exti1, fraction=0.5)
        li2, ri2 = argfwhm(wave, exti2, fraction=0.5)
        fwhm1 = (ri1 - li1) * newtres
        fwhm2 = (ri2 - li2) * newtres
        #ti1, ti2 = wave.argmax(), wave.argmin() # previously used biggest peaks for ipi
        ipi = (exti2 - exti1) * newtres # interval between primary and secondary peaks
        duration2 = (ri2 - li1) * newtres # start of primary to end of secondary peak
        ext1medt, ext2medt = (li1 + ri1)/2, (li2 + ri2)/2
        ext1width, ext2width = ri1 - li1, ri2 - li2
        # new measure of peak temporal asymmetry: time between mode and median, normalized
        # by peak width:
        ai1 = (exti1 - ext1medt) / ext1width
        ai2 = (exti2 - ext2medt) / ext2width
        #ext1wave, ext2wave = wave[li1:ri1], wave[li2:ri2]
        #ext1mean, ext2mean = ext1wave.mean(), ext2wave.mean()
        #ext1med, ext2med = np.median(ext1wave), np.median(ext2wave)